Deep, Dark, Dangerous (Zayn M...

By HarrysBatman

1M 18.5K 1.8K

Samantha is a Gorgeous girl, Living in Londen England as a high School Girl, but she lives in the most danger... More

Save me
Your dead
Baby girl
Authors note.
I got someone
He cheated?!
You broke my heart.
Please Believe Me!
Im sorry
Sex again... oopps (Explicit)
Love you more
alotta chapters later
bye bye
One Idea
First time
Beneath your Beautiful
Question :)
New Story
I love you
Writers Block & New
Lets Change


14K 316 70
By HarrysBatman

-2 months later-

 I woke up from a deep sleep, excruciating pain from my lower stomach. I groaned "Zayn.... baby" i moaned, he looked over at me "Yes beaut-" he stopped "Do you need to go to the hospital?" he asked, i nodded "P-please" i whispered, groaning softly, trying to stand up. He grabbed my arm, wrapping it around his neck, i whimpered "Ow.." i said, he nodded "Shh baby. Everything is okay, it'll be okay" he said. 

Im pregnant. I have uncontrollable hormones. And he just set them off, making me slightly pissed. He sat me in the car "Are you serious? Your not having this baby. I am. It hurts. It hurts like hell and its your fault." i said, upset. Good thing he was used to this from not only me, but his mother, his aunts, and the women around him. He knew it was only hormones. He smiled softly and kissed my head "Im sorry. It wont happen again" he said, i nodded "Fine." i said, and he got into the other side of the car driving to the hospital. 

We got to the hospital and they took me back. Zayn called some people as the doctors see how dialated i was. "5 centimeters.... well, you sure are strong. You slept through that?" the doctor asked. I shrugged "Im tired" i said, he laughed "How old are you love?" he asked "Uh, 23." i said, he nodded "Married?" he asked, i shook my head "No....." he smiled "It's fine. You... know the father?" he asked, i nodded "Oh of course, actually he is right there!" i said pointing to Zayn who walked in.

"Hey beautiful." he said, leaning down and kissing my head, and sitting next to me on the chair "Hey Zayn..." the doctor said, looking down and writing a few things... "How does he know you?" i asked "Oh, he birthed me... and my sisters..." Zayn laughed, and held my hand. I laughed "What a coincedince?" i said, the doctor nodded "Few more questions..." he asked, i nodded ready. 

"When was your last routine check to the doctor for a check up?" he asked. 

"Month ago..." i said, the doctor nodded. 

By the way, his name was Dr. Martin....

"How bad is the pain. 1 being none at all 10 being so bad, you want to die...." he asked, i thought "Hmm" i said

"7..."  i said, he nodded and looked down at my diapram (Not being creepy dur he is a doctor). He nodded "Okay, your getting there love. How bad was your last contraction and when?" he asked

"about.. an hour or less ago.. and it was about a 9..." i said, he nodded "Seems normal. We will need to take an ultrasound. See how he or she is doing. You didn't want to know the gender am i right?" Dr. Martin asked, i nodded "Correct." i said, he nodded "A nurse will be in, in a few moments. Ill be in a little while. Thank you Mrs... Carter." he said, smiling i nodded and waved. 


The nurse came in and began to spread gel around my stomach, then rolled the little instrument agains't my stomach and watched the screen carefully, nodding and smiling "Okay, uh... its... ready to be born within the next few hours" the woman said, i nodded smiling "Thank you" i said, she smiled and walked out. 


Many... many.. labours hours later. The baby was born. A girl. Zayn was the firs to hold her. He held her so gently, and held her little hand, rocking her back and forth, smiling brightly at the little girl. He sat next to me. I was still in pain and sweaty, but i smiled, as he handed her to me. I played with the little hairs on her head "She looks like you" i said, touching her nose, he smiled, sitting next to me on the bed "Nope, he looks a bit like you" he said, kissing my lips softly. 

