Living on the Island of Vaas...

By pink-cloudss

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When Myra's rich and outgoing parents decide to send her to Bankok for a week for her twentyth birthday, she... More

Chapter 1: Greetings from Hell
Chapter 2: Boat ride to Neverland
Chapter 3: Down the Tunnel
Chapter 4: King
Chapter 5: The Dog
Chapter 6: Used To
Chapter 7: Attack
Chapter 8: Mermaid
Chapter 9: Hero
Chapter 10: Temporarily Sane
Chapter 11: Citra
Chapter 12: What Makes a Mouse Strong
Chapter 13: It Doesn't Matter Anymore
Chapter 14: Lucy and the Lamb
Chapter 15: Bad Town
Chapter 16: Dance
Chapter 17: Crisis
Chapter 18: Toppled Over
Chapter 19: Bella
Chapter 20: Can You See the Dark?
Chapter 21: To No Place in Particular
Chapter 22: Jungle Fever
Chapter 23: Let it eat you up Alive
Chapter 24: Yes Man
Chapter 26: My Addiction
Chapter 27: Cook Me an Escape
Chapter 28: Limpy McCripple Pants
Chapter 29: The Games
Chapter 30: Hide and Seek You Say?
Chapter 31: Please Don't Go
Chapter 32: Legacy
chapter 33: A small part

Chapter 25: Swim With Me Little Fish

1.9K 31 7
By pink-cloudss

You boys think you're crazy, huh? Jumping out of airplanes... flying like birds?

Chapter 25: Swim With Me Little Fish 

It was as if Myra was in water. She could feel the fresh liquid all around her, twisting around her body and seeping through her nostrils and parted lips. The bubbles escaping her mouth floated up to the light abover her head, to salvation, to air. Her lungs burned and screamed for air, contracting everytime there was an intake of water instead of oxygen. Her jay blue eyes were half closed, seeing nothing but murky brown water. The soil that hovered through the water clung to her arms, bringing her deeper and deeper. 

The fire in her lungs intensified as a subtle yelp escaped her lips. Bubbles bobbed up to the surface, envy washing through the girl for those damn bubbles. She looked like a fallen angel, slowly drifting down in the water. The dark mane on her head was dispersed around her face, blue eyes seeming dead in the depths. Her arms floated beside her body and her legs hung loose. The deeper she went, the heavier she felt. The water in her lungs was like bricks, pilling on with every centimeter she fell. As the fire became unbearable, the brunette screamed. 

The water muffled the agonizing yelps of the girl as she wiggled frantically. It was there, just above her head! Salvation! Oxygen and relief from the raging fire in her delicate lungs. With one last strain of hope and bravery, Myra pushed her legs and arms, forcing her numb body to travel to the surface. As she did, the water whispered in her ears, whissling with every approach to the water's surface. "You can't make it, Myra," it whispered, deepening the sorrows of the girl as she slowly realized she might not make it. The burning was too great, it made the rest of her body weak and numb. "Stop fighting and give in, it's over," again, the whispering. She pushed harder against the water, eyes popping out of their sockets now. Weird, strangled sounds left her lips as she rose higher. "It's over, Myra!" now the water was screaming, furious for its' victim was now escaping. She was almost at the top. 

Suddenly, a milky white arm broke through the water, seizing Myra by the right arm. With a strangled yelp, the brunette was dragged to the surface. Salvation. Salvation is the first intake of breath after being deprived of it. Salvation is the cool and hard rock on which the girl was being dragged on, cutting the delicate flesh on her arms. For the half dead girl, who had already given in to death, salvation was the oxygen tickling her brochioles and patting her wet skin. With closed lids and a numb body, Myra knew she was alive. Not yet, she thought weakly. I'm not dead just yet. 

As she lay there, breathless and weak, Myra heard what seemed to be a heartbeat. The thick eyebrows above her blue eyes knitted together in a frown, developing the curiousity in the young woman. She was maybe hearing her own heartbeat, but it couldn't be. If she concentrated, with the loud heartbeat beside her, there were two slow thumps of a heart. Someone was there with her. Whoever had saved her had stuck around. Even in the deepest abyss of her dreams, someone stood by her side. And she had a pretty good idea who. "Jane," Myra croaked out through a raw throat and dry tongue. She heard a huff. 

"Hi, Myra," came the sweet tone of her sister. The brunette opened her blue eyes slowly, preparing her mind for the sight of her sister. And there she was, surrounded by thick fog and sitting on the same rock next to her sister.  The blond hairs on her head were tied back in a thick ponytail that dove down her back. She was truely a beautiful girl, with milky white skin and perfect lips. Myra had always been jealous of her sister's physique. 

"Why are you here?" the younger one asked, turning her head to get a better view of Jane's face. There were two reasons why the girl was asking this. First, it was to know why Jane was really here in her dreams again.The last time having been a significance of killing her past life, Myra wanted to know why this dream had popped up Jane. Second, it was a question of why had Jane saved her young sister. Dreams aren't like reality. In real life, Jane would of saved her no matter what, it's human nature. However, in Myra's dreams, Jane never lifted a finger to aid her sister. 

