Sonic: Wrath of Dr. Ladimir

By Starjoel

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Available only on Wattpad. STORY COMPLETED Sonic and Eggman are forced to team up when a new enemy threats th... More

Ch. 1: Dr. Ladimir
Ch. 2: Welcome back Sonic
Ch. 3: Dr. Ladimir strikes
Ch. 4: Archenemies united
Ch. 5: The Egg Emperor Reborn
Ch. 6: The second attack
Ch. 7: Scourge the Hedgehog
Ch. 8: Madness Escape
Ch. 9: Battle of Robots
Ch. 10: The Mystic Palace
Ch. 11: Sonic vs Dr. Ladimir (1st fight)
Ch. 12: Beyond Dimensions
Ch. 13: Dr. Ladimir's Plans
Ch. 14: It has Begun
Ch. 15: Against the Clock
Ch. 17: Return of the Super Hedgehogs
The Finale: Super Sonic vs. Eggman
A Song to Close the Book

Ch. 16: Sonic vs Dr. Ladimir (2nd fight)

35 4 0
By Starjoel


Once again, I got into the D- world (Dimensional world). While I was passing through the wormhole, I was dashing my way through. I wasn't flying this time; there were roads were I could dash. While at it, I saw some strange enemies along the way. This enemies had the aspects of Dr. Ladimir's robots, only that they didn't look like robots, but monsters. Ladimir must asked to the Emerald of Dimensions that he wanted a world with monsters with the aspects of his robots.

I couldn't fight them with my Homing attack since I was dashing, so I just had to evade them. Fortunately, I could make them crash themselves against some flying rocks and walls. It's been a while since I had a dashing moment like this. Just like in passed adventures, I did many kinds of abilities, like jumping from wall to wall, skating in rails, and even jumping straight to those red springboards with a star on it. On some parts, I had to maintain my speed since some roads were twisted. On my last twisted road, I jumped and did a homing attack on some flying enemies; they made me a good trail straight to a giant spring board that took me straight to another section of the D- world. Once I landed on a solid floor, I could decrease my speed for a while, but I didn't stopped moving.

I saw another bunch of enemies that started to throw rocks at me. I quickly dashed out of the way to evade it and rapidly jumped and pushed one of the monsters with a kick, causing to crash with another one, and they ended up falling. I attacked the other monster with a Homing attack while I was in the air. After that, I kept moving forward straight to another twisted road; I passed it at high speed and found myself with other springboards that took me to others. After going from springboard to springboard, I started skating on another rail. It took me to a dead end, but I quickly managed to jump on a monster that was flying near it. I managed to reach another rail and kept going. I was a while on it until I finally made it to the end, where I'll make a jump straight to a colored ring that send me flying straight to another big springboard that send me on another far away place.

The next section was full of floating platforms with the intention of breaking if someone step on it. I started to jump on each platform as quickly as possible; I didn't stayed in one of them, not even in a single second. There was a black vortex below all the platforms, so I knew that if I fall, that would be my end. I managed to see another portal on the place that I was trying to reach. Finally, I managed to pass all the platforms and finally entered the portal.

After getting through, I got into a small room, and there was another door toward me. I was going to opened it, but I suddenly felt that someone was behind me. I looked behind in a defensive state, but it wasn't Dr. Ladimir or any other monster; it was Pedal the Echidna, the sister of Tikal the Echidna.

"Pedal?" Sonic said.

"Hello again Sonic the Hedgehog" Pedal replied.

"Didn't Dr. Ladimir hurt you?"

"You mean that man that came here with some kind of metal bird?"

"So you did saw it. I'm trying to find him; he entered into this world with some emeralds, including the Emerald of Dimensions."

"Why he would bring that into the D- World in first place?" Pedal asked herself loudly.

"He's just trying to escape; earlier, we saved my world from a menacing portal that Ladimir opened using the Emerald of Dimensions along with the chaos emeralds. And now that we spoiled his plans, he's now trying to protect the emeralds from me at any cost."

"So he's still wants to use it's power and destroy you're world. Mans like that will never change that mentality. His obsession are always on conquering or destroying. I don't know who's that man, but I'm feeling that he's going to do whatever it takes to protect the emeralds from you."

"Ja, he better be ready too, because I'll give everything I have to take the emeralds from him."

"I know that Sonic, you're very brave. But you still have to be careful, you don't know what he's planning to do."

"Don't worry about it. I'll defeat that guy and recover all the emeralds from him."

"Well, then good luck when you find him."

