Chapter 28: Limpy McCripple Pants

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Time and memory are true artists; they remould reality nearer to the heart's desire.

Chapter 28: Limpy McCripple Pants

Myra woke up. She just simply woke up. Opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. Well, she couldn't quiet see the ceiling since her vision was blurred by a bright ass light. Only, she was sure there was a ceiling, there had to be. What was even more strange than that white light blocking her view of the ceiling, was the plush matress under her. Wait, how did she know it was matress? Well, she didn't, she just assumed with the cushiness, that it was a matress. It could have been shit, that's all she knew. 

Her blue orbs squinted in the light. Why was she on a bed (or matress) anyway? Had this adventure been all a dream? Had all her feelings, personal revelations and discoveries been just purely made up by her mind? Shit, this couldn't be! But, it was possible with all the signs just coming alight to her. First, she was on a bed. A fucking bed! Never, in this shit hole island, had she seen a plush bed with a proper matress. So, this had to be her home bed... Second, why did it smell so fucking fresh? Myra had never smelled anything this fresh and sea like on Rook. It could be her perfumes that used to lay on her night table, or the sweet scent of her shampoo. She used to shower before bed, and when she woke up with her hair still wet, she could still smell the shampoo strongly. And third, it was the lack of pain. She remembered having suffered a deep gash in the shoulder, however, she could not feel an ounce of pain. In fact, she couldn't feel her arm at all...

That was it! She was drugged, probably morphine or some shit like that! If she could of moved, she would of jumped up on the bed. However, due to the blinding light, she was scared to move and bump into something... or someone. So, the girl decided to wait the light out, sighing loudly into the air. Well, this light's a bitch, she thought, blinking a couple times.

She was thirsty and hungry. Her lips were parched, cracked and bleeding. An immense hunger growled at her stomach, clawing at the insides with it's acidic juices. A gurgle erupted from the said stomach, making the noise sound like a dying whale. The thirst and hunger combined led the girl to think she'd been out for probably a day or more. Probably two days if her basic needs were now screaming to be satisfie

And so the light began to dissipate, thining in brightness as the corners of her vision became clear. Yep, she was definitely in a wooden shanty, and most definitely on the island since her room back home wasn't wooden. She was surprised at how relieved she was to still be here. Next, as she waited out her peripheral vision, the girl decided to strain her ears for any sounds. 

First she heard a low humming, but realized it was her ears popping. However, a slow swooshing crawled up to her ear drums, vibrating into her auditory canal. Her brain seized the sound as her body perked up. Some sounds, finally! As the low swooshing continued to tickle her ears, her vision became more or less blurry, no more light, just blurred. Blinking and stretching her eye lids, the girl cleared her vision. 

Damn! she thought as she saw on what she lay. Her body was carefully placed under a thick, white bed sheet filled with feathers that peaked through the fabric and tickled the skin on her good arm. And boy, was the bed plush! Her back felt like it was in heaven compared to the countles nights lying on a hard, springy mat. The bed was definitely double, meeting the left wall of the shanty and barely having space on the other side to climb in. Well, she guessed climbing in was done from the end of the bed, which faced the rest of the shanty. 

There was a small, wooden, run down dresser with open drawers and clothes hanging out sitting in the far corner. Beside it, a small table with a wooden chair rested, books and papers spilled over it. A small door that led to another part of the wooden shanty shadowed the east wall. It was open slightly, and Myra wished deeply that it was some kind of bathroom. Oh, the wonders of having a bathroom of her own! 

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