"I couldn't let you sufer now, could I?" she answered, evoking painful memories in the brunette. Memories of a tragic past. Jane had answered with the same words and tone, as when she told Myra why she was letting Uncle Robin hurt her instead of the innocent youngster. 

"Don't say that," Myra whispered, looking as her sister's face contorted with different emotions. 

"Why, Myra, why?" she burst out, turning her body into a kneeling position. "Because it hurts?" she screamed. Her sudden outburst of anger shocked Myra, making her recoil. The wet mane on her head stuck to her neck, clamping on the taunt muscles. "Do you even know what it means to be hurt?" Jane yelled once more, her booming voice echoing in the emptiness of the foggy area. 

"Don't you think I know!" the young one exclaimed. "When mom and dad ignored me because they thought I was some mistake. When everyone thought I was odd and left me out, so I had no one to turn to!" 

"Don't you remember what he did to us?" she screamed, getting to her feet and towering over the girl, who propped herself on her elbows. "What he did to me!"  Myra bit her lip as she felt the urge to get up as well and end her poor sister. The whole fog around Jane started to blurr and shake, coming in tremors and waves. "I did that for you! I hurt myself for your own good!"

"Jane!" Myra screamed when she couldn't see clearly anymore. Jane was all blurred, shaking with the tremors. 

"You chose this island, Myra," she heard her sister say, calmly all of a sudden. "You chose him as well."


Myra's eyes flung open to a feel of sticky sweat and stuffed room. The bones in the girl screamed and ached, her lungs pleading for more intake of air. As she rolled onto her back, sweaty hair clamping to her forehead, she took in the biggest breath of life. Her lungs almost felt like velvet after, tingly and soft. Wow, she thought. Never thought air would taste this good. 

The girl got up and milled around her room, wincing whenever she heard Vaas chuckling with Bella on the other side. The young woman got dressed slowly, tying her hair in a french braid that she learned to master thanks to her sister. As she passed her fingers in her soft locks, the image of her sister came back. The dream was still fresh in the mind, burning and alive. It had shocked the brunette with it's vivacity and realistic feelings. But, the worst was what Jane had said about Uncle Robin. "Myra get up!" Vaas roared, too loudly to be a morning wakey-wakey.

With a roll of her eyes and a heavy sigh, the brunette trudged out, ready for her usual morning training. Vaas was milling around his shanty in black basketball shorts and shirtless. The morning light pierced through the open door and washed over his mucled back, creating shadows in the creases of his muscles or on the scars. Bella was trudging along beside him, jumping up whenever he would adress her in Spanish. The pirate lord looked at ease, bobbing his head to the small rythym coming out from the T.V. "Hey there, luz de mi noche," he purred when he spotted her in the doorway to her small room. 

"Good morning," the brunette answered, voice raw and croaked. Vaas huffed, putting his hands up to arrange his Mohawk. He looked her over with his glistening eyes, putting his weight on one leg and cocking his head to the side.  

"Slept well, bella durmiente?" he asked, chuckling. The girl ignored his question, shuffling around his shanty, trying her best to ignore the tiger, who was constantly all over the pirate lord. "No training this morning," Vaas announced, taking his eyes off the woman wondering around his shanty. 

"Why?" this one asked, frowning. She stopped a couple feet behind him as he bent over the table, examining a map. 

"Before we go to the beach, you and I are going to take care of the fucking rejects," he answered, almost spitting out the last word like it was poison. 

"Who are rejects?" the girl asked, tint of annoyance in her voice. 

"Worthless pieces of shit," the pirate lord spat, milling around to his little drawer, where he picked out a red tank top and swiftly slipped it on. He added his accessories next, passing his necklaces around his neck and placing those straps across his shoulder. He looked angered by the simple thought of the rejects, whoever they were. But, what the brunette didn't know, was that the rejects were a source of new fun for the pirate lord. Torture, blood and pleading came out of time spent with them, and the pirate enjoyed such things. "Why don't you wear this, pera?" Vaas spat, throwing Myra a red tank top and some black shorts. She caught them, shuffling the tissue in her hands. 

"No thanks," was her reply, which angered the pirate lord even more. Why did she need shorts and a tank top when she was perfectly dressed? 

"I'll re-phrase this then," he hissed, putting his hands up like in a surrender. He brought his gorgeous green/hazel eyes up to her blues and frowned. "Wear this, pera," he ordered. 

"Why?" she asked, watching as he turned around and geared up, gun in holster, knife at his waist and one at his thigh. 

"Weather his going to be fucking hot, so consider this a favor, honey," he answered, mocking the voice of a well caring husband. The girl obeyed, slipping into the shorts, which were way too long and in the tank top. Before heading out, to accomodate the brunette, Vaas cut the shorts up to her mid thigh, smiling as more skin was exposed. Myra had to resist the urge to slap his hand away as he was about to cut the shorts higher. 

