Just Let Go (Harry Styles)

By seaorca

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I rolled over and smacked my alarm off. I couldn't get to sleep last night because I couldn't shake this unco... More

Chapter One - My Job
Chapter Two - One Of Those Days
Chapter Three - Should I?
Chapter Four - Yeah.. She's Coming
Chapter Five - Airport
Chapter Six - Meeting The Boys
Chapter Seven - Management
Chapter Eight - Run, Tacos and Harry
Chapter Nine - Trafalgar Square
Chapter Ten - Papa... Paparazzi
Chapter Eleven - Thoughts and Feelings
Chapter Twelve - Up All Night
Chapter Thirteen - The Interview
Chapter Fourteen - What's Done is Done
Chapter Sixteen - Louis and Harry
Chapter Seventeen - Liam
Chapter Eighteen - Niall
Chapter Nineteen - Zayn
Chapter Twenty - Getting Ready
Chapter Twenty-One - Soundtrack Sneakpeak
Chapter Twenty-Two - You are a _____ and Don't Forget It!
Chapter Twenty-Three - Cold
Chapter Twenty-Four - Be alright
Chapter Twenty-Five - Realization!
Chapter Twenty-Six - Confession!
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Morning of Love
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Step Up to the Plate
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Answer!
Chapter Thirty - BP: Barns Patrick Advertising Corporation
Chapter Thirty-One - Internship Event
Chapter Thirty-Two - This Cruel Life
Chapter Thirty-Three - Investigation
Chapter Thirty-Four - Half a Heart
Chapter Thirty-Five - Broken
Chapter Thirty-Six - Pizza!
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Let Go

Chapter Fifteen - Girl Time!

78 5 0
By seaorca

Dedication goes to my friend Amanda because she is reading my story and is a new member of the Wattpad world! Welcome hun! ;)

Enjoy :)


Chapter Fifteen

I heard a knock at the door and looked up nervously from my laptop screen shaking at who it could be. All that went away when Louis' voice came through it.

"Hey Kristen, I made some eggs if you are hungry." I didn't say anything so he continued. "Just reminding you the boys and I have an all day rehearsal for the private gig tonight. Are you sure you would rather stay here?"

Of course I would rather stay here. I was absolutely miserable and the cause of it was somewhere on the other side of that door. I hadn't left my.. Harry's room all night and morning and I was going to keep it that way until they left.

I was hurt and didn't want to be near any boy from One Direction including the sweet ones because they are connected to him.

He had really confused me yesterday and after last night... Hurt doesn't even cover how he made me feel last night. My heart hurt and my throat was groggy from suppressed tears I was not going to cry for him.

"Kristen?" Louis' caring voice came back through the door.

"Yes, Louis. I am fine here. Go and practice." I shouted back at him loud enough so he could hear me.

"Okay... Have a good day! See you later." I heard him turn and leave. Giving them a few minutes I waited before I ventured out of the room.

My throat was so sore and I needed water badly. When I smelled the food once I entered the kitchen my stomach growled. quickly pouring myself a glass of water I made a plate for myself of scrambled eggs and a cup of yogurt on the side.

I leaned over the counter slouching over my plate of food enjoying the silence and being grateful to finally be alone and not needing to act.

Because of what happened with Harry last night I was going to throw my hands up in the air and give up... On him anyway. BP was now easier to focus on without him troubling my thoughts.

When was the fundraiser and gala? I thought back to the second trip I made with the boys earlier in the week to visit management again to do scheduling for the events of the album release month.  

I couldn't pinpoint the exact date so I made a mental note to check my planner later.

After cleaning my dishes I made my way over to the couch and stretched out comfortably grabbing the remote and switching on the TV.

I couldn't help but think of what had happened between me and Harry just two days ago in this same exact place. He almost kissed me twice and not one of those times did our lips touch but connections were sent between us I could feel and I am sure he did as well. That's why after yesterday I was so shocked.

It was time to move on now and truly focus on why I flew around the world to London. Trying to at least to get my foot in the door at BP cooperation would make me feel better than not trying at all. My life in America was wonderful but I knew getting with my dream job would be better. Living in London would be a whole new adventure!

I was starting to get excited now. All thoughts of Harry were gone and I was loving lounging on the couch with my pajamas on enjoying my Sunday midmorning doing nothing!

Suddenly I heard a knock at the door and I wondered who it could be. One of the boys friends? Was it a fan? Geez no way! I got up and walked curiously over to the door getting on my tip toes to see through the peek hole.

I saw a beautiful girl with lovely long brown wavy hair standing on the other side waiting patiently for me to open the door. I couldn't open it in what I was wearing! I have standards for myself and first impressions are everything.

