No comment (mixed fandom stor...

By muchfanfics

4.4K 34 4

"What does your cousin think about this?" A reporter shouted at me. "No comment." I said as I kept my head do... More

No comment (mixed fandom story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 14

91 0 0
By muchfanfics

Cara's POV:

I fell asleep quickly. I dreamt about Ella. I dreamt about what happened. I saw her car fall into the lake. I watched her drown. I watched we body being pulled out of the lake. I watched her mother and father mourn over her. I woke up, hyperventilating. Max was also awake.

"Cara, dear, it'a okay. Calm down." He said as he held me. I started to cry, again. He just laid there with me and quietly sang to me. I finally calmed down.

"What time is it?" I asked him. He looked at his watch and then out the window.

"It is 8:00. I need to call Nathan and Siva and let them know what happened." He said. He didn't move, though. He actually just held me closer to him.

"What about Jay? Shouldn't you call him too?" I asked him. He chuckled.

"He lost his phone." He said. I giggled. It was kind of funny. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. I was expecting a text, but there was none.

"Go and call them. I am going to check on Tom and Kelsey." I told him. He rolled, on top of me and kissed me. His hands were i n my hair and on my legs. I laid there and kissed him back.

"What was that for?" I asked him as he pulled away.

"I felt like it." He said. He then grabbed his phone and dialed a number. I walked out of my room and went downstairs. I saw Tom and Kelsey on the couch.

They were sleeping peacefully. Tom was holding Kelsey protectively. I walked over to them and pulled the blanket so that they would stay warm. I then walked up the stairs. That was when I ran into Harry.

"Cara, i am sorry for your loss." He said. I am glad that I am talking with normal Harry and not horny Harry.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." I told him. He then looked at me with a lustful expression. I thought too soon.

"Harry, Max is upstairs and I am sure that he would be willing to beat the crap out of you." I warned him. He looked upstairs and back at me.

"I think that I will take my chances." He then took a step closer to me. I rushed down the stairs and I ran into the living room. Tom and Kelsey were still sleeping, but I felt like Tom would be really easy to wake up. Harry then walked in the room.

"What the hell are those two sluts doing here?" He asked in a whisper yell.

"They are my friends and they helped last night. Where did you go last night?" I spat at him.

"I went out." He stated. I sighed. As he took a step closer to me.

"I am not afraid to wake Tom up. I am sure that he will beat your ass if you even try to hurt me." I told him. He looked at Tom then back to me. Harry then walked out of the room and to the kitchen. I then walked to my room. I walked in and I saw that Max was still on the phone. He looked at me and smiled.

"Okay, Nathan, she is here. Do you want to talk to Nathan?" He asked me. I nodded and took the phone from him.

"Hey, Nathan." I said.

"Cara, I am so sorry. Please know that we are going to be here for you." He told me. I started to tear up.

"Nathan, that means a lot to me. Thanks." I told him.

"Okay, sweet heart. Take care. I hope I that I will see you soon." He said. He then hung up. I handed Max his phone back. He set it on the nightstand and grabbed me. He pulled me into a hug.

"Cara, your mother called. You should call her back." He said. I nodded my head and grabbed my phone. I called my mom and she answered.

"Cara, i am so glad that I have finally gotten in touch with you! I take it that Louis has already told you?" She said.

"Yeah, he told me. Do you know when the funeral is?" I asked her. I didn't think that I would ever be asking her that.

"It is Saturday. Are you and Louis going to be there?" She asked.

"Of course we are going to be there. I will see you then." I told her. She hung up the phone and I looked at Max.

"The funeral is on Saturday." I told him. He took my hands in his and I looked into his eyes.

"I will be there. I know that the guys might what to come, so is it okay if they attend?" He asked. I couldn't imagine any of them wanting to go. I don't know them, that well.

"They can if they feel like they need to. But they don't know me and they didnt know Ella, so I don't see why they would go." I told him.

"Because we are family. You are a part of our family." He told me. I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He kissed me back.

"Let's just lay down." He said. He laid on his back and I laid next to him.

Louis's POV:

I woke up, next to El. She looked so beautiful, just laying there. I looked at the time and it was 9:30. I looked up at the ceiling. I can't believe that Ella is gone. She is gone and I will never be able to hear that annoying laugh. Never be able to hear her sass me. It was too sad to think about, so I stopped.

I got out of my bed and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I saw my tear stained cheeks. I washed my face and went back in the room. Eleanor was still sleeping. I decided to go see where Harry was.

I saw that he wasn't in his room, so I knew that he was probably in the kitchen. I walked down stairs to see Kelsey and Tom Parker on my couch. Then I remembered what they did for me. I saw Harry in the kitchen. He was drinking a beer.

"Mate, why so early?" I asked him.

"Well I must be drunk, if Tom Parker is sleeping on my couch." He said. I laughed.

"Yeah, it is a little weird." I commented. He then looked in the room and looked back at me.

"Although, his girlfriend, is hot." He said. I saw that look in his eye. I knew that he wanted her.

"Mate, that man would kill you with out any hesitation, if you even touched her. Plus they have that irish guy, he could probably hide your body, that they wouldn't even find you in 1,000 years." I told him. He knew that i was right. He nodded his head and looked back at her.

"I still want her." He said.

"What is it with you and girls that you can't have?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I don't know. I have only met two girls that won't give me the time of day. I mean, let's face it, if I wanted El, I would have her." He told me. It was probably true. He does know how to seduce a woman.

"Wait, you said two. Who are the two women?" I asked him.

"Kelsey and Cara." He stated like it was nothing. I stared at him.

"Cara? You have gone after Cara? And she ignored you?" I asked him. He nodded his head and continued to look at Kelsey.

"I am sorry, but if she hasn't even fallen for you, then she really is in love with Max. I remember that she used to fall for any guy that said hi to her." I told him. He looked at me and frowned.

"And that is why I am not giving up that easily." He told me. I wasn't really sure to hit him or to give him a pat on the back. I am glad that he isn't giving up, but he shouldn't, at least not with my cousin. I then walked out of the kitchen and upstairs. I went in Cara's room. I saw that Max was on her bed and she wasnt in there.

"Cara is in the shower. I think she will be out in a bit." He told me.

"I think that this is a good time for me to talk with you. Thanks. Thanks for being here with Cara. I really see that you two love each other." I told him he looked at me and smiled.

"Who would have thought that it would take a girl to bring some leach between us." He said.

"Yeah, and this girl isn't even a fan of either of our music." I told him as he laughed.

"Do you know when the funeral is?" I asked him. He sighed.

"It is tomorrow." He said.

"Good. By the way, I would keep Cara away from Harry, if I were you. He has a thing for girls that aren't his. He fancies Cara and Kelsey, so just watch them." I told him. He stood up and looked at the door to the bathroom.

"Thanks for telling me this. Would he do anything drastic?" He asked. I am glad that he was asking, cause that meant that he cared.

"Not too drastic. If you hit him once, then he might back off." I told him. He nodded and got off of the bed.

"I am going to go downstairs. I just heard the water shut off." He said. He and I both left the room. I was glad that he wasn't a pervert. We walked down downstairs and he saw Tom and Kelsey. He walked over to them and slapped the bottom of Tom's foot. He woke up immediately.

"What did you do that for?" Tom asked. Max laughed.

"Time to get up, lazy." He replied. I saw Kelsey start to stir. She looked up at Tom and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

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