Dragon rider

By Cowgirl_Dragon

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Authors Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note

Chapter 20 (lots of violence in this chapter)

35 1 0
By Cowgirl_Dragon

(Picture of Ghost above)

Clare's POV

"Yeh, Ghost move to your right." I anwsered.

Ghost nodded the moved to her right. I watched as a arrow went straight threw a tree, where her head used to be. Ghost jumped and looked at it then looked for where it came from.

In a couple more seconds I felt as someone stabed a knife right into my bag. It didn't hurt of course, I had dragon scales that protected me on my back.

I turned sround to see a darkness human.

"I'm sorry didn't I bend your knife?" I smirked looking at his bent knife.

I looked back up to his face and smiled, showing off my dragon fangs. I grabbed the guys head, seeped my claws into his neck, then snaped his neck real fsst, killing him instantly.

"Kitty grab your sword." I demanded as darkness creatures surrounded us.

I bend down into a tackle position, like in football. I stretched my claws out, opened the dragon wings that grew out of my bag, and swirled my tail around. So it would help me keep balanced.

I'm very dangerous in this form, so it is my best fighting form.

Darkness creatures charged at us, from left to right. I did a back flip in the air, waching someone in the face with my tail, before landing in a tree.

I chose my target and shot myself off the tree likea bullet. I slashed my target in the face the stuck my hand into his chest and slashed his heart.

I then pulled my hand out, shook some blood off it. Then grabbed the next to guys and slammed there heads together.

I'm very stong in this form, so I smashed there heads so hard they died, instantly.

I looked to see Kitty fighting a huge demon hound. She was laying on her back on the ground pushing her sword against the hounds moth as it tryed bitting her head off.

I jumped in the air and landed on the hounds back. I dug my claws deep into his skin and slid off his back and onto the ground. I then picked the hound up and threw it into a tree.

I turned to see Kitty breathing hard, trying to catch her breath. I pulled in my claws and stretched my hand out to help her up. She smiled then took our and jumped up.

"You know what to do." I said in dragon language.

She nodded before using her fire to raise herself above the others. I did the same and floated next to her. We both smirked, before stretching our amrs out.

We then slammed them together like a big clap. Fire shot out of out hands and body and shot at each darkness creature or person.

They all lit on fire and quickly burned to ash as we floated to the ground, tiered.

"I didn't think you had that in you." I laughed.

"I didn't know you could turn into a half dragon half girl." Kitty smiled.

"Oh yeh, I love this form, but it takes so much energy to go into. Once I'm in it it dosent take energy, but it sure does when you from into it." I laughed.

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