Love Shy

By LoveShyPresents

164K 4K 633

Follow Chyanne Monroe as she deals with life as a teen growing up in south London. Dealing with trials and tr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty one

Chapter Three

5.8K 99 13
By LoveShyPresents

"I know I said I got kicked out for fighting, and that parts true, but it's not the reason I left Reigate. Ok so the ladies man thing you been hearing is true, but Shy I swear to you I'm not like that anymore. It was last year and I thought I was nice cos bare girls at school were on my case. I liked this one chick called Beth, she was like the main chick in school and everyone was on her. Obviously me and her hooked up and were together officially and that, but on the sidelines was Sasha. She was like my ride or die from when I started the school, and one day me and Beth were going through shit so I went to Sasha to calm down. One thing led to another and I lost my V to her and she did to me. Obviously I never told Beth, and outside of school I met Amy and me and her hooked up a couple times but I felt guilty so I started airing her when it came up to me and Beth's 3 month anniversary cos she was ready to lose it to me. I know it's wrong and I should have told her I liked Sasha but I couldn't, and by this time me and Sasha had been going on for time and I told her I was gonna end things with Beth, but then when I started sexing Beth I couldn't stop. So it all came out like a mad ting in lunch, like Sasha told her we were together and then one of Amy's friends told Beth bout me and Amy and all this, then Beth told me she was pregnant and from there things went mad. Like I was 14, I didn't know what to do, but obviously Sasha was pissed talking bout she was gonna tell my parents and shit. Then they started fighting and I tried to break it up, but as I pushed Beth away she must of tripped. I swear Shy, I didn't mean to hurt her but she fell and the doctors said that's why she lost the baby, but then our parents found out cos obviously the ambulance got called when she started bleeding. Then she told her dad I pushed her. So not only did this lil black yute get his princess pregnant, but he also tried to kill her baby cos he didn't wanna take responsibility. Wait, let me finish please. So obviously that's how all the rumours started about me and girls, then I was suspended for a few weeks and when I went back I'm being told that Beth is telling everyone I pushed her. I confronted her and she started crying and shit, saying she had to blame me cos I hurt her and deserved it for what I did to her. So then her brother walked in on us talking, sees me vex and her crying and starts going off on one, so that's the fight that got me excluded. Then a couple days later I hear this same guy is looking for me around the estates, so me being hot tempered went to meet him, but he's got all his older cousins with him and I'm there with just 1 guy that I thought was my boy, but he left me to get rushed. I got stabbed three times and left in the park with broken ribs, fractured pelvis and a bust lip. That's when my mum decided I weren't staying anymore. Sent me to my dad's but I got in with some dumb drug dealers and got myself arrested and cautioned. I weren't listening to my dad and we were fighting all the time so he told my mum I couldnt stay there and I got sent here."

His eyes were huge as he watched me. I sat stunned. I didn't have a clue what to say. He didn't say a word, just sat there watching me. He licked his lips nervously and I sat there feeling sick. What the hell was I meant to say? The boy was an absoloute dick, I couldn't believe I ever even considered him suitable for me. I stood up slowly, not entirely sure my legs would hold me. My head was spinning. He was up like a shot standing between me and the door. "Shy," he whispered, his eyes pleading with me. I knew he wasn't going to let me go anywhere so instead I walked to his window sill and leant on it as I tried to take some deep breaths. The details kept running through my head.

He got a girl pregnant, I was still a virgin.

He had been stabbed, I hadn't even had an argument before.

He was expelled from school, my teachers were concerned if I got below a B.

He had been arrested, I hadn't even had a detention before.

I felt him coming closer and I turned to lean against his window looking up at him as he approached cautiously. He looked guilty as hell and drained, like telling me had exhausted him. How could the person I had felt so comfortable around be the same person he just spoke of?

