No comment (mixed fandom stor...

By muchfanfics

4.4K 34 4

"What does your cousin think about this?" A reporter shouted at me. "No comment." I said as I kept my head do... More

No comment (mixed fandom story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 44

46 1 0
By muchfanfics

~~~1 year later~~~

After my leg had healed, the guys went on a world tour. Emer and Kelsey went with them. I stayed back with Nareesha and Macey. Macey still had to go to the doctor, for treatments and she always felt bad after them.

One of the first nights, there were a bunch of paparazzi that were stalking us. I got Niall and Harry to stay with us, that night. Harry was on his best behavior and Niall was just Niall.

When they came back, we all went to the Mediterranean, for a little vacation. Since I wore a bikini, everyone was able to see the scars, really well. The trip was wonderful and well deserved. Jay met a girl there.

It happened to be the same blue haired girl that had been on the bridge. She was becoming an opera singer, in Italy. Macey and her became friends quickly. Her name was Pepper or at least that is her nickname. Her name is Penelope, but she prefers Pepper.

Pepper and Jay would talk to each other, whenever they could. She promised that she would come and visit us when she came to England. I was just glad that Jay had finally found someone.

When we got back to England, Macey and I got a job. We became motivational speakers. I would tell them my story and give people advice. Macey helped the cancer people.

Tom and Kelsey got pregnant. We all knew that it would be only a matter of time. Tom and Kelsey got married in a small wedding. Sure there were many fan girls that were heartbroken, but most of them were happy for them.

We still kept Siva and Nareesha's marriage a secret. I had a feeling that they would be a secret for a long time. They just saw no need to tell people and we knew that the two of them were together.

Perrie and Zayn got engaged, Eleanor and Louis stayed together, as Danielle and Liam broke up. I was sad to see that happen, but I think that they will be back together.

"Cara, could you and Macey do dinner, tonight? Nareesha is going to be late and the guys won't be home for a while." Kelsey asked me. She had a laundry basket full of clothes. I looked at her and smiled.

"I will. What did you have in mind?" I asked her.

"I was thinking a soup would be good." She suggested. I got up and went to the kitchen. I got Macey to help.

"So wanna talk about anything?" I asked her as I chopped the vegetables. Macey hasn't been looking like herself, the past couple of days.

"No, I am okay." She said. It was the same response that we would get every time we would ask her that.

"No, you aren't. What is wrong?" I asked her. She looked around, to make sure that no one else was around.

"I have been getting really bad pains. It is nothing. It has just been a little uncomfortable." She explained. She would get these pains, once in a while.

"Okay, well as along as you are okay." I told her.

"What about you? How are you and Max?" She asked.

"We are good. I just wish that he and I had more time, together." I told her.

"I know how you feel. Think about how Jay and Pepper feel, though. They haven't seen each other in 3 months." Macey pointed out. She was right.

"Yeah, that would suck." I commented.

"Have you two seen my mom?" Emer asked us. She has gotten bigger and her hair had grown back. She had beautiful black hair that made her look like Snow White.

"She is upstairs, folding clothes." I told her. She smiled and looked at us.

"Will Jay forget about me, when he and Pepper start dating?" She asked us.

"Wait, what do you know that we don't?" Macey asked her.

"Oh, Pepper is moving to London. She was lucky enough to get a job here. She will be living in a flat near the concert hall." Emer explained.

"No, he isn't going to forget about you. The two of you are best friends." I reassured her.

"I know that we are, but I just don't want him to forget about me." She explained.

"He is not going to. Because you annoy him when he tries to." Macey told her. She chuckled and looked at the floor.

"You are right." She said. Then we heard the guys come in. She ran into the living room and we followed her.

Emer hugged her dad and Jay. She grabbed Jay's hand and took him away.

"What is that about?" Max asked me.

"She has to talk to him about some stuff." I told him. I then gave him a kiss.

"When will dinner be ready?" Nathan asked. I looked over to see Nathan sitting on the couch and Macey was curled up, next to him.

"It will be ready in about 30 minutes." I told them. Siva sat next to Macey and the three of them started talking.

"Tom, good you are home. I need you to go kill a roach, that is in the bathroom." Kelsey told him as she entered the room. Tom walked over to her and gave her a hug. He then kissed the little bump that she had.

"Dad really loves that baby. Huh?" Emer said as Tom left the room.

"He loves you too. Nothing is going to change that." Kelsey told Emer.

"Emer, you dad is always going to love you." Jay told her.

"My real one didn't." She said. Kelsey sighed and looked like she was going to cry.

