The Great Sexcapades

By ChocolateZeno

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Juicy random one shots of anything Empire. Anything Taraji and Terrence as well. More

I'm Back
About time.
Back to the roots.
New Beginnings
Caught up.
I Love you!
King of the Castle
Why do I love you?
Soul Passion
The Jungle
You and Me.
You and Me Pt.2
Temptations of the Heart
Hearts Desire
Collision Course
Power Play?.....
It's me, Baby...
I can't....
In The Beggining....
Remember me
I Can't Resist...
First Day Out.....
What happens in Vegas, Never Stays in Vegas
Love Lost Is A Storm
Gang Ties...
You Broke Love..but We'll Fix It
Teaser: The Games We Play
Before I Self Destruct....
Hustle & Flow
Proud Mary
Our Love Is Toxic
The Unexpected
Is It Really You?
Touch Me, Tease Me
Love And War
Hiya Puddin
Ima Family Mayne
Love Lost Is A Battle
A Merry Christmas Indeed
Dont Mix Business & Pleasure
Before The Hustle Flowed
She's Mine
I Got You
Smoke and Mirrors
Alpha Vs. Alpha?
Got Me Twisted..
Your Protector....
Dancing With The Devil

Somebody's Messing With Us (DAIYB)

557 35 21
By ChocolateZeno

Been over a year😩. My bad yall, life been a son of a bitch. Here's something to let yall know I'm still here.

My Season 2, Episode One
Pt. 1

Cookie stared in the mirror with a heavy seated from. She was already regretting this already. She hadn't even left the house yet. She was certainly dragging her feet on purpose. The last thing she wanted to do was go to Lucious for anything. Especially considering all that they were already going through. Let him tell it he was the saint. When that man could be and was anything but a child of God.

Part of her wanted to see him rot. Hell, she did it. Rotted for over a decade in those concrete walls. Trapped with no one and nowhere to go. The son of a bitch deserved it. In all honesty Lucious had been coasting on luck for decades. It was about time something bit him in the ass. She just didnt want to be the object of his ire. Like she already was because he was a dumbass.

"So stupid!" She hissed in the mirror.

Why would she wait all these years to throw him under the bus? He wasnt thinking all because that damn agent had to get her time to shine. Yet Lucious was blaming her. Like he didnt shoot Bunky executioner style. Like he didnt leave the body. Like he didnt know they were on his ass! She wasn't the damn witness. How could she be? She didnt have no real functioning evidence. Lucious was just a dumb nigga being a dumb nigga.

Now he had to go ask the same dumb nigga for help. She fucked up she can admit that. She jumped the gun with Teddy. Also because of a dumb nigga! Lucious knew the types of streets they ran in. Things on your doorstep were never good.

Especially roses!

She felt bad for Jermel. She got him in this mess. In the same breath....she didn't. Jermel owed her for plenty. Call her fucked up but him dying for this didnt settle debts. As unfortunate as it all was. She had tried to fix this. Now she needed help. Sure with enough diligence and counter measures. She could tussle with frank in war a while. The problem was she knew that man. When things didnt go his way he got angry. That psychotic man called it smarts but it was desperation.

She could deal with him wanting her head. She couldn't deal with him wanting the heads of her babies to get to her. So she was going to suck it up. Swallow her pride and go down to the damn penitentiary. At least this time she could leave. Exiting her bathroom she snagged her purse. With a long weighted sigh she slid on sunglasses. She didn't want to look at her m it swing coffee table.

She'd get another one like it, but the simple fact that a severed head sat on it meant it had to go. Calling in a long time favor to dispose of the head for her.  Something Lucious should have done for Bunky except he had burned far too many bridges. She ignored the way her heart clenched at the thought. She'd have rather been ignorant to his demise then knowing. She wasnt gifted that luxury unfortunately.

Carol: I dont know if everyone's gonna last here.

Cookie pursed her lips at the message. They had no choice but to sit. She ordered security to keep them there untill further notice. Webb was head of that. No one was going anywhere. She'd rather deal with pissy family than dead ones.

Pulling up to the Pen she sighed once more. Truthfully coming to the house of your enemy wasn't usually a good idea. However sometimes you had to make risky moves. Even if the moves made your chest feel heavy. Staring at the concrete prison she felt chills. She couldnt have ran out of prison fast enough. The very stench of this place was heavy. So what it wasn't the women's it was a prison all the same.

