
By gloshorty

236K 8.7K 778

Sunny Average 23 year old. every thing in her life is vanilla...plain....simple.. nothing fancy.. ex... More

Vanilla : Chapter 1
Vanilla : Chapter 2
Vanilla : Chapter 3
Vanilla : Chapter 4
Vanilla : chapter 5
Vanilla : chapter 6
Vanilla : chapter 7
Vanilla : chapter 8
Vanilla : Chapter 9
Vanilla : chapter 10
Vanilla : chapter 11
Vanilla : Chapter 12
Vanilla : Chapter 13
Vanilla : Chapter 14
Vanilla : Chapter 15
Vanilla : Chapter 16
Vanilla : Chapter 17
Vanilla : Chapter 18
Vanilla : Chapter 19
Richard "Rex" Dixon
Vanilla : Chapter 21
Vanilla : Chapter 22
Vanilla : Chapter 23
Vanilla : Chapter 24
Vanilla : Chapter 25
Vanilla : Chapter 26
Vanilla : Chapter 27
Vanilla : Chapter 28
Vanilla : Chapter 29
Vanilla : Chapter 30
Vanilla : Chapter 31
Vanilla : Chapter 32
Vanilla : Chapter 33
Vanilla : Chapter 34
Vanilla : Chapter 35
Vanilla : Chapter 36
Vanilla : Chapter 37
Vanilla : Chapter 38
Vanilla : Chapter 39
Vanilla : Chapter 40
Vanilla : Chapter 41
Vanilla : Chapter 42
Vanilla : Chapter 43
Vanilla : Chapter 44
Vanilla : Chapter 45
Vanilla : Chapter 46
Vanilla : Chapter 47
Vanilla : Chapter 48
Vanilla : Chapter 49
Vanilla : Chapter 50
Vanilla : Chapter 51
Vanilla : Chapter 52
Vanilla : Chapter 53
Vanilla : Chapter 54
Vanilla : Chapter 55
Vanilla : Chapter 56
Vanilla : Chapter 57
Vanilla : Chapter 58
Vanilla : Chapter 59
Vanilla : Chapter 60
Vanilla : Chapter 61
Vanilla : Chapter 62
Vanilla : Chapter 63
Vanilla : Chapter 64
Vanilla : Chapter 65
Vanilla : Chapter 66
Vanilla : Chapter 67
Vanilla : Chapter 68
Vanilla : Chapter 69
Vanilla : Chapter 70
Vanilla: Chapter 71
Vanilla : Chapter 72
Vanilla : Chapter 73
Vanilla : Chapter 74
Vanilla : Chapter 75
Vanilla : Chapter 76
Vanilla : Chapter 77
Vanilla : Chapter 78
Vanilla : Chapter 79
Vanilla : Chapter 80
Vanilla : Chapter 82
Vanilla : Chapter 83
Vanilla : Chapter 84
Vanilla : Chapter 85
Vanilla : Chapter 86
Vanilla : Chapter 87
Vanilla : Chapter 88
Vanilla : Chapter 89
Vanilla : Chapter 90
Vanilla : Chapter 91
Vanilla : Chapter 92
Vanilla : Chapter 93
Vanilla : Chapter 94
Vanilla : Chapter 95
Vanilla : Chapter 96
Vanilla : Chapter 97
Vanilla : Chapter 98
Vanilla : Chapter 99
Vanilla : Chapter 100
Sprinkles : 1

Vanilla : Chapter 81

1.2K 62 7
By gloshorty

Sunny woke up the next morning with bad cramps. Bad. Cramps that hurt enough to make somebody cry but of course she didn't cry, she had three very cute adorable guests in the house with her. When she woke up they were all gone except for Izzy who stare down at her as she sleep

"well hello."


"where is everybody?"

"in the kitchen, i wanted to wait for you. Are you okay? Mason said hes in pain and he said he was sorry if he was hurting you?"

