Sonic: Wrath of Dr. Ladimir

By Starjoel

1.1K 71 29

Available only on Wattpad. STORY COMPLETED Sonic and Eggman are forced to team up when a new enemy threats th... More

Ch. 1: Dr. Ladimir
Ch. 2: Welcome back Sonic
Ch. 3: Dr. Ladimir strikes
Ch. 4: Archenemies united
Ch. 5: The Egg Emperor Reborn
Ch. 6: The second attack
Ch. 7: Scourge the Hedgehog
Ch. 8: Madness Escape
Ch. 9: Battle of Robots
Ch. 11: Sonic vs Dr. Ladimir (1st fight)
Ch. 12: Beyond Dimensions
Ch. 13: Dr. Ladimir's Plans
Ch. 14: It has Begun
Ch. 15: Against the Clock
Ch. 16: Sonic vs Dr. Ladimir (2nd fight)
Ch. 17: Return of the Super Hedgehogs
The Finale: Super Sonic vs. Eggman
A Song to Close the Book

Ch. 10: The Mystic Palace

31 3 0
By Starjoel


The night has arrived, and everyone at Station Square where preparing to sleep. Each survivor got to their corresponding shelters, including Tails, Shadow, Rouge, Silver, and Cream. They weren't necessarily survivors, but there was no place to stay anyway. Blaze was injured after the city's second attack, so she have to stay in a right place where she could get medical attention. Also, Amy wasn't with them since she was kidnapped. While they were going to they're corresponding shelter, they saw Knuckles running straight at them.

"Hey, isn't that Knuckles? Tails wondered.

"Hey guys, Is me, Knuckles! Knuckles said on the distance.

"There's your answer Tails" Silver replied.

"I'm so glad that you guys are-- " He was interrupted when Rouge got to him very angry.

"Where were you!? We had to break our necks to prevent another of Dr. Ladimir's attacks and you were lost in who knows where."

"The city was attacked again?" Knuckles asked amazed. Rouge was getting red and more angry when Knuckles said that.

"All right, All right, calm down, both of you" Shadow said. How about if we get inside and talk about this in a orderly manner?"

Everyone nodded at Shadow. They went inside their shelter, and they found good places to sat, and they begin to talk.

"Now that we are here all together, I would like to ask Knuckles: What were you doing?" Shadow asked.

"Well, believe me, if I didn't had any reasons to leave, then I wouldn't leave you guys."

"And those reasons are...?" Rouge said while glaring at him.

"I had to help Sonic on a important task."

"Wait, you were with Sonic?" Tails asked.

"Yes, yes I was."

"Oh, thank goodness that he's all right" Cream said.

"Hold on, if you really was with him, then did you saw--"

"Yes Shadow, Eggman is with him" Knuckles replied, interrupting Shadow. Everyone shocked.

"So it was true" Silver said. "Sonic united with Eggman."

"Yes" Knuckles replied.

"But why?" Shadow wondered.

"Well, apparently, Eggman knew this so called Dr. Ladimir and that he actually knows about his plans for the world." Knuckles replied.

"Wait, Dr. Eggman knows this guy you said? Rouge asked. Wow, who could have expect that?"

"Yeah, I was also impressed" Knuckles replied. "Anyway, Eggman told us that Dr Ladimir is using the Chaos Emeralds to find another Emerald hidden somewhere in Mystic Ruins."

"Another Emerald!? That's impossible!" Shadow said impressed. "So there's an eight Chaos Emerald."

"Hold on Shadow" Knuckles said. "This Emerald isn't compatible with the others seven Chaos emeralds; this works differently."

" Then what it does? I mean, I don't know any other power besides the ones within the Master emerald and the Chaos emeralds" Rouge said.

" Well, this Emerald is called the Emerald of Dimensions, and it holds a power that can create and open a portal to another world."

"Another world?" Tails said.

"Yes, but it doesn't necessarily leads you to a world located somewhere in the universe; since the Emerald of Dimensions is also a wish granting item, it can open a world wished and created by it's bearer."

"And knowing that Dr. Ladimir wants it..." Tails said and stopped. Everyone looked at each other with a worried face.

"Oh no, he's planning to use it for our world!" Tails shouted. "Oh Sonic, I hope he stop him before it's to late."



Sonic and Eggman were still traveling to Mystic Ruins; they were also in a dialogue on the way.

"I think I own you a thanks for what you did to me when Scourge almost turned me into blue jelly" Sonic said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, just don't act so weird."