Going through the visitation process. She noticed a separate visitation form she could sign in on. A pink form with an extended list of rules and needs. She blinked at the words conjugal visitation. Snorting at the knowledge of what that meant. 2 hours of personal time was a luxury. He was in a private prison. The lucky bastard he was. He was probably eating good in this shit hole. He had enough privileged freedom to do a fucking video conference.

She found herself growing pissed all over again. Today had been a colossal shit show. From Lucious fucking up her plans to Jermel. Getting her purse searched she was allowed entry through a medal detector. Looking around the room the heavy feeling in her chest grew. Inmates with family visiting them. Men with their young kids....talking....laughing....smiling. She was robbed of it all. It wasn't fair but life wasn't fucking fair.

Hell did she felt she deserved it after all she had done in life. After all they had done...and were continuing to do. As the thought rolled through her mind, the man she needed to see walked through the inmate entry. Surprise crossing Lucious's face before he smirked. Cookie glared at the man not in the mood for his condescending mouth today. Taking a seat Lucious peered at his exwife. A million and one things going through his head. The most blaring of them all telling him something was wrong.

Cookie had this way of presenting herself. She was evey bit of the the jagged edge she presented as, but he knew that stone had been carefully chiseled. It was man made not natural. He had watched its beautiful creation. Which is how he could tell something was troubling her. It was a matter of what that trouble was. He had reason to believe she was pissy because he had ruined her plans. Which reminded him that he was pissed off at her as well. She was a snake in the grass lately.

"Why do you look like Mr T?" He tossed, breaking the silent stare down. Watching her dull eyes spark.

"Ain't nobody come all the way out here play no games with you Luscious." She snapped, he chuckled tilting his head. She could deny it all she wanted but a few words had just lifted her spirits.

"Whatever the reason I still love you..." he started, watching her roll her eyes in response. That didnt deter him as he looked around. He was being honest at the moment.

"I do and I'm so sorry I didn't come and visit you all those years in here. This place is hell..." He trailed off, her eyes cutting to slits that pierced.

"3 been in here 3 months." She spat.

"Talk to me after 5 years. If there's any justice well have that conversation." She added, watching him deflate like she had killed his puppy.

"You mean that?" He questioned, Cookie blinked at the man. He surely wasn't getting sappy because she was paying him a visit?

"What you think I dont cause I threw you that little concert? Boy bye." She snorted, he chuckled in the tone that grinded her gears. The chuckle before he said something snarky to piss her off. It didnt help that he decided to switch seats to grow closer to her.

"Naw, see I know you threw that little concert cause you was tryna impress that big investor of yours. Real sorry that ain't work out for ya baby." He grinned, her face scrunched in return.

"I did that for our sons Lucious , thats....." She sneered, trailing off realizing it wasn't worth the arguement. She wasn't here for this. She was here for one reason and she was getting distracted.

"Its tearing my babies apart having you in here." She admitted, he sighed leaning closer into her space.

"You always were a ride or die." He mused, reaching over to touch her. She snatched away from him shooting him a glare. He was always trying to touch on her.

"Save that shit for Anika...or one of these little boys you messing around with in here." She threw out, knowing it was the farthest thing from the truth. It was funny nonetheless. Even Lucious himself laughed.

"It's crazy how I can love yo ass and hate you in the same moment." Lucious tossed, crashing the moment with surgical precision.

"I call it torture..." Cookie added, because that's what it was. Even as she sat here cursing the earth for his being, he still made butterflies appear.

"Alright so why'd you come?" Lucious tossed, getting straight to business. Was she here to plead her case with him? He could use a bit of groveling.

"They messing with us Lucious." She dropped, watching all humor fall from his face. An air of seriousness falling over them.

"Who's messing with you?" He questioned, a slight growl in his voice.

"That skinny hannibal lecter, Idi amin....."

"Frankie?" Lucious tossed, not many fit the bill of that description. Not many in terms of danger level. The way Cookie looked at him told more that her mouth.

"I need you to fix it." Cookie spoke. It wasn't an ask, it was a demand. Let it have been anyone else he would have needed more than that. There was no other person on earth who could say those 6 words and he would jump.

