A Troubled Heart ❥ D.M.

By parfaitiism

20.4K 814 242

Iris Éclatant is a bright eyed girl from France who is unconvincingly told by the sorting hat she belongs in... More

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C H A P T E R 3 5 [ A/N ]


715 33 15
By parfaitiism

C O N T.//

"You said you weren't worried about finding a date, Iris!" Marietta exclaimed. "Now thas' all you're worried about!"

"Non, I'm also worried about the potions test tomorrow." I replied as I showed her the potions text book I had been lugging around all day.

"The ball is this Friday. You have exactly two days to find a date." Marietta informed me.

"I know," I whined. "Who on earth would even think of asking me?"

"Go with Harry! Cho's going with Cedric, now. So she can't be upset if you go with Harry." Marietta grinned mischievously grabbed my sleeve and pulled me into the courtyard. "Of course, he is not my first choice for you. I would suggest Blaise if he were not a Slytherin--"

"Marietta!" I frowned.

"Fine, fine." The brunette settled for the first option.

She looked around the groups of girls huddled together and desperate boys in search of an isolated girl to ask to the dance. Harry and Ron walked together on the grass, clearly as desperate as the other boys that wandered aimlessly.

"Go." Marietta shoved me forward.

I scowled at Marietta before walking toward Harry and Ron. I turned back to look at Marietta once more, but she walked away and began talking to Roger Davies, who apparently was going to ask Fleur Delacour, the Beaxbaton's Champion, to the ball, but Marietta had other ideas. I sighed, turning around to continue my mission, and in doing so I ran right into Harry.

"Harry," I scratched the back of my neck. "I did not see you there. Have you and Ron found dates, yet?"

"No," He sighed. "Well, not exactly. He's gone off to see if the Patil twins have dates, then we'll ask 'em together. What about you?"

"Oh," My heart sank. "Not yet."

"Sorry to hear that," He replied with a sympathetic smile. "Dean Thomas hasn't found a date, yet. Maybe you could go with him."

"Yeah, maybe."

Harry patted my shoulder before walking of to rejoin Ron. And in that moment, I decided the ball was ridiculous and I wanted no part in it! Honestly, if finding a date is such a difficult task, why should I bother? I searched the courtyard for Marietta after my failed attempt at speaking to Harry. The brunette was no where to be found. She most likely ran off with Roger Davies. I left the courtyard with a pit in my stomach. I shouldn't go to the dance, I thought. No date, no point. I couldn't believe how the event caused so much trouble. There were girls without dates who would walk down the halls sobbing, and boys who were nearly pulling there hair out as they drowned in stress. I sighed, making my way back to the Common Room. Peeking around a corner, I saw Pansy Parkinson frowning profoundly as Draco snatched his arm away from her. She folded her arms over her chest before stomping her foot on the ground. Truly, she looked absolutely childish, especially with that haircut of hers. I shouldn't be so rude, I held back a grin. Approaching the duo, I could hear Pansy whining about how she wanted to go with Draco to the dance because Blaise had not asked her. Draco told Pansy he was not about to take her to the ball, because the ball...

"...is stupid." Draco rolled his eyes.

"You didn't seem to think so when," Pansy's eyes fell upon me. She scrunched her nose. "When you were dancing with her at McGonagall's lessons!"

"Don't drag me into your problems, s'il vous plaît." I frowned, trying to walk past the Slytherin students.

"I only danced with her because the idiot can't dance," Draco scowled. "She'd fall right on her arse if it weren't for me!"

"So let her," Pansy exclaimed. "She is not your friend!"

"I'm standing right here, Pugface." I spat.

"You are nothing but a pathetic little blood-traitor, Éclatant. You have no room to talk!" Pansy's face twisted into an unfriendly look.

"At least I'm not obsessing over Draco." I replied smugly.

"Like you don't obsess over boys! I've seen the way you look at Potter," She snapped. "He's such a self absorbed git! He doesn't deserve the attention he gets! Neither do you! It's no wonder you two are going to the ball together."

"We aren't." I toyed with the sleeves of my vest, awaiting the dreaded question Pansy was about to ask.

"Then who are you going with, Éclatant?" There it is.

"Me," Draco interrupted, grabbing my hand. "I'm her date."

"What?" Pansy and I spoke in unison as her jaw dropped.

