A Troubled Heart ❥ D.M.

By parfaitiism

20.4K 814 242

Iris Éclatant is a bright eyed girl from France who is unconvincingly told by the sorting hat she belongs in... More

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C H A P T E R 3 5 [ A/N ]


726 35 9
By parfaitiism

C O N T.//

"I still can't believe he kissed you!" Cho squealed.

"Shh!" I whispered harshly. "And it was on my cheek, for Merlin's sake!"

"I thought Michael had a thing with Penelope." Marietta looked over at the blonde who accompanied Michael and Anthony at the other end of the Ravenclaw table.

"She's three years above us." I frowned.

"Penelope will date anyone. s'long as they like her and are willing to snog her, believe me. After Percy Weasley dumped her, she has been one desperate witch," Marietta rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised if she dated a first year. Besides, you can do far better than Michael. What about mister self-obsessed, Harry Potter? You two are close, right?"

Cho shifted awkwardly in her seat. I could tell she fancied Harry, and I knew for sure Harry fancied her back, but the two never talked about it. Harry was just too awkward when it came to girls, and Cho, well, Cho's much too shy to confess her feelings. Not to mention Marietta secretly thought Harry was a moron.

"We're just friends!" I exclaimed, pouting. "Truly, why does everyone think we're together? And he is not self-obsessed! He didn't enter himself in the tournament."

"She's just trying to find you a date for the Yule Ball," Cho said. "Don't feel pressured to jump into a relationship."

"The what?" I asked.

"It's a dance that accompanies the Triwizard Tournament." Marietta informed me.

After breakfast, the heads of each house led us to a large open room, in which Professor McGonagall informed us about the Yule Ball. The girls squealed when she mentioned it was a dance while the boys groaned. I wasn't too excited, honestly. I never experienced anything like a ball, before. I remembered Mama and Papa always went out to fancy parties, but they never took me along. I preferred to stay home and read in the comfort of my own bed. I felt far too insecure to dress up and dance, especially in the company of a boy.

Professor McGonagall instructed us to pair up after she demonstrated (using Ron as her partner) the dance we would learn. Embarrassing. All the girls immediately stood and awaited to be paired with a boy, while the boys grimaced in their seats. I sat awkwardly as I watched Professor McGonagall pair up students. I watched Cho's face flush a bright shade of red as Cedric asked her to dance. McGonagall paired Marietta with Anthony, and the brunette shot a disgusted look my way as Anthony took her waist. Penelope was then paired with Michael, and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach as she leaned over and whispered something into his ear. He laughed before taking her waist.

"Miss Éclatant," Professor McGonagall approached me. "Let's find you a partner."

She looked around to see most of the students were paired up. Pansy Parkinson was approaching Draco, but McGonagall intercepted her right as the Slytherin opened her mouth to speak to the boy.

Oh no.

"Mr. Malfoy," McGonagall pushed me gently toward the blond. "You and Miss Éclatant will be partners."

Professor McGonagall walked away with a smile on her face. The woman looked as if she was enjoying pairing up students. I couldn't be sure sure if she was trying to play matchmaker or trying to ruin our lives. I looked behind me to catch Marietta's gaze. Her jaw dropped as she saw Draco and me standing next to each other. The girl nearly went hysterical when she saw me with the Slytherin. She pretended to vomit and continued snickering from afar. I scowled at her before turning back to Draco. Behind him, I saw Pansy throwing a vile look my way over the shoulder of her new partner, Blaise Zabini. Honestly, with a partner as attractive as Blaise, why was she so upset?

"Let's get this over with, Éclatant." Draco spat as he aggressively pulled me closer.

Charming. He knows just how to treat a girl.

He placed one hand on my waist as I placed mine on his shoulder. Our other hands reluctantly intertwined. Professor McGonagall clapped her hands together, asking Filch to play the music.