"Enough," she simply said. He pulled back with a chuckle, slipping the knife back in it's holster. They left poor little Bella alone in the heating shanty as they marched away, Myra almost feeling bad for the poor thing. Although, she knew Timo would take care of it, feed it and all. Surprisingly, Timo was more incited in caring for the little feline than her owner was...

The pirate lord hadn't been lying about the weather. The sun was burning and blinding, cooking the exposed skin on the girl. She thanked Vaas mentally for the shorts and tank top, not believing how she would of survived in trousers. To add on to the flaming sun, the air was so dry that her skin could've cracked if it wasn't for the shade the trees offered. The comfort of the shade was almost a blessing, offering cool air for half a second, which was really needed. The pirate lord didn't think of bringing water, so they marched on in the jungle with parched lips and dried tongues. The insides of the girl's mouth was moistless, cracking silently every time she whined of the heat, which would only incite Vaas in yelling at her to shut her trap. 

They marched into another camp, which looked way more equiped than the one Myra resided in. Instead of crates to sit on, nice wooden chairs populated the flattened dirt ground. Tables in good shape littered the area, surrounded by crates filled with heavy duty guns and other kinds of weaponery. There were more shanties than huts, which led the girl to think more pirates lived here. And there certainly was. Red tank tops milled around everywhere, some with sun glasses and bandanas on their faces, others with red caps and exposed features. They all looked menacing with their AKs in hand and their knives surrounding their waist. These men looked even tougher than the ones Myra saw back at her camp. This whole scene led the brunette to think these men where Vaas's best fighters, and they were placed in this camp for a good reason. 

On shanties, bullet entries marked the wood, which led to think there were many battles here. Maybe this outpost was one that the Rakyat wanted to take, but just couldn't. No wonder, the men here looked like they were trained in killing from birth. Furthur on, Myra could see bamboo cages with tortured looking people sitting in them. Bodies hung from their feet or necks from bamboo posts, heads poked out from the ground like a garden and bodies were being dragged from here to there. If these were the rejects, they weren't good people, even the name said it. "Hermanos!" Vaas roared as he guided the girl deeper into the camp.

Myra had expected perverted looks, innapropriate comments and longing regards. But, none of it came. Most tough looking pirates bowed their heads in almost fear, looked away or simply walked off. Some pirates cheered as they heard their boss claim his presence, while others waved their guns or simply turned their heads to him. "Boss!" came the greasy and low pitched voice of a pirate. 

The man was dressed in heavy duty protection gear from head to toe. His armor was black and metallic, covering a well built chest and broad shoulders. He wore a black full face helmet that covered the most part of his face, and the gun he carried looked like a monster. "What?" Vaas asked, turning to look at the man with a frown on his face. Sweat had beaded his forehead and the heat had enduced a certain anger bomb waiting to explose in him. 

"Our men spotted a gang of Rakyat roaming around the area last night," he prostested with a thick accent that Myra couldn't quite put her finger on. As she looked at him through half closed lids, avoiding the suns rays, the pirate seemed to try and ignore her. "We think they might attack tonight."

"How many times have they fucking tried, hermano, and failed?" the pirate lord grumbled. "They'll never get this camp and they fucking know it. Now, I have to go take care of the motherfucking rejects," and with this, he steered Myra away from the heavy duty pirate. 

Their feet hit the dried soil as the pair marched along the dirt path, passing buy shanty and cages with half dead people inside. Vaas took no regard to them, execpt they incited curiosity in the girl. With every passing cage, Myra craned her neck to look at the tortures that had been inflicted to them, which only made Vaas pull on her arm harder. One woman looked up at her, pleading with her eyes. Well, what was left of them. Her eyelids had been cut off, leaving only the dried eyeball to pop out of it's socket. She was mumbling things, putting her hands up to the sky without breaking eye contact with Myra. It was interesting to watch for the girl, but Vaas had other plans, so she had to put the caged people to the side. 

Vaas brought her to the steps of a shanty, putting her in front of him with a harsh pull. "Ok," he started, looking up at her. "I need you to wait here while I go take care of the rejects," he said, pointing to a cage where three men sat. One had a fishing hat and greasy black hair, the other was a young adult that had this Hippie style to him and the last one was an old man with white hair. "Don't fucking wonder off, 'cause these men don't know you and might, uh, take you for a reject and that isn't so good for you, ok?" he furrowed his brows and stared down at her. 

"So, if I get this right," Myra started, feeling the tickle of annoyance begin. "You want me to wait here while you go have fun?" she asked, well articulating her words to make them sting. Vaas smirked, nodding his head.

"Good girl," he praised, rubbing the top of her head. "Now stay," he ordered, like she was a dog, as he almost skipped away towards the cage. 