Sonic left Pedal behind and he passed the door. He got into a floating arena; he didn't have anywhere to go. He was dashing everywhere in order to find an exit, buy there wasn't any around. After a while, Sonic heard a strange noise coming from his left; he noticed that it was a missile, and he quickly dodged it when it got closed. The missile exploded right in the middle of the arena; after that, Sonic saw Ladimir coming with his ship.

"Jajajajaja, this is as far as you go my dear Hedgehog. Now is time for you to be exterminated" Ladimir said.

"Jaja, you don't know how many times I heard that in my whole life" Sonic replied while smiling.

"Then prepare yourself, because this is the last time that you'll hear those words once you feel the taste of my wrath!"


Ladimir quickly fired another missile straight at him, but he managed to dodge it. However, the action was unexpected, so Sonic felt after avoiding it. Ladimir tried to crush Sonic with one of the ship's hands, but Sonic dodged it after doing a spin dash. Sonic started to dash around the arena, looking for the ship's weak points. While at it, Ladimir kept shooting missiles at him; none of them hurt Sonic. Sonic decided to attack the ship with a Homing attack, so he dashed straight to him when he got the chance and hit the ship, causing to fly out of control. After that, Ladimir took the Emerald of Dimensions and opened another portal; he quickly entered, and Sonic followed him behind.

The new place were full of floating platforms; Ladimir started to fly away. Sonic had to jump from platform to platform in order to pursue him. On the way, he knocked out all the monsters that stood in his way; Sonic was also evading Ladimir's missiles attack. "How many missiles does this guy have?" Sonic wondered. Once Ladimir got to the end, he opened another portal and got through it; Sonic quickly entered after Ladimir.

On this part, Ladimir was flying on the top of a tower. Sonic had to climb the whole building to reach Ladimir while avoiding his attacks and other monsters. He quickly started to dash upward; while at it, Ladimir started to let some bombs go. Sonic started to move left and right to avoid getting hit by any of them; he was defeating some of his monsters too. He finally managed to reach him; he quickly jumped and hit Dr. Ladimir's ship once again, and the ship started to fly madly, just like last time. Just like earlier, Ladimir opened another portal and got through it, followed by Sonic once more.

Sonic started to skate on a rail once he got through the portal; there weren't any platforms on this part, only rails. Just like earlier, Ladimir was flying away from him while shooting missiles at him once again. Each missile was following a single rail; Sonic had to move from rail to rail to avoid them. They were like that for a while until Ladimir decided to open a portal once again. They both went through; Sonic saw Dr. Ladimir on a far distance, and the only way to reach him is to dash through many trials, like jumping from a floating wall to another. "Are you fast enough to dash you're way through all this?" Ladimir said loudly.

Sonic saw a big springboard toward him and jumped to it, leading him to a twisted road that he passed while dashing. He then kept dashing through a normal road full of monsters; he didn't waste his time on them, although he had to knock some of them. At the end of the road, he jumped on a small springboard that took him to other ones, so he had a nice time jumping from a springboard to another. After all that, he got into a floating platform, and he saw some rings that would take him to a big springboard. He used the rings to get straight to the springboard, leading him straight to a large road full of bombs. Sonic didn't stopped dashing; Ladimir activated the bombs, and they started to explode. The explosions almost got Sonic, but he managed to avoid them. Ladimir was at the end of the road; once Sonic reached him, he once again hit the ship with a Homing Attack, making the ship to fly madly "again". "AH! That's it! I won't go easy this time!" Ladimir said angrily.

Once again, Ladimir used the Emerald of Dimensions to open another portal, and he quickly got in. As always, Sonic entered the portal and kept following him. Sonic saw Dr. Ladimir far away from him; he was holding the Emerald of Dimensions in his left hand, and suddenly, it started to glow. A portal opened behind Sonic that had the intention of sucking him along with everything that was floating around. Without losing time, Sonic started to dash away from the portal by jumping on any platforms that got close to him thanks to the portal.

Dr. Ladimir was smiling while seeing Sonic; he was convinced that the Blue Hedgehog was defeated this time. Sonic was having a hard time getting away from the portal, but he was getting close to Ladimir with every step. Sonic didn't give up, he continue jumping from a platform to another; every platform got into the portal. After a while, Sonic was about to reach Dr. Ladimir; the Doctor's smile was over once he saw him more closer than earlier. He wasn't determined to go down that easily, so he activated one of the ship's hands and tried to push him away from him. However, Sonic dodged the attack and hold the ship's hand; the hand got back to the ship with Sonic, giving him a good chance to jump and hit the ship with a Homing Attack and finish the battle once and for all. Finally, Sonic hit the ship, causing to fly out of control once again, only that this time it was completely damaged. The ship was been sucked by the portal now that Ladimir couldn't control it anymore. "NOOOOOOOOO!" Ladimir yelled.

