Camp • a 5SOS fanfiction

By hiorheyhazza

1.8K 103 6

Blake is set off for a camp with the rest of her P.E. Class, but what happens when she is grouped with the bo... More

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220 5 0
By hiorheyhazza

It wasn't really a problem or situation I was bothered about because I beileved strongly that it could of - will not ever happen to me, let alone the other human race.

My Social Studies teacher once told me, "do you ever sit infront of the television eating dinner with your family while they are brodcasting a war on the news with hundreds, thousands of children and adults dyeing, and think it's a shame and horrible. But continue back to eating your dinner and live your normal life? Now how does that make you feel? "

I was taken back quite far. I had to stop and think about it, and I felt horrible. There was nothing I could do to change the event but still inside of me I thought, what if was actually me and my friends and family in that situation?

Would we live? Would we die?

I always believed I would live forever, I dont know why but I just had this certainty that I was capable of doing so. That was until I recently caught a virus which completely threw me over board and I hit realization. My god was I being stupid, it brought myself down to a low that I thought I was going to die. I even told my parents that, it got so bad. I was just a motionless soul in my bed for two weeks straight, while my mother, father and sister all hurried around to help. Three trips to the local nurse to only be sent back home and fight it with pain killers that did nothing but make me drowsier than I already was.

But I'm recovering now, the soft pinkness in my cheeks which had faded into paleness has now flushed them with life. The swollen bags around and under my eyes are starting to go down, with a little help of makeup of course but other than that, I'm feeling alright.

I groaned as I attempted to reach my arm across my bed to the side table, but my fingers weren't quite long enough to grab hold of my constantly vibrating phone.

Ten messages, and five missed phone calls.

-are you coming today?

-oh my god wake up!

-Blake get your damn ass to school

-i hate you.

I ignored all the rest of the messages knowing if I reply it will just make things worse and make Mia more angry than she obviously is already.

Swinging my legs out of bed, my toes contacted with the matted blue carpet. I still felt like shit, but I know I have to go today. Our P.E. class is going on a camp for a week to some place out in the middle of no where to learn of life skills, and do some other 'team building activities.'

I checked my phone for the time seeing as it was 8:30am, twenty minutes to get ready.

The shower instantly relaxed my tight muscles, as I rubbed the shampoo into my scalp. Knowing this would be my last decent shower for the week made me take longer than needed, letting the hot water spill over my body. I decided to do my hair in two braids, starting from the top of my head letting them continue down my neck just past my shoulders. The dark brown colour in my hair looked black since it was still wet, which mum will be worried about that I might get a cold.

Quickly doing a very basic makeup look, I chucked on my track pants and plain white top.

My bag was already packed with clothes and everything needed for the next painful seven days. I was dreading for this week not to come, hoping the illness I had would prevent that but no.

"Hello?" I answered my phone not bothering to check who it is.

"Please tell me you are coming today, I am not going to be stuck with all of these people in a crammed bus full of annoying... dysfunctional teenagers!" Mia's voice squealed through the phone making me laugh.

"You're an annoying dysfunctional teenager, you'll fit right in don't worry."

"Blake!" She particularly screamed.

"See you soon." Laughing I hung up, leaving her too go complain to someone else who has nothing else to worry about.

Chucking my phone into my pocket, I did a last minute scan around my room searching to see if I'd forgotten anything. Zipping up my sports bag, I flung the strap over my shoulder carrying it out my room and into the lounge.

"You all set kiddo?" My dad peered out from the couch, shining a big smile.

"Yeah I think so, have you seen my shoes anywhere?" I wondered remembering that they weren't in my closet.

"On the fire half," he pointed the smooth stone surrounding the fire place which of course, my shoes were there.

I mumbled a quiet thanks, picking up the pair and tying the laces.

"Damn I was hoping you were gone already." I heard Anne sigh from the kitchen.

"Oh come on, you'll miss your little sister even tho it's only a week!" I giggled turning around to face her.

She was much taller than me, but was more slim around her arms and legs. She has no muscle. Her brown hair was out and thrown across her shoulder, which made her thin face pop more. Little eyes, button nose and a wide smile.

"Just leave already," she laughed giving a wave goodbye.

"Mind if I take this?" I grabbed ahold of her plain maroon coloured hoodie that draped over a wooden bar stool.

"No it's mine!" She whined.

"Okay," I quickly chucked it over my head, it fit perfectly. A little baggy around the sleeves but it'll work.

A shocked gasp came from her as if I'd just committed a crime but I really couldn't care less.

"Bye Dad, love you," I leant down over the couch to give him a quick hug.

"Love you too B." He smiled, waving as I walked outside.

The cold air was brisk and sharp, and my hands instantly reacted going white. Shoving them in my pockets I made my way to the footpath, scuffing my shoes on the gravel as I kicked a stone to keep me entertained.

"Neighbour wait up!" I was interrupted, instantly knowing who it is.

"Neighbour has a name." I spun around on the heels of my feet too see a blue eyed boy with blonde hair tucked in underneath a backwards cap.

"Uh- oh yeah- uhm... Blaine?" He smiled, the lip piercing folding in between his perfect rows of teeth.

My eyes squinted at his presence, trackies, and a navy blue hoodie with black vans.

"Nah I'm just messing with you Blake." A goofy chuckle escaped his tall broad body.

He carried also a sports bag, that didn't look so long on him because he was already 6ft, which made me look like an ant.

"What do you want Luke?" I questioned turning back around to continue the walk to school.

"Just thought I'd catch up with a neighbour on this fine Monday morning." I felt his elbow come in contact with my side, nudging me over a little. I couldn't help but smile at this odd behaviour of his.

"And what? Not hang out with you're other man lovers?" I looked up at his structure, folding my arms.

"No, they're all too busy getting glammed up for this camp."

"Oh I thought that would be you." I returned the nudge in his side, making him shake his head laughing.

"Nope, not today B."




I don't know if I'll continue with this but hey we'll see what happens ~~~

Thank you!


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