Myra waited three hours for Vaas to return. He had taken the three rejects with him in the neigbouring shanty, screaming obcenities at them, which only made Myra laugh. Sometimes, he would simply monologue to them, explainging why he was killing them, because they were 'worthless pieces of fucks.' Not only did Vaas leave her in the cooking sun, but he left her to the now wondering eyes of the pirates. She cursed him mentally, for he hadn't given her a mode of protecting (knife, hand gun, etc) for her to defend herself. With every approaching pirate, Myra shot them a glaring look which only told she could gut them alive if they dared to touch her. 

"What the?" a weird, accented voice came from near her. None of the pirates had spoken to her directly, so she wondered who this brave one could be. She turned her head violently and spotted the well suited man standing a couple feet away from her. He had shaggy brown hair, a long nose and white face. He was white? The suit he wore, beige blouse and dark brown vest, came to say he was well fortunated on the island. He was giving Myra a death glare when she came to the realisation of who he might be. Could this be Hoyt? the girl asked herself. "Who you?" he asked, stepping closer. Myra didn't answer, backing up with every step he took closer. 

"Who are you?" she asked back, frowning. The man was sort of skinny, which only made the confidence in the girl build up. She could take him on if he attacked her. It seemed like his intention as he closed in on her. 

"You trying to escape, are you?" he continued pushing on, putting his hands up in a fighting posistion. "Get back in your cage, or I'll make you worthy of your title, reject!" he screamed. The girl was taken aback, folding in on herself as she hit the shanty wall. Fuck, she thought. What do I say? That I'm Vaas's friend, girlfriend... Fuck buddy? Gee, Myra, think! 

"I'm Myra," she spoke, trying to evoke memories in the man he might have gained. Most people knew who she was, calling her you're-the-girl-I-heard-about. If he got word of who she was, maybe he'd let go of the killer instincts. 

"I don't give a shit about your name, girl!" he yelled back. Some pirates had gathered around to watch, smirks appearing on their faces. The accented man lunged forward, taking the girl off guard. The young woman steered to the right, dodging the on coming man. He hit the wall with his palms, as the girl circled around and back. "Get her!" he yelled, pointing at the girl and looking at the pirates. None moved, not sure of what to do. One told them to leave her alone, while the other was saying to cease her. They were maybe tough and fighters, but they weren't very good for problem solving. "Mercs!" he yelled again. 

Out of the corner of her eyes, the girl saw two men, dressed in green and beige army suits, charge to her. She turned, watching as they brought their hands up to catch her, just as the door to the shanty opened in a squeal. "Hey!" came the raging voice of Vaas as he stumbled down the few steps. "She's with me, back the fuck off, mercs!" he roared, putting himself between the girl and the two mercs. Myra was secretly enjoying this, watching as the accented man angered up and the two mercs became confused. 

"Shes'-she's with you?" the man asked, straightening up. Vaas turned to him and smirked. 

"Hoyt, relax, it's the girl I told you about, you know," as he said this, he crossed his now bloody arms over his chest and gave Myra a look. She smiled back, rolling her eyes when he waggled his eyebrows. So, this was Hoyt. 

"Oh," Hoyt said,bringing his dark eyes to the girl and back to Vaas. "Oh," he cleared his throat. "My apologies, my lady," with that, he bowed his head slightly and giggled. "Didn't know she was that free."

"Whatever," Vaas said, flicking his wrist. "Why you here, boss?" Hoyt smiled, shuffling his feet. 

"Well, you'll find that funny, but I was here to meet my lady," he announced, gesturing to the girl. Myra frowned. My lady? she thought. What does he take me for, a fucking queen?

"Funny it is, boss," the pirate lord answered. It had been long since Myra wanted to meet Hoyt, just not like this. He was interesting, but still bizzare. Hoyt stook out his hand, looking Myra in the eye. She pushed Vaas aside and walked to the boss, feet slow and calculated. She shook his skinny and sweaty hand once, subtly wiping it on her shorts after. 

"Nice to meet you, finally," Hoyt said, accent thicker up close. 

"Nice to meet you, Hoyt," she answered. Hoyt smiled broadly, looking back at Vaas with an intense fire in his eyes. 

"I can see why you chose her," he said, looking her over once more. Myra was getting annoyed with the vague shit, so she groaned. 

"Hey, I'm right here, you know," she claimed, wagging her arms up by her head. "Don't need to act like I'm not."

"You're right," Hoyt chuckled. "Oh, Vaas, we need to talk," he said, voice somber. 

Myra sat back down while Vaas and his boss chatted by the cages. Hoyt looked angry with something, while Vaas looked like he didn't give two fucks. They argued, and it was funny to watch Vaas being pinned down by what ever Hoyt was saying. After a short while, Vaas came back to her and steered her away, not giving her the chance to say good bye to Hoyt. 

"So, the beach, huh?" Myra asked as they began to walk away from the camp. She could still hear Hoyt screaming his orders around to his mercs. 

"What, you don't like the beach?" Vaas asked, tilting his head to watch her smile. 

"Yes, just, what is there to do?"

"Oh, many many thing, mi amor," he mused, reaching out and squeezing her bum. The girl yelped and slapped his hand away, death glaring him for a while before regaining her walk. 

