Chapter 17: Crisis

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It is in a moment of crisis that you really come to know someone.

Chapter 17: Crisis

"Fuck!" Vaas yelled, making Myra turn to face him. She stared off in the jungle, watching Vaas' men running around, trying to get weapons before the fight began. "Those motherfuckers come to ruin my party!" he yelled in intention to his pirates. "We'll show them how we fucking party!" the whole crowd of bloodthirsty pirates roared with 'Yeahs!'. Vaas turned to Myra, gripping her shoulders. "You go to Timo's and stay there. Don't get yourself fucking killed, because I don't wanna have to fucking clean you up, ok?" he mused, rising his eyebrows at her. 

She rolled her eyes, watching the prostitutes around them scream and thrash around, some with no tops on. "Yeah," she grumbled, turning on her heals, leaving Vaas and the screaming crowd of high and drunk putas. The pirates gathered up in the square and, as she made her way across to Timo's, she heard Vaas yell his commands. The anger in her was impossible. She would miss a good fight, and a good chance to practice and make her days worth of training become worthy. However, the pirate lord thought of her as a weaken soul, sending her over to Timo's. It must be the dress. That fucking stupid dress. 

As she barged in to Timo's, hearing the roar of the pirates behind her, she grabbed a knife. Using the blade, she cut the bottom of her skirt up to high thigh, making it easier to move. The fabric tore and she flicked it aside. "Whoa," she heard. Whipping around, she saw Timo emerging from the back room, handgun in hand and a rifle slung over his shoulder. He looked at her with a surprised look, his mouth forming a small 'O'. 

"Timo!" she said, breathing heavy. "Do you happen to have my trousers that I came back with from Badtown?" she asked, making her way to the man. He nodded, flicking his head to the counter Myra had stood beside. Her shirt was there too, thank God, and her boots. She didn't hesistate, pulling her trousers on and flicking the painful flats away. She heard the booming of voices as a gun went off, shooting a zillion bullets in the air. With a huff, she lifted the remains of her dress over her head and tugged down her red tank. In two swift motions, she had her boots on and a knife in hand. "Thank you, Timo," she said, turning to face him and giving him a genuine smile. With a sarcastic wave of her hand, she barged back out in the night, determined to show whoever was out there what she was capable of. 

Rakyat and pirates mingled in with prostitutes and dead bodies. The square of the camp was invaded, Rakyat warriors throwing knives while pirates shot guns. Myra almost tripped on the dead body of a girl, topless and a knife in her throat. Myra smirked upon seeing the tattoos on her arms, similar to the ones the Rakyat wore. The girl had been Rakyat. 

Guns went off behind her, knives flew by her head and screams blew out in the air. She turned swiftly, scanning the crowd with her eyes, trying to spot an easy target. And there it was. A pirate was being held down by a huge Rakyat man, the latter one's hands around the pirate's neck. They both struggled for a chance to kill each other, and as Myra approached with her knife in hand, the pirate's eyes were rolling back into their sockets. Myra grabbed the Rakyat by his thick and long, black braid, pulling his head back. She watched the surprised look on his face as she exposed more of his neck. Vaas had told her: "Become unpredictable." 

Myra plunged the knife in the Rakyat's neck, twisting her hand and watching the blood spurt out. He gurgled, bringing his hands up to his neck in an attempt to keep the life from draining out of him. Myra saw the blood freckle her arms and drip down her hands, landing on her boots and soaking her tank. The knife still in the mans' trachea, Myra slid her hand sideways, cutting his throat. The Rakyat fell, bringing with him a dazed Myra. She tugged the knife out of his neck before he could fall with it. She felt the rush again, bathing inside her and begging her to do something of the sort again. And she told the rush she would. 

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