Your Love Messes Me Up

By violynn

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“Young lady, I foresee that you’ll fall in love with a handsome young man in your near future…” That's what a... More

Your Love Messes Me Up 01- Don't make me laugh
Your Love Messes Me Up 02 - This Is Not Happening!
Your Love Messes Me Up 03 - I'll talk to him...
Your Love Messes Me Up 04 - Thanks a lot
Your Love Messes Me Up 06 - It has to do a lot with you
Your Love Messes Me Up 07 - Preparing for the date and....I think he's hot?
Your Love Messes Me Up 08.0 - The Date - Are We There Yet?
Your Love Messes Me Up 08.1 - The Date - Different
Your Love Messes Me Up 08.2 - The Date - Disbelief
Your Love Messes Me Up 09 - Daring Declaration
Your Love Messes Me Up 10 - Go On And Kiss The Guy
Your Love Messes Me Up 11 - We're Playing Hooky
Your Love Messes Me Up 12 - What Am I Expecting!!
Your Love Messes Me Up 13 - Delayed Anxiety
Your Love Messes Me Up 14 - If You Want
Your Love Messes Me Up 15 - Gossip Girl
Your Love Messes Me Up 16 - I Wonder Why
Your Love Messes Me Up 17 - Images In The Rain
Your Love Messes Me Up 18 - You Sure?
Your Love Messes Me Up 19 - Are you trying to kill me?!
Your Love Messes Me Up 20 - Heavily Sedate Me Please
Your Love Messes Me Up 21 - Texting
Your Love Messes Me Up 22 - Confession
Your Love Messes Me Up 23 - Embarrassment never left
Your Love Messes Me Up 24 - A Moment
Your Love Messes Me Up 25 - WTH
Your Love Messes Me Up Chapter 26 - Some brotherly advice
Your Love Messes Me Up 27 - sadist or masochist
Chapter 28 - Get a room

Your Love Messes Me Up 05 - What if I called you hot?

212 3 1
By violynn

Aiden’s POV

After I sent Summer home yesterday I couldn’t shake off the feeling she had when she said “Sure, when there’s someone to meet…”

Was she mostly home alone? Or maybe she doesn’t like her siblings… I’ve asked around in school about Summer but apparently no one knows much about her, aside from the fact that she’s the younger sister of Samantha and Jason Ellery.

The star pupil and the prized athlete of our school, no wonder she’s angry most of the time, always being compared to such high achieving people by the teachers.

Walking into homeroom with the guys I saw Summer seated at the back by the window. Taking the seat next to her and the guys around us, people started murmuring at our seating arrangement. It looked as if Michael and the rest are making a fence around the Summer and me.

Noticing that the murmuring got louder, she finally looked away from the window and was surprised to see me next to her and with Gregg, Michael, Connor and Jay around us.

Sighing as she realized that the murmuring was about us. She simply said hi to us and went back to looking out the window.

“So…you consider yourself as low key?”  I asked.

“Uh huh...I guess so…” she answered now looking at her desk.

“So why agree to try it out someone as high profile as me?”

Sighing, she said “Aiden, I haven’t even said anything. Why are you acting like the girl being insecure? Isn’t the usual case the girl asking this? ”

Looking at her I said “It’s because of you not saying anything that makes me worried. I’m not a mind reader you know…”

Looking surprised. “Please, don’t go Twilight on me…I’m not Bella. Not that I hate Twilight or anything…just don’t go off in that direction...”

Recalling what I just said… “I didn’t even realize I was.  In any case Summer, I want to know what you’re thinking. I just wanna know what’s in there.”

Replying back, “Look, I don’t have anything to say so what do you expect me to talk about? Also, I’m not going to reject someone just because they’re popular or whatever crap it is. You asked and I just wanted to see where this goes from here. I may be an anti-social and or socially awkward but I believe in opportunities. Understand that.”

“Crystal” I replied.

Summer’s POV

I can’t believe that I had an outburst at Aiden…I don’t even know why.

Well I might not be screaming and everything but that’s not an outburst for me…To my standards, that’s be flipping out right there.

PMS?? I hope it doesn’t last….

The day went by dreadfully slow and all I wanted was to go to my secret place.

“Hey, Summer. Going  somewhere?” Aiden asked when he saw me packing up.