"Have you ever danced before? You're bloody terrible!" Draco scoffed. "Watch my feet and mirror my steps,"

I looked down, stepping backward when he stepped forward, and right when he stepped right. It took a few minutes, but finally I could dance without stepping on his shoes.

"Alright, now put both your hands on my shoulders," He said.

I did so, and he dropped his other hand to my waist, lifting me into the air and spinning me around before gently setting me backdown. Though the moment looked normal to anyone else, it felt odd to me. It's as if I was flying at the moment he lifted me. I felt light. It puzzled me as I tried to explain the feeling to myself. I couldn't put it into words.

"Now start the dance over." He instructed me.

The two of us spun around the room with the rest of the students. I found myself holding back a smile. Draco and I didn't make eye contact as we danced. I found myself watching Marietta most of the time since Cho was invested with Cedric. She found the fact that I was dancing with Draco hilarious, and the two of us were throwing odd looks at each other as we danced with our partners.

I finally turned to face Draco who's eyes were on Pansy.

"Is she your girlfriend?" I blurted out.

"What?" Draco asked as he lifted me up and spun me around.

I reluctantly repeated my question. "Pansy. Is she--"

"I heard you," He set me down and we continued dancing. "Why would you think that?"

"I was just wondering." I frowned.

"Well," Draco scoffed. "She's not. Apparently she has eyes for both Blaise and me. Can't blame her, I mean, why wouldn't she?"

I did not reply to Draco's smug comment. Instead, my focus settled elsewhere. I noticed that Michael and Penelope were closer to each other than they had been minutes before. "I can't believe her." I whispered as I watched Penelope lean in and kiss Michael.

"Jealous of Pansy? You want me all for yourself, huh, Éclatant?" Draco teased.

"Not Pansy." I snapped, my eyes still on Michael and Penelope.

Draco turned his head to see where my eyes were focused. He snickered before his gaze returned to me.

"Penelope Clearwater? You're jealous of her?" Draco stifled a laugh. "I cannot believe you like Michael."

"I'm not jealous!" I exclaimed, a few students turned my way. My face flushed. "And I don't fancy Michael." I lied. I most certainly was jealous, not to mention upset that Michael made me think he liked him! Perhaps he never liked me and I was overreacting. Nonetheless, I was a bit jealous.

"Good," Draco replied. "You can do better than Michael, and you're much prettier than Clearwater."

Draco watched the couple dance, but I found myself watching the blond. He thinks I'm prettier than her? I shook the silly thought from my head.

The music stopped playing, and Draco spun me around one more time before he released me from his grasp. We stood their awkwardly as Professor McGonagall told us she expected us to all practice before the ball since we were the hosting school.

"Not bad, Éclatant." Draco sneered as McGonagall dismissed us.
"Merci." I replied, exiting the room with the boy.

Draco opened his mouth to continue the conversation, but Pansy Parkinson strutted over and took Draco's hand in hers.

"Come on, Draco." She scowled at me before pulling him along.

Pansy quickly turned around and walked right into a rather angry Marietta.

"Watch where you're going, Pugface!" Marietta exclaimed.

"You were in my way, Edgecomb." Pansy argued.

"My apologies, Princess," Marietta mocked the girl. "You and your boyfriend can slither away, now. My eyes will burn if I have to watch you two continue to display your affection publicly," Marietta then turned to face Draco as she crossed her arms over her chest with a smirk on her face. "Beastiality is illegal, you know, Malfoy."

Pansy's jaw dropped as Marietta spoke. A few students nearby were just as shocked at the words that came from the Ravenclaw's mouth. People cheered for Marietta and teased the Slytherin girl. I walked to Marietta and grabbed her arm, trying to pull her away from the enraged Parkinson. Pansy turned to face Draco and smashed her lips onto his. Marietta spit at their feet before finally allowing me to pull her away.

"How disgusting! I apologize that you had to dance with that snobby little git," Marietta said. "He may be pretty, but his attitude sucks."