"It was last year Shy, I'm not the same," he said, walking closer still. I heard the door downstairs shut, indicating his grandma had left for work. I looked down at my phone: 5.20pm. He looked at the phone then up at me. Sighing heavily, he brushed his waves down with his good hand and walked back over to his bed sitting on the edge. He looked down at his red cast. "I know I don't deserve your trust after hearing that, but I want you Shy. No games, no other girls, just you. I know you wanna run and I'mma let you leave if that's what you wanna do, but I promise you I'm not that guy anymore. And if you give me the chance, I will do whatever it takes to show you you're the only one I got time for." He spoke quietly, and I knew he was being sincere but I couldn't get the image of him and those girls out of my head.

"I gotta go," I whispered, and he nodded without even looking up. Instead he slumped back on the bed, leaving he legs dangling off the side and covering his eyes with his bandaged forearm.

"Goodbye Shy," he murmmed. It sounded so final and my heart sank. Did I really wanna not talk to him, ever? I walked over to his bed and leant down over him to kiss him on the cheek.

"Goodbye Rio." I pulled away but was stopped by his vice-like grip on my wrist. He uncovered his eyes and looked into mine. I was inches from his face and all the unspoken words his eyes were saying melted me in an instant.

"I can't lose you Shy," he whispered practically on my lips. I knew what was going to happen and I was powerless to stop him. In reality I had been waiting for his kiss since yesterday on Kayla's bed. "Let me give you something to think about whilst you're gone," he murmmed before gently pushing his lips onto mine. Oh. His kiss was so sweet, he really was too delicious. He moved away, hesitant to see my reaction, but I remained where I was, locking my eyes with his. He took it as confirmation and crushed his lips to mine again; this time coaxing my bottom lip down with his tongue before sliding it into my mouth. I followed his lead and found my self thoroughly enjoying what his mouth was doing. His hands found my waist and as I bent over him between his legs, my forearms resting on either side of his head, I knew there was no way I wasn't going to be with Rio. I looked into his beautiful face and his smile was contagious. "You're so beautiful Shy," he said softly, running his good hand up and down my side. I smiled embarrased and pushed myself up. I sighed when I was standing over him. His body was amazing and that kiss was just a bit too much, I didn't know what to do with myself. I had to get out before I did something we would regret. I said goodbye again and jogged down the stairs to put my shoes on. Rio was behind me leaning against the front door and when I turned to him, I could tell he had been staring at my bum. I flushed red and he pulled me into a hug. "Don't Shy, I want us to be ok. Text me when you're home ok?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead before opening the front door for me. I walked to the bus stop in a daze. How did that end in a kiss? The boy just practically told me how much of a pig he was, I really didnt get it. I pulled out my phone and dialled Kayla's number but hung up when I realised she would still be at Chris'. Who else would know what to do? Just then my phone vibrated: a text from Carina. It read,

Kayla said you're going shopping saturday for Chris' bday party hope ur ok wit me taggin along. Carina x

I quickly rang her and confirmed she could defo come, she could hear my voice was not 100% and asked what was wrong. I then went on to explain the whole situation and to say she was gobsmacked was an understatement. After promising not to breathe a word, she then suggested that if his past bothered me that much I wouldn't have kissed him and maybe it was because I thought that I was meant to hate him not that I was trying to develop bad feelings towards him. We talked all the way to my house and when I got to my door I said my goodbye's, but not before she encouraged me to just take things slow and give him a chance cos he could have lied about his past, but he was truthful which should count for something. I guess she was right, but I was still not fully confident that giving him a chance was the right thing to do, but ignoring him wouldn't help anything either. After hanging up I noticed I had three texts but I chose to ignore them till I got to my room. I knew who they were from and I weren't sure I wanted to get into it yet. I plastered a small smile on my face and walked in the frontroom to find dad, Kieran and Sean watching Family Guy.

"Hey princess, dinner's in the microwave," dad said over his shoulder. I mumbled my thanks and went to eat before saying night and heading upstairs for a shower and some alone time. When I was safely in my room waiting for my bath to fill up, I read my texts.

