No comment (mixed fandom stor...

By muchfanfics

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"What does your cousin think about this?" A reporter shouted at me. "No comment." I said as I kept my head do... More

No comment (mixed fandom story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 21

78 0 0
By muchfanfics

Nathan's POV:

Macey was here. Max knew that I was interested in her. I love the way that she talked to me. She treated me like a real person. At the same time, she also didn't want to talk to me. She was very beautiful and her eyes, just wow.

"Nathan, let's go." Siva said, breaking me out of my trance. I walked on stage and I saw the fans screaming for us. We started with Glad You Came and went down the list. Every time I could, I would give Macey. I saw that she would blush, it was so cute.

We then came to Heart Vacancy. This was the time where we each picked a girl from the audience to sing to. Everyone got a random girl, but I took Macey. I got her up on the stage. She had to hold her iv in one hand. She was blushing so much. While Jay sang his part, I told her that I loved her.

"I think that I love you too." She told me. I felt my heart beat faster than what it should have.

"I hear your heart cry for love, then you act like there's no room, Room for me, or anyone, “Don’t disturb" is all I see, Close the door; turn the key on everything that we could be, If loneliness would move out, I'd fill the vacancy." I sang to her. It was the last chorus when I saw this. I then saw something in her eyes change. I saw a fear. She grabbed me and pulled me close to her.

"Nathan, I need you to take me backstage." She said. I then picked her up bridal style and carried her. I set her on a couch and the male nurse showed up with her wheelchair.

"Macey, what are you feeling?" He asked her. I held her hand and she started to cry.

"I think this is it." She said. She then coughed and blood came out on her hand. The male nurse then shoved me away from her and put her in the chair. He then began to wheel her out of the building. Cara and Siva then came to me. I couldn't believe what just happened.

"What happened?" Siva asked. I looked up at him and he was sweating more then usual.

"Macey just left." I told them.

"Tell me what happened." Cara said.

"There was something about her that changed. I brought her in here and there was blood. He just took her." I told them.

"Go finish your concert. I am sure that she is okay." Cara told me. I got up and walked back out.

I finished the concert. I saw that Kelsey, Dexter, and Mary stayed. I never saw Cara return. When it ended, We walked off of the stage and to the backstage. Cara was standing back there, crying. Max and I walked over to her.

"Cara, what happened?" Max asked her. she wrapped her arms around Max. He looked at me.

"Macey is in the surgery room. She had a complication. They told me to be optimistic, but there is a chance that this is the end of the road for her." She explained through her sobs. I felt as if my heart was just twisted.

Cara's POV:

I looked at Nathan as Max hugged me. I saw that he had tears coming out of his eyes. I let go of Max and took Nathan to the couch. Then the kids came in the room.

"Where is Macey?" Dexter asked. He rolled over to us and looked at Nathan.

"She had to go to the hospital." Nathan told them. I saw that Dexter gasped. He looked up at Siva and he nodded his head.

"We have to go there!" Mary said. the female nurse just stood there.

"Let's get in the van. Come on!" Jay said as he started to roll Dexter out. Tom rolled Mary out and the nurse followed them. We all walked out the back door and went to the van. I held Max's hand. Luckily, there were no cameras. We got in the van and they told the driver where to go.

We made it to the hospital in 10 minutes. I saw that Nathan was still crying. It wasn't like actual crying, just tears were coming out of his eyes. Max was the first one out of the van. He got Mary and Dexter in their chairs, in record time. Tom and Kelsey pushed the two of them into the hospital. Max and Nathan ran inside. When we all got there, we were told to wait for her to come out of surgery.

"What did you tell her?" Jay asked as we sat in the waiting room. Nathan looked at him and chuckled.

"I told her that I love her. She feels the same and it might be over." He said. Siva patted his back.

"It is not over. She is going to make it through this." He said. Then two people walked in the waiting room. It was an older couple. They walked over to Max and he gave them a hug.

