A Troubled Heart ❥ D.M.

Od parfaitiism

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Iris Éclatant is a bright eyed girl from France who is unconvincingly told by the sorting hat she belongs in... Více

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C H A P T E R 3 5 [ A/N ]

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Od parfaitiism

C O N T. // Y E A R S I X

"Iris?" My attention snapped to Narcissa. Her brows furrowed as she waited for me to speak.

"Pardon?" I did not hear her question. I can't keep my focus.

"Did you get any sleep at all last night?" She repeated herself. She looked concerned as she eyed me. It was dreadfully obvious I had not slept much.

"A few hours." I lied. I knew I looked dreadful (Draco already pointed that out, as he usually did).

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" She pursed her lips as we approached a strange house. Narcissa did not explain entirely where it was we were. She only said she was seeking help from an old friend, one who would know how to introduce me into this new lifestyle.

Before I could answer, Bellatrix knocked on the door, snickering as she rocked back and forth on her heels. As the door opened, I made eye contact with a rather familiar face.

"Professor Snape," I looked to Narcissa, a bit confused as to why we were visiting him,Bonjour." I sputtered.

"Why did you bring her along, Narcissa?" Severus hissed. Good to see you, too, Professor.

"The Dark Lord won't leave our family be, and--" She replied. Her voice shook.

"I cannot change the Dark Lord's wishes." Severus glared at me. What? Professor Snape is...

"She is not asking that, Monsieur." I interrupted.

"Then what is it you are asking, Miss Éclatant?"

"She is here for Draco, not me." I stated, my voice shaking.

Bellatrix snickered as she stepped behind me, running her long nails through my hair.

"I think the pretty little baby wants herself a tattoo~" The woman cackled, referring to a dark mark.

"She's a naive child." Severus spat.

"But it is what the Dark Lord wants," Bellatrix scolded, "You aren't going to defy his wishes, are you?"

Severus grew silent, and Bellatrix offered me her hand. I took it, shaking, as the woman gave me an eerie feeling. I felt like a traitor to my friends, but I felt as if I no longer truly had a choice. I either lived a life like Narcissa: no dark mark, yet still living in fear, or in fear with at least a bit of protection.

Bellatrix and Narcissa spoke to Snape for a few minutes longer inside. I waited awkwardly on his porch for them to finish their business. The initiation would follow their meeting with Snape. I tried desperately to convince myself that I was making the right choice.

Professor Snape led Narcissa and Belletrix outside. He eyed me with that harsh stare of his as we began to leave. He only inhaled sharply as I bid him goodbye.

"We'll go get Draco, then." Narcissa stated as Snape slammed his door shut.

Bellatrix skipped down the road, dragging me along with my hand in hers.

"When I first saw you in Diagon Alley, I hoped Draco would befriend you," Narcissa said. "I never wanted you to get in involved in this. Your parents didn't, either. I tried to convince Lucius to convince the Ministry to let you stay with the Weasleys, but the Dark Lord, well, he wanted you in a home with someone who has strict Pureblood beliefs, and Celia... Well. She didn't have much say. I am terribly sorry, Iris."

Bellatrix released my hand, cackling as she listened to our conversation. Narcissa looked as if she could cry, but instead she embraced me.

She returned to Malfoy manor while Bellatrix took me to Diagon Alley. We would meet Draco and Narcissa there.

Bellatrix led me into Borgin & Burkes. I cringed when I saw the Death Eaters parading inside. Two Death Eaters caught my eye. They looked very similar, brother and sister, I assumed, but something about them seemed too familiar. Their eyes were piercing, despite the fact they were dark brown. Celia...They have eyes like Celia... And... And like my mother's. The front door swung open behind us, and I saw Narcissa step inside. Draco waited behind her, reluctant to enter. I didn't greet him hello, but continued to walk with Bellatrix. She led us to the back of the building. Narcissa kissed Draco's cheek, and offered me a comforting smile.

"Come on, Iris dear~" Bellatrix sang. "You're up first!"

I followed her into a room that screamed death. She shut the door, leaving me alone in the dimly lit room. Someone sat before me, and in the dark I could hear a faint hiss. A snake. The figure stood from it's resting place, presenting itself before me. Candles illuminated themselves, and I could finally see who lurked.


"Ah," He spoke. "Iris Éclatant. I've been waiting for the moment you would follow your family's secret legacy." His voice was quiet, and sent chills up my spine. "You've been so shy these past few years, yes? I can see in your eyes that all that has been ripped from your life. No matter," He chuckled, holding his wand in his hand. "I'll make you feel right at home. You'll be apart of more than just a family. Roll up your sleeve, please."

