Chapter 29: The Games

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I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it. 

Chapter 29: The Games

"Vaas, stop it!" Myra yelled, thrashing around in the cot with a broad smile on her lips. She snickered once more as the pirate lord's hands continued to tickle her abdomen. He chuckled, beating against her flailing arms to get acess to her stomach, where she was most ticklish. Her squeals fueld his fire as his lips stretched into a childish grin. 

"Not until you say it!" he retorted, tickling his fingers at the girl's abdomen. Her body twisted left and right, uncapable to resist to the tickling, her squeals coming in louder. 

"No, I will not surrender," she mused, laughing even louder when Vaas's hands continued their tickling. The cot creaked under their weight, groaning with every brusque movement the pair made. 

"Then I will not stop," the pirate lord groaned back, watching as his girl twisted in the cot with her mouth opened and tears streaking down her face. Her squeals and laughter erupted through the shanty again as Vaas started up again. 

"Ok, ok!" she breathed, taking his hands in hers and making him stop. His eyes scrolled up to hers with a smirk tugging at his lips. His eyebrow quirked and he leaned over her, his body hovering in place. 

"Surrendering already princesa?" he mocked, brushing his lips against her nose ever the slightest. The young woman huffed, rolling her eyes as the pirate lord let go of her hands to place them each side of her head. 

"Yes, I am," she groaned, snickering when Vaas made another attempt to tickle her abdomen. 

"Then say it," he replied, broad smile spreading on his lips as the girl under him groaned. 

"Vaas Montenegro is the best pirate lord I have ever known in my entire life, and will continue to be until the end of time," she said, which got a snicker and a groan of appreciation from the said pirate lord. Why she had gotten a tickle for punishment was for denying that Vaas was the greatest of all pirate lords and will continue to be until the end of time. Vaas didn't like the fact that she had denied it, so he decided to tickle her, discovering that she was ticklish. "Happy now?"

"Yes, very happy," he laughed, leaning back and observing her. 

They had been back already for three weeks. Timo had been a little too jolly to see them drive in, smile stretched wide on his face and arms outstretched ready for a hug. The couple made their way back to the shanty where they started up again in their everyday routine...ish. Bella was extremely happy to be back, jumping around and running away to go run around in the camp. After three weeks, both their wounds were healed. However, Myra's cut was still sensible and had healed to become a huge, red and nasty scar than ran from her collar bone to the lump of her right breast. Vaas's bullet hole was all clean and good, the only evidence of any injury was the small, round scar. 

Doc was still making weekly visits to the pair, delivering their medicine and the gear to help with the healing. Although they both didn't need anymore gauze, Doc continued to say they needed their oral meds. For infection prevention, they both took the medicine without a word. 

"God, you're such a child," Myra sighed when Vaas proudly straightened up. His face twisted into a scowl. 

"I am not," he protested, brows furrowing. 

"Wanna bet?" Myra challenged, buckling her hips so she could knee him in the gut. He groaned out, surprised, and leaned over to catch his breath. The brunette thrashed around to get away from him as fast as possible, grin pulling at her lips and sknicker escaping her throat. 

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