Someone Else's Not So Good Fa...

By KayleighMayBieb

7.5K 128 42

This is just another story that is about a beautiful teenager girl called Fatime Orbán that falls in love wit... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty - One.
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three.
Chapter Twenty - Four.
Chapter Twenty - Five.
Chapter Twenty - Six

Chapter Twelve.

160 4 2
By KayleighMayBieb

Re - cap:

"Justin, please just leave me alone."


"You know why Justin, I am just not in the mood for this right now."

When she was finishing her last words, I could see that she was nearly to tears. I couldn't let her be hurt anymore. I replied with a simple reply;

Oh okay, can we at least speak tomorrow."


Back to the story;

Fatime's Pov.

I placed myself into the car, with my grandfather and we began to drive to his home. I didn’t really want to do or talk with my grandfather so I simply just playing my iPod on shuffle, but as soon as I did, Justin's voice was what I was hearing. I really didn't want to hear, his voice right now, but for some reason, it helped me calm down a little. After I heard a few songs on my iPod, I looked out of the window to see that we were just about to put up into the drive way, near the house. I turned my iPod off with my dr. beats headphones and placed them into my bag. The car stopped and I got out of the car with bags, as the car boot was opening with my other bags and things.

I carried most of my bags into the house as well as my grandfather carried do too, because I wasn't able to carry all of them. I some of the bags in the hallway and the rest I walked into my room and placed all them onto my bed. The room hadn't changed one bit, it was the same since I was able to last visit my grandfather. I laid my coat on the bed and, as I was doing that I court a glimpse of a photo that was placed on my bed side table. I had to take another glimpse just to see if I was right. I was. And how did I forget that, we... ughhh. It was a picture of Justin and I, when we were younger. We were childhood friends. I was 3 and Justin was 6. It was too much for me to handle anymore. I just fell to the floor in tears. All of the memories are flooded back into my mind.

Fatime sits on floor to see that all of the memories come flashing back. Justin and Fatime were she was only 3 and him 6 playing blocks in the living room of the house as kids and saying what they wanted to be when they grow up Fatime smiling all the times flashed in her head


Pattie had invited Erika (Fatime’s mom) over for a chat and a coffee, just to have a girly catch - up and Erika decided to bring Fatime along too.

I was sitting on the living room floor with some building blocks that my mum had brought with her, as we were not at my house. I don't think I had been to this house before. I placed some of the blocks on top of each other and then they started to move a little bit and then before you know it, the block had all fallen down and I was picking all back up again to do the same thing again with them.

After a while, of me playing on my own, there was lady that walked into the living room with a little boy. It looked like her son I think. As soon as she placed him on the floor, she walked away back into the other room. I didn't know who he was, I am very shy to people that I didn't know. The little boy, started to move a little closer to me, and I didn’t like it or know him, so I moved a little over so that I was able to have a little space from the boy and I. I knew that my mom was able to hear me, as she was just in the other room, I spoke and said;

"Mama, who is he?" As I said that, I started to move most of the building blocks away from the boy, as I didn’t want him playing with them or me.

"It’s only Justin, sweetie. You have seen and played with him before. He is your friend."

With that, she finishes speaking and then smiles at me, before walking out of the room again into the kitchen. I decided to move some of the blocks back so that he was able to play, but as I was doing that, a large piece of hair, was placed in front of my face, so that I was unable to see what I was doing. I try to put it behind my ear so I was able to see again, but it didn’t work. I decided that it wasn't going to work, so I just kept going with the blocks, but as I was doing that I felt a few fingers on my face, and then I was able to the boy smiling at me and saying ;

"I'm Justin."

I hide my hands cutely over my face and looked through my small fingers. "Fatime." I move my hands slowly away from my face and started to play with my building blocks. When I was placing my hand on one of the block I could feel someone else’s hand on top of mine. It was Justin's. Justin smiles really big and it was quite scary looking and I didn’t like it. My mum was now walking back into to the room. I quickly move away from him and speak to my mum saying;

"Mummy, this boy is giving me a stranwge smiwle!"

"He's just smiling at you sweetie." She just picks up her phone and then walks back into the kitchen to speak to Pattie.