“The same place. Why? You wanna come along?” I asked

Laughing as he got up, he said “You know, it almost seems like you’re the guy in the relationship…”

Since when was I ever the guy? I’ve been the one blushing non-stop whenever we have contact, I sighed thinking to myself.

Turning around Aiden asked “Did you say something Summer?”

Shaking my head I said “Nothing lets go”

As we walked down the hall everyone was staring us or rather looking at me. I heard lots of murmuring and looked straight not wanted to meet anybody’s eyes.

“Bitch” I heard one blonde call out.

“It takes one to know one bitch” I said back, I know it’s the simplest retort and I just hate it when someone calls me what I’m not but honestly she isn’t worth the energy.

Laughing and putting his arm around my waist, he drew me closer to him as we head towards one of the dance studio.

Making sure that the door was locked this time, I resumed my favorite spot by the windows with Aiden beside me.

“So you think that I’m like the guy in the relationship?” I asked as I took a seat over looking outside scenery of everyone leaving the school.

“I should have rephrased that, maybe more like the badass between the both of us.” He said smirking. Definitely recalling what happened on our way here.

Shrugging innocently I said “Hey, I hate it when someone calls me something I’m not.”

“What would you do if I called you hot?”As he said it, he was too close, I feel way too close for comfort.

I could feel my face heating up from the closeness and that he called me hot. “See, how on earth am I the guy when I’m like this?” Motioning to my red cheeks, “How am I supposed to know if I’m hot or not?”

“Alright, I’ll hold the teasing for a moment. I wanted to talk with you, how you’re acting during school…” he said holding my hand.

“Can we bring all this before the school? I almost feel like I’m dating part time here. I don’t know how many relationships you’ve had but are they all like this?”

“I’ve…never been in a relationship before remember? I don’t even know what to expect from here…” I said fidgeting in my spot.

“I forgot for a moment there. It seems like we’re going to take it slow” he said albeit a little sadly.

“What’s with that hint of sadness in your voice” I said eyeing him.

 “Oh nothing much, just thinking of how slow is slow” Leaning over to me he said it, nuzzling at my neck I blushed again. Putting a hand to my face, in attempt to cover my embarrassment I used the other hand to push him away.

“Come on, you’re making me look like a big bad wolf waiting to devour you” he said trying to look innocent.

Laughing I told him “Next to me you are”

“Also, since when did I say I’m officially your girlfriend? I remembered telling you that I’m willing to give this a try. And a try doesn’t guarantee being steady”

“I know!!” He exclaimed as he suddenly sat up straight.

“W…what?” I said feeling uneasy for some reason.

“Summer, go out on a date with me.” Aiden said with a sparkle in his eyes.

“When?” I asked afraid, trying not to meet that somehow dangerous sparkle in his eyes.

“’This Saturday after your dance lessons” he said smiling to himself.

“Sure, wait…How did you know I had lessons on Saturday?” I said very surprised.

“Yeah about that…I kinda stalked you and got your info…” saying it sheepishly

“Wow, I feel so loved” I said rolling my eyes.

“Hey, blame it on your dancing. You had me mesmerized and infatuated, I was seriously messed up.”

Blushing again growing conscious because he watched me…I mean, isn’t it normal for people to see us dance? I don’t understand why I feel so nervous about him watching me…. we didn’t speak for awhile. Until he said, “So…Summer, mind me asking…How are you’re grades? Cause I was hearing that it wasn’t so good…”

“What are you Aiden, my mom? I’m surprised you care so much about my grades”

“Come on Summer, you have a brain. Use it” he said, pointing to my forehead.

“What’s the point Aiden, I can’t ever compare to my eldest sister. I’m just the misfit third” I said rather dejectedly.

“That’s not my point Summer, did you hear me correctly? I’m asking you to use your brain. Not outdo your sister.” Holding my shoulders, he shook me in effort to get his point across.

Sighing, I reluctantly agreed to whatever educational plans he’s trying to concoct for me…

“So Summer, what’s your grade average?” He asked deep in thought.

“Just enough to pass…” his eyes widened in surprise when he heard me say my grade.

“We have a lot of work to do after our date Summer.” Aiden said eyeing me.

What deep shit did I just get myself into?

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