Sonic: Wrath of Dr. Ladimir

By Starjoel

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Available only on Wattpad. STORY COMPLETED Sonic and Eggman are forced to team up when a new enemy threats th... More

Ch. 1: Dr. Ladimir
Ch. 2: Welcome back Sonic
Ch. 3: Dr. Ladimir strikes
Ch. 4: Archenemies united
Ch. 5: The Egg Emperor Reborn
Ch. 6: The second attack
Ch. 8: Madness Escape
Ch. 9: Battle of Robots
Ch. 10: The Mystic Palace
Ch. 11: Sonic vs Dr. Ladimir (1st fight)
Ch. 12: Beyond Dimensions
Ch. 13: Dr. Ladimir's Plans
Ch. 14: It has Begun
Ch. 15: Against the Clock
Ch. 16: Sonic vs Dr. Ladimir (2nd fight)
Ch. 17: Return of the Super Hedgehogs
The Finale: Super Sonic vs. Eggman
A Song to Close the Book

Ch. 7: Scourge the Hedgehog

42 2 0
By Starjoel


Here I was, united with my worst rival: Dr. Eggman. I was glad that I don't have to protect him anymore now that he has his Eggmobile. I still was mad at Eggman; I had to go through a crazy fight to get his beloved 'Eggmobile", and he didn't warned me before.

"Hey, what's your problem Sonic?" Eggman asked.

"My problem? I had been through a hard moment to get your toys and you still asking what's my problem?".

"Hey, I said I'm sorry already" Eggman replied very gloomly, " however, it wouldn't bad if that my Egg emperor had destroyed you."

"What did you just said!?" I shouted.

"Oh come on Sonic, that's what I always wanted in my life; I don't know why your mad about it, you been through this already."

"Well, yeah, and you like always: Failing!" I replied mockingly. He then looked at me with an angry face and said:

"Are you looking for another fight hedgehog? Because I can approve that"

"Whoa, don't taste me Eggman, don't try to look for another embarrassing defeated."

"Why you little... THAT'S IT!" Eggman took out a laser gun from his Eggmobile.

"Whoa, whoa, Calm down Eggman, there's no time for fighting." I said surprised. Suddenly, we heard a loud scream coming from the path where we were trying to get.

"That sounded like Knuckles"! Eggman said. I quickly dash straight to where Knuckles scream was coming, and Eggman was behind me. We finally arrived to Knuckles island, and we saw Knuckles knocked on a corner. I went at high speed at him, but Eggman stayed behind. I grabbed knuckles, and he was still awake, but with no strength.

"Knuckles, who did this to you?" I asked worried.

Knuckles then pointed at the Master emerald, and there was another one of my rivals. It was Scourge the Hedgehog, who had gave us trouble in our passed adventures.

"Scourge!" I said loudly.

"Sonic! Scourge replied. He then dash and got close to me, but he was a little far from me too.

"So, trying to steal the Master emerald again" I said.

"It's obvious, but that stupid echidna was getting in my way, so I had to give him a lesson first."

"I see that your still been the selfish, violent and greedy Hedgehog I met."

"Some things never changes, my most beloved twin. Besides, it's not like you aren't like me too."

"Whatever, I won't let you escape with the Master emerald."

"Bring it on then!" Scourge said while putting his glasses on.

Knuckles was getting away of us, and Eggman was still watching from a distance. Scourge and I were looking at each other concentrated; Scourge's attacks were almost like mines. He also has the ability to dash, and he could even turn in his super form using the anarchy beryl.

Suddenly, he started dashing at me to make his first attack. I jumped and avoided his attack, and I tried to do a homing attack at him. But he dodged my attack and kicked me right at my face.

"What's the matter Sonic? Your not faster anymore?" Scourge said mockingly.

I stared at him with an death stare and dashed at him; we then started to melee at each other. I was trying to hit him with everything, but he managed to block all my attacks. Suddenly, he took a chance to give me one punch in my belly and another on my face. He was laughing at me after his attacks; he then was walking straight at me, and once he got very close, I got up quickly and kicked his face.