Message 1: Hubby x

Shy i know you are probably going crazy right now but i wont apologise for what just happened cos i loved it. I miss you already. R x

Message 2: Hubby x

You home yet little miss? I want you shy dont give up on me we can make this work. Call me when your in.. hubby x

Message 3: Hubby x

Come on baby dont air me i know you must be home by now. text me. R x

God he was killing me. I quickly wrote a reply to his texts:

Im home, its just a lot to take in, im not running away just give me time. if they didnt fight would you have kept it up? Shy x

Hubby x:

I get it and i respect that but just know i aint gonna let you go, if you need time you got that but dont take too long baby, need to feel those soft lips again ;) No shy i was ending it thats why they were both so vex, im not a dickhead any more i promise. R x

I smiled at his text and went to get in the bath before doing my work assignments.

The next day went relatively smoothly, me Kayla and Carina spent the most part discussing our lives and Carina shocked us by saying that the situation me and Rio were goin through was a lot like what her and her ex Cody went through. I sat there stunned. Carina had a boyfriend?? No, an ex boyfriend. She really didn't look the type. Kayla felt no way about commenting on it either.

"Wait!! Did you say your ex boyfriend? So this whole time I thought you was miss innocent you try play me, come on don't hold out now who is he how did you meet? Is he black or white have you got a picture? I bet he's hot so how long were you together? I'm guessing you ended it what happened I thought he was nice why would you leave I bet he cheated prick." Carina was laughing so hard she had to take off her glasses and wipe her eyes.

"How the hell am I meant to answer all that? You're so crazy. Ok so Cody was some boy from my last school; mixed race tall and so sexy. Omg girls I proper loved him but he was such a bad boy, always getting in trouble with the school or the police. Hmm, I dunno if he cheated, if he did I never knew. We were practically inseparable, he met my dad and everything," she whispered to us.

"So it was proper serious?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Prooooooper," she repeated, but the tone of her voice told me there was more there.

"Omg you slept with him didn't you?" Kayla's gasp was so dramatic that our art teacher and a few students turned to stare at our table. "I knew you were the naughty one, there's me feeling bad cos me and Chris kissed yesterday," she huffed folding her arms. I giggled; I was still in shock but I had to know more.

"Why did it end?" I questioned, and me and Kayla leaned in closer for the story.

"Well we had a huge fight about me leaving school, he was convinced I was gonna find someone new. He proper went crazy and pushed me up against the wall. He didn't mean it I don't think, but it really scared me so I just ran out of his house and when I got home I told my dad we were broken up and not to let him come round anymore. I even changed my number. So I haven't spoken to him since we left school in July. My next door neighbour told me that he kept turning up whilst we were in France but he hasn't been round recently...must be over me," she ended sadly. This was too much for me. How many dramas did I have to listen to? Mrs Ware came to interrupt our little chit chat by asking how we were getting on. We all looked down at our papers guiltily. Mine had hearts and stick-men on, Carina's was just a load of scribble, and Kayla had actually gone all out and had written hers and Chris' name in bubble writing with hearts. She was smiling proudly at her work but Mrs Ware just arched her eyebrows and told us to buckle down.

At lunch I saw Rio by the basketball courts and with encouragement from Carina and a huge nudge from Kayla who then shouted "Rio!" so that I couldn't walk past him unnoticed, I walked over to him. As he had turned round to look at us his face split into a huge grin when he saw me and I smiled weakly and gave a small wave as I went to sit with him.

"Hi," I said quietly.

"Hi yourself," he replied looking down at me still smiling.

"Stop smiling like that, you're freaking me out," I laughed. He shook his head and ran his good hand over his waves.

"It's what you do to me Miss Shy, I can't help it," he said giving an even cheesier grin. I was laughing at his antics when the girls joined us.

"What's so funny?" Carina asked.

"Rio is being an idiot," I said. At the same time he said:

"Shy told me a dirty joke." My face went dead straight as I turned to him and he started creasing all over again. Carina just stared at us confused and then asked Rio if she could sign his cast. He smiled in return.

"Yea go on then," getting all excited. What a pleb. Carina signed saying 'Carina x' Wow, that was creative. Kayla barged in and decided she wanted to write and hers was a bit more interesting. 'Big boss Kayla checking in' Omg these friends of mine kmt. Then everyone stared at me. "Go on Shy," Rio urged like a looser. Urgh, I was going red.

