Catfish (Ricky Horror)

By loserxwithxdreams

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By loserxwithxdreams

Ricky's POV

That night


The electricity finally came back on and the roads got plowed and salted, so now we can go places.

Bec wants to see her mom. I'm nervous to say the least. What if her mom doesn't like me?

"Ricky, we're here, you ready to meet my mom, siblings and nephews?" She asked.

"If by ready, you mean nervous as fuck, then yeah, I'm ready" I said.

"You'll do fine" she said, giving my hand a squeeze.

She took the key out of the ignition and we both got out of her car.

We met up in front of her car and carefully walked to the front door, hand in hand. We had to walk carefully because of the ice. Her mom's neighborhood hasn't been de-iced yet and it's starting to snow again.

We got to the front door and rang the door bell.

A few moments later, a women that looked like she was in her late forties to early fifties answered the door.

"Becky! You're here!" The woman squealed as she gave Bec a huge hug.

"Merry Christmas, mom" Bec said.

"Who's this?" Her mom asked.

"This is my boyfriend, Ricky" Bec introduced.

"Hello, Ricky. I'm Diana, Rebecca's mom" her mother greeted.

"It's nice to meet you" I said as she let us in.

"John, Miranda, Jenna, Carter, William, Tyler and Rose are in the living room" she told her daughter.

We walked into the living room.

Two little boys jumped off of the couch and hugged Bec's legs.

"Auntie Becky!" They shouted.

"Hello, Rebecca" a man who looked like he was in his late twenties or early thirties said.

"Hi, Johnny" Bec greeted.

"Ricky, this is my older brother, John. This is his wife, Miranda, these are their two kids, William and Tyler. That's my older sister, Jenna, that's her husband, Carter, and that's their daughter, Rose. Guys, this is my boyfriend, Ricky. Please be nice" she introduced. John grimaced at me. Fuck you too, John.

"How long have you two been together?" Jenna asked giddily, happy to see her sister has a boyfriend.

"It would be six years in January but we broke up back in July and got back together this morning. So technically five and a half years" Bec explained.

"I have to go pee" I quietly told Bec.

"The bathroom is right down that hall" she told me. I nodded and kissed her head before I walked off.

-Rebecca's POV-

"I don't approve" John said.

"Well, I do" I retorted.

"Why can't you get a taste in guys who have stability and aren't at risk of going to prison?" He asked.

"Ricky has a job, and he doesn't have a criminal record" I said.

"He's going to cheat on you" he said.

"I wouldn't be with him if he were cheating on me. Ricky and I are in love and you can't change that" I said.

"You're too young to know what love is" he said.

"I am a twenty-five year old woman, you are sadly mistaken if you think you're going to have this speech with me, Johnathan Ronald Williams" I spat.

"If you two are so in love, then how come you guys aren't married yet?" He asked.

"We're not ready for that milestone yet and his job makes it hard to do anything like that" I said.

"What does he work as?" He asked.

"He's in a band, he's not home for ten months out of the year and when he is home, he's normally preparing for the next tour" I told him.

"What type of band?" He asked.

"Metal" I said, biting my lip because I was dreading his reaction.

"That tears it. You're coming up to Maine with us and we're finding you a decent, Christian guy for you to settle down with. I don't want you with such trash" he said.

"Excuse me?" I heard Ricky say.

"You heard me, you delinquent" John said.

"I don't know who you think you are, talking to my girlfriend like that and talking to your sister like that. I honestly hope your sons don't become douches like you" Ricky growled. Jenna 'ooohh'ed' in amusement.

"At least I know what's right and what's wrong. I hope you don't have any kids because you'll end up beating them" John retorted.

I watched Ricky clench his fists. Ricky could never hurt a child and he doesn't want any kids. He also has a nephew that he loves to death and would never hurt him. So to have somebody tell him that he would end up beating his kids if he has any, pisses him the fuck off.

"Look... John, I came here for my girlfriend, if you really think I'm a bad guy, without even attempting to get to know me, then you can go fuck yourself. It was nice meeting you all, except for that dumbass, Miranda, I am sorry that you have to deal with this fucker all the time and that you have two kids and one more on the way with him. I'm sorry Bec, but if your brother is going to try to start shit with me, I'm not gonna be here" Ricky said.

"Thanks a fucking lot, Johnathan. Merry Christmas, boys. Sorry that your daddy ruined me visiting" I said.

I grabbed Ricky's hand and walked out of my mom's house.

I fucking hate John, he always does this to me. When I was friends with TJ, John would always try to start fights with TJ because TJ wasn't a normal looking guy.

John thinks he's this great guy and that I should be with a guy that's similar to him. When in reality, not even his own wife wants to be with him, the only reason she hasn't filed for divorce is because of their kids. She told me that she'll end up doing it when the kids are all teenagers. She's pregnant again, with a girl. So she's going to have to endure a couple extra years with John.

I knew it was a mistake to even try to visit my mom.

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