"I asked her to the Yule Ball because my mother thought it would be a nice gesture since our parents were friends." Draco replied.

"Ugh." Pansy stormed off.

Draco released my hand immediately.

"Your mother never said anything about me, right?" I asked, truly a bit curious as to whether Draco lied about that too.

"Of course not." He hissed.

"D'accord," I replied. "You shouldn't be so rude to Pansy."

"You and your friends are just as rude to her." Draco frowned.

"And you are rude to my friends," I scoffed. "But I am not rude to my own friends. You, however, are."

"Pansy's too clingy." Draco argued.

"Whatever you say," I replied, rolling my eyes. "Malfoy."

I stepped aside to walk around Draco and continued on to the staircases, but he grabbed my arm before I could get very far. I turned to face the blond again, my brows furrowed. Why couldn't he leave me alone?

"What?" I muttered.

"Iris," He sighed, not bothering to look me in the eye. "Will you be my date to the Yule Ball?" He spoke with gritted teeth.

"You don't have to ask, I understand that you just needed an excuse to get Pansy to leave." I sputtered.

"She's going to tell everyone we're going together anyway. Besides, I know you don't have a date, and who else would want to dance with someone as clumsy and foolish as you?" Draco snorted.

"Charming," I rolled my eyes. "I'd rather have my eyebrows colored blue again than go to the ball with you. Besides, your father would murder you if he knew you went on a date with me."

"Pansy has probably told the entire Slytherin house by now," Draco shrugged. "Your friends most likely know already, too."

"Fine," I blurted, finally snatching my arm away from Draco. "See you on Friday, then, Malfoy."

"Don't be late, Éclatant!" He called as I began walking down the hall.

Nearly to the staircases, I felt relieved knowing that a stressful week of date hunting ended, but I worried as to how I would explain to Cho, Marietta, Harry, Hermione, and Ron that Draco and I were going to the ball together. They'll be so upset. I thought as I climbed the stairs. Paintings bid me a good evening when I passed by. Approaching the Ravenclaw Common Room, I noticed Michael slumped beside the entrance. He looked disappointed, so it only made sense to assume he could not figure out the doorknob's riddle.

"A nightmare for some. For others, as a saviour I come. My hands, cold and bleak, it's the warm hearts they seek." The doorknob awaited my answer.

I pondered the riddle for a moment while Michael looked up hopelessly. A nightmare for some, I titled my head in thought. Like a monster, or something? Perhaps a ghost; they are cold, right? But could a ghost be a saviour? Perhaps if it was the Holy Ghost. My family was not very religious, so I wouldn't know much. So perhaps it was not a ghost, but the idea of a ghost. Someone dead. Or even Death itself.

"Impossible, isn't it?" Michael sighed.

"Not quite," I answered. "Death."

The door opened for me and Michael followed me inside the Common Room. He still looked puzzled. Honestly, most of the doorknobs riddles weren't that difficult.

"Death? A savior?" The boy raised a brow.

"For some." I quoted the riddle.

"Iris," He changed the subject quite quickly.  "Why were you talking to Draco?"

"What? Who told you I spoke to that git?" I exclaimed.

"Don't be daft," Michael rolled his eyes. "I saw you with him and Pansy by the courtyard entrance!"

My cheeks burned. Nothing I could say would keep Michael from continuing to ask questions. Even if I told him the truth, he would ask me if I lost my mind. He waited impatiently for a response he would not receive. I left him in the Common Room, rushing through the entrance to the girl's dormitories, where Marietta and Cho both stood; both of them looked very confused. Perhaps confused was not the correct word. The look on Marietta's face resembled the look Professor Snape gave students who screwed up absolutely every potion they brewed, like me for example, and Cho's expression could be best described as concern.

"You were talking with who?" Marietta asked as I passed the two girls by. "I knew something was up after you told me he said you could do better than Michael!"

"I never heard about that!" Cho exclaimed.

"Nothing is going on, Marietta." I replied.

"Then why were you conversing with those Slytherins?" She argued, following me into my dorm.

"It was Pansy and Draco's conversation," I whined, wishing she would drop the topic. "He was annoyed with her, and I got dragged into it."

"Michael said that Penelope said that Roger Davies said that Adrian Pucey said that Gregory Goyle heard from Pansy Parkinson that you, Iris, and Draco were going to the ball together." Marietta waited for my reply.