"So, what he do?" He tossed, she glanced around the room. Making sure no one was paying extra attention to them.

"Flowers for the wake.....presents for the day." Cookie spilled, inconspicuous words that only had meaning between them. Lucious's face grew thunderous at her reveal. He had wondered where Jermel had disappeared to. All he kept hearing was he got transferred. That sounded like bullshit to him. Given that the man was up his ass last week. Which was drawing in more questions. Just what in the hell had Jermel and Cookie done to get that bastard riled up. The problem lay in time. He had no time or secure space to dive into that story. Frank was on the move and he had to play catch up.

"I'm not trying to be in any black attire gatherings." Cookie stated, Lucious reached across the table once more. This time Cookie didnt jerk away. Watching him with cautious eyes.

"I'll take care of you." He voiced, grasping her hand stilling its jerky movement. A stress tick of hers where she rubbed her thumb along her pointer and middle fingers repeatedly. The tells of her body he would always read. Despite what personally they were going through. Cookie was his responsiblity. He promised to see about her till death do them part and he'd fucked up on that already. He had to admit being imprisoned was giving him insight on her perspective. It felt lonely in here....

"....okay." She nodded, finding relief in his agreement. It might come back to bite her in the ass but in the present it was worth it

"Lyon." A CO called signaling the end of his visit. He frowned wanting more time with her. Two minutes of physical contact to a intimacy starved man was torture.

"Lay low." He instructed, as he rose to his feet.

No more words needed to be said at that point. He had a job to do, and Cookie could only wait it out. Rising from her seat she nodded. The two parting ways. Cookie took a greedy inhale of outside air. Her heart rate returning to normal. Shaking off those wild emotions making her feel caged. Jamal called it some PTSD shit. Whatever the hell that was.

As long as she kept her ass far from prison that's all that mattered. In the meantime while Lucious made his moves. She needed to do what he didnt. Ensure that messes were cleaned. Giving her driver an address she sat back ignoring the messages flying to her phone. They had to wait around like she had to.

I'll take care of you....

She scoffed internally. She hadn't heard him say those words since the day she got locked up. He didn't exactly make due on those he used to. Hearing him say something along those lines used to settle her heart because she knew he meant it. He didn't play any games about her....which is why in present time it hurt to think about the state of their relationship. There was a time she never had to second guess. Her mind taking her for a jog down memory lane.

Cookie pursed her lips as she peered at Lucious. Watching him slug around in an attempt to put some clothes on. Her light bright unusually pale due to a sickness he was claiming he didn't have. That he clearly did have considering he was leaning against the dresser unmoving after pulling on some boxers.

"Lucious, you're sick." Cookie tossed, rocking the 1 year old in her arms. Jamal dozing off in her arms drinking from his sippie cup. Instead of a snappy retort, the man groaned instead.

"Come lay down, like I been telling you. You cant bulldoze your way through everything." She continued, reluctantly Lucious turned moping to the bed.

Flopping down face first in its plush comforts. Jamal's eye popping open in alarm. Cookie shushed him patting his back to soothe him. Turning to look at her husband. Reaching out pressing a hand to his forehead. Finally getting the chance to do so. He had been dodging her like she was the plague or something. All because he didn't want to accept he was sick.

"You're burning up, babe."

"I got shit to do, Cook." Lucious mumbled, tired eyes looking up at his wife. In truth he felt like grade A shit. His head was throbbing, his body ached, his nose was running, he had a cough, and he was cold. A hot shower hadn't done a thing for him.

"You dont need to be doing shit but resting. Dre probably gave you the flu. Which is why I was trying to get you to drink that orange juice and take those vitamins." She tossed, he huffed rolling over onto his back.

"And you had the nerve to share a drink with Dre. Tried to tell you, but noooooooo you said....." Cookie poked, Lucious cut his eyes at her.

"Real niggas dont get sick." He answered.

"And you areeeee?"

"Sick. Come on Cook, cut me some slack! I'm dying here." Lucious hiffed.

"Awww, my poor baby." She cooed.

"That's more like it." He chuckled, reaching out and tickling Jamal's feet. The young one squirming in his mother's arms. Prompting Cookie to smack his hand away.

"Quit it, if he miss his nap he gone be an ass." Cookie muttered, taking the empty cup from Jamal.

