5SOS Preferences

By Domestic5SOS

23.8K 329 48

ehhhhh..,.. More

Going To The Park w/ Luke
Playing Video Games w/ Michael
Scary Movie w/ Calum
Period Day w/ Ashton
Sad Calum Imagine
Favorite Video Game
Favorite Show
Doing Hw- Luke
Favorite Youtuber
Singer/Artist he's jealous of
Tour bus w/ Ashton
You Find Out He's Cheating
Your first christmas w/ luke
Your child has a bad dream Ashton + Luke
Punk Preference 1/4
Punk Preference 2/4
Punk Preference 3/4
Punk Preference 4/4
Soulmates 1/4?
His favorite feature of yours
Your favorite feature of his
Harmless Seduction- Michael Smut
Bestfriend as a tutor- Calum Smut
4/4 ticklish
How he finds out your pregnant 4/4
Regret - Calum Hood
Maybe a baby? 4/4
You push him away 4/4
Jealous - Ashton Irwin
Suprise visit - Ashton Irwin
Horny songs- Calum Hood
Good Morning-Michael Smut
Car Journey (Calum Smut)
Luke blurb
Gym class - Ashton
Luke blurb
Pregnant! - michael
You see him cry(Luke)
Michael blurb
From Marriage to Future- Calum
Calum blurb
Our little games -luke
Ashton blurb
Jealous - Luke Smut
Ashton Blurb
Spiders- 4/4
Guilt- Calum
Cheated On - Luke
He gets jealous- Ashton
He cries over you - Luke
Deal?- Luke
Not tired - Calum
Opening Act- Michael
You Meet at a Fancy Event - 4/4
Goosebumps- 4/4
You fight- Luke
You fight- Ashton
You Fight- Michael
You Fight- Calum
Working on Tour- Michael 1/4
Working on Tour- Luke 2/4
He Realises He Messed Up- Calum
He cheats on you (Calum imagine)
5sos in 15 years
Kinda Friends- Michael
Move In?- Ashton
Insecure- Luke
Working On Tour- Calum 3/4
Neighbor- Michael
Working on Tour- Ashton 4/4
Lost Daughter- Michael

Drunk Confessions

280 5 1
By Domestic5SOS

You're drunk and confess something
Yayay another imagine creds to the person who wrote this !! (I edited this one too) and it's really longg

You weren't really a big drinker usually and had never really been drunk before. But that night surrounded by so many people, including a large group of celebrities, you started to get a little nervous and when Michael and Calum put some shots in front of you, you didn't hesitate before taking them one after the other. "Woah, ok slow down Y/N, Luke will kill us if he finds out" Ashton said, taking the shot from your hand. You pouted but shrugged, you were starting to feel a little hazy anyway. "Where's Lukey?" you asked, being used to having Luke's arm constantly and protectively wrapped around you when you were out somewhere. "He's gone to the bathroom," Calum tried to reassure you, but you were already out of your seat and searching the room for Luke. As soon as you stood, the full effect of the shots hit you and you stumbled slightly on your heels, but recovered and started out towards where the bathrooms were. You found Luke just outside, clearly having being stopped by Harry Styles who he was now talking to. "Luuukkee" you half yelled, half slurred as you walked towards them. Luke turned in shock, opening his arms just in time to catch you when you stumbled again. "Y/N are you drunk?" Luke asked, wrapping an arm tightly around your waist.

"Maybe a little bit" you admitted with a giggle, "Calum had shots." Luke sighed a little but then started laughing at you when you tugged on his arm, insisting that you needed to dance. "Sorry Harry" Luke apologized "apparently I have to dance" he concluded as he allowed you to pull him onto the dance floor. A few songs later and you were all but on top of Luke, his hands were running over your body and his lips against the side of your neck, "want to go home Y/N?" he whispered in your ear. You nodded and started to follow Luke out of the crowd, but stopped suddenly and pulled him back, "I lied" you said softly, "what do you mean?" Luke asked in confusion. You leant against him so you could whisper in his ear and said "you were my first, I lied so I wouldn't look naive." You pulled back and looked at Luke waiting for a reaction, Luke's arms quickly encircled you again and he leaned in until his breath was rushing over your lips, "good" he murmured before he crashed your lips together in a rough kiss.

You, the boys, some of their friends and some of the crew had decided to have a few drinks that night. It was all fun and games until you tried to keep up with your Australian boyfriend. A few hours after the party started, Michael was still mostly fine, his cheeks were slightly flushed and his voice was getting gradually louder, but other than that he seemed to be fine. You on the other hand, were well and truly drunk, your voice was slurred, your vision took time to focus and you were well past the stage of being able to walk properly in your heels. You watched Michael cross the room to go talk to Calum and you stood up to join him, but two steps into the walk you stumbled and almost fell. Just before you did, a pairs of hands caught you and you looked up in momentary shock to see Ashton. "Heyyy thanks Ashton" you slurred out, trying to continue to walk towards Michael, but stumbled again, luckily Ashton's hand was still under your elbow. "Ok how bout I help you to Michael" Ashton suggested with a grin. You sighed, but nodded and let Ashton help you over to Michael. "Michael" Ashton called when you were close, "hey Ash" Michael greeted before he even turned to look, when he did, he saw you clinging onto Ashton's arm and his eyes widened "Y/N babe you alright?" he asked. "I am really good Michael, can we go dance" you called, letting Michael wrap his arms around you. "She's a little drunk I think" Ashton said with a laugh. "Yeh thanks Irwin, I can see that" Michael said, shoving at Ashton's arm.

