Just Tourists ✔️

By 94sMixtape

732K 32.2K 6.1K

Highest Rank: ||Mystery/Thriller #1|| ||Action #3|| We don't have a written manual on how to survive being... More

Just Tourists
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Character Ask
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Just the Truth
Extra Materials

Chapter 20

16.3K 671 237
By 94sMixtape

Surprise kiddos! Here's an early update because I'm in San Fransisco visiting family and I was bored so I had time to write up a chappie.

"She does not want us involved at all," I mutter as we were waiting in one of the studies in the embassy. We had agreed to meet Sara here so she could take us up to Marco's room where the kidnapping had happened.

"Well sucks for her because we are involved," Blaire commented with a smile.

"This isn't supposed to be some sort of fun day trip, this is serious," Bianca told her,glaring angrily.

"Honey, I put the fun in dysfunctional. Now shut up. We're looking for kidnappers not murderers so don't kill my vibe," Blaire responded immediately. Great, now they're back to killing each other.

"Can you two just stop for five minutes? If we don't work together, R.I.P won't take us seriously," Tiffany scolded both of them. Her cold eyes made me squirm and they weren't even meant for me. Tiffany will make a great mom someday. Scary as hell? Sure, but a great one nonetheless.

"If you're all done with your boring foreplay, I'd like to take you up the crime scene so you can do your job and stop wasting my time," Sara's voice echoed icily through the study and we all turned to look at her in embarrassed silence.

"Well come along children, don't just stand there," she said motioning for us to follow, but I could tell by the way she all but spit out the word 'children' that she wouldn't mind leaving us behind one bit.

"The Prime Minister is also upstairs willing to answer any questions you need to know in order to make a file on the kidnapping," Sara explained as she led us down the empty and quiet halls of the embassy.

Since we had a direct case from R.I.P, we were dismissed from our jobs as interns at the museum for the time being. Not that any of us minded missing out on picking up left behind soggy maps, litter, and making sure snotty kids didn't place their hands on the priceless art.  We weren't exactly mourning our loss.

"Up these stairs is the East Wing where the Prime Minister and his family all have their own rooms. It's like the penthouse of the Embassy," Sara told us while we walked up the grudgingly steep and somewhat filthy stairs. They looked like they hadn't been used in ages which was odd since supposedly the family lived up stairs implying they'd have to go up and down these steps every day.

The halls of the East Wing were even more lavishly decorated than the rest of the Halls of the Embassy. There were several portraits of past Prime Ministers and several pieces of art that were grand enough to be in the museum. If we so much as breathed too much, I felt like we'd knock something down and break a priceless artifact worth more than my entire family.

With it's large open and airy windows allowing bright sunshine into the exquisite halls, it was hard to imagine a kidnapping happening in the picturesque environment portrayed in the East Hall. It seemed like a nearly impossible task to have kidnapped Marco in broad daylight.

"Marco's room is the one at the very end of this hall, but before you begin your evaluation of the crime scene, the Prime Minister has requested to speak to the two agents in charge of this mission in his office," she told us and I felt both baffled and proud to be referred to as an 'agent' instead of a trainee or intern.

"And who would they be?" Bianca asked somewhat eagerly.

According to the files presented to me it would be Agent Wynters and Agent Hagen," Sara read off a paper looking between Tiffany and I.

"There are several tools available to your disposal for the viewing of the room if you need them. Report to headquarters in three hours," she said, her voice curt and already fading as she walked down the hall and out of sight.

"Look, we don't have time to waste right now. While Charlee and I head to the Prime Minister's office, the rest of you should head to Marco's room and evaluate the situation," Tiffany instructed and we all nodded our heads in agreement.

"But Sara said we weren't supposed to go in until you two talked to the Prime Minister first," Karlie pointed out quietly and meekly.

"But Sara's skinny ass isn't here now is it?" Bianca asked and we were all slightly agape.

"Let's go find his office," I told Tiffany instead and we walked away from the group with a new sense of determination.

We weren't exactly sure which room was the Prime Minister's office but it made obvious soon enough that his office was the only other room in the hallway that was left unlocked. We opened the door hesitantly and walked into the brightly lit office where two men were seated talking casually.