"I gotta drop today. I can't be down too long." Lucious sighed out.

"No, you need to start this medicine before you be fucked up for two weeks. Whatever you have to do today, I can take care of that babe. It's one drop?"

"Yeah, but..."

"No buts. I've done more drops for you than that." She tossed, rising from her seat. Shifting an asleep Jamal in her arms.

"They new, Cook." He spoke, followed by a series of coughs that Cookie rose a brow at.

"So what? You really think you gone last looking half dead? Find you crashed on the street with work?" She questioned, he gave a long winded sigh rubbing his eyes. When she was right....she was right.


"Good. What time? Where?"

"Harrisburg. 7."

"That's a what 2 hour drive? Shit. Jamal will probably fall asleep again on the way. Let me get Dre ready." Cookie rattled off to herself, Lucious shook his head sitting up.

"Aye aye aye! Naw naw naw, boys ain't riding on this one." Lucious rushed.

"Why? Wassup?" Cookie frowned, it wasn't unusual for the boys to ride. Drops didnt usually take long.

"I'on trust them niggas. Naw, matter fact. I'on like you rolling alone. Vernon usually ride with, take him." Lucious responded, Cookie sucked her teeth a pout quickly forming.

"Not Vernon." She whined out.

"He ain't that bad, Cook."

"Oh bullshit. He dont like me and I hate him." She snapped. Lucious rolled his eyes. If only she knew how bad Vern used to have it for her. Till he got his ass beat one good time.

"Either you go with Vern. Or you ain't going no where Cook. I mean it." Lucious spoke, the firmness in his voice telling.

She crossed her arms in defiance. A staredown growing heated underway. The outcome? She was a half hour into the drive....with Vernon riding passenger. Though much to her surprise the man had hardly said two words to her. He was just bumping to the music and riding quiet. Which was suspicious as hell. Usually he had something smart to say about her driving.

"Why you keep looking at me? I ain't even do shit." Vernon groaned out, he had been given specific instructions. Dont piss Cookie off. Dont crack on Cookie. Dont get weird with Cookie. Dont fold on Cookie. Dont let anybody fuck with Cookie...and bring Cookie home. He was doing all of them so how was she already pissed at him?

"That's why. You being weird? Why you being weird?" Cookie huffed.

"I'm just chilling, Cookie. Hell I'm happy as hell right now if we being honest."


"Cause I'm doing this drop with you rather than L. Its finna be smooth sailing." Vernon grinned, reclining in his seat.

"What you mean?" Cookie questioned, sensing more to his statement.

"In all the years I've known Lucious. And the time I've known you. You're the level headed one of the two. Dont tell Lu I said that." He commented, Cookie laughed shaking her head.

"My baby ain't that bad." Vernon snorted at those words.

"Ain't that bad? Yo so called baby a 6'1 hellion that could give Frank psycho ass a run for his money. I fucking worry Cook. Lucious cold blooded den a bitch." Vernon tossed, though the humor was there he was serious. He worried about Lucious's mental compass a bit too much. Especially as lately he was flying off the handle over nothing. The man was getting ruthless to tell you the truth.

"So what's the story huh? What's up with these niggas we heading to?" She asked, feeling out of the loop. Ever since popping out Jamal she had been less active in their world. Lucious was on the go all the time....which is how he missed Jamals birth. She was still pissy about that shit. Now she was spending more time at home dealing with a new baby and a three year old. Trying to find a new normal was tough.

"Only been rocking with us a year. They cool people for the most part. Making good money over in Harris. They used to run behind a nigga named Trenton. Fucked around and had...dinner with Frank. Now a new nigga running they show. Name is Melvin. He an ol salty nigga. Just one of them aggravating niggas always tryna son somebody cause they old as Jesus piss." Vernon started.

"Lucious dont fuck with him at all. He only associating cause Frank gave him control on that turf. They actually bring in solid bread. All them white rich mofos be over their getting fucked up. But thing is since bout two drops ago they started getting light on the dough. Bout 5 grand missing type low. Lucious done already warned them twice. Last time a whole 8k was gone. They owe us and Lucious taxing them for it too. Dat Melvin nigga was bullshitting talking bout he gone pay up. Had to stop Lu from drawing the glock." He spilled, Cookie frowned wondering why Lucious ain't mention none of this.