"Quite true," I replied, not able to shake the image of Pansy and Draco from my mind. Mon Dieu, I felt like I was in the kiss. "How was dancing with Anthony?"

"Can't be worse than dancing with Draco," She rolls her eyes. "And that Pugface. I'd like to kick her in the nose. OH, did you see Penelope and Michael snogging?"

"Oui." I frowned.

"Sorry about that, but hey, like I said, you can do way better than Michael."

"Draco said that, too." I whispered.

"He WHAT?" She exclaimed.

"Marietta! Iris!" We turned to see Cho running toward us. "Guess who asked me to the Yule Ball? Cedric!"

"Cho, that's wonderful! Bonne!" I cheered. "I have some studying to do, so I'll see you two later."

"Wait a minute!" Marietta called, but I rushed around the corner to avoid any and all questions she had about Draco.

An hour prior, I thought nothing of the ball, but the entire school stressed as they tried to find dates. Apparently it really was a big deal, and sitting in my dorm with a book would not suffice. I wondered, though, how anyone could find time to worry about a date with the tournament going on. Harry nearly got killed by a dragon in the first task! Surely he wasn't stressing about finding a date. I would be proven wrong in the next conversation.

"Iris!" Harry called from down the hall. "I have a question. It's about the Yule Ball."

"Oui?" My cheeks burned as Harry spoke.

A question about the ball!?

"I was wondering,"

Yes, of course I'll go with you, Harry!

Mon Dieu, please ask me.

The stressful hunt will end!

"Does Cho have a date, yet?"


Why must this be so difficult?

Harry looked so hopeful, with his pretty green eyes. I held back a frown as he waited for my reply. I couldn't bare to tell him Cedric already asked Cho.

"If you want to ask her, you should ask her." I smiled.

Well, I didn't lie.

"Thanks, Iris." He beamed before walking away.

I decided to spend the rest of the day cooped up in the library, which was becoming a common reoccurrence in my life. The library was fairly empty since everyone was out and about searching for a date. The whole school had gone mad. My nose was buried in the Dark Arts book. There were a few notes scribbled on the dingy, old pages, but the handwriting was difficult to decipher.

"Not out looking for a date, Miss Éclatant?"

I slammed my book shut, pulling under the desk and setting it on my lap. I looked up to see Professor Dumbledore with a smile on his face.

"Do you mind if I sit?" He asked.

"Not at all, Professor." I replied.

"You come here quite often, don't you?" The man gestured toward the stack of books that rested on the desk.

"Yes, sir." I said.

"Your grandmother liked to read, as well." He chuckled faintly.

"You knew my grandmother?" I beamed.

Dumbledore nodded. "Ah, of course, and your parents, too."

I was beyond delighted he knew about my family. "So they attended Hogwarts? What were they like? Did grand-mére always hate magic? And why--"

"That is quite a handful of questions, my dear. I can tell you that you look just as your grandmother did when she attended Hogwarts." His gaze is soft as he speaks.

"What house did my grand-mére belong to?" I asked.

"The Slytherin house." He sighed, knowing I would be disappointed in the truth.

"And Mama and Papa?" I said uncertainly.

"Slytherin, as well." The man watched as my joy faded.

"Is that why the Sorting Hat almost placed me in Slytherin? Because of my family?" I felt a pit in my stomach, wondering if all Draco said was right.

"Your parents, Iris, both came from a long line of Slytherin. Much like the Malfoy family, and many Pureblooded families like yours. If I am correct, your mother's family belongs to a sacred family of Purebloods, as well as your father's side." The professor explained.

"That is not very comforting." I sighed.

"Your parents were wonderful and wise people, Iris. You must remember not all Slytherin are bad," He chuckled. "Your parents wanted to raise you with the best intentions. They would be proud to know you have become an outstanding Ravenclaw."

"You know, then," I frowned. "You know about the accident?"

"It was tragic. A terrible accident due to your lack of training in such powerful spells," He replied. "And what happened that night does not make you a monster. If you don't want to become the people you despise most, I suggest that you stray from your fascination in the dark arts for now."