"You two must be the agents they left in charge of my son's case," a light haired man in a crisp suit stood up from behind his desk. The other man stood up and when he turned to face us I realized he was in fact, much younger. While the Prime Minister looked to be in his late forties or maybe early fifties with slightly graying hair, the other younger man probably wasn't older than 21 or 22.

"Yes, I'm Agent Hagen and this is my partner Agent Wynters. Our team is here to asses your case Prime Minister," Tiffany said extending her hand formally to greet the two men. I'd never seen her act so professionally. It was quite the reality check.

"I'm Giovanni Adduci and this is my older son Adriano Adduci, the formal titles aren't necessary dear," Giovanni assured her and sat back down in his seat and as did Adriano.

"As we speak, our team is ready to look at the scene of the crime but first we need to go over some basic questions to help us determine what happened," Tiffany explained and motioned for me to continue.

"Mr. Adduci, the day that your son Marco disappeared, did you have any sort of fall out with him? Any sort of argument that could have led him to run away?" I asked looking at Giovanni as sternly as I could to see if he'd squirm or show any signs of lying.

"No, in fact we were supposed to be going out to celebrate later on at night since I had made a public announcement that Adriano was going to be running for Prime Minister after my retirement," Giovani explained.

"Would this upset Marco in any way?" I pressed.

"No he's fully aware that Adriano wants to run for Prime Minister after me and there was even talk that Marco would run for Prime Minister after Adriano," he explained smoothly but I noticed his left hand would slightly twitch every time he said his son's name. I kept that in mind as I continued to ask questions.

"Did you notice anything suspicious around the Embassy or with Marco the day he went missing?" I turned to ask Adriano.

"No, he was acting fairly normal. Even joking around and talking about the usual pranks he was planning on doing," Adriano shrugged his shoulders.

"Pranks? So perhaps this could be a prank? Or maybe he's just out partying. It's not uncommon for teenagers, especially a prankster such as your son to disappear for a few days and then come back," Tiffany broke into the conversation and I nodded my head.

"But Marco didn't take his car keys, his wallet, or any belongings with him. No one even saw him leaving in the security cameras," Giovanni explained, his hand twitched and I looked down at it. He clasped his hands together and placed them under the desk away from my view.

"We notified the police and plan on releasing a public announcement on the news so that more people can become aware of Marco's disappearance," Giovanni stated and I raised my eyebrows. Both Sara and my aunt had clearly told me they wanted to keep this out of the spot light. However, it is his son so we have no say in the matter now.

"Alright, we'll need a list of people or suspicious characters who have contacted Marco in the last few weeks and we'll be taking a look at those security footages," I told them both ending the interrogation session.

"If we find any substantial information, you'll both be notified immediately," Tiffany told them and we both quietly slid out of the office.

"The Prime Minister was acting off, did you notice that?" Tiffany asked once we were a fair distance away from the office.

"I did but it doesn't add up. Do you think he's behind this?"

"Well it's not the first time we'd be dealing with butt hurt daddy issues. But at the same time, maybe he's just not telling some detail about Marco or their family. He hasn't mentioned his wife, if there even is one," Tiffany pointed out and I nodded my head. This whole case just wasn't adding up.

"Let's go see what the girls are up to," I suggested and we walked further down the hall towards Marco's room.

His room doors were open but the entrance to the room had a police tape right across it, which we had to go under in order to talk to the rest of our team. Everyone was wearing scrubs on their feet and gloves on their hands so that any DNA samples would not be tampered with.

"Anything new?" I asked once we entered the room.

"There's little to nothing here that shows sign of a break in or kidnapping," Bianca said frustrated.

"Well, we did find one single thing so far," Palma spoke up and we turned to look at her expectantly.

"Next to his desk was a single spot of blood. But the thing is, it doesn't match Marco's,"


Sort of a cliffhanger?? Sorry guys. Anyways you guys commented a bunch of great nicknames and I honestly can't choose so I think I'll let you guys decide! Remember the person who wins gets a dedication so choose well children (and yes you're allowed to vote for yourself)

•Agents of Just
•LLA's (Lorna's Little Agents)
•Agents of Secret Stuff
•Just Readers
•Agent Unicorns of Awesomeness
•Spy Kids

Thanks for all the great suggestions! It's all up to you guys now, may the odds be ever in your favor.


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