"Who's the slowest hedgehog now?" I said mockingly too. He then got up and looked at me while taking some blood out of his lips. Suddenly, he jumped and tried to stomp me; I quickly dashed away, jumped in a wall and tried to do the same thing. But he dashed away too; he then came back when I felt and grabbed me. He then dashed at a wall and threw me at it; that really hurt a lot, but I still had strength to fight.

He started to dash again and I follow him behind. I got at his side and tried to do a homing attack at him once again, but he dodged it again by jumping and he stomped me. I felt on the ground, and I couldn't move anymore; my body was hurting a lot. Scourge was in my front and he grabbed me from my neck.

"I think this is where your story ends Sonic" Scourge said.

He was preparing to finish me, but Eggman suddenly a appeared and knock him back. Scourge felt to the ground and got up quickly; he then saw Eggman protecting me.

"You fool! You dare challenge me!?" Scourge said very angry.

" That's nothing new for me, challenging a Hedgehog in a fight" Eggman replied. "But no, not really".

"Then what do you want" Scourge asked.

Suddenly, Eggman opened a part of his Eggmobile, and he got out some rings and gave it to Sonic. This got Sonic's strength back to normal, and he motivated got back in the fight.

"All right Scourge, time to end this." I said.

Suddenly, Scourge got mad and dashed at me; I took this chance to do a homing attack once again, and this time I managed to damage him. I hit him right in the face, causing a dizziness at him. Knuckles used this chance to grab him from his jacket and sending him away with a great punch.

"YOU'LL REGRET THIS SOONIIIIIIC! Scourge shouted while flying away"

"Are you okay?" Knuckles asked.

"Why yes I am" Eggman replied.

"I was asking Sonic, not you!" Knuckles shouted, causing a embarrassment at Eggman.

"I'm okay Knuckles" I replied. "

"What took you so long" Knuckles asked.

"Well, long story" I said while glaring at Eggman. "But I'll explain the details later, now we need to use the Master emerald to track down the emerald that Dr. Ladimir is looking for."

"You can leave it to me Sonic" Knuckles replied. He then got to the Master Emerald to track down the unknown emerald.

"The servers are the seven chaos. Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart. The heart is the controller, the controller serves to unify the chaos" Knuckles reciting the ancient mantra. "I beg you to search for all the existing emeralds of the world."

Suddenly, the Master Emerald revealed Knuckles the seven Chaos Emeralds.

" The seven chaos emeralds are still within the robot that Dr. Ladimir used while attacking Station Square" Knuckles said. "He's using the emeralds to track down the emerald we are looking for too."

"Can you also find that emerald too Knuckles?" Eggman asked.

The Master Emerald was revealing more secrets to Knuckles.

"I think the Master Emerald is revealing me the mystery of this unknown emerald." Knuckles explained. "The emerald we are looking for is known as the emerald of dimensions. It doesn't have the same powers of the other emeralds. As the name implies, the Emerald of dimensions as the ability to open dimensional portals that leads to another world. And since this is a wishing object too, anyone who have this item in their powers have the opportunity to open a dimensional portal to a world that the person wished for"

" Wait, what are you trying to say Knuckles?" I asked.

"The emerald of dimensions can grant wishes, but it only works if the wish includes opening a dimensional portal to another world." Eggman replied. Oh no, Ladimir wants to transport planet Earth into another world created by him using the Emerald of dimensions!"

"Okay, that doesn't sounds good" I said worried. "Knuckles, can you locate the emerald of dimensions?"

"I already did, it is located somewhere at Mystic Ruins; jehe, typical."

"Well, there's no time to waste, We must hurry to Mystic ruins and get that Emerald before Ladimir does," Eggman said.

"All right then" I replied. "Thanks Knuckles, now I need you to go back to Station Square and help the others."

"All right Sonic, I'll head back"

Knuckles left Eggman and I, and we continued our journey straight to Mystic ruins.

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