Kyoya x Reader

By -FandomsUnite-

691K 20.2K 24.8K

You're one of the very few commoners to be excepted into the elite school Ouran Academy. You were excepted be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Important A/N
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 12

20.9K 649 648
By -FandomsUnite-

After we walked around the carnival for about half an hour, I finally convinced Kyoya to go on the ferris wheel with me.

"C'mon Senpai! Just one ride!"

"There is no possible way that you will drag me into a small, compact, metal container to go to unenjoyable heights for no point what so ever."



"Kyoya!" I groaned.


That's the first time she's used my name... Why is it that when any other girl says my name it has no effect on me, but with (f/n), it makes my heart skip a beat.


I pouted at Kyoya and gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes I could manage.

He chuckled and pushed up his glasses, "If you want to that badly, I suppose I can handle one ride."

I grinned from ear to ear, "Yay! You're the best!"

"I know." he gave me a cocky smirk.

I just laughed and pulled him towards the line of people waiting to get on. The line looked so much shorter from where we were, but now it looks so long! I groaned.

"What's wrong?" Kyoya asked with a concerned look on his face. Ha cute.

"The lines so long! It'll take hours to get on."

"I'm sure it will go shorter than you think."

"Doubt it."

Just then a big woman and a guy cut in front of us in line. Uh uh. Nope. They ain't cutting me.

I tapped the woman on the shoulder, "Um excuse me, but we were in front of you."

She looked me up and down then scoffed, "And now you're not."

"Not to be rude or anything, but I beg your pardon?" I put as much venom in those last words as possible.

"I said 'now you're not'. Deal with it bitch."

That's when I snapped, "Excuse me but I'm not the woman who is being rude as fuck to a couple who have done nothing but politely point out that you have cut us in line. Now if you wouldn't mind toning down you're pain in the ass'ness, I'd really appreciate it."

The woman looked at me speechless. Bet she didn't expect that.

I gave her a polite smile, "Now if you'd be so kind as to go to the back of the line."

The man who was with the woman just nodded and dragged the woman with him to the back. On the way there, the woman was shooting daggers at me. Oh well.

I thanked the man and stepped forward in line. Then I head Kyoya chuckling.

"What?" I asked him.

"I never expected that to come out of you. Especially seeing what kind of person you are." he smiled.

"And what kind of person am I?" I gave him a curious look.

"The kind of person that always puts other before themselves, a person who is kind and sweet, always smiling and is able to brighten anyones day. The kind of person that everyone instantly falls in love with at first glance."

I blushed, "O-oh."

Kyoya was staring at me and it made me really self conscious. I noticed it was our turn and decided that I should break this tension that was building up.

"H-hey Kyoya, it's our turn. Come on." I motioned for him to follow as I climbed into the ferris wheel car.


I don't know why, but seeing (f/n) stick up to that woman just made my feelings toward her grow stronger. Perhaps it was the fact that she showed how capable she is in this sort of situation. Not sure.

Then (f/n) pointed out that it was our turn so I awkwardly climbed in the car after her. I swear, (f/n) is the only person I know that can make me lose my cool.

I noticed the man who was operating the ferris wheel was checking (f/n) out as she climbed in and I could feel my blood boil. I had to clench my fists and teeth just so I didn't hit the guy.

Once we were both inside the car, the man closed the door and secured it. Then he sent us on our way.

The ride itself was rather smooth other than the constant jerking from every move you made. Normally these sort of things don't appeal to me at all, but I must admit, being here with (f/n) is more appealing than anything else in this world.

We were reaching the top and (f/n) started gripping the bar more intensely then before. Is she afraid of heights? (A/N: if you're not afraid of heights just go with it :))

I looked at her concerned, "Are you alright (f/n)."

"H-huh? O-oh I'm o-okay." she won't even admit when shes terrified. That's adorable.

I slid towards her on the seat and wrapped an arm around her, "It's going to be okay (f/n). I'm right here. There's no need to be afraid."

She tensed up under my grip but then slowly relaxed, laying her head against my chest.


Kyoya was so sweet for doing that, but having him this close isn't exactly making me any calmer.

It took me a minute before I relaxed and laid my head against his chest. I could hear his heart beating. It was comforting in a way. Even though his closeness made my face heat up hotter than ever before, having him next to me just made me feel at peace in a way.

We were at the very top and the ferris wheel jerked to a stop. Not like a natural jerk, but more like a 'somethings wrong' jerk. Then a voice came over an intercom.

"Attention everyone riding the ferris wheel. We are experiencing some technical difficulties at the moment and will not be able to remove you from the ride until we are able to get it back up and running. This should take no longer than an hour. Please stand by."

You have got to be kidding me.

A/N: Ooooh cliff hanger! What will happen to (f/n) and Kyoya? Stay tuned to find out!

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