Chapter 7: Attack

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You have the right to take my life. But know, I will also take yours.

Chapter 7: Attack

For the next two days, Vaas completely ignored Myra. During the night, she could hear him tormenting the other captives, mostly the new ones. He did cut that guys dick off, which he was proud to say aloud. He had been roaming around the cage beside Myra's, telling a story that had no point, when a man told him to shut up. Vaas' anger grew high, even Myra could feel it. The other captives cringed in their spots as the pirate lord made his way to the man, feet pounding the jungle floor. He kicked the man through the cage and then bellowed,"don't you fucking tell me to shut up! I AM THE FUCKING KING OF THIS KINGDOM AND NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO! HEY! Look at me! Look me in the fucking eye!" The man looked up, hope completely lost. "You're my bitch. I'm the one with the fucking dick. Not you, certainly, amigo. I cut yours off days ago. How does that feel, hm? Feel like a man now? Feel tough, hm, hermano? Hey! Answer me when I fucking talk to you!" 

"Please," the man murmured, slumping down on his side. Vaas couldn't believe it. Myra watched him grow even calmer. Why? Myra couldn't bring herself to understand this man. 

"That's it," he said. "Beg for your life like a fucking dog. C'mon, go on." His voice was getting gentler, and his eyes malicious, like if he was enjoying it. And oh boy he was! Myra caught on that he wanted people to beg for their lives, he wanted to see the last flicker of hope disappear, wanted to be the one to take it away. Though the man didn't beg anymore, Vaas continued to watch him. After a moment of senseless staring, Vaas chuckled. "You're just worth too much, hermano. Maybe if you weren't worth as much, I'd kill you." And to that he strolled off into the jungle. Myra knew he was going to another little camp, she just hoped it wasn't to go see Ella.

She wondered where that one was, and if she was still even alive. Myra counted in her head and calculated that she had been here at most one week. Which meant her parents had still a week to pay, and if Vaas was a man of his word, he'd keep the three alive. But what about Jake that she saw hanging, half dead, on a tree? Did Vaas put him up there still alive, intending to kill him, or just for display? She tended to go for the latter one. Vaas liked to display his accomplishments, like trophies. Myra just hoped that her parents would send the money, and her friends could get out of here. She knew they would never let them go back home, that was off Myra's list of hopes. She knew they'd be shipped off to whoever bought them and Vaas would probably use the money from her people for his own, sick pleasures. She just hoped she wasn't one of his sick pleasures.

During the day, Myra could hear Vaas yelling at the men who were in charge of the extension to his shanty. He yelled absolute senseless words, but it made Myra smile. Why, though? Because it's just how twisted Myra's humor is. She didn't want to go live in his shanty, though, completely at his mercy, which she hated above all. She hated having something of hers, depend on someone else. A great example; Myra's life was in Vaas' hands. She hated being at someone's mercy, doing something because they threaten her of taking away something. The only real things Vaas could take away that wouldn't bother her like her life, was her friends and a fuck. She knew he wouldn't fail next time he'd try to rape her. Myra would rather be dead than have to live her whole life with a memory of that sort.

It was on the third morning that Vaas came to see Myra. She had just finished eating her bowl of rice that she was beginning to hate, and drinking some rain water, and was now sitting in the corner. She stared at the ground, wondering how Vaas would look like without a dick. No, not physically, but metaphorically. Would he still walk around his camp like he was the shit? Would he still scream and wave his pathetic gun around if he knew nothing hung between his legs? How manly, just how manly, would he act then?

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