Bad Boy Stalker

By piikamo

8.1K 307 9

Kirsten Ellington recently moved from Alabama to Los Angeles, she has to go to school on the next day and she... More

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171 9 0
By piikamo

°Kirsten's POV°

"I'll see you tomorrow alright?", I said, smiling as he chucked me the helmet.

"Sure, see ya", he said, waving as I walked towards my bike.

I turned on the engine and drove back home.

°Alex's POV°

I knocked on my front door, waiting for an answer. My mother was probably worried about me, I've been gone for quite a while.

"Darling! How was your night? I told you not to stay too late and someone came looking for you, her name was Kristen? No Kirsten!", she said, rambling in front of me.

"Wait Kirsten? Brown haired, brown eyes, beautiful body and really pretty?", I asked, confusion written all over my face, she said she didn't know where I lived, One of the guys must have told her.

"Yes that pretty gal", she said, gasping.

"You like her don't you!", she said, happiness in her eyes.

"No mum! I don't like her, can I come in please, I kind of forgot to take my jacket off her", I said, protesting. She looked hot in the jacket anyway.

"Your denying it Alexander, I know you like her", she said, winking. I hated it when mum called me my first name, but if she ever said it, she was being serious.

Did I like Kirsten? I don't even know. Maybe I should stalk her? Nah, that would be creepy, maybe tomorrow, maybe.

"Alex what are you smirking about?", she said, her arms folded across her chest.

"Nothing", I said, smiling and heading to my room, "Night mother!", I shouted, running back to her and kissing her on the cheek.

"I knew you liked her", I heard my mum mumble, before I ran back to my room.

We'll see about that.

°Kirsten's POV°

"Who's jacket is on the couch!", Tom shouted, which echoed through the whole house.

"Oh that's Alex's, I'll return it tomorrow", I said, walking into the living room.

"Alright then", he said, turning off the TV.

I walked to the bathroom and decided to have that shower. I changed into my jammies, which were matching Minecraft prints. I know, I'm so childish. I'm surprised they even had my size. I got onto my bed and started jumping. I'm not one of those teenagers who go really crazy when their parents aren't here, I don't go get drunk, party all night. I just jump on my really comfortable bed. Maybe I would get a speaker, so I can plug my phone in and blast some music. Tom would probably get a bit angry, so maybe I won't put the volume too high.

I was getting a bit tired, so I fell on my bum, on the bed of course. Maybe I should go to bed, nah it's only twelve twenty one. I don't know what to do. I got up from my bed and walked out of my room and towards Tom's door.

"Tom, Jordy, I'm bored!", I shouted, pouting. I think I've become five year old me again. I forgot to tell Tom what happened yesterday night, but I guess he's forgotten already. Unless Jordy has already told him.

"Just go to bed!", Tom shouted, in an annoyed tone.

"I can't go to sleep", I said, still pouting. The door opened and Jordy was standing in front of me, without a shirt.

"How may I help you become unbored?", he said, casually, while standing there, leaning against the door frame. Why does he still have this effect on me.

"I don't know, I'm too bored to think", I said, staring at his abs.

"You look focused on something", he said, smirking, as my eyes travelled up from his abs, chest, neck, lips and face.

"Uh no", I said, nervously smiling.

"Want to play 21 questions?", he said, grinning.

"But we already know alot about each other", I said, tilting my head to the side a bit.

"True", he said, tapping his chin.

"You wanna be best friends and take selfies for the next hour?", he said, in a really girly tone, which made me laugh pretty loud.

"Keep it quiet out there, I'm trying to sleep, like a normal person!", Tom shouted.  He's a mean person, not a normal person.

"Well I don't know what else to do and I don't feel like taking selfies", I said, scrunching my nose.

"You were never the average girl were you?", he said, smiling.

"Put a shirt on please", I said, smacking his chest and walking into my room, chuckling.

"If you say so", I heard him say.

"So what are we going to do?", he asked, walking into my room.

"I don't know", I said, shrugging and dropping myself, back first onto the bed.

"Maybe we could sleep?", he said, yawning.

"I think that's a good idea", I said, nodding.

"Well, night, I'll see you tomorrow in the morning", he said, walking towards the door.

"Night", I said, looking up at him and waving.

He nodded and walked out of the room. I got ready in my bed and slid myself under the covers, making myself warm. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.


I pryed my eyes open and the sunshine shone straight towards my face. I closed my eyes as quickly as possible and turned the other way. I opened them up again and I saw a shirtless Jordy, wait what. I blinked once, twice, ok its not a dream.

"What are you doing in here?", I asked, my voice really raspy.

"I came to give you your clothes, they are folded and I put them in your wardrobe, hopefully they are in order", he said, grinning.

"Oh thanks", I said, yawning and stretching, my my did this stretch feel good, I wonder what time it is.

"I'll be downstairs, Tom hasn't woken up by the way and its ten thirty one if your wondering", he said, with a delightful smile.

"I'll be down in a sec and thanks", I said, chuckling and sitting up.

"Ok", he said, tip toeing out the room and closing the door with a little wave. He acted like a kid sometimes, made me chuckle.

I got up from bed and had another stretch. These stretches are the best. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out some clothes, I'm going to take a shower after I eat. I wonder what I was going to do today, I decided to check my phone for any missed calls or texts, gladly there was one from mum.

Mum: Hey honey, your dad and I will be coming home at around dinner time, I hope you guys have been alright and if we aren't home by nine, I expect you guys to be sleeping ok? Tom, Jordy and yourself have a fun day! Love mum.

Me: Oh ok mum, you and dad take care, I hope you guys have fun too. Bye, love Kirsten.

Well mum and dad are coming back home and we gotta be in bed by nine. I guess I could go to the gym today, I haven't really went in a while. Yep the gym it is. I decided to place the clothes I was going to wear to the gym, on my bed. I walked out of my room, downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey", I said, smiling and grabbing a bowl from the cupboard.

"Hello", he said, in a happy tone, while I put some cereal in my bowl.

"What's gotten you so happy?", I asked, pouring some milk.

"I just feel happy", he said, grinning and dancing a bit. I wonder what's gotten into him.

I put a spoon in my cereal and took my bowl to the living room. I placed my bowl on the table and turned the TV on. I clicked through the channels and I couldn't find anything interesting. I turned the TV off and started to eat my cereal. They were fruit loops by the way, my favourite.

"What are we going to do today?", Jordy asked, standing behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders. I remember he always did this, only he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I was planning on going to the gym", I said, focusing on my cereal.

"Oh, can I come?", he asked, smiling brightly at me, I knew how much he loved going to the gym back at home, he would always pull me to go with him, I'd always protest, but then he'd end up carrying me to the car.

"Alright then" I said, chuckling at the memory.

"Now what's got you in a happy mood?", he asked.

"Oh nothing", I said, smiling.

"Oh really?", he asked, I could just sense the smile plastered on his face.

"Yes, I'm completely normal", I said.

"Ok well, I guess you should eat your cereal, its getting soggy", he said, patting my shoulder and walking away.

I looked at my bowl and my fruit loops weren't soggy. After 3 seconds of confusion, I heard Jordy laugh loudly.

"Jordy!", I shouted, in a playful tone. I am so going to get him next time.


Just a filler chapter guys, nothing special. Remember to comment vote and follow me for updates! Have a great day!


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