I did as he asked, rolling up the lacy pattern that covered my arm. I chose black dress for the initiation. It seemed fit. Voldemort took my left arm in his hand, holding his wand in the other. My heart raced, and I longed for my parents to be with me, even though they lied, at least I would not be alone as I faced the Dark Lord. Voldemort pressed his wand against my left forearm. I felt as if I would stop breathing.

"Morsmordre." He hissed.

I gripped the arms of the chair I sat in with my free hand, gasping as a burning sensation ran through my body. Voldemort held my arm steadily as I jerked around in the chair. Bloody hell, it burned. The pain was strong; my vision began to spot. I couldn't contain my screams, and so I yelled out in agony. Merlin, you would've thought someone lit me on fire. I felt warm tears stream down my face as the pain slowly faded away. My eyes drifted to my arm where the mark would permanently stay. A skull with a snaking slithering out of its mouth was inked into my skin. Looking up at Voldemort, I wiped away my tears.

"Good," He chuckled. "Now you're just like us."

I slowly stood from the chair, making my way to the door in which I entered.

I'll never be like you.

Words I spat at Draco some time ago. I proved myself wrong. Bellatrix swung the door wide open, allowing me to exit.

"I told you you'd scream~" She cackled, leading me to the room where Draco and his mother sat.

He looked at me with the same sad eyes his mother did. I rolled down my sleeve to hide the mark. I felt empty. Draco stood as Bellatrix ordered him to. He reached out to me in attempt to comfort me, but I wanted nothing more than to fade away.

"Don't touch me." I spat, though I later felt awful for speaking so harshly. He and I were on the same boat. We no longer needed to be rude to each other any longer.

Bellatrix led him away. My eyes drifted to the floor as Narcissa began crying. I could almost read her thoughts. She felt like a failure. She wanted to protect her family from the Dark Lord, but her own son was becoming a Death Eater. Draco's screams could be heard loud and clear. I clenched my fists as he yelled in pain. I would never forget his cries. When the boy exited the room, it was as if the light from his eyes vanished. It seemed like the two of us grew up in less than 10 seconds; our childish light taken away from us. I couldn't help but hug him now. He looked so fragile and broken. It's as if he wasn't even Draco anymore.

He wrapped his arms around me as I rested my head on his shoulder. His breathes were short and quick. He wanted to cry, and as I held him, I whispered, "It'll be okay." Though, I myself was not convinced. Draco ran his fingers through my hair, and we stood there in each other's arms until Narcissa took us home.

❁ ❁ ❁

The train ride to Hogwarts was hell. I sat next to my Gryffindor friends after taking a copy of Quibbler from Luna. The trio discussed seeing Draco and Narcissa walk into the building.

Did they see me?

Surely not.

I listened as they spoke, not wanting to get involved in the matter.

"So what was Draco doing there? Who were all those people? I bet it was an initiation!" Harry exclaimed.

"Stop it, Harry." Hermione argued.

"He's one of them. His father's a Death Eater!" Harry continued.

"So what?" I tossed my Quibbler aside, standing from my seat. "My parents were both Death Eaters, Harry. You know that. Does that make me one, too?"

The trio looked at me, astonished at my harsh choice in tone. I licked my lips and swallowed hard. I am a Death Eater. I wanted to scream.

"Of course not, Iris." Hermione tried to calm the tension.

"You hang out with that git an awful lot, though. I mean, you live with the bloody people. You wouldn't happen to know anything, would you?" Ron asked.

"I've heard nothing of it. He doesn't speak of personal things." I replied.

"And you'd tell us if you knew anything, right?" Hermione persisted.

"I need some air." Harry interrupted, standing from his seat.

I passed by Draco as we arrived at Hogwarts. I didn't bother saying hello. The night after our initiation, he was quiet.

Too quiet.

A new presence settled upon Hogwarts as well. The joyfulness of the school vanished. Just like it had from Draco and I. I forced a smile in order to lighten my mood as I walked into the Great hall.

"Where's Luna?" Cho asked as I took a seat.

"I thought she got off the train with you two?" I looked between Cho and Marietta.

"Nope." Cho frowned.

Blisters still covered Marietta's face. Hermione never formally apologized for the jinx. Truly, I didn't believe she was sorry. I tried every spell I could think of to reverse the affects, but Hermione made the jinx irreversible, which practically ruined Marietta's life. She averted to wearing a scarf to cover her face, and no longer presented herself as the bright, bubbly and rebellious girl she used to be. Instead, she kept quiet. The year only just started, but I already shouted at a handful of people to shut their mouths after they called Marietta a sneak. It became her new nickname.

