Just Tourists ✔️

By 94sMixtape

731K 32.2K 6.1K

Highest Rank: ||Mystery/Thriller #1|| ||Action #3|| We don't have a written manual on how to survive being... More

Just Tourists
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Character Ask
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Just the Truth
Extra Materials

Chapter 25

11.7K 668 104
By 94sMixtape

Wow early update cuz you met the goal on Instagram! So for anyone who hasn't followed yet the account name is @ justundercover and I'm still interviewing people for co-ownership!

"Eric?" I exclaimed looking into the interview room in utter amazement. What the hell is going on here? Is this some sort of prank?

"Wait you know him?" Adriano asks me with as much confusion in his eyes as me.

"Yeah he's my boyfriend but he's supposed to be back home in Los Angeles," I explained. The blonde headed boy turned around and I gasped once again even though, honestly, I should've seen it coming.

"Do you know who he is too?"

"Yeah he's my ex boyfriend. Although to be fair, he tried killing us," I explained and Adriano just looked more bewildered.

"You're all quite a group aren't you?" he asks with a chuckle.

"Can you go get the sergeant? Or anyone who will let me into the interview room? I need to find out what's going on," I told Adriano and he nods his head and goes back out.

Why in the world was Eric here in Rome and why on earth did he bring Jacob of all people with him? Oh my god, did Jacob actually manage to murder someone this time?

While pondering what kind of evil doings Jacob managed to drag my boyfriend into, my phone began buzzing in my pocket and I hesitantly reached down for it.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Charlee? Its me, Melody," I heard a frantic voice on the other line.

"Melody are you ok?" I asked her stepping away from the interview view to talk to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's Eric I'm worried about. Have you heard from him?" she asked me.

"He's actually right here," I told her glaring at the wall.

"Oh thank god! Can I talk to him?" she asks me.

"Well the thing is, he's being held by the Italian police force at the moment so I haven't gotten to talk to him either. I don't even know why he's here," I informed her with a light chuckle.

"Listen Charlee, please, this is really important," Melody said sounding even more frantic now. What is happening with the Alonzo family? I swear they're all crazy.

"Eric can not go to the Embassy under any circumstances. Please, whatever you do, don't take him there. Don't introduce him to anyone from the Embassy," Melody instructed and I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Is everything ok?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell you what's going on but you're going to have to trust me that its the best thing for Eric. Tell him I love him and that he needs to call me as soon as he can," she said, her voice a lot calmer and with that she hung up the phone.

I literally have no clue what's going on.

"Charlee they're letting you into the interview room, c'mon," Adriano popped his head into the room and motioned me over. I didn't hesitate to follow him out and into another corridor leading to a door. It was blocked by a guard but as soon as Adriano and I showed up he nodded his head and allowed us in.

Inside the room Eric and Jacob were sitting in front of steel tables while two police officers were talking to them in poor english. You could tell they were having trouble communicating with each other based on the confused expressions and Jacob's occasional angry grunts.

"Charlee?" Eric exclaimed stadning up once he saw me.

"Oh finally! For once you're here to do something," Jacob smiled relieved to see me.

"Shut up Callahan," I told him coldly.

"For the last time, I'm not a Callahan anymore dammit," he seethed. I ignored him and instead went up to hug Eric. I would've kissed him but something tells me the Italian officers wouldn't have appreciated me kissing their suspects.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I came to visit you but we got caught up in a compromising situation. I can clear everything up but we're having a hard time explaining," he told me and I nodded my head.

"My Italian isn't the best but we have an Italian girl here on the team," I told him thinking of Bianca.

"Ok good because I think I know where Marco is," Eric told me.

So Eric explained the entire story to me, twice because Jacob kept adding side comments, and I called Bianca in to translate while I headed out as fast as I could to find Marco.





"He's where??" Tiffany asked me with a bewildered expression.

"He's in the men's bathroom," I repeated and Tiffany gave me a grossed out look and I rolled my eyes.

"Tiffany you've literally climbed through a trash chute but you can't walk into the men's restroom???" I asked her bewildered.

"But there are urinals in there," she told me.

"Urinals?? Are you kidding me?" I asked her.

"They freak me out!" she exclaimed.

"Fine just stand guard," I told her rolling my eyes.