"Just a minute!" I called racing to Harry's room to throw on a camisole and leggings covering my shoulders with a light sweater.

Back at the door, I hesitated at the handle. Should I open the door? I don't know this person and this isn't my house or home Country. There was this missing strength inside me from not being in America. I think it was because I was here alone with no back-up.

"Kristen?" The girl knocked again surprising me that she knew my name. I opened the door meeting her eyes.

"Oh hello! I have a key but I didn't want to scare you or anything. I am Eleanor Calder, Louis' girlfriend." She smiled sweetly taking me into a friendly hug. I was surprised to see her here.

Uh... Okay. This was quite weird. I was expecting to meet her at an event or concert.

"Louis isn't here." I informed her politely after the hug. I felt bad because she already missed him. I wonder if she got to see him often with his busy schedule.

"Yes, I know. I am here to see you! May I come in?"

"Oh! How rude of me! Come in." I moved from the doorway to allow her room to enter. She slipped past and instantly I could tell she's been here multiple times because she looked comfortable and at home standing in the living room.

We stood in silence for a minute while I patiently waited for her to explain her surprise and sudden visit.

I guess she can read minds because she then spoke.

"You must be wondering why I'm here. Well, I heard from Louis that you were coming over here from the states. I know about Harry's little plan." She laughed then continued. "So I decided to take a chance and see if you were here but all of me knew you must have gone with them to the rehearsal so I'm kinda glad your here!" Her smile never faltered as she spoke very kindly to me.

Her story sounded very sincere, but I truly wonder if that was the truth. I mentally sighed. I have really stopped trusting people.

"Do you need something or just wanted to meet me?" I asked very politely.

"Yes! I came here to ask if you wanted some girl time? These boys are a handful so it would be my pleasure to help with therapy." She winked at me playfully her smile getting bigger.

Girl time. Words I have really missed. I weighed the options quickly in my head. Sit here and feel sorry for myself or go out and have fun... I'll pick the latter.

"Sounds great! Let me put something else on. It looks a bit nippy outside." I motioned to her outfit and she laughed.

"A bit, yes! I'll wait for you here."

Eleanor surprised me by taking me to Westfield Shopping Centre which is a a popular mall in London. Inside was many stores ranging from clothing to beauty products all in an area called The Village.

"Let's go in here next!" Eleanor grabbed my arm pulling me fast into a very high class store with gowns and dresses that are fit for the red carpet.

"We'll need gowns for the gala in a couple days." She pulled me along the walls covered in glamorous dresses. I slid my hand along the satin soft material never did I imagine owning a dress like these. I would never have a need for it so having one in the past would have been such a waste.

"This would look gorgeous on you!" Eleanor exclaimed pulling a sleeveless and backless pearl pink floor length dress down to show me. "You have to try it on!" She handed me the dress and pushed me to the dressing rooms. I wasn't a huge fan of pink since I always thought it made you look immature but I went in just to make her happy.

I was enjoying this girl time. We had already gone into many cute stores. Eleanor was awesome and I felt like I had known her all my life. She was fun and quirky and never short of a joke. I hadn't been this relaxed in ages.

On my way here I was in the mind set that I wasn't in the mood to buy anything but I already had purchased a new pair of black heels, skinny Jeans and two soft warm sweaters since it was fridget outside. The past couple days the weather has been getting colder and colder. That is another reason I wasn't a fan of the dress... That is until I slipped it on and turned to look at myself.

The sweetheart neckline and the embellished ruffled bust made my breasts look stunning with a design of sequins and rhinestones marking the empire waist wrapping around my neck then down and around my body to the back. The satin was soft to the touch and made me feel very feminine. I looked like an angelic angel and I knew then and there that this was the dress.

"Hurry, Kristen! I'm dying to see it!"

I emerged from the dressing room. Eleanor's mouth dropping open when she saw me then quickly changed to a huge grin reaching ear to ear as she applauded me.

"You look hot! The world will be envious of you and Harry will just fall more in love."

"More in love? What do you mean?"

Realizing what she had just said her smile faltered a bit as she squirmed uncomfortablly all of a sudden.

"It's just a figure of speech. Don't take it seriously!" She waved it off. "Get changed! I'm starving!"

I returned to the dressing room now frazzled by her words. Harry loves me?

Eleanor told me about her first year at uni over lunch at the food court section of the mall. I listened intensively as she spoke animatedly and used her hands. her words from earlier still hadn't left my mind and now I was second guessing all of my thoughts from earlier about focusing only on BP and forgetting about Harry.

"Your quiet. What's on your mind?" Eleanor noticed my lack of responses throughout the whole meal. I was being reluctant to talk to her. I had no friends over here and I wasn't sure if I could tell Eleanor. "You can talk to me. Come on." She coaxed me reassuringly.