We began eating our supper, keeping the look out for the loony little girl. She always wandered off, so surely she was alright. Maybe she thought she saw some Nargles? Wrackspurts? Minutes after my thought, she appeared at the Ravenclaw table with those odd glasses she tore out of the Quibbler, "Hello." the girl chimed.

"Luna where have you--" Cho began, but Dumbledore's booming voice interrupted.

"As you all know," He began. "You were searched this morning upon your arrival..."


Another warning about Voldemort.

I completely tuned out his words as I poked at the food I did not plan to eat. I continuously caught Draco's eyes during the time in the Great Hall, but averted his gaze each time I looked at him.

Dumbledore shooed us off to bed after his speech. I exited the hall with Cho, Marietta and Luna. It was clear Cho was just as depressed as Marietta and I. Of the three of us, I definitely hid it the best. I had to, of course. I could never explain to them what I went through over Summer. I still felt sorry for both Cho and Marietta. Cho had been through so much in the past two years that she didn't deserve starting with Cedric's death to Umbridge talking the truth out of her best friend who no longer seemed like the same person, and ending with Harry breaking up with her due to Marietta ratting out Dumbledore's Army.

"Maybe this will be your year!" Luna cheered, pulling up her glasses as she looked back and forth between Cho and Marietta, "I suspect Nargles were bringing you down."

"Don't mean to interrupt," Marietta chimed, speaking for the first time that evening. "But, Iris, your little boyfriend is literally begging for your attention. He's giving you the 'I want to drown you' look."

"Marietta," Cho whined, "For the last time, that is not what I said!"

I looked in the direction Marietta gestured toward to see Draco watching us Ravenclaws; I ignored Cho and Marietta as they argued about a comment Cho made nearly two years ago. Honestly, he did want to drown me two years ago. Now, however... He flicked his eyes away as he noticed I glanced over, but immediately returned his gaze. I rolled my eyes, waving to my Ravenclaw friends before walking over to Draco, muttering a 'he is not my boyfriend.'

"When do you start?" I asked quietly.

Voldemort chose Draco for a horrific task. I knew the Dark Lord chose Draco to torture the Malfoy family. Lucius failed his duty at the Department of Mystery, and having Draco assigned to kill Dumbledore was Voldemort's way of punishing the boy. The entire family worried day and night, including me. Dumbledore cared for the staff and students of Hogwarts, and I didn't want to see the man die. I spent the last few nights of summer trying to find a loophole, but there were none.

"As soon as I can. I just need to find time." His voice shook.

"This is terribly risky." I whispered.

"It has to be done Iris. He'll kill me and my family if I don't." Draco toyed with the bottom of his shirt.

"He hurts you, and I kill him and that bloody snake." I spat.

Voldemort could kill me faster than I could even pull my wand out.

I just hoped Draco would be careful.

As the week went on, I noticed Draco skipped a fair amount of classes. He would either not show up at all, or arrive late without any supplies needed for the class. I found myself a bit surprised to see him arrive to potions class on time, followed by a very late Harry and Ron, who proceeded to fight over who would get which textbook from the cabinet in the back of the room. I looked to my left to see Lavender Brown, a Gryffindor in our year, swooning over Ron. Hermione did not like her one bit. Neither did I, actually. Harry joked about how Lavender and I should be best friends, considering we both have flower names. How ridiculous... I returned my attention to the lesson. Professor Snape took the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, while a new professor, Horace Slughorn, took his place. I recognized him as the Head of Slytherin from the picture of grand-mére. I wondered if he recognized our similarities.

I quite liked Professor Slughorn. His cheerfulness easily brightened the day of students. However, he did seem a bit odd.

"Can anyone tell me what these three potions are?" He gestured to the four cauldrons he placed before us.

Hermione immediately answered the Professor's question. I took the best notes I could. I nearly failed potions every year at Hogwarts. However, I did do quite outstanding on my Potions O.W.L.! Draco snickered from beside me as he watched me write down the names of the potions Hermione mentioned. I elbowed his side before continuing to write. Not all of us are masters at potion making.

"And this," The brunette continued, "This is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is rumored to smell different to each person. It depends on what attracts them..." her voice trailed off as I took a small step closer.

Sea salt, flowers, new book smell, warm croissants, tea, and...

Is that... Draco's cologne?

My eyes drifted over to Draco, but I quickly realized I stood next to Pansy Parkinson, Katie Bell, (another Gryffindor girl), and Lavander Brown. The four of us were right next to the cauldron, which we were not only seconds before. We gave each other awkward glances before we backed away to where we previously stood.

A very strong love potion. I wrote before shutting my journal.