"What should I write?" I asked. Carina thought for a second.

"Well what are you two? I mean I'm just asking, cos if you're together you can write 'Shy hearts Rio'." I could have stabbed her.

"Ooo yea write that," Kayla chipped in. Pressure or what? Kmt. I looked at Rio and his face was dead straight. He was staring at me intensely, it was the most childish thing to write, why was he looking like it was a serious situation? I sighed and turned his arm so I could write on the inside but he switched it back.

"I want it on the front," he stated excitedly. Oh. I wrote it on the front in big letters; I knew he made me put it there so everyone would see it, so I made sure it was readable and sat back and admired my work. I had a small smile and looked up. Our eyes locked, it wasn't until Carina coughed purposefully that I looked away, quickly embarrassed that we had been caught. We spent the rest of lunch laughing and joking 7and when we went back to class I saw I had a text from Rio.

Hubby x:

Now I have written proof your mine ;) what you doing later? R x

P.s you look sexy as per, now do some work.

I giggled at him, he was too silly. I quickly typed a reply:

Going home to do assignments so no to whatever you was thinking. I knew you had an ulterior motive you snake and remember I said I need time. X

Hubby x:

You got it mrs I got a hospital appointment so I'm gone, holla me when your home. Hubby x

Oh, so I wouldn't get to see him after school...why did I feel so depressed about it? I had only just left him for God sake. The rest of the day went quickly and Sean and I made our way home in comfortable silence. When it was our stop he spudded his boys and we jumped off. This was when the interrogation began.

"So I heard you and that yute are together? You never told me nothing. You only known him 5 mins Shy, what's that about?" I looked at him confused. "We ain't together, who told you that?" He looked at me for a long time then shrugged. "Heard some girls from my year talking about it." I nodded slowly. So even the year elevens knew something was going on. What the hell? I understand the year tens knowing cos that's Rio's year group, but year elevens? I didn't like this at all. "He likes you a lot you know. You like him?" he asked breaking me out of my trance. I looked down at the floor and nodded again. I felt weird talking to Sean about boys, we had never had any convo about boys. He sighed. "Better introduce him to dad then. Good thing he knows all us lot, we can keep an eye on him." I smiled and thanked him. This was progress.

When we reached home I went straight upstairs to get on with my work. I could hear Sean. blazing out some old school Tupac and smiled at the idea that he had basically given me his blessing. Dad got in a few hours later and I went and sat with him to watch a movie whilst dinner was cooking. Kieran and Sean joined us and it reminded me of how much I missed the twins. The house was quiet without their constant arguing. We paused the film to get our food and when we were all settled back down in front of the TV we watched the last part of the film as we ate. After clearing up the kitchen and running my bath, I flopped on my bed taking the phone off charge. I had 2 missed calls from carina and 5 texts. I quickly began reading through my texts.


Hey chick sorry for ringing off your phone just wanted an update on the rio situation and to say that I have done the maths coursework if you need it. Plus I was gonna offer my expertise in the relationship department seeing as I didn't get to tell you the full story. Text me back no rush x

I was already dreading the rest of her story but I defo needed help; I had never had a boyfriend and I had never been interested in boys either. I wore boys clothes and no make up, how was this gonna work? How could I be feminine and girlfriend material?

The next three texts were from Rio.

Hubby x:

Trey songz can't be friends, listen to it I swear it's me and you. R x

Hubby x:

Holla me im bored what you on hot stuff? What's the deal Saturday are we still going shopping?