"That's because he didn't know how to. Your dad loves you so much." Siva told her.

"Seev, you know that you are like a big brother to me, but we know that he won't love me as much as my brother or sister." She said.

"That's a lie. I will always love you, Emer. I have loved you since I saw you in your little bed." Tom said as he entered the room. He walked over to her and knelt in front of her.

"You are my daughter. I will always be here for you. Yeah, the new baby is going to need a little more attention, but you are my girl." He told her. I wiped a tear away from my eye and looked at Max.

"I hope so, dad." Emer told him. He then pulled her in for a hug.

"I am home!" Nareesha said as she walked in the door.

"I obviously missed something, so I am just going to go get in comfortable clothes." She said. We laughed and sat around the living room.

The guys were writing a new album. It was coming together nicely. Tom told us that there was a song dedicated to each of us. We thanked the guys. Dinner was then done. I served the soup into bowls. I saw that everyone came and got their's, except for Macey and Nathan. I took their bowls to them.

Nathan's POV:

When I came home, I saw that Macey was looking tired. She and I say on the couch, while we caught up with what was going on. Cara brought us, out soup. I saw that Macey was eating her's slowly. Tom turned Dr. Who on and we watched that as we ate out dinner.

"I have a request." Macey said. We all looked at her and Tom muted the TV.

"Could we go to the coast?" She said.

"It is getting dark out, are you sure that you want to go there?" Jay said.

"Yeah, I know that it's weird, but I thought that it would be a good idea." She said. Tom got up and Kelsey followed him.

"Let's get going." He said. We grabbed out jackets and we got in different cars. Macey and I got in Tom's car. Max and Cara took Emer and Jay. Seev and Nareesha took their own car.

We drove to the coast. We got there right before it was completely dark. There was a full moon out, so it illuminated the beach.

While we were there, Tom and Emer played around. Kelsey walked with Siva and Nareesha. Max and Cara walked together. I stayed with Macey.

"Why did you want to come here?" I asked her. I saw that her eyes had been crying.

"I just wanted to come here." She told me. I hated it when she decided to be cryptic and vague.

"Why, though?" I asked her again. She looked at me and cupped my face in her hands and kissed my lip.

"Remember, don't cry." She whispered to me. I pushed her away and looked at her.

"Why are you saying this?" I asked her.

"I have been getting worse. I don't know how bad it really is. The medications aren't working." She told me.

"No, not now." I told her.

"Not now, but it will happen. I just wanted to have a perfect night. Let's keep walking." She told me.

"Wait, there has to be a solution." I told her.

"Let's find it tomorrow." She told me. She grabbed my hand. I took hers and kissed it.

We continued to walk down the beach. We didn't talk. Neither of wanted to. We just held each other's hands. I couldn't imagine a life without Macey. She means everything to me. She is everything to me.

At the end of the night, Tom was carrying Emer to the cars. The two of them were full of sand. We had to brush them off before they got in the cars.

Once we got home, everyone went to their rooms. I broke down and cried in my room. The thought of not having Macey living with me, scared me. I guess that Jay heard me, because he came in. He just sat on my bed, as I cried on the floor. I couldn't handle it if she left me. Then I got a text from her.

Macey: Dont cry for me. I love you. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I dropped my phone and ran to her room. I nearly threw myself down the stairs. Jay followed me. I ran as fast as I could to her room. When I got there, she was laying in her bed. I saw that her chest was moving up and down. I went to her side and collapsed.

"No, please, stay with me." I said to her.

"I tried. I tried so hard, but it wasn't good enough. Thank you for everything." She said to me. I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Please don't leave me." I told her. She then started to cry.

"I am trying not to, but this is it. I am so sorry." She told me.

"Call the ambulance." I told Jay.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked her.

"I am sorry that I let you get close to me. I should have listened to my gut and not let you get attached. It was a wonderfully bad idea. Thanks for the best year of my life." She told me.

"No, we are going to have more. We have to have more. We have to adopt all the kids. We have to buy a house in the country and have all 13 of our kids play around. We have to have a couple of dogs. I want to have to bury our dogs in the back yard with you. I want to have to hold you when you get frustrated." I told her. She sighed and tears were streaming down her face.

"That sounds amazing." She said. Then I heard people come up the stairs. They ran into the room and pushed me away from her. They got her on a gurney and took her to their ambulance. I saw that Siva got in the back with her.

