Hiding My Heart - One Directi...

By ocwise12

42.3K 540 85

Kendall was born and raised in the USA! I mean... At least she thought. Kendall only lived with her mom, Am... More

Chapter 1-The Concert
Chapter 2-She Can't Find Me
Chapter 3-The Papz Never Fail
Chapter 4-Kendalls Story
Chapter 5-Prince "Charming"...?
Chapter 6-Reunited
Chapter 7-"Promise you won't leave her."
Chapter 8-Secrets
Chapter 9-Opened Hearts & Envelopes
Chapter 10-"I'm so sorry Ry"
Chapter 11-Friend or Foe?
Chapter 12-Would He Say He's In L-O-V-E?
Chapter 13-Well What's The Craic, Ireland?
Chapter 14-"Does This Mean I Love Him?"
Chapter 15-Moment of Truth
Chapter 16-"There is no time limit on love."
Chapter 17-"Whenever You're Ready."
Chapter 18-Peazer
Chapter 19-Peazer, Part 2
Chapter 20-Happy New Year...?
Don't hate me! (:
Chapter 21-Harry's New Year Resolution
Chapter 22-Tommo The Tomato!
Chapter 23-Payback
Chapter 24-Oh The Irony
Chapter 25-It's a Promise
Chapter 26-It Runs In The Family
Chapter 27-Divine Intervention
Chapter 28-Mystery Song
Chapter 29- "Simple, but effective."
URGENT Please read the whole note.
Chapter 31-Puzzle Pieces
Quick note!!
Chapter 32-Fake A Smile
Chapter 33-Honest, Sweet & Gentle
Chapter 34-Best Birthday Ever

Chapter 30-Jumping To Conclusions

309 7 1
By ocwise12

Sorry I haven't updated for awhile guys! I am literally sitting in my empty bedroom with my laptop and the keys are kind of echoing against the walls since its so empty in here haha.

if you remember me telling you earlier, I am moving to Texas, I was supposed to leaved yesterday morning but we are behind on packing up the car and stuff, but im leaving tonight, so I wont update for the next few days. I will write the chapters in the car and upload them all next weekend.

thanks for understanding!


Kendall's POV:

It was the night the boys had their first show and it had just finished not to long ago.

I was walking out of the arena, Eleanor and Rylan on both sides of me, while the boys families were just a little bit a head of us to go say goodbye to them on the bus.

Earlier that night before the concert, their families were all backstage with us three girls.

I got to meet Harry's mom, step father and sister. I was a tad nervous but I love meeting new people so it wasn't as bad as I imagined it to be.

They were so nice and interested in my past.

Harry asked not to long ago if he could tell his mom about what I had previously gone through about the whole adoption/finding Niall thing, and I was okay with it, because honestly yeah it was hard to get through it once I knew the truth, but everything happens for a reason.

It was an adoption gone bad - to amazing once I met Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis. Along with Eleanor and my birth parents and real family.

All I have been able to do lately is look at all the positives in my life. Once you do that, you're out look on life completely changes, of course, in a good way.

"Well darling, I will hope to see you soon as well! It really was a pleasure to meet you after all of the amazing and interesting things I have heard about you from my little Harry. I know he will take such good care of you, and if you need anything, really, let me know. Alright?" Anne said to me, snapping me out of my 'Life is Good' thoughts.

I smiled and gave her a hug, thanking her for the offer. I gave Gemma, and his step dad a hug also, before my parents came up to me as well.

"How have you been doing, will you be alright with staying with them still? You know, its never to late to come home Kendall." My dad said to me with his hand on my shoulder. I laughed and nodded.

"I will be fine dad. If I have second thoughts ill be sure to phone you right away." I said giving him a hug.

"You have fun now, okay? This will be an adventure for you while you get to spend more time with your brother and friends, and boyfriend!" My mom said to me right as Harry was walking away from his family after he walked them to their car.