All the Emeralds (including the Emerald of Dimensions) got out of the ship, and Sonic quickly grabbed all them. At the end, Ladimir ended been sucked by the portal; after this, the portal started to close. However, Sonic was still at risk of been sucked in, and there weren't any other platforms that he could use to get away from it.

When Sonic was about to enter the portal, he suddenly disappeared, and the portal vanished without Sonic. Fortunately, Sonic appeared on a safe zone with all the emeralds. He was confused, he didn't know how he got in that place. He started to look around, and surprisingly he saw Pedal behind him.

"You made it Sonic. You defeated that bad man and got all the Emeralds back" Pedal said.

"Pedal! Did you save me?"

"Yes, it was me who save you from that menacing portal; however, the man that you defeated didn't escape from it."

"Ladimir? But where did he go then?"

"I don't really know, but I doubt that he would ever come back."

"Ah well, at least I have the emeralds back, just like I promised."

"Good job Sonic the Hedgehog; now let me guide you back to you're homeworld. You have everything that you needed, so you don't have to be here anymore."

"Can't I just use the Emerald of Dimensions to get back?"

"You can wish it if you want, but the Emerald would not take you to the real world, only to a dimensional version."

"Oh, I see."

Pedal walk over a gate similar to the last one that she activated to open a portal back to Earth when he and Amy stood in the D- World for the first time ever. She then touched the gate and it started to glow until it finally opened a portal.

"Thanks for you're help Pedal, I won't ever forget you" Sonic said.

"It was nothing Sonic. Now go and enjoy you're world with all you're friends. Oh, and tell you're girlfriend that I send her my greetings. You now, the one that was with you on you're first trip here."

"Eeeeeeeh, she's not my girlfriend" Sonic said while turning red.

Finally, Sonic entered the portal and got back to his world. After flying through the wormhole, he finished in Dr. Ladimir's laboratory again. The first thing he saw toward him was Omega. "Hey Omega! I got the Emeralds back!" Sonic said. Suddenly, Sonic was trapped by a robotic hand controlled by Dr. Eggman from the main computer. He brought Sonic closed to him and started to shake him, and the Emeralds felt from Sonic. Eggman grabbed them all and headed to the weapon that created the gigantic portal on space.

"Muahahahahaha! Finally! The Emerald of Dimensions is mine! Muahhahahahaha!"

"Eggman! You big knucklehead, what are you doing!?" Sonic asked angrily.

"I think that it's pretty obvious. I'm going to use the power of this emerald in order to take over the world! And thanks to that fool of Dr. Ladimir, I have everything I need to achieve my goal. The weapon that created the giant portal in space, the robot of devastation that Ladimir used to attack Station Square, and a great fleet with tons of battleships. Once I open the portal in space once again, I'm going to head there with my fleet, and I'm going to dominate the world from my new base of operations; "The Eggimension".

"You big egghead! You were waiting for a precise moment to take the Emerald of Dimensions and have it for yourself! You were using me all this time!"

"Well, not exactly. I was helping you from the beginning, but this idea came to me when you entered the portal to recover all the emeralds."

"Omega, why didn't you stopped him?" Sonic asked.

"He can't hear you; I deactivated him when he wasn't looking at me."

"Aaaarrgh, EGGMAN!" Sonic yelled.

"Now, if you excuse me, there's a dimensional world that I must create."

Dr. Eggman activated the weapon with all the emeralds in it once again, and it fired a laser at space, creating the gigantic portal once again. The portal didn't have the threat of consuming the planet, and there wasn't any fireballs or meteors again since Eggman didn't wanted to destroy Earth, but to dominated it.

Once the portal was created, the weapon turned off by itself, and the chaos emeralds felt from it. The Emerald of Dimensions was still in it's place whatsoever. After that, Eggman pushed another button that activated all the battleships located in the hangar. The base started to rumble when Eggman pushed the button; Sonic managed to get out of the robotic hand and quickly grabbed all the chaos emeralds. He was willing to get the Emerald of Dimensions, but Eggman pushed him away from it with another robotic hand. Sonic couldn't do anything else but to escape with the chaos emeralds, but he first activated Omega to escape with him. "Omega, we must get out of here now!" Sonic said desperately.

Omega quickly grabbed Sonic and jumped with him to a window of the lab. They break through, and they started to fell; however, Omega activated his propulsors and flew with Sonic away from the base with the chaos emeralds.

The whole base started to levitate from the ground; the base was a giant battleship all this time. The other battleships started to fly too, and the whole fleet started to fly straight to space and to the gigantic portal.

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