Tom grabbed me and took me to his car. We got in and he drove us to the hospital. We waited in the lobby area. I saw the others come. They were all really emotional. I was the worst. I started pacing and Cara pulled me to a seat.

It was about 3 hours, before we got any news. The doctor came in and spoke with Siva. I saw Siva run his fingers through his hair. He came over and looked at me.

"Go see her." He simply said. I got up and and ran to her room. She had a heart monitor connected to her. That was all that there was.

"Macey, is this it?" I asked her. She looked at me and then looked away.

"Yeah, it is. Like I said, I am sorry." She told me. I started to cry again.

"Will you hold me?" She asked me. I looked at her and nodded.

"I will always do that." I told her. I got in her bed and held her close to me. The others came in and surrounded us.

They all said their goodbyes. Macey told them not to cry, but they did. It was so sad. Jay held Emer and sat at the bottom of her bed. Tom and Kelsey stood beside me. Siva held on to Macey's hand. Max, Cara, and Nareesha stood next to him.

"Siva, you are like a dad to me. Thanks for that. My dad didn't really like to spend time with me. I guess I will never get to show you how much it means to me." She told him. He kissed her forehead.

"You don't need to. Thats what dads are for." He joked with her. She laughed and looked at Tom and Kelsey.

"You two are amazing parents. Thanks for letting me in your home. All my stuff is clean, so you can just donate it or whatever. I don't really care." She told them. Kelsey laughed and wiped tears away.

"Nareesha, don't put my name on the designs. I have given them to you. Keep them in your name. Make sure that Siva doesn't cry too much." Macey told her. Nareesha smiled at her.

"Jay, you better keep Emer in your life. She looks up to, so much. Make her proud." Macey told Jay.

"I will do my best." He told her. His voice cracked when he answered her.

"Emer, your dad loves you so much. I love you so much. I am sorry that I didn't keep my promise to you." She said. I knew that she was getting tired. It was getting so close.

"Max, Cara, thanks. Without you two, I don't think that I would be here. Tell Niall that she does like him and tell Harry that he needs a hair cut. There are letters for all of you, in my room. There are even a couple for One Direction and Perrie." She said. She then looked up at me and smiled.

"Do what you said, except have those kids, with a good woman. I love you so much, Nathan Sykes." She told me. I kissed her lips and she kissed me back.

"I love you too, Macey Sykes." I told her. She smiled at that and sniffled.

We stayed in the room for a little while longer. When Macey started to cough, Jay came over and kissed her head. She smiled and said goodbye to him. Emer did the same and the two of them left. Tom and Kelsey said good bye to her, then Max and Cara also said goodbye. They left the room together. Nareesha sat next to Siva, who was crying. Macey placed her hand on his cheek.

"Thanks, again." She said. She looked up at me and snuggled her head into me. She closed her eyes and sighed, for the last time. I saw her hand drop from Siva's face.

"Goodbye, love." I whispered to her as the machine flat lined.

The doctors rushed in and shut the machine off. Siva grabbed her hand and held it tight. He by far was the most depressing and heart wrenching thing about all of this. I have never seen him cry and yet here he was.

Siva's POV:

Macey moved close to Nathan. Then her hand fell. The machines started to flatline. No, it can't be over. She had so much live for.

"Please, please don't be gone." I said.

I couldn't hold back my tears. I grabbed her lifeless hand and held it. Nareesha have me a hug from the back. I let go of Macey and looked at my wife. Her cheeks were stained with tears.

"Siva, we did all that we could." She told me. I looked back at Nathan and Macey. It looked like she was just sleeping. Like she could wake up and make a sarcastic comment.

"I know. I just want to have done more for her." I whispered. I sat there and cried. I saw that Nathan was holding her and rocking her lifeless body.

"Nathan, its time to go." I told him. He looked up at me. God, I just wanted to wrap him up and take him home.

"I don't want to. I want her to wake up." He told me.

"She isn't going to, this time. Come on." I told him. He sighed and kissed her cheeks, forehead, and lips one more time.

He then walked out with me. I couldn't walk straight. The years in my eyes clouded everything up. Nareesha grabbed my hand and led me to the lobby area. Cara grabbed Nathan and pulled him into a hug. Jay and Emer came over and held me tight.

"She is better now. She doesn't have to worry about cancer anymore." Emer told me. She hugged my leg tighter. Jay patted my back and I looked to see that we had to go.

"Come on, Seev." Tom told me. I walked with them, out of the hospital.

I got in Tom's car. We went back to house. I went to my room and fell on my bed. It hurt so much. My heart actually hurt. It hurt to cry, move, breathe. Nareesha came in and I held her tight.

"I love you so much." I told her. She sniffled and looked up at me.

"I love you too." She said. We laid in our bed and fell asleep.

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