Hubby x:

By the way grandma wants to know if you can come for dinner Friday night? Let me know. Not my idea before you complain about taking things slow She saw my cast and asked about you she said I better treat you right I think she likes you. Get back at me. R x

The other two texts were just T Mobile updates. I quickly ran downstairs to ask dad about Friday and he said it was fine, just to give him the address so he could pick me up if it got too late. He was surprised when I asked and questioned me on who Rio was, he asked if we needed to have a birds and bees talk and I flamed red almost shouting no. I quickly made an excuse about my bath running and sprinted from the room. In the bath I replied to Carina, asking her advice on how to be more like a girlfriend. I told her all my fears and have examples of what I liked to wear outside of school. She replied saying on Saturday we could buy some jeans and nice tops as well as a few dresses and skirts. I agreed and told her I would see her tomorrow. I then text Rio saying I could come Friday and that I would not take blame for cutting him off as the song had instigated. I told him I liked his grandma too and then feeling very brave via text, I told him what both Sean and my dad had said. He replied saying he didn't expect them to behave any other way and that he was glad they knew about him. When I had finished in the bath and got ready for bed I text him once more to say goodnight and went to sleep. The rest of the week was spent pretty much the same way. Thursday night Carina and Kayla followed me home and helped me pick out something decent clothes to wear to Rio's the following day. We agreed the weather was allowed for my leggings, long sleeve dark denim blouse and navy blue Vans. I tried it on and took the girls advice on jewellery and then waited on Carina's dad to pick them up before packing my bag and going to bed.

Friday arrived and the time flew by as I nervously counted down the minutes. I was starting to have serious doubts about what I had chosen to wear; my bum looked huge in my leggings and the blouse accentuated my waist. I wore a black vest underneath it and had the top few buttons of my blouse undone so that it didn't look so tight across my chest, but it still didn't make my boobs look any smaller. When the last bell rang I sped to my locker and then the nearest toilets to change. I redid my hair in a ponytail but with a side parting and replaced my jewellery that I wasn't allowed to wear at school. I then went in search of Rio. By the time I reached him at the school gate I was crimson with embarrassment. The older boys who normally hung out around the sports hall had all tried to talk to me, arguing over who should get my number. Even some of Sean's friends wolf-whistled as I walked past. I hated being the centre of attention, and hearing one of the boys that had ignored me for the past 3 years comment on the size of my bum made my blood boil.

Damn Carina and Kayla.

Rio was sitting on the wall by main gates when I approached. He was fiddling with his cast and didn't see me approach until I was practically in front of him. When he finally noticed me he caught his breath and slowly took in every inch of me. I went an even darker shade of red. Why was I so light skinned kmt. He jumped down from the wall and stepped closer.

"Damn Miss Shy, what you tryna do here? You look beautiful." I blushed and beamed at his compliment. He took my bag from me and slung it over his shoulder before taking my hand in his and walking towards his house. I got butterflies in my stomach and as I looked up at Rio's smiling face I felt all my doubts disappear. We got to his door and he pulled out his keys to let us in. I took a deep breath before walking past him to remove my shoes. As I bent down he walked past me towards his kitchen. His hand traced up my hip and across my back and my whole body shivered. Following him into the kitchen, I looked for his grandma. I looked back at him confused and noticed he was watching me. "She's not here Shy." Oh. So the Judas had set me up. "I just needed you here and I knew you wouldn't come if I asked for me only." I scowled up at him, not impressed in the slightest. "I'm sorry baby," he said softly as he walked towards me. I backed up, still not happy with him. He kept coming until my back came into contact with his breakfast bar. He placed his hands on either side of me on the table, trapping me there. "I ordered us a pizza if you're down. I ain't tryna rush you Shy, but you need to spend more time with me if you're gonna get to know me better, and you know you been avoiding me. What do you say?" Why did he smell so delicious? I couldn't think. I just wanted to kiss him. Hmmm...if I just tip toe, I know he will meet me half way. How exciting that I have that kind of power. I looked up at him; his brown eyes were intoxicating and he was hovering just above me. That kiss would be so easy. My eyes dropped to his lips. My gosh, he must have noticed where my attention had gone because he slowly, deliberately, sexily licked his lips. Oh. "So what's it gonna be little miss?" he asked softly with a smirk on his face. I nodded slowly.

"I'll stay." He smiled down at me and pushed himself off the counter, bringing me with him.

