Undead // Harry au

By fmeharry

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Little does Brooke know that everything could change in a blink of an eye. More

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By fmeharry

h a r r y

Brooke was depressed after weeks. She was sad that her mom didn't want to do anything with her anymore. I thought sex made her happy which it did but then she would go back to being depressed.

"I guess I deserve all of this because I killed people." Brooke sighed. William scoffed and handed her a cup filled with blood.

"You need some blood in your system since you haven't haunted in days." William said.

"I don't really like killing animals.." Brooke looked down. "I like killing people, their blood is good. I got used to it already and I don't think I can stop."

"How about you kill the bad people?" William asked.

"As long as I get human blood, I'm fine." Brooke said.

"You know how to control your thirst, right?" I asked and sat next to her. "When you're around humans, you want to bite them but you don't."

"I don't bite them but when they do something bad to me or anyone, that's when I get in attack mode." Brooke said. I laughed and kissed her on the forehead.

"Aren't I the luckiest guy in the world, William?" I asked. William shook his head and laughed.

"Not before me, my friend. I'm the luckiest guy in the world because I'm married to the most beautiful woman in the world." William said and kissed Kelly.

Marriage. I look at Brooke and all I think abound is how much I love her. I want to be with her forever. I'm crazy about her and I know she's the one.

So I'm proposing to her but she doesn't know because I can clear out my mind so she can't read my mind. Like right now, she can't read it even though she's trying to.

"What are you thinking?" Brooke asked.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"Whatever." Brooke rolled her eyes. "Hey, do we like stop aging?"

"We stop growing and how we look right now is how we will look forever." William explained. "Vampires are immortal."

"So if I got bitten at seventeen but then three days later, I turned eighteen. Does this mean I'm eighteen like right now?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah, sort of." William shrugged. "You're Harry's age then."

Brooke looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows, "You're eighteen? What, did you like skip two grades?"

"I failed two times when I was little." I replied.

"So we're both eighteen?" Brooke asked and laughed. "That's awesome."

"Brooke, Anna and I want to invite you to a spa that we really love and we think you will too." Kelly smiled. Kelly, William, Anna, and I planned this so after that I could plan the proposal with William. Yes, I'm proposing today.

"Yes." Brooke sighed. "I think I could really use that after everything that's happened besides my sex life with Harry which is great."

I widened my eyes and scoffed.

"Okay. Thank you for that unnecessary comment." Kelly said awkwardly. "Go get yourself ready and relaxed. Wear a tank top and some pants, put your hair up in a bun, and no make up."

"I'll go with her to get ready." I said and walked with Brooke upstairs. I grabbed her by the waist. As Brooke got ready, I stared at her with a small smirk.

"I can't really read your mind right now." Brooke scoffed and changed into her pants. "What are you staring at?"

"Because I love you.." I whispered as my voice cracked and my eyes got watery.

"Well, I love you too.." Brooke whispered and then she finally looked at me. Brooke furrowed her eyebrows and walked up to me. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"No reason." I shook my head and looked at her. "You just make me so happy.."

Brooke sat on my lap and sighed, "I know. I can see it. You make me happy as well. I see the difference on how you were before and how you are now. When I first met you, you were all like serious."

"Now I'm really happy." I smiled.

"Well I have to go." Brooke stood up but I pulled her close to me and kissed her. We made out for a second and then Brooke let me go and gasped.

"Wha-What's wrong?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Uh, nothing. I-I have to go. I love you." Brooke walked away really fast and left me speechless.


"Okay, so I was thinking." William said. "Do you and Brooke have a special place you both love or got to know each other? Something?"

"At school." I replied. "I had this secret hiding place that I never showed to anyone but her. She was the first person I shared that place with. We would skip class there and we talked as we got to know each other."

"Bam. That's where you're going to propose." William laughed. "Is it dirty in there?"


"Let's go fix it up with some lights and something romantic." William said.

"Let's go!" I yelled with excitement and ran out of the house with William. We took the car and drove off to my old school.

"So Mark likes Brooke." I said as William drove. William laughed and looked at me.

"No way!" William yelled. "How do you know?"

"He can't stop thinking about her." I scoffed. "I think it's funny."

"It is." William nodded. "Okay so we're going to decorate the secret hiding place with all the stuff I have in my trunk. It's summer and no one's at school so it's a good day. I'm going to help you decorate it but I'm going to leave you alone for a while."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because I'm buying you a motorcycle!" William yelled. I laughed and yelled, "Yes!"

"Okay, get the stuff out of my trunk and get started on that proposal!" William clapped as he dropped me off at the school. I got down, grabbed the stuff from his trunk, and went inside the school.

"Styles!" The principal yelled. "Haven't seen you in so long! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm proposing to my girlfriend here, if that's okay." I smiled nervously.

"You're proposing to Brooke?" The principal asked. "You're seventeen, too young."

"I'm actually eighteen and so is she." I corrected him.

"Where are you going to propose?" He asked.

"At this place that you guys have downstairs. It looks like a janitor's closet but it's bigger." I explained. The principal furrowed his eyebrows as if he didn't know they had this place or he didn't know what I was talking about.

"Uh, do you mind showing me where this place is at?" The principal asked.

"Sure." I smiled. "Follow me."

I led the principal into the secret hiding place as we walked down the school hallway.

"I never thought I'd see this again.." I sighed as I walked.