"This is Macey's parents." He told us.

"Is there any news on her?" Her father asked. We all shook out heads.

"Oh, God." Her mother clung onto her husband. He held her. This was heartbreaking. I looked at Nathan and he had his head bowed. He was praying. then the doctor entered the room.

"Hello, are you all here for Macey?" He asked. We all nodded.

"Macey has hit a bump. This might actually effect her getting well. This almost killed her. There is room for recovery, but I would make arrangements, because there is a large percentage of her not making it. I am sorry. You may go see her. She is awake." He said. He then left the room. Nathan got up and walked to her room. I followed him. He knelt at her side when he saw her.

"Macey, please look at me." He pleaded with her. She turned her head and looked at him. She looked worse.

"Nathan, I really do love you, but once I am gone, please don't cry." She told him. He started to sob.

"Macey, you aren't going to leave me." He told her. I decided that the two of them needed privacy. I walked out of the room and stopped the others from going into the room. I told them all that Nathan and her were having a really important conversation. They agreed to go back.

"Cara, what were they talking about?" Macey's mother asked me.

"Macey was trying to tell Nathan good bye. He didn't want to hear that. I am sorry that I can't tell you more." I told her. She then started to cry. We went back to the waiting room. We all let Macey's parents sit down, first. Then we took our seats.

"Do you think that this is it for her?" Max asked me. I looked at him and grabbed his hand.

"No, I really don't think so. I really think that she is going to make it through this." I told him. He shook his head and looked at her parents. I knew that he was thinking about what they were going through.

"You guys can go see Macey." Nathan said as he walked in the room. I looked up to see that he had been crying. Macey's parents got up and walked to her room. Jay and I got up to take care of Nathan. Jay grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

"Nath, everything will be okay." Jay told him. The two of them sat down on a couch.

"Jay, I don't think that anything is going to be okay. She just had surgery. The doctors are trying to be as optimistic as possible, but she knows that this might be it for her." He told us. I pulled his face so that he looked at me.

"Nathan we have to be strong for her. I know that she is terrified. She is scared of what is going on." I told him. He nodded his head. I returned to Max. He and I held hands.

We sat in the waiting room, all night. We all took turns to go and see her. Macey told us all that she really appreciated what we had done for her. Nathan ended up falling asleep by her side. He had been holding her hand and he had the upper half of his body on the bed. She sat there and played with his hair. I slept on the floor, curled up next to Max.

"Cara, Max, you two need to get up." Siva said. I opened my eyes and he was standing over us with some kids. I smiled at them and they waved.

"What is it?" I asked Siva.

"Your phone has been going crazy and the kids were about to pour water on the two of you." He told us. I looked to see that Max was barely awake. Then I felt cold water on my head. They had poured the water on me and Max. Max got up, immediately. The kids then ran away.

"I told you." Siva said while he was laughing. I just glared at him. I got off of the ground and looked around to see that it was only Siva, Kelsey, Max, an I.

"Where are the others?" I asked Siva.

"Oh, Nathan is in Macey's room and Tom and Jay went home to get some clothes for us." He told me.

"I guess that I should head to the house." I stated. Max got up and gave me a hug. Kelsey got off of the couch and walked over to me.

"Kelsey, you can come with me. Let's grab some clothes from my place." I told her. She nodded her head. We both knew that neither of us should argue. The two of us started to walk out of the hospital. As we walked, I texted Louis to come and pick us up.

The two of us stood outside of the hospital. We just stood there. Niether one of said a word. There was nothing to really talk about. I kept looking for Louis. Finally a car that looked familiar drove up. It wasn't Louis. It was Harry.

"Come on girls." He said as he pulled up. Kelsey and I looked at each other. I could tell that neither of us wanted to go with him. I finally got myself together and I got in the car. The two of us sat in the backseat.

He drove us to the house. There were no problems. He just drove us. It was quiet, the entire way there. When he pulled up, the both of us exited the car. I walked inside and took Kelsey to my room. I threw my bag on the ground and she did the same.

