The Hood Will NEVER Love You...

By ashonthadon

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The Trilogy you'll all been waiting for is here. Tamel Richards, known to the world and all its' haters as Me... More

Chapter one
chapter two
Chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three

Chapter four

8.1K 437 65
By ashonthadon

"You far from home, homey," Train said still aiming his pistol at the newcomer by the door.

"Could say the same thing for you," the guy said, then looked at Charmaine. "But now I can see why?"

"Why are you here?" Train asked as the man walked in.

"What the fuck is going on?" Charmaine asked and her roommate shrugged her shoulders, intrigued herself.

"Allow me to introduce myself," the man said. "My name is Detective Royce Thompson. You don't know me, but I know a lot about you and the current situation you in."

"In case you haven't realized, this isn't New York," Train said with his gun still aimed straight at Thompson's forehead. "You don't have any jurisdiction here and since you're not here on cop business or scalping tickets for a Yankees and Braves game, why the fuck are you here?"

Thompson looked at Charmaine's roommate. "Sure, but I think Miss..."

"Jan," the roommate said,

"Needs to leave," Thompson said.

"Fuck no," Jan expressed. "This is my room y'all people barged in so it's y'all that needs to leave before I get security."

"You mean that toy cop I just walked past to get here?" Train replied.

"Anyway, I'm not leaving so have your discussion but I'm staying put," Jan hopped on her bed.

"You can put the gun away now," Thompson said to Train.

"Only two orders people ever gave me an order I half way obeyed," Train said, "My mother and another motherfucker. And since you ain't her and you damn sure ain't him, this gun will stay on your ass as long as needed."

Thompson turned around and closed the door. He turned back around and faced Train. He put his hands up.

"I'm unarmed," Thompson said. "You're right, I'm here on unofficial police business. But all I want to do is talk to Miss Charmaine."

"What the hell is going on?" Charmaine asked. "And Train, put the gun away, you're scaring Jan."

"No, that shit is sexy," Jan said from the bed,

Train smiled. "See she cool with it and I don't trust this motherfucker. His partner was..."

"Yeah, the cop you killed," Thompson finished.

Charmaine's eyes went up like saucers. Knight.

"No recollection of that, officer," Train said.

"Look, Darren," Thompson said Train's government. "I'm not here for revenge for what you did, Karma will come for you. I'm here for her." Thompson pointed at Charmaine.

"What do you want with me?" Charmaine looked nervous.

"Doesn't matter," Train said. "She ain't talking to you and neither am I but this hollow point got a few choice words for you if you try something stupid."

"You really want to continue following that path this riff raff is leading you?" Thompson said to Charmaine.

"I'm not appreciating all those afterschool words you're using right now," Train said, "So either back up and leave or get knocked out. Your choice but the clock is ticking."

"Damn, I wish I had some popcorn for this," Jan said. She was really enjoying the confrontation.

"You're right again," Thompson said. "We don't have much time but I still have to say something to Charmaine she needs to know."

Train looked at Charmaine. "You can hear homeboy speak but you don't have to say shit. We're clear in New York."

Thompson laughed, "Yeah, you are. You and that partner of yours slipped through the cracks. Had evidence tampered with, cops go to jail, shit coming up missing, and not to mention the detective I know you killed, my partner and friend."

Charmaine felt a lump in her throat.

"You're starting to piss me off," Train warned.

"Good," Thompson said, "We may have got those corrupt officers on the force to give you a pass but you're far from being done with me. But like I said today is not about me and you. It's about her."

"What about me?" Charmaine asked.

"It's about your father," Thompson said.

"Bullshit, her father is..." Train stopped himself.

Charmaine looked at Train for a second, then back at Thompson, "My father?"

"Yeah," Thompson said. "Victor Davids, your father."

"Victor Davids died in police station," Train said, "He committed suicide."

Charmaine looked at Train. "He did what?"

"He killed himself, shorty," Train said. "The cops wanted to keep it under wraps. I'm sorry I didn't..."