"Frontroom or bedroom?" he asked now behind me with his his arms round my waist and his face nuzzled into my neck. I cuddled into his embrace but then shot forward again. Something hard had just poked me in the back. I felt myself going red as I stared anywhere but at him. He chuckled. "Frontroom it is," he said, re-adjusting his school jumper so it covered his lower half. "You know I can't help it around you Miss Shy." He settled me in the living-room with the remote and a drink before running upstairs to change. I chose a film and got relaxed waiting for him to return. The doorbell rang and he bounded down the stairs to the door, returning a second later with the pizza and a tub of ice cream. He dropped the pizza on the table and walked past me to get napkins and put the ice cream in the freezer. When he walked back in I got a good look at him, and I had to stop myself from dribbling. He was yummy. Even in just his jeans and black Nike top he looked amazing. I was glad I listened to the girls and didn't wear a tracksuit or stay in my uniform. He was watching the TV as he adjusted his trousers, pulling them up so he could sit down and I got a flash of his boxers and back. It was a bit much. I forced myself to focus on the TV but as he sat beside me I got a whiff of Joop. I wanted to reach out and touch him.

Where the hell were these feelings coming from?

He was leaning forward over the pizza. "Arrr I didn't get plates. Do you want one?" he said looking over his shoulder at me. I shook my head and he smiled handing me a slice. He then sat back with his own slice and we watched the film, commenting on who the best actors were and how good the effects were. I actually really enjoyed myself. When the pizza was done he handed me a napkin and asked if I was ready for desert. I nodded eagerly and he smiled, taking the rubbish with him as he left. He returned with cookie dough ice cream and a single spoon.

"Aren't you having any?" I questioned, confused.

"Shy, I've had my tongue in your mouth, I think we can share a spoon," he responded. Oh. I shrugged as he sat beside me. He handed me the ice cream and then with his good arm pulled me onto his lap so I was curled against his chest with my knees under his arm and his other behind my back. Omg this was comfty, and he smelt so good when he was happy. He smiled down at me. "That's better. You kool with this?" he questioned, knowing that I could feel him pressing hard against my hip. I felt myself going red but nodded shyly and he smiled again, wrapping his arms around me so he could open the ice cream and put the spoon in. Then he handed it back to me and I fed both of us a spoon each throughout the rest of the film.

When we were done he stood with me still in his arms and I effectively slid down his body, feeling every inch of him enroute. When my feet touched the ground I looked up at him and found him smiling down at me as usual. My hands were pressed against his solid chest.

"Like the movie?" he questioned. I nodded my agreement, seeing as I suddenly didn't have a voicebox, and he grinned again. His hands were at my waist and he was licking his lips again. Omg what was he tryna do here? "Shy? You better stop looking at me like that before I do something you're not ready for," he spoke quietly. His eyes were locked on my lips. I caught my breath at his soft warning radiating through my whole body. Was it that obvious that I wanted him? I studied his face some more and his eyes met mine again. "You know it's yours right? Take it whenever you're ready; no asking permission, no being shy. If you want it you're gonna have to make the first move. Let me know you're ready."

"I'm ready," I whispered quickly. It slipped out before I had a chance to stop myself. My eyes widened and I felt the colour creeping up my neck. Why did I have to blurt that out? I felt so stupid now. But he wasn't laughing or making fun of me, in fact his face was serious. Oh.

"I'm right here." His hands hadn't moved from my waist and I could feel his heart thudding under my hands on his chest. I looked into his eyes again. What should I do? Part of me still had doubts about him, but God knows I had never wanted anything more. The decision was taken from me when I inhaled his gorgeous scent. I had to have him. I leant up and pushed my face towards him, expecting him to meet me halfway. He didn't budge, and I frowned at his stubbornness. He literally wanted me to go all the way kmt. I shuffled closer and wound my hands around his neck, drawing him closer. I pecked his lips lightly and his hands tightened on my waist yet he still hadn't made any move to help me.