"Why did you helped me anyway? You had the chance to finish me, but you didn't" Sonic wondered.

"Let me advertise you that I didn't helped you just because I'm starting to like you, because I don't. I only helped you because the world needs you right now."

"Well, do not worry about it, I already know that you hate me a lot after all the beat down I gave to you all this years."

Eggman started to get angry and he said to Sonic while glaring at him:

"Are you trying to start something, Sonic the Hedgehog? Because I am ready for anything now."

"Hey calm down Doc, I'm sorry, I will take care of my vocabulary from now on."

"Jum, You better do it."

"Hey, don't talk to me like that either. You also have some attitude problems; so if we are going to do this together, you also must do something with that too."

"Fine" Eggman replied.

They finally managed to reach Mystic Ruins. They saw the beautiful forest on the distance, although they couldn't see any tree since it was very dark. They were climbing a hill downward; Eggman didn't had much problems with that since he's flying on his Eggmobile. And neither Sonic; he wasn't using his hands, he was dashing downwards with no problems. Both of them made it to the ground and kept going.

They wanted to start searching for the location of the Emerald of Dimensions, but it was to dark to see. Sonic couldn't even see a tree on his front, and he ended crashing his head on it. "Ouch, that hurts a lot" Sonic said gloomy. Eggman could see his way using the lightbulbs of his Eggmobile; however, he still could get lost in the forest.

"I think it's better to end our journey here. We can continue tomorrow" Eggman suggested.

"Yeah, your right. Let's do it then" Sonic replied.

They stopped they're journey and find some good spot to stay. After a while, they felt asleep. Sonic was having a strange dream when he fall asleep. He saw the image of a emerald with multiple colors. But The emerald does not necessarily have any specific color; when the emerald glows, it unleash flashes of lights, and each light was of a different color.

Sonic was getting closer to the Emerald and he put his right hand on it. Suddenly, the emerald started to glow even more, leaving Sonic unable to see anything around him. When the light was gone, Sonic found himself in Station Square. "Wait, how did I got myself back here?" Sonic asked himself.

Suddenly, Sonic saw all the people of of Station Square running desperately from something. He watched the sky and saw that the blue sky and the beautiful white clouds weren't there anymore. The sky has turned a little... dimensional, like if planet Earth was transported to another world. Then Sonic saw that Emerald once again, but it looks like that it was preparing to unleash something. Therefore, Sonic saw multiple battle ships coming from space, and he saw the symbol representing Dr. Ladimir pasted on each one. Suddenly, the Emerald opened up a strange portal that started to suck out Sonic. Sonic tried to dash away from the Portal, but he couldn't escape, and the portal ended up sucking him.

After that, Sonic woke up from his sleep. "It was only a dream" Sonic said. After everything he saw on his dream, he could only thing that the Emerald he saw was nothing more than the Emerald of Dimensions.

"Eggman, I just had a weird dream, and-- " Sonic saw that Eggman wasn't with him anymore. All he just saw was his Eggmobile, only destroyed. Suddenly, he heard Dr. Eggman yelling.


Sonic got up and quickly followed his voice. He was dashing while at it; on the way, there were two robots flying straight to him. One of them tried to attack him from behind, however, Sonic jumped and fell on the robot, destroying it on the act. The other robot was still behind him; Sonic was looking a way to destroy it. Suddenly, he grabs and holds himself on a tree's branch; the robot passed him, and he let go of the branch and followed the robot behind. He took this chance to do a Homing Attack on it, and he managed to destroy it.

Sonic kept following Eggman's voice. While he was dashing, he had to jump from some abyss; he also had to dash in some circled paths. He even skated on some rails of the forest at high speed, and he destroyed all the robots that he encountered on his path. Finally, he has found a new place, a place where Eggman's voice was coming from. "Ja, Ladimir's robots aren't so good, just like Eggman's robots" Sonic said mockingly. He then saw two more robots standing in his way.

"Don't even bother" one of the robots said. "You can't do anything to stop our master's plans. He will take over your world, and you and everyone living on it will kneel before him. Now come on, show me what you can do." The robots changed into a combat position; however, with a single Homing attack, Sonic destroyed both robots. "Like I said before, you aren't so good" he said while smiling.

Sonic heard Eggman's voice once again coming from what it looks like to be a palace. It looks pretty big, so Sonic knew that he would be having a hard time looking for Eggman and destroying enemies. Sonic started to walk toward the palace's entrance; the door was really big, even a ship could enter there.

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