"They ain't paid so Lucious decided to cut they profit right from the work. So that's another reason he ain't really want you rolling on this. Ain't no telling how these niggas gone act, I'm bringing your ass home though. Or ain't no use me ever showing my face again." Vernon sighed.

"Is that this drop?"


"Well they better scratch they ass and get glad. It ain't nothing but some bitches who dont know they place yet. I'll be happy to show him where that is." Cookie spat, Vernon groaned aloud at her words.

"Be cool, Cook. Please be cool..." He begged, she didnt respond instead turning the music up. Lucious's latest tape blaring. Vernon sunk in his seat in response. Him and his big fat mouth....

Getting out of the Cadillac, Cookie's sneakers crunched on gravel drive way. A house no bigger than her own in view. Vernon popped the trunk retrieving the black duffel. Approaching Cookie with a worry filled frown. She smacked her lips snatching the bag.

"I can do it." Vernon offered, for the millionth time since they broke city lines. Knowing somebody had to stay back to keep watch and be hot and smoking if anything popped.

"Nigga." She growled.

"Be cool, Cook." He sighed.

"I'm cool nigga damn! Move for you piss me off." She snapped, he side stepped letting her pass.

Shaking his head he pulled out a joint to calm his nerves. She was the level headed one that was still true but a nigga like Lucious needed a bitch just as crazy. She had 20 minutes. If she wasn't out in 20 he was coming in.

Cookie walked through the wide open door. Scrunching her nose at the musty smell of the place. Ignoring the niggas and bitches around eye balling her as she passed. The fact that she was just strolling through this bitch unchecked was a problem. Where was their security? What friends did they keep wouldn't jump on a stranger?

Following the hoots and hollers. She found a group of niggas at a dining table in the kitchen. The thick scent of weed, cigarettes, and alcohol hitting her. She looked to be walking in on a game of spades. A few heads turning to look her way. She surveyed the room sizing up the people inside. Assessing for back up plans just the way she had been taught. She had spotted a few guns on and around people. A couple windows to jump out of, and two doors heading god knows where. Clearing her throat she waited expectantly. The noise drowning her out. She pursed her lips looking at the music player on the counter. Casually strolling over she unplugged it. At the sudden silence all attention shifted to her.

"Who got money for me?" She tossed out, leaning against the counter.

"Who the fuck are you?" Someone threw out, Lucious simply looked around the room waiting.

"Where's Lucious?" A man spoke, rising from the table. Cookie hummed internally pleased to have picked the right man as the boss around here.

"Busy. Where's our money?" Cookie questioned, the man rose a brown looking her up and down before he smiled.

"Our? You must be...uuhh..C something...Coochie..Cracker? Naw....Ah....Cookie? I assume? Though what I've heard...doesn't quite tell a whole truth." He grinned, licking his lips prompting her to grimace. Approaching her he was amused by the way she straightened from her lounge position. Meeting his eyes head on as he stood meer feet from her. She was a rock. Not a flinch as he reached out.

"Aht aht, money. Dont act brand new." She spat, he rose a brow raising his hands in mock surrender.

"Y'all heard little mama. Curtis." Melvin called, a man kicking a bag out from under the table.

"Go get it." Melvin spoke, nodding his head at the bag. Cookie bristled at his audacity.

"I can tell you right now. You don't want to piss me off. Stop playing games, I got shit to do." Cookie snapped.

"Somebody be a gentleman and pick the bag up for the.....lady?" Melvin taunted, Cookie cocked her head to the side leveling the man with a glare. Her eye contact unbreaking even as a man held out the bag for her. She snatched it from him judging its weight. Instead of doing a trade she tossed the work to the side.

"Fetch." She tossed, not letting shit slide. Melvin chuckled pulling the cigarette from his ear. Lighting it as one of his men went to grab the bag. Cookie opened the money duffle. Doing a visual assessment. Shifting the wads around to make sure there weren't any weights inside.

"Aye! Mel, we short!"

"Short?" Melvin echoed, narrowing his eyes at Cookie.

"We short by at least a kilo."

"You're cut. Not short." Cookie corrected, zipping her bag back up.

"Where's the rest?" Melvin snapped, devoid of that attempt at playfulness he had earlier. Wasn't shit funny now.