I couldn't tell her everything because that would give my real purpose away and I knew if anyone found out I'd be in major trouble.

"Just thinking about what you said earlier about Harry."

"Just forget about that, I wasn't being serious." She was being light on the subject.

"Oh I know." I said reserved.

"Know what?" She asked.

"That Harry doesn't love me. Doesn't care for me at all in fact." I said completely honest recalling what happened between us yesterday feeling my heart painfully sink into my stomach again.

"Oh..." She was surprised by my response. "What makes you think that?"

What is she doing? Is she purposefully trying to add more thoughts of Harry in my head!?

"Because I can tell. He has been treating me horribly the last couple of days and is confusing as freaking heck!" I was getting angry. It felt so good to voice all my frustrations to someone. She sat across from me quietly and listened to me rant about everything.

After I was finished she didn't say anything for a minute. Finally she spoke.

"Let me start off by saying I am on nobodies side here. I stay neutral when it comes to fights between friends." She said looking straight into my eyes. I nodded to let her know that I understood and to continue. "Harry is really stressed and uptight right now. There are many things going on in his life that he is trying to take with ease but it's hard so give him some slack if he is falling short with you."

"What sort of things?" That was the absolute main part that stuck out to me. Maybe he knew about me and the thought of it sickened him or something? If that was the case then wouldn't he have approached me by now instead of move to kiss me twice now two days in a row?

"They are not mine to share." She moved to rest her head on her hands. "Maybe he'll tell you one day." She smiled sweetly at me.

Feeling like we didn't get anywhere with this conversation I began to pack my tray of trash to throw it away. Eleanor followed but not before she caught my attention with her words.

"Give Harry space and time. He is confused in his head right now and that's all he needs so that he can see what he truly values."

"So Harry is gay?" She looked at me with a face of hysterical surprise then busted out laughing.

"No!" She said once her laughs had quieted down. "He isn't. Not that kind of confusion." She smirked at me then proceeded to throw her trash away.

"How do you really know?" I couldn't help but ask. This was a pressing matter!

"Because I know him better than you think! I used to work with him in a bakery."

"Harry used to work in a bakery?" I was shocked.

"Yes. Did a really good job too!" We both stared at each other then started laughing randomly. Harry worked at a bakery! This was knew news. I think I was laughing because I could picture Harry working at a bakery and to be honest... The picture was adorable.

The air around us was light again as we grabbed our bags and walked out of the mall to her car. Before Eleanor opened the trunk she turned on me suddenly.

"There is one thing I need to get off my chest." She looked a bit nervous. Weird since that is strange for her even though I only have just met her today.

"Well.. I kinda lied to you today." Oh I didn't like where this was going. "I didn't just go over to the flat because I hoped you would be there. Louis called me and asked me if I could help cheer you up." She looked at me waiting for my response. So she knew before hand what was going on with me. I wonder what she thinks now since she had heard Harry's side and mine.

I didn't say anything for a moment. She looked so apologetic and voiced it multiple times. It's fine though because I did enjoy her company. Louis was right to call her.

"It's okay, Eleanor." I smiled at her.

"Really?" Her eyes brightened with good again. "I am really glad Louis called me because I got to get to know you. You are really beautiful person and I enjoyed your company."

"I feel the same way. You have made me feel less alone in this new country to me and I appreciate it greatly." I smiled at her. "Friends?"

"Duh!" She hugged me tight squealing. Releasing me, she quickly opened the trunk of the car and threw our bags in.

"It's freezing!" I shouted running to the passenger side sliding in hurriedly. "Heater! Heater!" I said rubbing my hands together.

"I'm going! I'm going!" She said starting the engine blasting the heat.

I sent up a quick prayer of thanks because Eleanor was a doll, fun to be around and I am grateful for her therapeutic methods.  

We left the parking lot and drove all the way to the flat talking the whole way.

Once home she helped me carry my buys in then we sat on the couch and watched TV till late. I didn't have a time because I fell asleep.

My sleep was surprisingly very peaceful and it was probably due to my great mood, day and friend. I stirred slightly when I heard a door click closed and hushed voices.

"Boo bear." I heard Eleanor's sleepy voice through my mid conscious state.

"That's me baby cakes." I heard some movement then retreating steps.

I was about to drift back fully to sleep when arms gently slid underneath me and I was raised into the air. The contact giving me a slight shock.

Harry... My mind said because my mouth couldn't find the words. Suddenly the body I was against stiffened. I snuggled into it and it relaxed again. I had never been in this state before but it was nice. Sleep but not. It was right on the line you would think it's a dream.

I was so calm and peaceful that full sleep found me easily again.


Kristen's dress is posted to the side.  

Hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment please!!

~Sea :)

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