Tears filled up in Charmaine's eyes. "My fah...father...killed himself in a police station."

Train lowered his gun and walked over to Charmaine. "I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but..."

Charmaine smacked Train hard across the face before Train could finish his sentence. Train was stunned for a second. Thompson took the opportunity to drop his hands and charge Train. Thompson rammed Train up against the wall causing Train to drop his gun and for Jan to jump out of her bed. Charmaine screamed and Train and Thompson wrestled. Thompson managed to knee Train in the gut and hammer down his elbow in Train's back. Train dropped to the floor and Thompson ran to pick up the gun Train dropped. Thompson aimed the gun at Train.

"Don't move," Thompson said.

Train spit blood on the floor but didn't move.

"Charmaine, I mean what I said," Thompson said, "I'm here because of your father, I was the last one to see him but I need you to come with me now."

"He's lying," Train said from the floor.

"Look, I don't care about what happened in the past," Thompson said. "But I need you to..."

"Don't believe him," Train said, "He's a..."

There was a knock on the door,

"Security!" the voice said on the other end. "There was a report of a scream. Can I come in?'

Thompson looked at Jan and whispered, "Get rid of him."

Jan nodded then spoke loud, "That was me. I just dropped something on my foot."

"Okay but I still need to check," the voice said on the other side.

The door knob turned and the door opened and two security guards stood at the entrance.

"Sorry, ma'am but..." the taller of the two saw Thompson and Train and the gun Thompson was holding. "Put that down!"

The guards went to reach for something.

"Look, I'm a cop," Thompson identified, "I'm..."

Thompson heard three shots then the two guards at the door dropped to the floor and landed in the room. Thompson saw the gunman, a man wearing a Muslim garb and aiming a Glock 17 pistol straight at him.



Tamel scratched his head and looked at the documents in front of him. He was in his new plush office sitting on the 57th floor of a high rise building. Ever since he took over King's empire, he was able to set up a lot more businesses and even a foundation which he was Chairman of. Wiz had managed to dump all his old business accounts Tamel had when he was working for Lady Gayle and convert those businesses to make a brighter corporate portfolio. Wiz had managed to hack an insurance policy form to set up a life insurance policy for Tamel by his deceased mother. That money was used to make a paper trail for the startup businesses Tamel had accrued illegally but now had legal merit. It was on all on the books with back taxes starting to be paid off to make it more official.

The office Tamel was in now was the one he set up for his foundation, Rich Endeavors, but in honor of his mother, Laura Richards. His enterprise took the whole 57th floor and his office was way more huge then his former one was, and without the tarp.

Tamel was looking over the paperwork Wiz had just given him.

"So everything free and clear?" Tamel asked.

Wiz nodded looking out the huge office windows that showed New York's skyline. "Yes, you are all official. Nobody would ever think you're a cold blooded drug dealer."

Wiz laughed at that last comment but Tamel didn't.

"I can't believe this shit," Tamel said, "It's like this is what I've been dreaming about."

Wiz looked at Tamel. "You're in the big leagues now. The streets fueled it but this is all now yours. Will you give up your past life?"

Tamel smiled. "Maybe."

Wiz shook his head. "I don't think you should."

"Why?" Tamel asked.

"You need to stay grounded," Wiz said. "I see a lot of this dudes get big, try to go legit and get caught up. You're a smart guy. I know you're not meant for the streets but the streets needs you. I'm just saying you can have both, you just need to be careful which one you choose. Both of them leads to problems."

"Thanks for the advice," Tamel said.

"On another note, I gave those Street boys what you wanted," Wiz said. "Are you sure you can trust them?"

"As long as I got them by their nuts, I can trust them enough," Tamel said. "But trust me, I'm thinking of ways to cover myself because I know they're not going to lie down easily."

"I just hope you know what you're doing," Wiz said.

"That's the thing," Tamel said. "I always do."

Wiz nodded then paused. "Hey, where's your partner in crime?"

"Went to visit an old friend," Tamel said.

"Who?" Wiz asked.

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