"Rio please," I said against his lips and I felt his breathing stop. He looked in my eyes for a second longer before crushing his lips onto mine. I shut my eyes and let him transport me to his world of ecstasy. I absolutely loved what he did to me, how he made me feel was surreal. I kissed him back just as passionately, allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth and dance with mine. His hands ran up and down my sides restlessly as I stroked the back his head and neck, he was amazing. My phone buzzing on the table pierced our little bubble and we reluctantly let go of each other, both of us breathing heavy as we looked at one another. I bent to pick up my phone and Rio took the empty ice cream tub and spoon out to the kitchen. It was a text from my dad asking if I had got to Rios ok and what time I would be back. I quickly replied asking if he could pick me up and went in search of Rio to ask him what time I should tell my dad to pick me up. He was doing the dishwasher and stopped to look at his own phone. By now it was 5.20.

"That's up to you beautiful. You wanna stay for another film or you can go on the computer, or if you're ready you can bounce. You choose," he said, shutting the dish washer and leaning on the breakfast bar. My dad text back saying Kieran had taken the van so I could get the bus back now or ask Rio's grandma if it was ok to stay until 11. I showed Rio the text and he shrugged. "You know it's kool," he said stroking his waves down. I text my dad back saying 11 would be ok and sat on the stool opposite Rio spinning my self around.

The phone buzzed again and I read aloud: "see you at 11, make sure you say thank you."

He nodded. "Kool kool. So what you wanna do Miss Shy?" I shrugged, then I remembered something he had said yesterday about loads of songs reminding him of me, and I had teased him saying that I needed the Shy mixtape.

"Have you got blank CDs?" He nodded and a big smile plastered on my face. "Make me my CD then," I dared and he started laughing.

"Come then." He made us both a drink and we went to his room where I plonked down on his giant bed whilst he went over to his laptop that was on his chest of drawers. He brought it and a few blank CDs over to the bed and laid across my straightened legs, his chest covering my knees. "Ok Miss Shy, one banging mixtape coming up." I giggled and watched him get to work. He pressed play on his slow jams playlist whilst he chose which songs he wanted on the CD. The sun was setting outside and it was getting darker in the room so I leant over and switched on his lamp. "Scared of being in the dark with me Shy?" he questioned, still staring at the screen.

"Not at all," I responded while smiling at his teasing. He pressed eject on the CD and placed it in a case before handing it to me. "I didn't get to hear what you chose," I protested and he smiled. "Listen when you get home." Just then the track changed to Bruno Mars 'Our First Time' and his eyes opened wide before turning mischievous. "Dance with me," he stated, rolling off the bed and holding his good hand out to me.

"I don't dance," I said shaking my head furiously.

"Of course you do! What you gonna do at Chris' if you don't dance? Come here." He dragged me off the bed and I stood in front of him, awkwardly flaming red. He turned me so my back was to his front and placed his hands on my waist before stepping closer so he was pressed up against me. I felt a tremor of excitement go through me. "Come on Shy," he encouraged and I rocked my hips against him in time to the music. At first I felt really stupid but as we got into it we found our rhythm and I moved against his body perfectly. He rested his face in the crook of my neck and let his hands roam my hips and waist as we moved in sync. The song came to an end only to be replaced by Trey Songs 'Gotta Go'. I rotated my hips softly like I had practiced so many times in my room and Rio pulled me closer, grinding into me a little harder. I could tell he was excited and it made me feel surprisingly good. I backed into him a little more loving the power and he exhaled deeply. "Damn Shy, what you tryna do here?" he whispered hoarsely. I smiled but didn't say a word. The song finished and I stepped away from him as a funky house tune played. My back felt cold without him pressed there and I was acutely aware of our distance. I shivered lightly and he pulled me into a hug. "Cold?" I nodded.

"A little." He pulled out a hoody from his cupboard and put it on me then dragged me over to the bed, settling me between his legs as he rested against the headboard. He switched the laptop off and put on some Fresh Prince re-runs. I was getting so tired as I rested against his strong chest.



"Do me a favour?"

"What's that?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Don't dance with anyone else at Chris' thing?" I nodded in response and he kissed me just under my ear before I fell asleep in his strong embrace.

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