"Ain't shit else. You been told what was up. You ain't want to pay? We'll get it straight from the top then. And we expect the usual cut still." Cookie snapped back.

"You out your rabbit ass mind if you think we giving you a damn thing." Melvin spat, Cookie chuckled looking at the watch on her wrist.

"You wanna bet?" She tossed.

"Matter fact I do." He tossed, stepping into her space.

"I'm gonna tell you what's bout to happen. You gone drop that bag. Then you gone take that piss poor cut of work back with you. You gone drive home and tell that slime ass Lucious. We want our shit in full. You got me bitch?"

"Bitch?" Cookie echoed, blinking at the man in front of her.

"That's what I said."

"You're a funny man." She laughed, shaking her head. Abruptly cutting it with a shrarpness getting serious once more.

"Funny....and stupid is a dangerous combination. I'm not doing a god damn thing. You play stupid games. You win stupid prizes. Let this be a warning...Busta. I dont know what shit you think you owning around here. But need I remind work for Lucious. You sell for Lucious. You get yo shit from Lucious. You and every mother fucker up in here BELONG to Lucious. You better remember that next time you go stepping above yo pay grade. You dont want to rumble with the big dawgs. So ima let you slide this ONE time. Next time...I got your bitch for ya." Cookie sneered, her voice dripping with venom. Melvin looked around the room as he laughed.

"Get a load of her. See....this is what I be talking about. You see what happens when you let these hoes think they somebody. These bitches forget they only job in this life and the next, is tied to some mans bed pushing out his kids and shutting the fuck up. There's two types of bitches in this world. A smart one and one who ain't been checked by a real nigga." Melvin boomed.

"Who the fuck...." Cookie's rant was cut off by a hand gripping her throat. Not in the manner she liked Lucious to do. She felt nothing but pain. She dropped the bag as her hands flew to grip at Melvin's wrists.

"Like I said. A smart one....or a bitch who dont know her place. You wanna know what yours is?" He voiced, squeezing the column of her throat and lifting. Cookie dug her sharp acrylics into him. Scratching and drawing blood as her feet fumbled to stay on her tippy toes. Her airway completely restricted.

"Its on your knees like a good little cock sucker." He added, kicking the money duffle away. His eyes narrowing as the fear he wanted didnt come to her eyes. Instead they flamed brighter with each passing second. He blew smoke in her face watching her eyes tear up from the burn.

"How about let's put Cookie down before you make this shit worse." Melvin turned at the new voice. Recognizing Vernon's face with ease.

"I don't like this mouthy bitch you let up in her Vernon." Melvin hissed.

"For the love of god. Put her down man. Please put her down!" Vernon snapped, Lucious was going to have his fucking head. There was nothing but panic in Vernon's face.

"I want my work!"

"I'll talk to him! But fuck if you don't put her down. He ain't gone wanna talk!" Vernon voiced, noticing Cookie's eyes beginning to drop. He was lying through his teeth but they didnt need to know that. Melvin's scowl deepened before he released Cookie. She dropped harshly back on her feet. Coughing and sputtering as she gasped for air.

"Curtis, take 10 grand out the bag!" He ordered, Vernon stepped forward to approach Cookie. Hearing the draws of multiple weapons around the room. They weren't pointed in his direction though.

"BE COOL COOKIE!" Vernon shouted, she had one hand on her neck and the other on her gun.

"You think you gone win that battle?" Melvin taunted, loving the fierce fire in her eyes.

"Cookie, it ain't worth it man. You know that. Let's just go. Come on Cook....think bout yo boys. They need they mama." Vernon pleaded.

"I'd listen to yo boy if I were you. You and I both know you dead on the floor the second you pull the trigger." Melvin spoke, Cookie's teeth audibly grinded making Vernon wince. He thought for a second her pride would win her internal fight. He blew out a breath of relief when she lowered her gun. Still fuming but recognizing there was no survival rate that way.

"Might just be a smart hoe after all." Melvin snickered, leaning down blowing smoke in her face once more. He didnt expect Cookie to hual off and spit in his face. A beat of shock hitting the room. Vernon's hand drew his weapon. He just knew it was bullets flying after that.

"Mark ass nigga..." Cookie spat, her voice hoarse from an injured throat. Melvin shook his head as he wiped his face.