"Like what?" she grumbled. In one quick motion, Vaas had her scooped up in his arms, chest to chest and mouths inches away. He chuckled, squeezing his arms around her waist and passing his fingers on her spine. He watched the small amount of anger form on her face as he inched forward. He bit her jaw ferociously, growling when she struggled and groaned out for him to stop his fucking around. It only made him continue. He passed his teeth down and nipped on her earlobe, before nibbled on the soft skin where her jaw met her neck. 

"Many things," he purred, face buried in the crook of her neck. She tried to push him off, hands on his chest and pushing, but he was too strong. So, she groaned and gave in to his little, fucked up games. She let him feel her out again, like they hadn't already. He passed his hands on her bare shoulders, digging his nails in the skin to inflict the same wounds she had to him. He didn't hesitate to grab her breasts, kneeding and molding them the way he wanted. The only response he got out from her was the accelaration of her breathing. He was pleased, since it made her chest heave up and down faster, which made the excitement in the pirate grow. 

"Let's save some for the beach, no?" the girl breathed out, on the verge to giving in to his play time. He chuckled as she placed a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him back from kissing her chest. Or biting it, whatever he was going to do. 

"You're right, pera," he said, voice husky and low. A shiver passed through the girl as he slid his hands off her. 

The beach was a ten minute walk from the camp. They arrived on a white, sandy plane of sand, almost begging for the water. Vaas brought the girl to a small boat that was waiting for them on the beach, rocking with the waves. They got it, the pirate lord immediately taking the seat at the back to steer the boat away from the sand. The motor roared on as they sped away deeper into the sea. Myra got a sick feeling, remembering her dream about drowning and how horrible it had felt. Just as the boat came to a sharp stop, Myra noticed something gray swimming in the water. "Ah, hell no, Vaas," she protested, recoiling away from the shark swimming around their boat. 

"They don't bite, princesita," he joked, chuckling as he got his feet. The boat wobbled side to side, fear of tipping over gripping the insides of the girl. 

"What have you planned, to feed me to the sharks?" she asked, voice a bit whinny. 

"No, no, no such things, mi amor," he said, looking down at the blue water. "They're friendly enough to swim with."

"No!" came the protestation against swimming WITH FUCKING SHARKS. Myra wouldn't go, she couldn't even believe Vaas was saying they were 'friendly.' Sharks kill, that's all Myra needed to know to not jump into the water. 

"If you don't go in willingly, I'll fucking throwing you in. You decide," Vaas said, plopping his hands on his thighs. He began to take his shirt off as the girl got to her feet. Oh fuck you, Vaas, she cursed internally, peaking a look at the water. The shark was swimming centimeters from the boat, the fin popping out of the water. Well, it wasn't a great white, that was for sure. It was much smaller, which gave more confidence to the girl. Small sharks=less danger. She breathed in once, threw her arms back and jumped. 

Fuck Vaas and his fucking fucked up games! she screamed inside as she landed in the water. What are you thinking, dumbass? Get back in the fucking boat! she scrambled to the surface, eyes popping out of their sockets as she saw the gray predator pass by her head. Fear gripped her as she broke through the surface, breathing in heavily. "Wow!" she heard Vaas exclaim, but her eyes were riveted to the swimming beast under her. 

"Get me fucking out!" she yelled, splashing around in the water. Like an idiot, she had propelled herself so far from the boat, that now she would have to swim a couple feet to get to it. "GET ME OUT!"

But, before she could turn her head away from the monster, a splash came from the boat. Vaas had jumped in. "No, no!" Myra whined, swimming frantically to the boat. Fear was intense now, burning through all her members as she imagined her end. Not a shark, that is not how she imagined her death. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a second monster appear, swimming gently towards the other like old folks. 

Warmth encircled her, protection and relief swam through her as she felt the strong arms of the pirate lord grip her waist. They wet skins touched as he burried his face in her damp hair, inhaling. "Don't panic," he whispered. Her eyes calmed and so did her frantic breathing. He clutched her to him, arms tightening around her waist. "They won't hurt you of you don't hurt them," once again, he used his rare soothing voice on her. 

"Shit, Vaas, they're fucking sharks," she whispered back sharply. She attempted to turn her head, but Vaas's own stopped her. He deposited a soft kiss on her bare shoulder and chuckled. 

"Sh, don't fuck around, not here," he continued, as a shark swam before them. She watched it, watched the slow and stealthy monster glide through the blue, silent and deadly.  As if preying on them, the beast encircled the pair, popping it's fin through the surface. Myra tensed up, folding herself into Vaas as he shushed her and said soothing words. Well, his reservoir of soothing words was short, so he mostly said the same things over and over again. As soon as it had appeared, the shark vanished, swimming fast away from them. "See?"

"What, you some kind of shark expert?" Myra whispered, smirking when Vaas chuckled. 

"No," he answered, as his legs mingled with hers in an attempt to stay afloat. "I just know my island."

