Appa (BTS fanfic)

By tattoo_wallflower

367K 14.2K 3.7K

"Appa?" "Appa means Dad." "So instead of one dad. I have 7 dads!" [Completed] More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Part of Alternative Ending

Chapter 39

3.3K 174 16
By tattoo_wallflower

"Appa!" Ji Woo screams, thrashing in the man's grip. "Appa!"

"Shut up you little brat," he yells, slapping her as he tries to get out of the door.

Tears sprung to her face as she starts to cry. "I said shut up!" he yells once again as she continues to thrash even harder for she knew if he left the house, she will never see her family again.

Taehyung left the bathroom, rubbing sleep out of his eyes as he hears a commotion at the door. He runs there immediately having identified Ji Woo's voice and an unfamiliar male voice. His eyes widen as he sees his kid struggling in the hands of a stranger.

Without thinking, he charged towards them and slams his whole body weight against the male, throwing him onto the ground from the impact. The 95' boy immediately carries Ji Woo who was crying badly from the crash and the bruise that was forming on her cheek.

The oldest and youngest enter at the same time from the kitchen, eyes widening tremendously at the sight before them. "Taehyung are you okay?" Seokjin asks worriedly as the younger boy cracks his shoulder before nodding.

"V Appa," the girl whimpers and he hugs her to his chest closer and tighter.

"Who do you think you are to enter an idols' apartment and take away their family?" Taehyung growls, having enough of people trying to hurt the three kids.

"Who am I?" the stranger asks before scoffing. "Why don't you ask your precious children."

Taehyung looks down to the girl in his arms who was looking up at him with teary eyes. "I don't know who is he Appa!" she yells. "Ji Woo really don't know!"

He pats her head in an attempt to calm her down. "Ji Woo!" Min Jun yells out running to her side.

"Maybe Min Jun, you'll remember who I am," the stranger sneers as the young boy glares at him.

"Min Jun will never forget you," he spits out the words. "You harmed Ji Woo. I, Song Min Jun, will never forgive you!"

Before he could lunge towards the adult, Seokjin grabs onto the boy, holding him tightly. "Appa, let me go!" he yells as tears started to fill his eyes and he trashes even harder in the oldest's grip. "Let me go!"

Jungkook clenches his fist tightly seeing the smug smirk on the guy's face and then something in him snapped. He walks towards him and throws a punch before he could react. "Get out!" the maknae yells at the man on the ground with a bloody nose who was staring at him.

Jungkook starts to kick the man while yelling at him. He doesn't stop even after being restrained. Only till Hoseok slaps him then he snaps out of it, realizing that the guy was no longer here, door wide open and that the twins were staring at him as though he was a monster clenching onto Taehyung's and Seokjin's shirt as tears ran down their face. His breaths was heavy and loud. He looks down to his knuckles to see blood slowly drying up. Jimin and Namjoon still had their tight grip on him.

He looks to the other side to see Su Bin hiding behind Yoongi, peeking ever so slightly while the rapper was in a stance where he was ready to attack and protect Su Bin. His heart twists seeing how the three kids were afraid of him. He is one of the Appas. He's meant to protect them. He's meant to be the superhero but now, the look on their faces just frightened him.

The other members had a look of concern on their faces. "I-I d-don't know what happened hyung!" he cries out, grabbing onto Namjoon and Hoseok as tears threaten to spill from his eyes. "Something just snapped in me! I couldn't control it. Hyung I-"

Namjoon pulls him in for a tight hug as Jungkook continues to talk about how he didn't mean it against the leader's chest while tears poured down his face. Namjoon just closes his eyes as he runs his fingers through the younger's locks. He grew up too quick. He doesn't deserve this treatment.

"It's okay Kookie," Namjoon whispers as he continues to cry out. "It's okay."

Jimin stared at their Golden Maknae as his heart clenches. Seeing him cry out while grabbing to the front of Namjoon's shirt sent the dancer into a spiral. He had never seen the youngest in this state before. He didn't know what to do so he just reached out his hand and patted the younger's back.

Soon, Jungkook had calmed down and he felt sleepy from all the crying and talking. "Jimin," Namjoon says softly, knowing that the maknae was dozing off. "Bring Jungkookie to the room."

Jimin nods before holding onto Jungkook and leads him to the room. After they enter the room, Min Jun runs to Namjoon. "Is Kookie Appa going to be okay?" he quietly asks and Namjoon almost cries for some unknown reason.

"He will be..." the leader mutters before suddenly wrapping his long arms around the boy, shocking him. "Thank you for coming into our lives Min Jun. I know we never show you how grateful we are towards you. Thank you so much Min Jun. We never gave you enough time or spend much of our free times with you as time went by. But you never complained, instead you smiled and greeted us happily each morning, waking up to your laughter has to be one of those moments where I feel most blessed."

The leader unwraps his arms around Min Jun as he beckons Ji Woo. She enters his embrace as he grips onto her a bit tighter as he felt some tears fall out of his eyes. "Ji Woo," he says as he pushes hair out of her face, admiring her beauty. "You're a really brave girl, telling Appa what Hyun Min had done to the both of you despite being threaten. All of us Appas are proud of you. So proud of you... We may not say it enough but you are the most beautiful princess in the world. You are our princess. You always give the best to Min Jun, you spoil him so much. Whenever we are free, Min Jun comes running to us but you just slowly walk over to us and greet us Appas. You're just like Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi scoffs but has a smile on his face. "We never tell you guys this enough but thank you. Thank you. Because of you guys, we work harder to perform better to spend more time with the both of you. We take pride in being your Appas," Namjoon continues. "You are not a burden to us. We will never leave you. Even if we do, we will always be in your minds because our good memories will be replaying constantly. We never tell you guys enough how much we love you. I love you Min Jun and Ji Woo."

"Rap Appa..." Min Jun says tears brimming. "Thank you for keeping Ji Woo and Min Jun for so long."

He then attack the leader with a hug as Ji Woo joins her twin. "Pabo yah..." the rapper whispers as he hugs them tighter.

"Ah all these water works making me cry," Hoseok says before fanning his eyes to get rid of the tears as Taehyung laughs and decides to join the hug.

They started to form a group hug until Su Bin was left. She gripped her arm awkwardly and Yoongi noticed it. He stopped half way and turned back before offering his hand. "Su Bin... I know it's been less than a day but do you want to try and move on?" he asks.

She bits her lower lips, feeling everyone's eyes on her. She nods slightly before grabbing to the Daegu man's hand and he leads her to the group hug, smiling. "Thank you Oppa," she whispers as she back hugs Namjoon tightly. "Thank you."

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