"Babe, I think maybe we should go home instead" Michael suggested to you. You pouted but shrugged "fine, but we are definitely getting McDonald's nuggets on the way home." Michael quirked a brow at you "you don't even like nuggets" Michael said confused. "Yesss I doooo!!" you insisted. "Clearly she does Michael, give the lady what she wants" Calum said with a laugh. "Yeh alright, but why do you always give them to me then?" Michael asked. "Because you like them so much and it makes you smile when I give them to you" you told him matter of factly." Michael laughed, "anything else you're not telling me?" You looked thoughtful for a moment before looking down "yeh, I really don't like your shoes tonight" you told him. Calum and Ashton both started laughing "mate you never told us Y/N was such a funny drunk" Ashton said to Michael. "Yeh cause I didn't know," Michael said trying to hide his own smile, "come on babe, let's go get your nuggets." You happily took Michael's hand and let him lead you from the room.

You had mostly disappeared since you broke up with Calum, you refused to go out anywhere with the rest of your friends, barely even left the house unless it was for work and when you did you made sure that it was never for long. Unawares to you, everyone was starting to worry about you, and not just you but Calum to, who honestly wasn't doing much better, though he dealt with it differently, by being more reckless. However tonight your friends, including the other 5 Seconds Of Summer girlfriends, had hatched a plan with the boys to get the both of you to hopefully talk it out and move on or fix it somehow. You got dressed slowly, still hesitant about actually going out with your friends, but they really had been persistent.
You sat on a stool near the bar, surrounded by your friends, sipping slowly on the glass of vodka and lemonade in front of you. You had mostly zoned out the conversation flowing around you and it wasn't until you heard a commotion near the door that you looked up from your drink. Looking around you saw a group of 4 boys near the door, their backs turned to you, who were all clearly intoxicated and mucking around with each other. You would have gone back to your thoughts then if you hadn't seen one of the 4 turn around and suddenly you recognised the whole group, your eyes flicking back to the one who had turned and locking eyes with the familiar brown ones of Calum Hood.
You spun back around quickly and downed your drink, ordering another 2 when the bartender walked past. "What is he doing here?" you hissed to your friend. "You two need to talk," she told you certainly, "neither of you is dealing well and the rest of us are worried about you." You huffed and turned to down the drinks now in front of you. It wasn't long till you felt the effect of the quickly consumed alcohol and your friends convinced you to stumble onto the dance floor. When you tripped slightly, you started to fall before two strong arms wrapped around you. "Thanks" you mumbled, before looking up into Calum's concerned brown eyes. "Hi Y/N" he said, "hi" you replied, already trying to push your way past him. "Please Y/N just talk to me" he said quickly. You turned and looked at him, taking a deep breath "I can't." You both were clearly verging on drunk as you swayed slightly together to the music. "Why not?" he asked quietly. "Because if I talk to you again, I'll admit I still love you" you slurred out before gasping and covering your mouth in horror.
You turned to run but Calum's hand quickly wrapped around your wrist and pulled you back into his chest. "Thank god, because I still love you to" he told you before crashing your lips together. You started to pull away but the familiarity sucked you back in and you were kissing him back, everything you missed flooding back into your heart.

You and Ashton had been on the dance floor for quite some time and despite the large quantity of alcohol pulsing through your bloodstream, your muscles still ached from the run you had gone on with Ashton yesterday. "Ashton can we go sit down?" you shouted over the music, looking at Ashton hopefully, "sure love" he told you wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you out of the crowd of grinding bodies. When you got a table you sighed as you sunk into the soft seat, "would you like another drink" Ashton asked. "Yes!" you exclaimed a little too quickly, "a vodka please and get some shots to.....of tequila" Ashton gave you a questioning gaze but shrugged and headed towards the bar. As soon as he left you groaned and rubbed at your calf muscles. Ashton came back quickly and set the drinks in front of you. Immediately you took a shot, somehow hoping it would stop your muscles hurting. "Woah ok babe slow down" Ashton said, placing a steady hand on your arm, before you could take a 3rd shot. "Why are you going so hard on the shots tonight" Ashton asked. You looked at him for a moment, taking some time to focus properly as the tequilas were taking their toll, "I have to tell you something" you said to him, your voice beginning to slur slightly. Ashton's eyes widened as he looked at you in concern "what Y/N, what's wrong?" You squinted at him slightly, reaching out and taking another shot, despite his protests, "I really hate going for runs, I don't like my muscles hurting and your legs are so long and I just really hate running" you slurred out in a rush. Ashton looked at you for a moment before he cracked up laughing, "you needed shots to tell me you don't want to go for a run with me." You nodded sheepishly watching as Ashton continued to laugh "you don't need to come for a run with me babe, we'll go for a nice stroll next time." Ashton made to lean forward and kiss you but you put a hand out to stop him, "one more thing....." you said and he looked at you expectantly "I think I'm going to throw up." "Ok... let's go" Ashton said and jumped up immediately, grabbing your hand and supporting you as you stumbled towards the door. Luckily there were no paps, as you threw up as soon as you made it outside, "and maybe no tequila next time" Ashton said, still holding you securely

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