I looked up at Draco who continued to watch me with his grey eyes. I raised a brow, waiting for an explanation as to why he would not take his eyes off of me, but there was no explanation at all. He eventually dropped his gaze to the floor. I frowned and looked back to the cauldrons. Hermione only named three of the four.

"Excusé moi, Professor," I nodded as a gesture to the last cauldron, "You have not told us what is in that one."

"Ah, right you are, Miss...?"

"Éclatant." I answered.

"Miss Éclatant!" He beamed. "I thought you looked familiar! You wouldn't happen to be related to Miss Iria Bellrose, would you? She married into the Éclatant family, correct? Oh, and her son, Charles! Good people, yes."


"Yes, sir." My lips curved slightly upward, but I truly did not enjoy the fact he knew my grandmother.

"Both Iria and Charles were wonderful students of mine! She studied day and night to pass all her potions tests," He looked rather happy as he spoke of grand-mére, so that certainly confirmed she was not always bad. I suppose that meant her cruel manner began with her friendship with Tom Riddle. Does Slughorn know him, too? "This right here is Felix Felicis," He continued his lesson. "Otherwise known as liquid luck. One sip, and you may find that all your endeavors succeed," Draco's head immediately popped up at Slughorn's mention of success. I knew the boy desperately wanted the vile. He needed all the luck he could get. "Now, I offer this vile to the student who, within the hour, can brew Living Death."

And so, each student scurried to their stations to begin brewing Living Death.

"S'alright if I sit here, Michael?" I gestured toward the empty seat next to my fellow Ravenclaw. He opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, Katie Bell plopped in the seat next to him.

"Oh," She looked back and forth between Michael and me, "I'm terribly sorry. Were you going to sit here, Iris?" She looked genuinely worried that she took my seat, but clearly Michael found himself yet another girlfriend.

"No worries." I turned away.

What happened to Ginny? I hope he didn't break the poor girl's heart. I decided I would ask Ron immediately after class. If I have to jinx Michael... I took the empty seat beside Draco who looked entirely invested with his potion brewing.

"Will ya tell him to relax?" Blaise said to me from across the table.

"I don't think he can." I watched the boy read over the ingredients countless times.

"Draco, honestly," Pansy watched, absolutely dumbfounded at the boy's persistence. "It's only liquid luck. What could you possibly need it for?"

"Let him make the potion," I began reading over the ingredients myself. "He has the talent."

"I think it's a waste of time," she argued. "Look at the ingredients. This is ridiculous."

"I agree," I muttered. "But if he wants the potion, he should be able to try without you pestering him."

"Why on earth are you even sitting here, Éclatant?" Pansy scowled as she closed her book. "Just because you live with the Malfoys does not mean we are your friends."

"Pansy--" Blaise tried to calm down the Slytherin girl.

"Will you all shut up?" Draco spat as he stood from his seat. He went to retrieve the needed ingredients for the potion. Pansy and I exchanged unfriendly looks before we too began brewing Living Death.

❁ ❁ ❁

"You two need to brush down your hair." Ron teased as he saw Hermione and me. Each of us looked dreadful from our attempt to brew Living Death. My hair no longer was straight, but instead kinky and curled from the humidity produced by my terrible potion making.

"How did you do it, Harry?" I asked the spectacled boy who held the vile of Liquid Luck. "Draco couldn't even make the potion, and he's top of our potions class."

"My text book had all sorts of notes in it," He handed me the raggedy book. "Read it."

"Property of the Half-Blood Prince?" I flipped through the pages. The book was covered in markings and extra notes, some that contradicted the original text.

"Let me see that." Hermione took the book from my hands.

"Ron?" I turned to the red-headed boy who smiled giddily as Lavender Brown passed by with Katie Bell. "Are Michael and Katie--"

"Goodness, Harry," Hermione interrupted, "You have to return this! This doesn't belong to you."

"No way." Harry snatched the book from the brunette's hands.

"If I found the book, I certainly would keep it." I shrugged, watching as Katie Bell and Michael took a seat together in the courtyard, along with Lavender. The four of us sat on the grass on the opposite side of the courtyard.

"You're jus' mad Harry is doing better in class than you." Ron spoke, though his focus was elsewhere. The two of us watched the Gryffindor girls from afar while Harry and Hermione argued over the text book. Michael and Katie began snogging profoundly. I immediately snapped my attention away. "I can't believe Ginny dated that creep," Ron muttered. "No offense, Iris."

"None taken." I grumbled.

"Is is true that Ginny is dating Dean Thomas?" Hermione questioned Ron.

"Hell if I know," The red headed boy shrugged. "She keeps every thing to herself."