"There's a difference between knowing an island, and a deadly animal," she snapped, passing her hands over his under the blue. His knuckles were battered with having spent time with the rejects, so she softly passed her thumb over them, watching the blood come off and twirl in the water. 

"I know every single millimeter of this island, pera, there's nothing I don't fucking know," was his answer. There was no argueing and winning with him, so Myra let it go. It was just so pointless. 

As the two grey monsters swam around them, the two stayed clutched to each other silently, enjoying the warm water. But, Vaas wasn't the one to stay still for very long. He let the girl go as she swam calmly around. "Wacht this, bella," he said, smirking when an alarming emotion took over the girls face. 

Vaas dove under water, his dark figure gliding through the blue with expert ease. He got dangerously close to one of the monsters. A confusing thing happened then, the dark figure of Vaas mingled with the light one of the shark. There was a stillness, then movement. Myra let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding when she saw the two blurry figures move around. How could he hold his breath for so long? Then, the shark's fin emerged through the water with Vaas's hand clamped around it. 

Myra was taken by surprise, ultimately. Vaas was being pulled around by the shark, who didn't seem to mind as it swam casually. Vaas laughed, water spilling all over him and destroying his Mohawk. "Fuck, Vaas, you're crazy!" Myra yelped as she watched with amazement the way the monster just carried around Vaas. The pirate lord was clearly enjoying himself, laughing and chuckling every time the shark made a sharp turn. His bare chest and back glistened in the sun as he glided through the blue, water droplets reflecting off his skin like marbles. As she watched the two best friends play together like fucking children, Myra saw the second beast swim next to her. Her need to impress the pirate lord over took her reason and common sense. Fuck this, if I die, I die, she concluded, diving down.

The shark was swimming softly, not aware of the girl hovering over him. With extreme determination and a lack of freaking common sense, the girl charged forward. The water sizzled in her ears as she closed in, hands reached out the grip the fin. Just as her lungs began to burn and itch for air, her hand clamped around the soft fin and the shark jolted forward. They broke the surface, and Myra watched through water filled eyes, the shark lead her around. It was fun. The water splashing all around her as she gained speed,  turning sharply and then speeding again. The shark was small, but it was strong. Fortunately, it didn't try to kill her. That she was happy about. "That's what I'm fucking talking about, pera!" she heard the booming voice of Vaas. It brought a huge wave of humor back to her. She laughed loudly, using her two hands on the fin to pull her upper body out of the water. Her hair flipped to one side of her head as the beast drove her around. With her head and neck out, she could watch Vaas's impression. She stuck her tongue out at him like a child and resumed watching the shark under her. 

The shark turned left and swam rapidly to a near by beach. He swam and swam, while Myra was enjoying her ride. Laughing and giggling, the girl realised she was being dragged away from Vaas and the boat. Panicking a little, she looked back. With a smile, she saw Vaas climbing into the boat and steering it in her direction. With a huff and a little dissapointement, the girl jumped off the shark. Fear of angering the beast made her swim quickly to the beach, her feet finding the soft sand just as she stood and then collapsed onto the sand. Her wet clothes stuck to her, the damp mane making her head heavy. 

Vaas parked the boat near her in the sand, stopping it and jumping down in the sand. "Sheesh, you got balls today," he announced, standing over her as she enjoyed the heat of the sun on her cool skin. "First you were a pussy about it, I have to say. But, then, fuck girl you rode a fucking shark!" his comment made a laugh escape her lips. Proud of what she had done, the girl sat up. She let it sink in slowly, riding a shark and swimming with them. Man, who cam say they've done that in their lives? Me! she answered herself. 

They laughed together, a bit exhausted, as a strong hissing brought her to her feet. "Fuck," Vaas said, looking a a large reptile sat on a rock, wagging its heavy tail side to side. "Komodo dragon," he whispered to the intent of Myra. The girl had never seen such a big reptile, which only erupted her curiousity. "Ok, lets fuck around with it a little, you wanna?" Vaas snickered, stepping closer to the beast. 

Myra spotted a small rock near her foot and picked it up. With a 'hm' and a pout of her lower lip, which means basically fuck that, she threw the rock at the Komodo Dragon. It hit it's head just as Vaas was picking up a stick. He turned to her with a frown and she shrugged. With a smirk, he turned back and threw his stick, which only angered the dragon more. It hissed and charged to Vaas. "Fuck, run!" he yelled, running back to Myra. She only had time to see the Komodo Dragon charging at full speed before Vaas grabbed her arm and pulled her to the boat. 

They jumped in, the pirate lord hurrying to the back compartament. Out of pure panic, Myra picked up a grenade. She had a half a second to calculate the distance between the boat and the reptile, before she took off the pin and threw the grenade. "Myra, what the fuck!" Vaas screamed. "You want to fucking die?" he approached her and pulled her down. They had about ten seconds before it exploded. 