"Keep a leash on this bitch. For I break her down." Melvin threatened, snatching Cookie by the arm and shoving her at Vernon. Managing to catch her in the motion with a fiery slap on the ass. The slap echoing in the room.

"Can think of many ways for her to atone." Melvin purred, as fine as she was. He couldn't stand a mouthy bitch.

"No no no! Cook, come on man. Dont do this to me. Please! Let's roll." Vernon spat, struggling to hold on to her. She wanted blood. She was practically foaming at the mouth for it.

"Curtis. Get them outta here." Melvin ordered, strolling off infuriating Cookie more.

Vernon damn near threw his back out picking a kicking and cussing Cookie up. She might have looked like a punk by onlookers as she screeched her demands but that couldnt be helped. She was spazing the fuck out and rightfully so. They were headed home disrespected and robbed. Vernon was getting fucked up on the principal alone. Cookie was a separate ass whupping. In a two hour drive Cookie hadn't cooled at all.

Wrestling Vernon for the keys so she could turn right back around. His refusal leaving him with a swollen eye, busted lip, and torn shirt. Which is how he approached Lucious. Waking the man up was the last thing he wanted to do. Was he afraid of Lucious? You god damn right he was. With a shaky hand he shook Lucious awake calling his name.

"Lucious, we got a fucking problem." Vernon voiced, Lucious blinked as the bright lights of his room assaulted him. Clearing sleep from his mind he got a good look at Vernon.

"Where the fuck is Cookie!!?!" He roared, jumping up and out of bed. Ignoring how instantly exhausted his actions made him. A series of coughs from choking on a good breath following. He was thinking the worst instantly.

"She here man. She the one who did me like this!" Vernon rushed out, Lucious cooled at the news. Washing hand over his face he sighed. He dint have it in him to break up another Cookie and Vernon fued.

"Fuck you do now, Vern?" Lucious coughed, Vernon scrunched his face at his words.

"Its what I wont do. Here." Vernon spoke, fishing for confidence as he handed Lucious his keys. The tired man frowning in confusion.

"....look Lucious....some shit went down. I dropped the ball." Vernon confessed.

"Fuck you mean you dropped the ball?!" Lucious snapped, Vernon swallowed the lump in his throat. Opening his mouth to spill the events he witnessed. There was a resounding thud upstairs before thundering footsteps followed. Carol knew that to be Lucious hearing the news.

"Just stop for a second. Let me ice it!" Carol snapped, as Cookie popped the clip into an assault rifle.

"Get the fuck off me!" Cookie hissed, forcefully shrugging Carol off. Knocking the bag of frozen carrots to the floor. Carol smacked her lips grumbling as she reached for the bag. She was shoved again when Lucious came barreling by. Prompting a quick fuck yall and her return to babysitting.

"Move Lucious!" Cookie snapped, swatting at Lucious's hands.

"QUIT!" He barked, snatching her by the shirt. Dragging her to him so he could check her out. Pure hell fire rising in him as he looked at the dark red on her neck. What would surely be purple by tomorrow.

"Its over for that mother fucker!" Lucious a spat.

"I got this." Cookie spat, snatching away from him. Lucious bristled at her actions.

"You ain't got shit!"

"I GOT THIS!" Cookie sneered, Lucious snatched the riffle from her shaking his head.

"No. I got this! Fuck all that. Ain't nobody gone ever do some shit like this to you again. You hear me? Ima make sure of it!! No mother fucker ever gone shift a hair on yo head a live. You got me? You hear me?!" Luscious growled out, looking Cookie in the eyes. She felt involuntary emotion bubbling up. She hadn't ever been bitched like that before. Where she felt powerless and couldn't do a damn thing about it. She felt small. Her pride and ego was bruised.

"I hear you." She huffed.

"I'm sorry Cook. I mean that. Ain't nobody gone get away with shit. I'll kill a nigga behind you. You hear me?" He pushed.

"I got you, Cook. I'ma fix this." He spoke, she nodded fighting the heavy feeling behind her eyes. He pulled her into a hug, being that security she needed. She took a shuttering breath before the tears came. Tears of anger flowing heavily. He kissed the top of her head. His jaw set firmly. Sick or not heads were gonna roll tonight.

"I'll take care of you, mamì."

Hope you enjoyed😩❣

Daddy Am I Your Baby? = Somebody's Messing With Us.

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