Chapter 21: To No Place in Particular

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I need a hero to save me just in time.

Chapter 21: To No Place in Particular 

Myra was having an inner battle with her thoughts. On one side, she could pretend like the bruises on her face never existed, go up to Vaas, and shake hands with the person who inflicted the wounds. However, she could turn and walk away, return to the safety of Timo's kitchen; well the safest it could get. The fire seemed to attract most of her attention now, burning slowly and eternally. The flames, caught in their eternal roaring and battling, licking the wood with their scorching tongues. She stared at the flames, weighing her options and listening to the soft growls of Bella behind her. The cold was in her stomach, the heat was on her face, reflecting in her eyes. Myra wasn't someone to back away and cringe in the corner, scared half to death. On the other hand, she was strong with situations like these, and would usually get them over with. Then forgive and forget. But Vaas was just a human.

Mistakes are human. Forgiveness is divine. 

She sighed, breathing in until her chest almost touched her chin and exhaled into the air. Blue eyes scrolled to where the devil stood behind the blaze. She hadn't realized how she missed the crazy torment of the eyes of the demon, how incredibly desirable they were. She missed the way the colors never seemed to decide which would be dominant, sometimes more green, other times hazel and on the rare occasions, grey. She missed the fire, the rage coiling behind the stormy sea of his orbs. She missed the raw anger and determination hiding beyond the iris. Licking her lips, Myra felt the devil hiding inside her emerge as well. Oh, this feeling inside her made her devilish side break from the shield she'd created.

Her heart seemed to beat the shit out of her chest, pushing against the bones to burst out. When the feeling calmed, she looked away from Vaas, a smirk tugging at the side of her lips, and walked away. Her steps were slow and calculated, gaining the company of Bella's small paws not soon after. Her ears focused on the sound of her boots crushing the dirt under them, flattening it even more. She forced her legs to move slowly, because if it wasn't for her mind screaming to walk slow, she'd run back to Timo's. The ache pounding in the legs that were forced to walk slowly, was beginning to give the itch back to Myra. She wanted to run. She wanted to throw herself in the flames and let them consume them, let the devil pick at her flesh and bleed her out. 

Predator and prey, the game the pirate lord loved the most. It spiked up his nerves, jolting the adrenaline inside the veins snaking in his body like vicious snakes hungry for a kill. He liked the game because he always won. He liked it more with women, when they taunted him, lingered themselves before he finally pounced and satisfied the hunger in him. However, with Myra it was different on so many levels. He knew that when he'd come back, she would hold a grudge on what he did to her. Although his memory is blanked for most of the things during that famous night, he remembered beating the shit out of her. He wouldn't deny the colors painted on her face were kind of cute in a sick, twisted way. 

Vaas knew the game she was attempting to play. Myra wanted to play victim. However, he knew, deep down, she had missed him. It was in her eyes when she first set the beautiful blue on his crazy green. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Vaas watched Myra walk, seeing her forcing to take her time. With a smirk tugging on his lips, he followed at the same pace.

Bella was trotting next to Myra, squeaking at flies and jumping to try to catch them. She felt Vaas follow her, his huge presence taking up most of the space. Her back burned with the familiar fire, the tense atmosphere enclosing around them. She didn't need to look back to know the devil was on her tracks. 

"Myra." The rasp, desirable voice of the demon behind her sent a chill up her spine. He was still far behind her, but his voice had boomed all the way up to her. Like a snake, his presence slithered into her ears and invaded her senses. She was tempted to bite her lip while the chilling rush snaked up her spine. Bella didn't seem to notice the thing that was going on around her.

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