"Ah, whatever," Myra mumbled, as Vaas grabbed her head with his arm and they ducked. A large explosion ripped through the air and the boat rattled. A low whine came from the intended victim. Vaas and Myra stayed huddled together as a shower of ash and sand fell over them, water mingling the mix. 

"It better be fucking dead," Vaas grumbled as Myra listened to the subtle ringing in her ears. Woo, that had been close. "Cost me a fucking grenade."

"Ah, quite whinning Vaas," the girl mumbled back, sitting up in his lap. He looked at her with a frown and then groaned. 

The Komodo Dragon was very much dead, parts of it's tail missing and his two front legs. They left the small beach and Vaas led them on in the ocean, circling his island in the boat. He let Myra sit in the front with her legs dangling each side as the wind whiped through her dark hair. Vaas stole a couple glances her way, enjoying the way the bright sun hit her chest and arms, illuminating the tanned skin. Oh, how he wanted to be in her right now. It was almost an itch, to have her under him murmuring his name with a voice she only used when they fucked. It had been a couple nights, no? Maybe two. And already, he was in need of this girl. 

They stopped at what seemed to be a small port. A dock connected the water to a sandy beach, and a small shanty lay at it's end. A blue and white aqua-bike was parked by the side of the dock, rocking with the waves. Myra had a pretty good idea of what Vaas was about to do.

And she was right. A couple minutes later, she was sitting behind Vaas on the aqua-bike, gripping his shoulders as he steered it slowly away from the beach. "You ready, mi amor?" he asked, looking back over his shoulder. She nodded and they were off.

That thing went so fucking fast! Myra had expected some medium speed shit, but this machine flew like the wind. They zoomed by serveral beaches, the wind making it hard to open their eyes. Myra's hair was floating behind her head as she gripped Vaas's chest in a frantic attempt to not fly away. He veered with such sharpness, that if the girl wasn't gripped to him, she might have fallen in the water. He drove around, screaming with joy as he gained speed. What was even more terrifying, was that he did some stunts off wooden planks in the water. Myra had begged him not to, but Vaas doesn't take orders. So, he flipped the bike around, enjoying every scream of terror from the girl. 

He continued his stunts until he got bored of doing the same thing, and now Myra had grown used to his flips and stunts, not screaming anymore. So, he drove the bike back to the dock and the pair got back in the boat.

Myra's hair had dried with all the wind and it curled over her shoulders. As she flipped it to one side, her eyes met up with Vaas's. "Where to?" she asked. 

"Aren't you hungry?" he asked, starting the motor and giving no chance to answer to the girl. She rolled her eyes at him and concentrated on the water. 

Snacking on an exotic island was something. Vaas had brought some tropical fruits of all colors, nuts, some wine (Argentinian wine) and a blanket so the two could eat on the beach. It was pleasant, with the sun setting on the horizon, the day was coming to an end. They didn't talk much, mostly chatted about their little adventure/beach day. The girl satisfied her hunger and quenched her thirst. The day's activities had opened up her stomach, so she gobbled down everything. 

"Come here," Vaas mumbled, plopping onto his elbows and motioning to her. She stared at him, swallowing the last piece of mango. When she frowned, Vaas just growled. "Just come here," he ordered, louder now. She crawled to him, kneeling down beside his laying form. His eyes roamed over her as she sighed. "Sit," he said, motion to his waist. With one throw of her leg, the girl had straddled his waist and sat back on his pelvic bone. The pirate lord sat up, and she passed her hands around his neck for supports. "Wanna know something?" he purred.

"What?" she asked, clearly annoyed. 

"Your eyes are beautiful," he whispered, boring his green into her blue. She squinted them, not sure of the meaning of his comment. 

"Thank you," she hesitated. 

"You're very welcome," Vaas purred, passing the tips of his fingers on her jaw. "Why don't we pick up where we left off, no?" he offered.

"Vaas," Myra protested, looking around at the empty beach. 

"Please," Vaas murmured, inching closer to her. He needed her now, his excitement was too great. When he wasn't doing anything, he was imagining the things he could make her do. And now that she sat over him, he couldn't contain his need. He had even pleaded her, which was something he rarely did. Without having the consent of the girl, he kissed her lips. They were soft, despite the sun that had cracked them, the water had softened them. His hands grabbed her hips as she rocked over him, closing her eyes to enjoy his lips on hers. He kissed her, roughly, almost hurting the girl's mouth. He couldn't fully quench his terrible thurst, not quite. So, he gripped her hips and swiftly rolled her under him.

She didn't protest, but responded by wrapping her legs around his waist and bringing him closer. She dug her nails in his shoulder blades just as he nibbled his way down her neck, chest and bit the hem of her shirt. Everything became a rush as she decided to accept him. She sat up and allowed him to pry her tank off just as she did the same with his. They didn't have much time, who knew when some pirate would be patrolling the area? So Vaas hurried her. 