Dumbledore raised a brow before standing from his seat. He began to walk away slowly, as if he were waiting for me to say something.

Sneaky old man.

"Professor!" I called.

"Yes, Miss Éclatant?" He smugly turned to face me again. I held out the Dark Arts book for him to take.

He reached out for the book and tucked it into his robes as he exited the library. I sighed as I gathered my books and left the room as well. Slytherin, all of them. I couldn't understand why they would keep so many secrets from me. I wished that Dumbledore could have told me more, but I'm sure there were questions even he couldn't answer. I walked into my dormitory to find Luna sitting on her bed reading The Quibbler. She looked up with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry about Michael." She said.

"It's really not a big deal," I replied, plopping down on my bed. "Who are you going to go to the dance with, Luna?"

"Oh, I don't think I'll be going. My dress has gone missing and if I don't find it then I won't have anything to wear."

"I could help you find it." I offered.

"Oh, no," She sighed. "I have other things to look for, too. People like to hide my things, but it's all in good fun."

I frowned. I would never be able to truly understand Luna's way of thinking, but in a way, everyone could learn a thing or two from Luna. She was always happy, and even though people teased her she didn't mind. She could never be easily embarrassed, or angered.

Luna closed her Quibbler and set it aside.

"I think you and Harry should go together," Luna drawled. "Since he won't be going with Cho."

"That's if Harry even asks me," I sighed. "We're just friends."

"Yes, you say that a lot, but we both know how you really feel. Night, Iris." Luna never failed to puzzle me.

The following morning, Sunday, I woke up extra early to visit the Owlery. Wrapped in a black coat and my Ravenclaw Scarf, I trekked through the snowy ground and icy path that lead to the Owlery. My hosiery wasn't doing much to keep my legs warm, but I continued to carry myself along. The stairs were even icier than the concrete path. Step by step, I made my way to the top. Celia didn't send owls often, and when she did, they were short, unloving messages. I checked for a letter, and sure enough...


With a sigh, I turned and headed for the stairs. I stepped down, and suddenly my foot slipped out from beneath me. I slid on the patch of ice for a few seconds before I fell forward. Instead of hitting the cold stone steps, I fell onto someone. I opened my eyes to see a pair of grey eyes looking up at me. I froze, still laying on top of the other.

"Get off of me." And thus I was shoved aside onto the cold ice.

Talk about rude, but as I looked up I recognized the bleach blond locks that belonged to Draco Malfoy. He brushed snow off of his coat as he looked down at me; his brows furrowed. He stood still for a moment.

"You're so clumsy." Draco grimaced as he held out his hand.

I was silent as I took his hand and pulled myself off of the icy concrete. I looked down for a moment to see my hosiery ripped. My knee bled through the thin fabric. We stared at each other in complete silence (other than the squeaking owls). The rude git didn't even ask if I was alright! Draco shifted awkwardly as we stood before each other, and eventually he huffed and shoved past me.

Before I could continue down the stairs, an owl perched himself on the stone railing, an envelope in its beak. I took the letter from the brown-feathered bird, and opened it quickly.

You are not to return home for Christmas this year. I have work I need to take care of over the holidays.
Joyeux Noël.


Not to return home?

Is she serious?

I tore the letter in half before crumbling it into a ball. I threw the paper ball into the wind, and it blew far away. I felt tears burning my eyes which were previously dried from the harsh winter winds. What was more important than Christmas? Than spending time with your family?

"She hates me." I muttered.

"Who was that from?" I jumped slightly, forgetting that Draco was still in the Owlery.

"My godmother," I looked down at a similarly crumpled letter in his hand. "Who's that from?"

"My mother and father," He frowned. "My mother's worried that our owl lost the package she sent. My father, on the other hand, is concerned about--" Draco paused while holding a heavy gaze.

"Concerned about what?" I asked.