"Why'd you drop out anyway?" He asked.

"Brooke wanted to drop out, she thought it was too much stress and you know, people bullied her. And since she wanted to drop out, I did too because I don't want to go to school without Brooke." I explained.

"You really love her, man." The principal smiled and pat me on the back. "I remember when we were at the pep rally, I remember how you looked at her. Every time she laughed, you would look at her in a way that you wanted her to be yours. In a way that you thought, 'she's the one.'"

I smiled and nodded, "Thank you, I guess. So here's the room. I'm going to fix it up and decorate it while she's at the spa. Then, I'm going to go pick her up, take her on a nice date, and bring her here to propose."

"How long do you guys have together?"

"Three months or so." I shrugged. "To me, time doesn't matter. Brooke and I are both happy and I think loving each other is all that matters."

"Yeah, yeah. You're right." The principal nodded. "Well, I want to see how it looks after. You need a hand?"

"Yeah, for now." I smiled. "William is going to come later but yeah, you help me for now."


William didn't show up, I'm guessing buying motorcycle took long. I was sitting down on the floor with the principal, turns out his name is George.

"So how'd you meet her? Brooke?" George asked.

I sighed, "Well it was in English class. She was new, you know. And she came in late so the teacher sat her next to me and everyone told her to stay away from me because I was weird. But she refused to listen to them. She didn't think I was weird. So she started to talk to me and I told her to stay away from me because I knew that people would also start to hurt her if she hung out with me. I didn't want anyone to hurt her. Once I got to know her even more, I didn't want to stay away from her anymore. Right now, I just love her so much."

"On the news, they say that she was the last person seen with two people who are dead now. Is that true?"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "It's not true. She wouldn't kill her father. She wouldn't kill anyone, she doesn't have the guts to do it."

"Okay. Well I should probably go now. You have to get in your tux." George stood up and sighed. "When's the big wedding?"

"Calm down, she has to say yes first." I scoffed.

"Good luck, buddy." George pat my back and walked away.

"Wow, the place looks nice." William came in and sighed. "Well, Brooke's at the house already and the girls are getting her ready. Your motorcycle is out there. And here's a leather jacket for you and Brooke to wear while you guys are riding the motorcycle. And here are the keys."

I laughed and took the leather jackets as well as the keys, "Thank you, very unnecessary but thank you for your thought."

"Good luck." William smiled and walked away. I sighed and went to the boy's restroom to get changed into my tux. As I fixed my bow tie, I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. I got out the box where the ring was at and looked at it. I looked at it as the diamond ring shined. I kissed it and walked out of the restroom as I put the ring box away and walked to the motorcycle outside. I sat down on the motorcycle, put my helmet on, started the motorcycle, and drove away. I drove into the forest and stopped in front of the house.

"She's here!" Anna yelled and got Brooke into the porch.

I looked at Brooke and I was speechless, "The same dress you wore for prom.."

"Yeah." Brooke looked down. "I-I didn't really like any of the other dresses, I'm sorry."

"It's okay.." I half-smiled. "You look... You look amazingly gorgeous."

"You have a motorcycle, do I have to spread my legs?" Brooke asked.

"Save that for tonight, love." I winked at her and Brooke's jaw dropped.

"Whoa, that was hot." Brooke whispered and cleared her throat. "Do I have to keep one leg on each side or what?"

"No, you can keep your legs together on one side." I smiled. "Here, wear this."

"A leather jacket?" Brooke scoffed. "What about a helmet?"

Brooke walked up to me and I put the helmet on her head.

"This better not mess up my hair." Brooke rolled her eyes. "Do I look weird?"

"You look cute." I smiled. Brooke put her leather jacket on and sighed.

"Let's get out of here." Brooke said. I got on the motorcycle and she wrapped her arms around my stomach.

"Hold on tight, baby." I said as I started the motorcycle. I drove away and Brooke gasped.

"This is awesome!" Brooke yelled over the loud motorcycle noise.


At the restaurant, we put our victim's organisms in the food and that's what made it good. After Brooke and I left the restaurant, I took her out on a walk.

"Why are we doing this? I can't read your mind and it's pissing me off." Brooke scoffed.

"I just want to remind you that I love you so much and I want to show it to you." I smiled. "Hey, why'd you gasp after you kissed me today?"

"I had some sort of vision." Brooke said immediately. "It was the first time it happened so I got scared."

"What was it?" I asked.

"We were married and I was pregnant." Brooke said. "It was weird."

I stopped in front of the school and looked at Brooke's reaction.

"What are we doing here?" Brooke asked.

"You'll see." I smiled and held her hand as we walked towards the school entrance. I wrapped a tie around her eyes and walked her to the secret hiding place.

"Are you going to kill me? That's how I've killed all my victims." Brooke whispered.

"No, you silly." I laughed and went inside the secret hiding place. I turned on the lights and took off the tie from her eyes. Brooke read what the little night lights said and she covered her mouth as her eyes got watery.

I got on my knees and took the ring out of the box, "Brooke, I love you so much and I would love for you to be-"

"You're the love of my life." Brooke said with a shaky voice. "I know I've done some really bad things but at the end of the day, you're always there for me and I can't thank you for that."

"Is that a yes?" I asked. Brooke smiled as she cried and nodded.

"Yes, I'll marry you." Brooke said. I smiled, stood up, and slid the ring on her finger. Brooke laughed as she cried and sighed.

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