He plunged his hand in her shorts, teasing her core just as she giggled. "That tickles," she snickered. Vaas frowned, feeling her excitement and not understanding her sudden giggles. She was ticklish there? The pirate lord shook his head and smirked, just as he continued his teasing. He felt her warmth and sudden eagerness, as he slid his fingers in her. "Woah," she said, arching her back to look at him. "We don't have time for that, let's go," she breathed, laughing when he groaned out. She wanted him too, he realized. It made him smirk to see her in need, finally. 

It didn't take much time until both of them were naked. Myra didn't want to waste any precious time with foreplay, afraid of being caught on this beach, so she hurried him on. He lay over her, chest to chest as he pushed in. He buried himself in her, happy to finally feel her surprising warmth and intensity. With a subtle sigh, Vaas buried his face in the crook of her shoulder. She wriggled under him, pressing for more of him. And, oh boy did he give it to her. 

What started out a bit slow, ended up rough and fast. Her hair was being pulled, while his back was being scratched. The roots of her mane were sore and it made her wince, which only made Vaas's need grow. "Baby," he moaned in her ear, his rugged breath fanning her neck. A shit eating grin appeared on her lips just as she felt her own burst of sexual desire erupt in her. He gripped her head, encaging her head with his arms as he pushed harder and faster. 

"Vaas," came the well welcomed moan of the girl. He had waited for her to do that, to show her vulnerability. 

"Come on, baby, say my name," he breathed hard against her shoulder, lost in his own delirium. He gripped the skin at her hips and gave her three pretty intense thrusts to get his name out again. But, she just wouldn't obey. He wanted his name again, wanted that voice. So, he got rougher, angrier, pushing inside her with such an intensity he was sure she'd let it out. 

"Mhm," she clamped her mouth shut, squeezing her teeth. No way was she going to give him what he wanted. Vaas had almost been there, she had almost said it. 

"Come one, baby, say it, say it!" he urged, thrusting harder and watching her face contort with all the feelings erupting inside her. He could see it, that she was almost there, and he needed to hear it. "Let it out," he growled. Her chest rattled and out came a low growl, animalistic and loud. It vibrated against the pirate lord's chest and he closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation. Her legs squeezed around his waist began to shake. "Say it," he begged one last time, burying his face in the crook of her neck as he felt his own climax coming as well. 

And so she said it. "Vaas," with that voice of hers. All husky and low, in the voice he loved most. And she said over and over and over again until both of them climaxed. And even after, when he slumped over her all sweaty and exhausted, she continued to whisper his name. "I could never get enough of you," he breathed out, which made the girl chuckle. He smiled, pushing himself up to look at her. "What?"

"You sounded like some romantic guy from those shitty, romantic movies," she snickered, and pushed him off her. The cool night air zipped at her bare skin, which made her grab her clothing fast. 

"I can be romantic, you know?" he mused, as he was tossed his tank and trousers. The girl chuckled as she slipped into her shorts. The subtle buzz in her head made her aware of her exhausted state, the effects of her orgasm being evident. When she was fully dressed and satisfied, she lay back on the blanket with her arms above her head.

"Over there!" she heard a rusty, male voice rip through the air. 

And just like that, what started off as a wonderful day, ended up in pandemonium. As the pair got to their feet frantically, twenty or so men with tatoos snaking across their faces, arms and chest, came rushing out of the jungle. With knives in hand and guns, they came charging. Myra froze as fear gripped everything that was left inside her. Vaas didn't have time to run to the boat for weapons, as he was pinned down by about ten men. It took ten men to take down the pirate lord... Impressive. 

Myra's arms her pulled painfully as she was encircled by scary looking faces. Her body was beat down to the sand, some seeping in her mouth as she coughed. The Rakyat men screamed out in a unknown language, as they circled them. She tried to peer through the mass of feet to see where Vaas was, and she was taken aback by the amount of fear that gripped her when she saw him.

He was on his knees, blood drooling down his nose to his chin and dropping onto his chest. He head wobbled side to side as men stood beside him. Still on the sand with three men pinning her down, Myra screamed out and wriggled around to be freed. "No!" she yelled, her voice cracking. "Please! Don't hurt him! No!" Some men turned around with surprised looks on their faces as they took her in. She was begging for his life? Even she couldn't believe him.

As a black club came down on Vaas's head, Myra screamed out. She watched his body hit the sand and she cried out for him again. "Stop it!" she yelled. Just as her hands were released, she was already scrambling to her knees, crawling up to Vaas. She didn't know, even herself, why the image of Vaas hurt and bleeding was hurting her. But, she ignored it and kneeled beside him, eyes popping open as she took him in. She was about to touch his face when a familiar voice broke the now silent air.

"What do we do with her?" with a hitching breath and intense fear ripping through her, Myra turned her head. She saw him, standing amongst the crowd of Rakyat men, with small amounts of tatoos on his arms. He watched back with the fear in his chocolate eyes. The same chocolate eyes.

"Carlos?" Myra asked, voice so full of anger. Just as she was about to stand, a club was beat down on her head and she was knocked unconsious. Her world tipped around, fading from light, to black. Until black took over and she fell. 

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