"He's concerned about me?" I raised a brow, a bit taken back by what Draco said.

"I suppose not you specifically," Draco glared. "Your actions. He thinks you're a pathetic excuse for a Pureblooded witch, and so do I, but he knew your parents. He thinks that you're being raised incorrectly."

"It's none of his business how I am raised," I spat. "Why is he even telling you this?"

"Because he knows exactly how you are! You're parents are dead, you're friends with Bloodtraitors and a Mudblood, you were sorted as a Ravenclaw--nothing about your life is correct!" Draco shouted.

"Wait a minute," I raised my voice, shoving Draco against the stone wall. "You knew since our first year that my family were all Slytherin!"

"Of course," Draco sneered. "You're from a wealthy, Pureblooded family--"

"But your family was close to mine, and no one bothered to tell me anything about them! You don't understand, Malfoy, what its like to grow up and have your parents keep a million secrets from you!"

"You're wrong," He replied quietly. "My father keeps secrets, too, and it's not his business nor is it mine to tell you about your own family."

"What else do you know?" I furrowed my brows.

Draco looked at me like someone looked at an injured animal.



I'm sure those were some of the words he was thinking. His face twisted into an awkward expression, and before he spoke he took a deep breath.

"Come on." He grabbed my arm and dragged me down the icy steps.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He didn't answer. Draco pulled me through the worsening weather and back into the castle. Most of the students were in the Great Hall studying, or in the courtyard date-hunting, but me, I was being pulled through Hogwarts by one of the brattiest boys I ever met. I looked around the halls, hoping no one was around. Hermione would kill me if she saw me with Draco, and Marietta would probably roll on the floor and laugh for a good five minutes before making a joke about me sneaking around with Draco, which we were not. Well, maybe we were. After climbing countless staircases, Draco led me to a tower that was high above the grounds of Hogwarts. I looked over the balcony to see the snow gently falling onto an endless white sea.

"The day we saw you in Diagon Alley, I told my father I was going to befriend you," Draco joined me in looking out at the snow. "My mother said it was a fantastic idea, but my father wasn't so sure. He told me your parents were dead because you--you killed them. My mother wept for hours the previous night after your godmother owled us. I think my father was bitter. He wanted to hate you for killing his friend, but couldn't because you reminded him of your father. He won't ever admit that. He mostly hates that you stooped so low with your own choice in friends."

"Perhaps if you would have asked kindly, I would have been your friend," I replied quietly. "You really wanted to be my friend?" I asked.

"Only because--"

"Because I'm a Pureblood, yes, I know," I interrupted. "Does it not bother you that I killed my family?"

"It was an accident, wasn't it?" He said sincerely.

I didn't reply. I felt a few tears fall down my cheeks as Draco uncomfortably watched. He awkwardly patted my back for a moment, inching away when I told him I was alright. I still hadn't entirely come to terms with the fact that it was an accident, or rather, that it happened at all. I had been furious with them all, so in a way, I cursed them on purpose. It wasn't my intent to take their lives, but the words slipped from my mouth so easily.

So naturally.

"My Godmother doesn't like to talk about the accident," I spoke softly. "I would not be surprised if she thinks I'm a monster."

"You may look like it, but you aren't." Draco sneered.

"Merci," I rolled my eyes and glared at the blond. "Speaking of monsters, how was French kissing Pugface?"

"Shut up," Draco frowned. "She was angry that you and I danced together."

"I take it that she's your date to the Yule Ball, then?"

"You already asked me that, Éclatant." He groaned.

"Non," I replied. "I asked if she was your girlfriend."

"She isn't my date. I think the Yule Ball is stupid."

"D'accord, well, I better go." I turned to leave, but Draco gripped my arm tightly.

"Éclatant," He spat. "You don't tell anyone about this, got it?"

"Wouldn't dream of it." I frowned.

I felt sick in my stomach as I walked away from the Slytherin boy.

mon dieu, my god
joyeux noël, merry christmas

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