Chapter 4: King

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I mean, without family, who the fuck are we?

Chapter 4:  King

Vaas came to take Myra about three hours into her nap. He kicked her bamboo cage, sending her jolting up on her feet. "Get the fuck up, princesa!" he raged. She looked at him, studied him. He looked back with his green/hazel eyes of his, so intriguing and yet so frightening. Myra couldn't tear her eyes off of him as he continued to rage against her cage like a child. "Will you get the fuck out of there, before I come and get you!?" 

Myra walked out of the cage and was suddenly flanked by three guards wearing red and black. Vaas stood before them, walking at full speed, anger evident in the taunt muscles of his arms. Myra looked around frantically as she was guided out of the village into another, unknown trail. No way to escape with these guards flanking her with guns in their hands. She breathed in, following them with fear raging inside her. How was she going to get herself out of this shit?

Vaas led them to a hut off the trail. He motioned for her to get in, as she started to tremble. What was this about? When Vaas saw she wouldn't oblige to his commands, he kicked her ass and sent her stumbling into the hut, landing face first on the dirty, wooden floor. She got up on her hips, taking in the only objects in the hut.

A small table with a wide assortment of torturing equipment sat in the farthest corner. Myra spotted tweezers, hammers, and other things she couldn't possibly name. Three to four chairs were scattered in the room and a small table sat in it's middle, a camera sitting on it. Myra frowned and remembered what Vaas had told her last night about the movies they'd make today. Ransom videos, probably sent to her parents. 

Vaas entered the hut, his heavy boots hitting the floor with force. He was obviously in a bad mood today. Only one of his men came in with them, probably the camera man. "Felipe, don't fuck up this time," Vaas growled at him. Felipe nodded his small head and took the camera while Myra got to her feet. Her body ached, more her hip where Vaas had kicked her, and her arms and wrists were full of bruises. Her left leg with the rip in her trousers was bloody and she could feel the dirt and grime on her face. She couldn't imagine what her hair looked like. 

"Sit, princesa," Vaas ordered as he took some heavy, blunt objects in his hands. Myra trembled as she went to sit on a chair farthest from Vaas. She was really getting scared now. Felipe turned his back to her, playing with the camera, flipping it in his hands. He lay his gun on the small table. Myra's mind struck up, perking like cats ears. Vulnerable state they were in. A gun at Myra's disposal and both their backs turned to her. 

Just as Vaas was turning around with a broad smile on his face and saying, "it's going to be a good fucking day today, I can feel it, hermana," Myra had already leaped with all the strength left in her and courage to the gun. She gripped it just as Vaas roared in anger at Felipe, while the latter just turned around, expressionless. She grabbed the gun too late, Felipe had his hand around her wrist. She jerked her arm up and her elbow met Felipe's nose. He growled and backed away, clutching his nose. The gun fell to the floor with a clang. 

Vaas suddenly laughed. Myra was too startled to continue her fight. He was...laughing? Why? He looked so insane at this moment, his hands holding a gun and his face lit up with true humour. Myra stalked backwards, trying to get closer to the gun. "You got me there, hermana," he said, waving his gun, sometimes landing it on Myra. "I like it when they have fucking spunk, don't you, Felipe?" He turned his gaze to his fallen man. Felipe got up in one swift moment and nodded.

"Guess," he mumbled. 

"You cocksucker," Vaas replied. "I ask you to do one fucking job, and you fucking fail it! What will I fucking do with you, you piece of fuck!?" he bellowed. Myra stood and watched the confusing scene before her eyes. "Get the fucking gun," he finally ordered. Myra watched Felipe walk behind her and heard him pick up the gun. He walked back to Vaas and handed it to him, just as this one pointed his gun to Felipe's forehead. Myra just had time to take in a breath and Vaas had shot Felipe in the head. 

"What the fuck!" Myra yelled, falling back on her ass and stumbling to the corner. Vaas looked up and chuckled, putting his gun back in his holster. Felipe's dead body lay on the ground, blood pooling out from a hole in his head. If Myra looked closely, she could see parts of brain splattered on the ground. She didn't gag, it wasn't disgusting to her.