I kissed back. Zayn grabbed his phone and took a picture, smiling. I frowned, tears brimming my eyes, remembering Sophie. How badly she wanted to be a mother. How excited she was when i got pregnant. How happy she was around kids. How i made her the god mother, how i did everything. Tears streamed down my cheeks. "Baby...." he said. i held my hand up "I want Sophie" i cried, looking at the baby girl and smiling softly, and laughing as i held her little soft hand. 

He didn't reply... "We should name her Sophie..." Zayn said, rubbing the baby's arm. I smiled "We really should!" i said cheerfully. He nodded "You want something to drink.. eat?" he asked, i shook my head "Not now.. can we wait for a while?" he nodded, kissing me and taking..... Sophie. (Picture) he rocked her back and forth, kissing her head softly and smiling as he sat down, he began to talk to her and laughing as she made little movements and snorts. 

He smiled "Daddy's little girl" he said, looking up at me, i smiled "You two are precious" i said, leaning my head back and my eyes closing. tired. I feel asleep. 


-In my dream-

I walked down a long, narrow, ally. I saw fighting in one corner. People smoking drugs in another. Drinking in another. Passed out in the other. I looked around, lost, confused, helpless in the crowed. I looked down the ally, towards the light. Seeing a tall, skinny, beautiful figure. 

She looked familiar. I began to run. Run as fast as i could towards it. Faster and faster. I was suddenly stopped, i couldn't run any farther. I looked up into the lights eyes, seeing Sophie. "Hey" she whispered. 

I gasped 

"Sophie" i cried, she smiled "Hey...." she said "SHh... don't talk" she said, i nodded "I want to tell you im fine. Im happy. Im at peace. But... i really miss Harry. Please.... please tell him i love him. I miss him. That he was the love of my life, and he can forget about me, but don't ever foget how i changed him." she said, i nodded "Of course" i said, she smiled "About you and Zayn. Im so happy for you beautiful people. Sophie is so cute. She looks like both of you, duh. A little more like you though." she said

I laughed 

"Were is Zayn? Did he leave you? Why isn't he in the hospital room?" she questioned, i laughed 

"He is probably getting food" i said, she smiled "Good, i would have haunted him for the rest of his life if he had" she said, i smiled and lauged. 

"I miss you best friend ever. I will never forget you. I will always look over you, and Zayn, and Sophie, and Harry. I will protect you. I will be your gaurdian angle.. I love you all" she said, i wnt to touch her, but she was gone to fast. I turned around, hearing a gun shot. She was tied agains't that tree again. Looking me directly in the eyes, as the bullet went through her lung. Her eyes shut slowly, as her body faded from the tree, her smile still spread against her face, in a peaceful memory. "Bye beautiful" i heard her sing, i looked up and saw an angle flying up into the clouds 

"Bye Sophie" i whispered, tears streaming down my face. 

-I was jolted out of my sleep, crying hard. Zayn was shaking me softly, Sophie in his hands "baby... i got us dinner..." he said, holding up what seemed like chinese I gasped. Dumbfounded. How did.. what? 

"Sophie. She's... shes in this room" i stuttered, he laughed "Yeah, she right here" he said, kissing Baby sophies head, i shook my head "No... no.... no... I mean.. the forst Sophie. She.. she came to me and talked to me about you and Harry and the baby and me. She loves us and she will never forget us and she thanks you for making the baby's name Sophie.. she is in this room. I swear. She said she will look after us. Please believe me" i said, panicked. 

Zayn smiled softly, and sat on the bed, setting Sophie in my hands, he kissed my head "Of course i do baby. I love you" he said, i nodded and hugged him. I felt the room lighten. 

-Sophies 'ghost' pov- 

I watched as she panicked about me in her dream. Crazy girl. I smiled softly and felt the cold of the filing cabinat in the corner of the room hit my shoulders. I waved shortly "Bye Samantha. Bye Zayn. By Sophie. By Harry." i whispered, as i dissapeared, going above, watching her. I smiled, "Goodbye" i whispered, as she smiled, beginning to eat dinner. Her Baby. Her Boyfriend. Her family. Her life. Her future. Samantha Carter. Goodbye. I love you. </3

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