"S'long as she isn't dating Michael," I frowned. "I don't know why I ever gave him a second of attention."

"You talk about Michael poorly, yet your new best friend is Draco Malfoy!" Harry exclaimed, watching as the boy and his Slytherin friends entered the courtyard.

"Je suis désolé," I rolled my eyes. "I didn't exactly have a choice when Lucius whisked me away from the Weasleys."

"It must be terrible to live with them." Hermione whispered.

"Lucius is the foulest git I have ever met," I grimaced, "But Narcissa is alright. She is very kind."

"And Draco," Harry persisted. I knew he was dying to know more about the blond's life outside of Hogwarts. "What is he like?"

"There's more to him than you think," I said. "He just does what he has to to please his parents."

"With parents that are Death Eaters, I'd be scared, too," Ron mumbled. "Not that you are anything like them, Iris." He finished reassuringly.

"I feel as if I am every thing like them." I whispered, watching Draco sit quietly as his Slytherin friends joked and laughed with each other.

"You aren't," Hermione placed her hand on mine. "You are the kindest person I have ever met."

❁ ❁ ❁


My favorite weekends of the year, especially during the fall. Though I enjoyed spending my free time reading, I always loved getting out of the castle. I begged Draco to go to the Three Broomsticks with me, and he finally agreed. He needed a break from the stress of... What is it exactly that he is working on? I knew Draco didn't skip class just to plot how to... well, you know. I knew there had to be something else.

I watched Draco toy with the little umbrella in his soda. He wore a black coat with his green scarf wrapped around his neck. Mon dieu, he looks absolutely adorable. Besides the fact he looks terribly exhausted. I wanted to hug the boy until he could be happy again, but hugging couldn't fix him entirely. I don't think it could even help. Besides, he'd probably murder me if I hugged him longer than wanted.

"What did you smell?" He quietly asked. "When you and the other girls sniffed the love potion."

"S'that why you were watching me so intently?" I sipped my soda.

"I was just curious. The four of you didn't even realize you where walking closer to the cauldron."

"Well," I thought back to the lesson. "The ocean, new books, flowers, and French pastries..." My voice trailed off.

"S'that all?" He watched me intently.

"And you," I whispered. "More specifically, that silly cologne you drown yourself in," I teased in attempt to avoid the fact that I admittedly told Draco I was attracted to him. "What did you smell?"

"Black licorice, candles, and..." He licked his lips before continuing, "I also smell the ocean." His eyes flickered upward, looking into mine. His gaze softened, and he almost looked as if he was on the verge of tears. "Your eyes used to look so much like the ocean, like the Summer Blues, but they've faded. I miss it."

My lips parted as he spoke. He longed to see the bright blue color again, but the brightness faded from my eyes.

"I..." I shook my head, unsure of what to say. "Maybe we can go to the ocean someday."

"We'll be dead before we get the chance."

"Don't say that!" I shouted. A few other people in the room looked my way. My face flushed before I lowered my head.

"You don't understand, Iris," He whimpered. "He's going to kill me if I don't do this, and I don't know if I can."

"Everything is going to be okay, Draco. I promise." I nodded reassuringly, though, I knew I should not make promises.

Draco stood from his seat and apologized before he left the Three Broomsticks. He went to 'take care of something'. Whatever that meant. I watched as he accidentally ran into Harry. I inhaled sharply as I waited for a snide comment to escape from the blond's mouth, but he passed by without a word. Harry's eyes caught mine as he sat at a table with Hermione and Ron. I grabbed my drink and joined the three.

"Bonjour." I smiled awkwardly at the three.

"What were you doing with Draco?" Harry asked.

"Harry," Hermione sighed. "It isn't any of your business."

"How can you say that, Hermione? He's the git who calls you a Mudblood."

"If Iris trusts him, shouldn't we, too?" Hermione shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

"Ah, Mr. Potter," The trio and I were greeted by Professor Slughorn. "Miss Granger, Miss Éclatant," He nodded in hello, completely ignoring Ron (who he did not know quite well). "I hope to see you three at my Christmas dinner, as well as my Christmas party later this semester."

"Yes, of course." Harry replied, shaking the man's hand.

Professor Slughorn smiled as he walked away, leaving Ron with a confused look on his face.

"What was that all about?" The red-head furrowed his brows.

"Dumbledore asked me to get to know him." He answered.

The three of us sat in the Three Broomsticks until we had to return to Hogwarts. The trip to Hogsmeade was well needed. It took away a bit of stress from everyone.

Unfortunately, things were going to get much worse.

excusé moi, excuse me
je suis désole, I am sorry

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