"No it's stupid of me sorry, I'll go in," she sighed and I patted her shoulder awkwardly as we began walking in the direction of the bathrooms. There were over ten different bathrooms in the airport and we couldn't reopen the place until we found Marco.

The first bathroom we tried was completely empty which was disappointing but better than the next bathroom which was occupied and I finally understood why Tiffany wasn't so fond of urinals. It was quite the traumatic experience for all of us.

"We're running out of bathrooms to check," Tiffany muttered angrily and she was right. There were only two left and we were running out of time. People were anxious to get the airport up and running again.

"Wait, what if he isn't where we think he is?" I asked her.

"What do you mean? The clues clearly point to him hiding in the bathroom?" she reasoned.

"Correct but what if he isn't in the men's bathroom at all?" I pointed out and she groaned.

"Does that mean we have to go back and check them all over again?"

"No I think we can pin point it," I told her.


"Well the bathroom closest to the fountain would be too close and too obvious so I think he would've chosen the next one after it," I explained and she nodded her head. At this point we were willing to try anything.

We stepped inside the women's bathroom and began looking through the stalls. Each one was empty so far and we were getting ready to leave when we finally got lucky at the final bathroom stall.

There was a boy huddled in the corner of the stall, sitting on the toilet. He was wearing a jacket despite the warm weather and he looked disheveled. His hair was blonde but in an unnatural way where you could tell his real hair color was brunet because you could see his roots. His lip was busted and when we opened the door his eyes enlarged in fear.

Out of impulse or maybe adrenaline he struck out at Tiffany, missing her only by a mere inch.

"Woah, we're not here to hurt you. Your brother is looking for you," Tiffany told him lifting up her hands to indicate that she didn't have any weapons with her.

"M-my brother?" he asked.

"Yeah, you're Marco right?" I asked him, helping him up to his feet.

"Yes, sorry I tried hitting you," he apologized to Tiffany moving his hair out of his face.

"It's ok, I'm Tiffany and this is Charlee," she greeted him shaking his hand. He smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. I could tell he was still wary of us.

"We need to take you back to your brother, we've shut down the whole airport for you," I explained.

"I'm sorry about that and I really want to trust you but I can't just follow you. I don't really have any proof that you're here with my brother," he explained looking down at the ground, almost as if he were ashamed that he couldn't trust us.

"I understand that, would it help if we brought him here?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Alright but Tiffany is going to stay here with you to make sure you don't run off, I'll be right back," I told him and Tiffany nodded her head understanding that we couldn't trust this kid 100% either. We don't know the real Marco, after all.

I ran out of the bathroom and headed back to inform Adriano that we found Marco. I found the girls standing outside of the interview room with a few men from airport security. Bianca was angrily yelling and the other girls were trying to calm her down.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"These idiots managed to lose the two other suspects who were at the fountain who originally had Marco," Bianca muttered looking at the guards in disgust.

"Look we don't have time for this, people need to go places and every minute we stall, this company loses money. Send all of the information found at the crime scene to our laboratory and release the witnesses. We found Marco," I told the head security guard sternly. He hesitated but finally nodded his head.

In less than a few minutes we had Marco out of the bathroom and loaded up into the van without much commotion. We got the airport running back on track. Everyone headed back to the car except for Bianca and Blaire who stayed with me while we waited for Eric and Jacob to be released. They were still being asked a few final questions.

"I'm never coming back to Italy, this was a completely horrible welcoming," Jacob's voice rang out as soon as he stepped out of the interrogation room followed by Eric who looked like he was bearing a horrible migraine.

"Actually, the welcoming just got better," he smiled when his eyes fell on Bianca.

"I knew Italian girls were cute but damn," he extended his hand out to her and she... blushed? Bianca blushed? I didn't even know she was capable of doing that.

"Don't fall for his charms, he should be locked up somewhere right now wearing an unflattering shade of orange," Blaire scowled at Jacob

"Nice seeing you again," Jacob smirked, winking at Blaire.

"How did they even let you on that plane? Aren't you some type of flight risk?" Blaire asked him with disgust.

"If you were on the plane we could make some turbulence," he laughed and Blaire slapped him right across the face immediately silencing him.

"I just remembered how much I hated you all," Jacob muttered rubbing his cheek.

"I never forgot," Blaire responded and I sighed. I guess some things never change...

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