"What? What is it, hermana?" Vaas asked, walking over to her. He crouched down in front of her while she stared back with all the courage she had left. "Not having fucking fun anymore?" He got up and stalked to the door of the hut. "Hey, you fucks, come clean this shit up!" he ordered his men. 

He twisted around and walked back to Myra, who cringed back in her corner. He leaned forward and reached his hand out. "Now, for this movie," he said. Myra frowned and squinted her eyes at him. What the fuck was wrong with this man? He was angry one second, the next he was helping her on her feet. 

She ignored his hand and got to her feet by herself. He looked down at her and squinted his eyes as well. "Don't fuck with me again, pera, or I'll destroy you," he hissed, almost like a promise, which it probably was. She snorted. SNORTED!? She was surprised with herself, and wondered with what courage she had just done that. 

She walked off to the chair before Vaas could do or say anything. She sat down obediently and stared at him as he took the camera in his hands, placed the small table in front of her, and set the camera on it. He smiled when the camera went off with a small beep. "Hi folks, it is I again," he greeted the viewers. He walked behind Myra, who followed him with her eyes. "We have Myra Banks here, a real pretty pera, who just sums up what I call worthy. Now, if you're her mama and papa, I'm asking for six million for Myra. But, tsk tsk, another six for her fiends, Jake and Ella I believe, if you even care to save them." 

Myra looked straight in the camera and shook her head. "He's lying. He won't send us back and you won't see us again," she stated coldly. Vaas slapped her across the face. Her lip busted and she felt blood trickle down her face. 

"That's right. If your fucking people don't sent the motherfucking money!" he yelled. Myra couldn't contain the heavy laugh that left her lips.

"Lies!" she yelled, her voices cracking. Just as she was bringing her head back up, Vaas threw his fist into her face. She felt the pain first and then the throbbing. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her cut lip to endure the throbbing sensation on her left cheek. She knew it would leave an ugly bruise. 

"Don't fuck with me Myra!" he roared, turning around to shut the camera off. "Bring her in!" he yelled. Myra looked up as she got up in her seat. One of Vaas' men brought in someone with a bag over their head. It was obvious that they were a girl with blonde hair. And just as the bag come off, Myra gasped. Ella. 

She looked frantic. Her hair was in knots and looked like hay. Her eyes were wild, heavy, and so terrified it almost hurt to look at. Myra noticed the assortment of bruises on her arms, wrist, around her neck, and on the flesh exposed at her hips. Her pants had been ripped so badly it didn't bother if she just walked in underwear. Her t-shirt was surprisingly in good shape with two major cuts at the stomach. Myra couldn't contain the rage. "What did you do to her?" she asked, just as Ella began sobbing. 

"Nothing she couldn't take," Vaas replied with a mad smile on his lips. 

"You fucker," Myra said, whipping the blood off her chin. Vaas ignored her and continued to stare at Ella, who sobbed and thrashed around, unable to speak through the fear. 

"Let's make movies, now, shall we," he said, almost skipping back to the camera. "Now, let's do it again. Put some emotion in this, ok, pera?" he said, clicking the camera on and walking over to Myra, leaning forward so his green eyes met her blue ones. "Or else I'll shoot your little friend over here." He imitated a gun with his hand and aimed it at Ella.

"Don't touch-" Myra was interrupted when Vaas' thick and long finger pressed against her lips. 

"Keep your pretty lips closed if your going to give me shit, ok?" he said, smiling down at her. She stared back, knowing her glare was probably fired up with hate. He chuckled and pulled back. He repeated the same shit he had said before, this time putting a dominant hand on Myra's shoulder. "I give you two weeks, because I'm feeling fucking generous today," he added at the end. Myra took one look at Ella, who stared back with tears and fear in her eyes. She looked back at the camera and nodded once. 

"Do it," she spat at the camera.  

Living on the Island of Vaas (A Farcry Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin