Fighting Fire

By DakedaShanay

2.1K 11 0

Lillianna: All I could think about was what happened in he's office. He kissed me and I didn't freak out. I a... More

Chapter 1: Lillianna
Chapter 2: Detective Skyy
Chapter 3: Lillianna
Chapter 4: Detective Skyy
Chapter 5: Detective Skyy
Chapter 6: Lillianna
Chapter 7: Lillianna
Chapter 8: Lillianna
Chapter 9: Lillianna
Chapter 10: Lillianna
Chapter 11: Detective Skyy
Chapter 12: Lillianna
Chapter 13: Detective Skyy
Chapter 14: Lillianna
Chapter 15: Detective Skyy
Chapter 16: Lillianna
Chapter 17: Detective Skyy
Chapter 18: Detective Skyy
Chapter 19: Lillianna
Chapter 20 Detective Skyy
Chapter 21: Lillianna
Chapter 22: Lillianna
Chapter 23: Lillianna
chapter 25: Detective Skyy
Chapter 26: Lillianna
Part II
Chapter 1: Lillianna
Chapter 2: Lillianna
Chapter 3: Detective Skyy
chapter 4: Lillianna
Chapter 5: Lillianna
Chapter 6: Lillianna
chapter 7: Detective Skyy
chapter 8: Lillianna
Chapter 9: Detective Skyy
Chapter 10: Detective Skyy
Chapter 11: Detective Skyy
Chapter 12 Lillianna

Chapter 24: Lillianna

41 0 0
By DakedaShanay

Chapter 24


        As soon as we entered my house I ran for some towels and turned the heat up.

        We ended up putting our clothes in the drawer and I gave Skyy a pair of Trent’s shorts. I was actually enjoying the sight of Skyy’s well-built physique. I was enjoying him just in is boxers.

        After we put our clothes in the dryer I led him to my room so I could put on some clothes and get out of the rob I was wearing. I left him sitting on edge of my bed while I changed in the bathroom. When I walked back out he was still in the same spot. I leaned against the door frame for a minute and just stared at him. I had to admit to myself how I really felt for him. I’ve never trust a man in the way I trust him. I think about him constantly and I never want him out of my sight.  Suddenly I wanted to take our relationship to the next level. If I was ever going to have sex I really want my first time to be with him. I knew he would never hurt me intentionally and he would be respectful.

        I walked over to him and straddled him. Before he could asked any questions I brought his lips to mines. His hands roamed under my shirt and around to my back where my bra strap was. He kissed my chin then moved to my neck.

        “I want you,” I whispered.

        I meant what I said but I wasn’t sure where it came from. I’m not the type of girl who does these things.

        It’s not like Skyy actually did what I expected. He didn’t rip off my clothes or get physical with me. Instead, Skyy lifted me off of him and placed me down beside him. He grabbed a pillow and placed it on his lap and stared at me.

        What the hell was going on? Did he not want me?

        “What was that?” I questioned.

        Skyy cleared his throat. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

        “Am I not attractive?”

        “Your beautiful. I…”

        “Are you having sex with someone else,” I cut in.

        “No, where is this coming from!”

        “You keep pulling away,” I cried. I couldn’t believe I was crying. I felt rejected and it hurt.  “I feel rejected.”

        Skyy removed the pillow from his lap then said, “I’m very much attracted to you and I want you too.” I stared at Skyy and he looked down at his lower half. I followed his eye’s and saw his shorts pitched like a tent. I double over in laughter. “Yea laugh it up,” Skyy joked.

        “Why do you keep pulling away from me?” I questioned.

        “I don’t want what to push you into something you don’t want.”

        “Does this have to do with my past or the fact that I’m a virgin?” I asked.

        “Both. I don’t want you to hate me in the morning,” he tried to explain.

        “I could never hate you” I informed him as I brought my forehead into his.

        “I’m in love you.” My heart caught in my throat and I froze. “You don’t have to say it back. I just want us to be in love when we do.” He pushed my damped hair behind my ears. “I don’t want to just have sex with you I want to make love to you.”

        I swear I couldn’t breathe. I was sure I could go into cardiac arrest soon.

        “I’m falling in love with you,” I finally said. “I…”

        Before I could finish Skyy pulled me into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he ran his hand through my hair.

        “You don’t have to say something you don’t mean,” Skyy whispered between our kiss.

        “I mean it,” I pushed.

        Skyy laid me on my back and continued to kiss me passionately. He slowly removed my t-shirt only taking a breath to pull the shirt over my head. He un-clipped my bra with one hand and I immediately went to cover my breast as the bra fell to the side.

        “Are you sure about this?” Skyy asked as he looked into my eyes. When I didn’t answer Skyy pull away from me and sat on the edge of the bed. “Are you hungry?” He was changing the subject.

         Cover my breast was such a natural thing to do. I had no problem with Skyy seeing my body. I trust him. I stood to my feet in front of him. He looked up at me as I removed my hands from my breast. He was watching as I slowly removed my sweat pants and then my boy shorts, until I stood naked in front of him.

        Skyy stood slowly to his feet and closed the space between us. He pinned me to the wall and kissed me. Within seconds I was being lifted off the ground and laid on my bed.

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