"Mon dieu!" I exclaimed; cue flushed cheeks. "It's only been fifteen minutes and everyone already knows?"

"So it's true?" Cho raised her brow while Marietta's jaw dropped.

"Don't be upset." I raised my hands up in defense.

"I can't believe this," Marietta yelled. "You're going to the Yule ball with that slimy git?"

"Marietta." I whined.

"I don't know whether to be proud or angry," The brunette's lips curved upward, throwing her arms around me. "Cho, our little friend has a date with a Slytherin."

"You seem happy?" I cringed at her suffocating hug.

"Happy is not a word I would use in this situation." I frowned at Marietta's contradictions, "But if you let this go any farther than a date at the ball, I'll turn both you and him into ferrets and shove you down Goyle's pants!" Marietta scowled. "You know how much I can't stand him."

"Uhm, Iris," Cho's tone was much quieter than Marietta's. "How exactly did Draco become your date?"

I explained Draco and Pansy's conversation, and the fact that Draco saved me from being completely humiliated by Pansy, which unfortunately caused an entirely different problem. Marietta rolled up the sleeves of her sweater and muttered a few curses, claiming she would fight Pansy next time she saw her. Cho, of course, told Marietta that would get her expelled, and though Pansy's attitude was awful, it could be handled in much better ways, such as Draco's idea to take me to the ball, which obviously infuriated the Slytherin girl. I frowned at Cho's support of Draco's idea. She shrugged with a sheepish smile on her face. As much as I agreed that it was an excellent way to get Pansy riled up...

One, I was going to have to spend an evening with a very rude and critical Slytherin boy, and...

Two, Pansy most likely already plotted out a plan for revenge and would somehow embarrass and/or ruin my life...

But we'll get to that much later.

Friday snuck up on me as I studied my arse off for the final Potions test of the semester (that took place on Thursday). Professor Snape probably would have murdered me if I failed. I didn't, though. Thank you, Potions for Beginners. Unfortunately after the test Snape had us begin our next lesson and he paired me with Pansy who nearly caused our potion to explode in my face. I wrote Celia a letter the day of the Draco/Pansy dilemma asking if there were any possibility that she owned a formal dress. I knew I had a few nice dresses that survived the fire, but with my lack of party-going (I mean, I was under the age of eleven in that home), I never owned a formal gown.She never replied. So Friday morning (we were freed from classes all day), I found myself even more stressed than I had been over finding a date. Too embarrassed to tell Marietta and Cho why I locked myself in my room all morning in the Common Room (Luna ratted me out), I escaped to the tower Draco dragged me to, well, whenever it was he told me about our parents' friendship. My parents weren't on my mind, recently. I felt happier as my years at Hogwarts passed by, despite the fact Celia's depression got worse each day. I felt as if the secrets Celia would not mention were far worse than she made them out to be. What was she so stressed about? And who was she constantly writing to? Draco would most likely not tell me either, even if he knew.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready, Éclatant," Ah, just who I did not want to see. "Pansy's been locked in her dorm for the past two hours getting dressed up."

"I suppose." I turned to face the blond who's hands were hidden behind his back; he wore his dark coat and Slytherin scarf. Behind him were his Slytherin friends, Crabbe and Goyle.

"With that thick, frizzy, curly mess on your head, surely you need more than a few hours to get ready." He smirked, and his friends snickered.

"Blimey, I can certainly see why Pansy wants to date you. Aren't I lucky to be going with you to the ball?" I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"Yes, you're quite lucky," He smugly replied. "What will you be wearing to the ball? I don't want you looking ridiculous. That'd be embarrassing for you and me. "

My eyes darted away from Draco's gaze. I played with my hands as silence washed over us. During quick glances, I could see Draco eyeing me. Crabbe and Goyle laughed abruptly and a playful grin tugged Draco's lips upward. He scoffed, taking a few steps toward me.

"You don't have anything to wear, do you? You lost everything in the fire, didn't you? At least, that's what your godmother wrote in her recent letter to my mother." His look softened to a warm smile, which made me uncomfortable; it was quite odd.

"What are you talking about, Malfoy?" I tilted my head slightly, holding a blank expression as I waited for an explanation of the 'letter.'

"Your Godmother owled my parents, asking for a favor," Draco finally revealed his hands that previously his behind his back; in his hands was a white box with a silky green bow wrapped around it. "Celia hasn't forgotten about you, Iris," He murmured before gesturing that I take the box. "Merry Christmas from the Malfoys."