I looked back at him, but he was still smiling. I move my hand out of the way, so that he was able to take one of the blocks and he placed one of the blocks on another. I moved closer to Justin, but by the end of it we were both sat together side-by-side laughing and watching all of the blocks go down. I was starting to get a little tired, as I haven't had my nap for the day yet. I think I really need one. Justin looks at me and can see that I am starting to get tired, so he folds his legs, but I didn’t know what he was doing as I was at the stage of getting really tired. He legs looked quite comfortable and soft, so I moved closer, so that I was able to lie and curl up close to him. He was so warm and cuddly, that the next thing I know is that I am cuddling Justin and falling fast sleep on him.

-End of flashback-

I sat there, smiling and realizing that there were the good days. I found the picture again, which was still on the bed – side table. I was a picture that my mum had taken. I let a small tear fall from my face and land on the picture, where Justin was in the picture. I could hear some footsteps, so I gathered it was my grandfather, which it was.

“What’s up sweetie?” I got up and he could see that I was wanting a hug, so he opened his arms so that I able to give him a big hug. I replied by saying;

“I’m good, it’s nothing. Granddad, it is okay, if you can make one of your famous wonderful apple pie please? With that He just smiles and kisses me on the forehead.

“Of course. Anything to make my baby girl happy.”

As he finished speaking he turned around and walked out the room and down the stairs. He went into the kitchen to start cooking, and got up and decided to lay on my bed. When I got myself, comfortable on my bed, I placed the picture back where I found it and where I was able to still look at it. As I that, I was getting really sleepy so I fell asleep with red cheeks and wets on my face that day.

-Justin’s point-

I had been walking around the town, what feel and seemed like forever. I just decided to go to the beach. I walked down the beach for a while, before finding a place to sit. I sat on a beach looking up at the sky just looking at all of the beauty and colours as the sun were setting. It made me think about the first ever time I laid eyes on Fatime. She was so little, but she was smart for a 3 year old. And when she fell asleep on me, I just couldn’t stop smiling. That’s one of my favourite memories that I was able to share with Fatime. Those made me remind myself of when I first kissed Fatime.

-Kids age – Justin’s Pov -

Today, I was playing round Fatime’s house today as my mum was working. It was only a few minutes before my mum was going to be able to pick me up to go home, but we were all in the kitchen and I looked up at Fatime’s parents and their mouths were together, and I looked over at Fatime, to see that she was smiling, I love seeing her smile. Her smile is so pretty. I decided to see if you would like the same as she was smiling when her parents were doing the same. I walked closer to Fatime and placed my lips onto her small soft lips. As soon as I did that she quickly opened her eyes and moved away from me.

Oops! – Maybe a bad move. My bad.

When Fatime quickly moved away from me, she just stared at me and just looked at her parents. With that, she just ran out of the room. I ran after her, so I was able to say sorry. I stopped at the top of the stairs and then I could that there was a few closed doors. I didn’t know which Fatime has gone into, I moved closer to each door, to see if I could hear her. When I was at the last of the rooms and I placed my body closest to the door I could, so I was able to hear what was on the other side. As to my luck, I was very lucky at that point as I could Fatime, crying. I moved away from the door, only a little bit to find that the door was locked.


I softly knocked on the door, and waited until the door opened but it didn’t so I thought, if Fatime, wasn’t going to open the door, then I will get someone that can and will. I went downstairs into the kitchen and asked one of her parents if they could open get the door for me. I explained why the door was locked and her mum, said that she would try and speak to her and get the door open. Her mum also said that it might be easier, if you waited down here or just go and watch some television or something, whilst I speak to Fatime. I went into the living room with her dad and he placed himself on one of the chairs in the room and I went towards the television, so I was able to turn it on. As it turned on, Fatime’s dad was getting the newspaper to read it. I decided to watch some cartoons, at that time SpongeBob was on. It my favourite.

I was watching the television, as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Fatime’s mum but there was no Fatime. I could see that her mum was walking into the living room so I waited until she was in the room, before I asked where Fatime was.

“She’s upstairs Justin; you can go and see her now, if you want?”