Her brows furrowed as she sat up and placed a hand on her tummy that felt like it was being ripped open from inside out. She looked over at Izzy before laying back down and shutting her eyes

"what is he saying now?"

Izzy lean forward a little and place a hand on her tummy, She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath

"he says he is sorry, he says he loves you. he says he doesn't mean to hurt you but hes uncomfortable........oh and hes hungry."

She smiled at the last part, when wasn't he hungry? but she was concerned, why was he uncomfortable? Why was he in pain? maybe it was just because he was hungry. She sat up and rolled off of the bed, she put a hand to her head as she felt a bit dizzy. Izzy climbed off of the bed and ran over to sunny, latching on to her hand for dear life.

"whats wrong? did he say something?"

"i have a bad feeling."

Her voice was cracking as if she was gonna cry, sunny released her hand and got onto her knees, she put her hands on each side of Izzy's hips and looked at her.

"Izzy, if there's something wrong with Mason i need you to tell me okay? no matter how bad it is, i need you to tell me. got it?"

She nodded her head yes and swallowed a lump in her throat, sunny stood back up and she grabbed her hand as they walked from the room and to the kitchen. You could smell the food as you got closer and it only made Sunny even more hungry then she was, the crew were all standing up in a line making plates while Aubrey and the boys were already seated around the island eating there food.

"Hi sunny."

Riley and Connor greeted her in unison as she shuffled over and gave Aubrey a peck on the lips

"morning baby. Good morning Izzy."

"Good morning."

Sunny squeezed Izzys hand before letting it go and walking to the fridge to get a bottle of voss water so she could take her pill. Aubrey lift Izzy onto his lap and give her a kiss on the cheek

"you snore really loud you know that?"

She laughed out and flashed her deep dimples before placing her small hand on his cheek and feeling his scruffy facial hair

"that wasn't me, it was you. And Connor and Riley, ladies don't snore."

"No, it was you. Use men don't snore."

To follow up that sentence Riley let out a belch, Sunny and Izzy look at him in disgust as the crew of boys all cheer.

"nice one little bro."

OB gave him a knuckle touch as the cheering died down

"don't encourage it OB, that's really ewwie."

"no, your snoring is really Ewwie."

He mocked her cute tone causing her to smile a bit. She didn't snore and they all knew it, it was just fun to make jokes. Sunny grab on to the side of her stomach almost spitting out her water, Izzy's arm began to shake as she stared off into space for a good twenty seconds. She hopped off of Aubrey's lap and rushed over to Sunny, she put her left hand on Sunnys tummy and grabbed hold of her hand with the right, leaning in against her arm. Izzy's heart pounded fast due to nervousness as her legs began to shake. Just like sunny.

"hey, are you okay baby?"

" fine, i just. i just-"

She couldn't even get the sentence out before collapsing to the ground, All of the crew yell out in shock as to the fact that one minute shes fine and the next shes on the floor passed out. They all crowd around her as Izzy take steps back speaking in a foreign language that nobody understood but all guessed it was french, except Connor and Riley, who knew every word she was saying according to the looks on there faces. Aubrey turn to look at them, he looked between Izzy, Connor and Riley and sunny a few times before stopping on Connor who had the biggest look of terror

"oh mon dieu son happening, son happening!"

He looked down at sunny with his brows furrowed in confusion and looked back up at Connor and Riley


He didn't mean to yell, he was just scared for the life of his Fiance and they understood that thank god.

"somethings happening, shes saying that something is happening."


They spoke back and forth in french, nobody knowing what they were saying but them. The only word he understood was "GO" and that was because Izzy was yelling it at him. He didn't know where to go but he picked her up and was assuming she meant the hospital, he rushed out to the car and lay her in the back seat. He could feel his arm beginning to become wet. really wet. As if it were pee. He looked down to see her peeing on him but it wasn't pee. It was blood

and a lot of it.

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