"That was awkward." Kelsey said. I looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah, that really was. I am going to grab a shower. Please don't leave the room. I am serious. I don't trust Harry." I told her. She nodded her head and laid on my bed. I went into the bathroom and tried to take a really quick shower. I wasn't sure if he actually was going to try something on one of us.

I got out of the shower and got into some fresh clothes. I grabbed a t shirt and a pair of jeans. I walked out and I saw that Kelsey was asleep on bed. I went to the closet and pulled out a t shirt for her and a skirt. She was a bit taller than me, so I knew that pants wasn't really going to work for her.

"Kelsey, there is a towel in the bathroom. Go grab a shower." I told her. She opened her eyes and walked into the bathroom.

"Thanks." She said as she walked in the bathroom. I chuckled and sat on the bed. I then heard the door open. Niall and Zayn walked in.

"What are you two up to?" I asked them.

"We just wanted to see how you were. Is there really a girl in the hospital?" Zayn asked. I nodded my head and the two of them then looked really sad.

"Is she going to die?" Niall wondered.

"I don't think so. I think that she is going to make it." I told them. Then Harry walked in the room. I stayed calm.

"Okay, well I hope that she gets better." Niall said as he left the room. No, he left. Zayn will probably leave, now. I was right. He walked out and followed Niall. Harry watched them leave. He then shut the door.

"Harry, what are you up to?" I asked him. He gave me a horrible grin. He walked over to me and put a hand on my chin.

"Cara, sweet little Cara. I am about to show you and that other girl what could be yours." He said. I felt gross listening to him. He then lifted my chin up and kissed my forehead.

"Harry, you touch me and I will kill you." I told him.

"You just don't get it. I am better than what he will ever be." He said. Kelsey then opened the door, but she didn't say anything. I kept looking at Harry, so that he wouldn't see her. She forgot her clothes and was standing in her towel.

"Then prove it. Kiss me. If you think that you can have me, then prove it." I told him. I knew that he was going to go after Kelsey. She was tired and nearly naked. He leaned into me and kissed me. He pushed me on the bed and laid on top of me.

He kept trying to put his tongue in my mouth, but I wouldn't let him. He put his hand on my thigh and started to rub my leg. He hitched my leg on his hip. I felt how turned on he was. I kept my hands in his hair. He then squeezed my breast and I opened my mouth at the unexpected sensation. He took advantage of that and explored my mouth. He pulled away and started to kiss and suck my neck.

I felt a tear escape my eye. I was cheating on Max. Was I? I didn't actually want to do this. No, I am cheating on him. This is plain black and white. This is the second time.

"See? I am better than him." He said. I looked at him and slapped him.He rolled off of me and held his face.

"You will never be better than him. I am never going to be with you. Get it through your head." I told him. He sat up and looked at me with a hatred in his eyes.

"I thought that you were enjoying that." He said. I shook my head in disgust.

"It was actually the opposite. Please, get out of my room." I told him. He got up and left the room. I collapsed on the floor. I pulled my knees up and sat in a ball. I then felt Kelsey's arm around me.

"Don't cry. You did what you thought of." She said. She then pulled me up.

"I should be thanking you. I was absolutely terrified when I saw him standing there. So thanks. We don't ever have to tell the guys. If it does come out, I bet that Max would understand, if you explained to him what happened." She told me.

"That's just it. If it comes out, I don't want Max to be hurt. This is too complicated." I told her. She then grabbed her purse and mine.

"Come on. We are walking to the hospital. I don't think that we need to be here, at the moment." She said. We walked downstairs, where Liam, Eleanor, Danielle, and Harry were blocking our way out. I stepped between Kelsey and them.

It was then that I realized what I was supposed to do. I am the one that is supposed to be the bumper. I am supposed to protect the two sides, from each other. I am to make sure that neither continue fighting.

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