I just nodded, at her, to say yes. I quickly walked up the stairs and went to the door, where I last hear Fatime crying. I knocked on the door and I said it was only me please can I come in. It took Fatime a few minutes to answer, but I didn’t mind because i was able to see her. She allowed me into the room and sat down on the bed, where as she just sat on the floor, which was near the bed.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Can we just be friends?"

Fatime, moved so she was able to get up and she comes closer. I gathered that she was getting up, but we walked right up to the bed and gave a hug and nodded. I was glad that we were friends again. With that, we both walked down the stairs and back into the living room. As we were walking down the stairs, i could people talking, it sounded like my mum was here to take me home. I was at the bottom of the stairs and saw that it was my mum. I said hello and said thank- you to everyone for having me and giving Fatime another hug before, i walked out of the front door with my mum and in to the car to go home.

-End of Flashback-

Justin's Pov.

That memory always makes me felt happy and smiley. I looked out at the sea to see that the sun set, was setting, so I was unable to see it. I decided to take a walk down the beach, once more, before I walked to my grandparents’ house. The walk along the beach was good. I was able to think of some song lyrics, but when I got to the end of the beach, i thought about them again, and they sounded, not that good, so I just tried to forget them. It wasn't that far from the beach to my grandparents, so I quickly walked to there and knocked on the door. I had to wait a few minutes before my grandma, opened the door. She was a little shocked, to see me but I didn’t mind. I love to go and be able to visit my grandparents.

"Is Pattie, with you Justin?"

"Umm.... no, she doesn't know I am here."

"Justin, is everything okay, your mum will be worrying so much. You know how much she cares for you."

"Yeaah, everything is fine. I just wanted to see how you were. That’s all."

"Sweetie, I know there is something bothering you. Why don't you come and I will make up some drinks and we can talk about it. How would you like that?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Thank - you."

Your welcome, sweetheart."

She opened the door enough so that I was able to get through and so she was able to close the door behind me as I walked in. I walked into the living room, to see that my granddad Bruce. I had missed him so much. Whenever I got in some trouble at school, I would always run over to my grandparents house to see my granddad, instead of going home, most of the time he would just send me straight back to school anyways. I gave him a big hug. I love my hugs from my grandparents, they are special to me. After I had finishing giving Bruce a hug, Diane walked in with the drinks.

“So Justin, what’s bothering you?” Diane asked.

“Well, ummm….” I know I don’t cry often but went I do, it because I am really hurting. I just lost it, I couldn’t take the pain that was eating away at my heart, because I wasn’t able to be with my girl, world.

“It’s okay Justin, I could see in your eyes, when you came to the door that it was about Fatime.”

It was our first fight, I was I could take it all back, was I such a jerk. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I should, of believed her when she said that nothing was happening, my jealously took over me. Why! Why did I say that I didn’t trust her? I do, and she won’t even speak to me. I feel like I have lost everything I ever loved. Why was so stupid! Alfredo and Fatime were only having some fun. Argghh! I need her back.

“Shhh, it’s okay sweetheart. We will find her and you can explain everything to her. Everything is gonna be alright Justin. It’s getting late sweetie, why don’t you go and get some rest hey?”

“Okay, thanks for the talk. Goodnight.”

I kissed my grandparents goodnight and I walked up the stairs to my old room. It hadn’t changed one bit, it was still the same. The only change was the bed had gotten smaller because I was older. I took off my shirt and trousers and got into bed. It was a first time in a really long time that I hadn’t been in bed with my girl. It feels so empty. I missed her. I need her; I need her in my arms.

Fatime’s Pov.

I was woken up to see that the sun was brightly shining in my face, as I didn’t close the curtains last night. I slowly opened my eyes, to see that Justin wasn’t beside me, and then I realised and remember everything that happened the day before. I could smell something really good, going on downstairs, so I got my robe from the end of my bed. I walked down stairs and then smell was coming from the kitchen. Yes! Grandad cooking! I love my grandad cooking! - Always the best :)

As I walked into the kitchen I could not only smell it but I could see that my grandad was my making my favourite; Chocolate Chip Pancakes. Yummmy!