Even though the boy forced out that last part, I couldn't help but smile. Never had I seen Draco act so...


Kind was a word I would never use to describe the slimy git. I held the white box in my hands, tempted to open it.

"It's a dress," Draco informed me, noticing my curiosity. "In case you hadn't realized. Mother placed a charm on it so it could not be opened in my presence. She wanted it to be a surprise," Draco lingered by for only a few seconds, looking me up and down with furrowed brows. "Come on Crabbe, Goyle. Let's leave Éclatant alone for now." He shoved his hands into his pockets, turning away to leave the tower.

Once out of sight, I sat on the cold stone of the tower ground with the box in my lap. I noticed an envelope tucked into the silky green ribbon. Carefully I opened the letter.

It brings me great joy to know that Draco asked you to the ball. I didn't expect him to ask anyone, especially not someone outside of his house and to know that you two have become friends is wonderful to hear,

Ha, 'friends,'

Your mother and I were very close, and in our years at Hogwarts, we attended a few balls of our own. Celia owled me, asking if I kept any gowns from my school years, and luckily, I have a few. I chose this one, and hope you like it. This gown belonged to your mother, and after borrowing it, I never got the chance to return it. Iris, I know we have not met, and I can't begin to imagine the pain you have felt since the death of your family members, but I want you to know that you are not at fault. And no matter who disapproves of your ways and beliefs,

I'm assuming she meant both Draco and his father, and possibly my grand-mére, but, well, you know,

don't let negative emotions control your life. Hogwarts is an extraordinary place, and your parents would want you to be happy.

I hope to meet you soon,
Narcissa Malfoy.

Draco's mother certainly seemed kind. It's a shame Draco took after his father rather than her. I wondered why Draco and I never met before Hogwarts if our parents were close. Bloody hell. Another unanswered question about my family. I placed the letter back in the envelope, setting it aside before I opened the box. Folded neatly inside was a midnight blue gown. My jaw dropped slightly as my eyes studied the gorgeous silver details of the top of the dress. I couldn't wait to see the full dress. I shut the box, biting my lip, trying to contain a grin. I stood from the stone, grabbing the letter before running inside the castle. I passed by many students as I made my way up many sets of stairs to the Ravenclaw Common Room.

"The more that there is, the less that you see. Squint all you wish when surrounded by me." The doorknob awaited my answer.

"Darkness." Too easy.

Marietta and Cho were sitting at their vanity's, fixing their hair and makeup for the ball that would begin in a couple of hours.

"Iris," Cho jumped from her seat and gripped my shoulders. "Where have you been?"

"What's in the box?" Marietta turned around in her seat, more concerned with the mysterious gift than my whereabouts.

I set the box on Marietta's bed, opening it quickly. I pulled the dress from the box, holding it against my body. It is beautiful. The color represented the Ravenclaw house perfect, and the silver designs on the dress would compliment a silver chained necklace I owned. Marietta and Cho squealed in sync once they saw the dress. Marietta read the letter from Draco's mother to Cho, and the two of them were speechless.

"This lovely woman gave birth to Draco? Draco Malfoy?" The brunette exclaimed.

"Iris," Cho frowned, always contrasting Marietta's mood. "You never told us about a fire."

"You never really told us how your parents died," Marietta added. "If Draco knows, shouldn't your best friends?"

"You know what," Cho blurted in attempt to calm the tension. "We shouldn't be talking about this right now. If you feel comfortable enough to tell us later, we'll gladly listen."

Marietta nodded in agreement before pulling both Cho and me into a hug.

"I love my Ravenclaw buddies," She squeezed us tightly. "Now, Iris, as much as I love curly hair," she gestured to her own curly locks. "We are going to have to fix yours up a little."

I laid the dress on her bed as she pulled me over to her vanity. I took a seat in front of the mirror, poking at my cheeks.

I never loved my appearance, despite my father's countless attempts of trying to convince me that someone trapped the ocean in my eyes and my wild curls were from the sea breeze.

"Now," She continued. "You are gorgeous without makeup, but we are going to make that slimy Slytherin boy's jaw drop when he sees you all dolled up. He won't know what hit him."

I gulped, giving Cho an uncertain look. She giggled before letting Marietta begin her work.

non, no
s'il vous plaît, please

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