"Aww, Grandad you didn't have to make me my favourite breakfast, this morning you know that right?"

"Yeah, I know sweetie, but I wanted too as you weren't feeling your best yesterday."

"Thank - you Grandad." I smiled and gave him a hug, before I went to take a seat at the dinning table in the dinning room.

A few minutes later, my grandad walked into the dinning room with a big plate for a chocolate chip pancakes. I just smiled. I haven't had these in forever. As I was eating my wonderful breakfast, me and my grandad where speaking about everything and all the old times we have shared together. I love how I am able to talk to my grandad about anything.

I cleaned and cleared all of the breakfast dishes and things as, I didnt have anything else better to do and I thought as no one was around. As I was finishing cleaning all of the dishes and everything, I decided to take a walk as, I haven't been here for a while. I walked upstairs to change out of the nightwear and into a pair of light blue shorts with a cream jumper with the letters love written on the front it sparkly font. When I was changed into my clothes, I went into the bathroom to do my hair and make - up. I decided to just have my hair with a french plait at the side and left the rest natural. As for my make - up, I was just going on a walk so I simply just did a natural look nothing to bright and bold. I grabbed my bag and my iPhone from my nightstand with my beats before walking out of my room to walk down the stairs. I walked downstairs to see that my grandad was sitting in the living room so I said to him where I was going and he said okay ans goodbye. I smiled in return. I opened the front door as I was holding my iPhone in the other-hand and closed it as I was walking out of the house.

I had be walking for a while, listening to my iPhone as I go. I was feeling quite thirsty so I decided to pop into a small coffee shop that was on my travels. I opened the glass door to the small coffee shop, to see that there was not many people in the shop, I was surprised as it a very good coffee shop. As I was ordering, my drink of choice I looked around to find a nice seat near the window, but when i turned around, I saw the person that I really didnt want to see.


I quickly grab my drink from the person from behind the counter as fast as I could, so Justin would be able to see me. I started to walk out, but I was too late. Justin had turned around a see me walking out.

"Fatime!" I heard Justin calling me.

I turned around so that was I was able to see that Justin was getting up from his seat. I grabbed the handle of the door, but as I was doing so, I felt a hand on my arm. It made me feel all magical again, I knew that it was Justin. I didn't have to even turn around to know that it was him. I turned around to see what Justin wanted, but all I could see was those beautiful brown eyes that I missed so much. All I could see in his eyes, was hope and sadness. I knew that he didn't want me to walk away. When I replied, I just saw that his eyes, had completed changed, they had lightened up. God I missed him so much. I just can't. I know it has only been a day, but i just need him. UGHHH...

"Fatime...let's talk please?"


We both walked over to where, Justin was sitting before I walked in. I placed my drink onto the table before I say down, so I wasn’t able to spill it anywhere. We both just sat there, for a while, before one on us decided to speak. I kept on thinking in my mind which one of us would talk first or what would I say to him? Justin finally spoke;

“Fatime, I am truly sorry for what I did, I didn’t mean to do or say what I did. The jealously just took over me and my body, and I wish I was able to take it all back, so I was able to be with you. I wish, I was able to forget what I did, to make you feel the way you do. I would do anything in the world right now to see you happy and back in my arms. I need you, your my everything! - I would be lost without my girl be my side. Please forgive me..."

"Justin, I just don't know yet. I trusted you, you broke my heart. I never thought you would ever do that to me. I think I just need time to think about this okay. We can still be friend right. I love you you know that right, I just need some time. I picked up my things and started to walk to the door of the cafe. I was about half way to the door and I looked back to see those beautiful brown eyes, staring straight at me. I know that I have missed him so much. I couldn't take the pain any longer, not being able to be in his arms. I completely turned around so I was facing Justin, and I just stood there and then I just ran into the arms of the person I love and I can't live without.

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend, my everything Kimia Kazemi - (onlymrsbieber) I don't know where I would be without her. Thank - you for everything you have done me. Thanks for the conversations we have had. One day me plus you will meet and I will be able to show you how much I really love you and think you for everything you have done for more.  I love you Kimia.

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