I could see his proud smirk as he was walking towards us after he heard the words 'Boyfriend' come out of my mothers mouth.

I  could feel myself blushing  as he got closer.

My mother of course continued.

"And Harry is such a wonderful young man, I am so happy you two got together!!" She said giving me a hug.

Harry was now standing with the circle of people, being Greg, My dad, Mom and Niall. Which of course he was laughing the whole time with my dad and Greg at my reactions to what she was saying. Harry was now also laughing.

"Thank you, Mrs. Horan. I am just as happy as you are." He said winking at me.

I groaned.

"This is so embarrassing." Was all I could say at this moment. I just felt awkward. I don't know why but it was just horrible having my mom say all of these things in front of Harry, Niall, my dad and Greg, ya know?

"Okay, okay. Sorry! My 'mom side' of me started to show. I just never had that 'My daughter has a boyfriend' experience before!" She said starting to get emotional.

Everyone aw'd at her reason. Now I understand, it was true. I never really had the experience with my mom- or I mean, Amy either. I had one boyfriend when we lived in Ohio but it wasn't anything to serious. More of a fling I guess...

"Well, we will get going now. I love you both. Have fun!" My mom said giving Niall and I a hug for the last time. I gave a hug to Greg and they were on their way to the car as well.

Harry, Niall and I started walking towards the bus where everyone else was already inside after their families have all left as well.

"Your guys' mum is such a sweetheart." Harry said laughing, bringing up the moment again.

Niall laughed and said thank you while I laughed and sighed and said thank you as well.

"You never compliment me like that Kendall." Harry said teasingly.

"Oh my god, Harry. You will NOT hold that against me to make me compliment you!" I said slapping his arm lightly while him and Niall laughed as we walked on the bus.

"So how did you like the show Kendall?" Zayn said to me as I sat down next to him on the couch.

"It was amazing! You guys did great. You have really loud fans though..." I said, remembering how I was so close to almost becoming deaf.

"Funny, you're one of them too." Rylan said laughing and sitting next to Liam on the other couch.

"You're one too! Don't just single me out Ry!" I said teasing her back. Everyone was laughing, thinking about the night when Harry called us out for being huge 'fan girls'.

"If you two never met us, would you guys have gone to one of our concerts and been like those other girls there?" Harry asked Rylan and I.

For awhile we didn't say anything. Rylan and I just looked at each other before thinking of a previous experience we shared that we thought was the best moment of our life.

"Yes we would have, honestly." I said nodding.

"Funny part of it is that we actually had the tickets to go to the staples center. We got them a week or two before we met you guys." Rylan said laughing.

"OH Yeah! We got them when we got our Ed Sheeran tickets! Oh my gosh.." I said to Rylan, remembering how excited we were when we got them. I started laughing with her.

"I am still amazed how calm you guys were when i started talking to you. Usually whenever we have fans that we see in public they are either calm and good at keeping conversation, like you guys, which let me note that barely ever happens, or they are crazy and start clawing at us and jumping on us. It's rude. But anyways, I could tell as soon as I saw how Harry was looking at you, that you two kids needed to get to know each other..." Louis said to us.

I glanced at Harry who was blushing, as I felt myself blushing as well. But I also knew Louis was half lying because of his confession of his feelings towards me not to long ago.

I responded to Louis, as I could feel everyone's eyes on me waiting to respond while I starred at Harry when I was in my deep thought,

"Trust me, I'm still kind of shocked too. I guess I just had this automatic thought of you guys being like my guy friends or something from school." I said looking around at them.

"Or maybe you had that twin sense when you saw Niall and you just became tranquillized or something!" Louis said causing us all to laugh, Niall and I especially.

"Hey, or maybe it was because as soon as you looked into my eyes you knew you were in love, I could tell I made you're heart melt that night Kendall. And because of my charming self, that is what made you become calm around us" Harry said to me winking and in a deep voice that he KNEW made me weak, which I hated.

He always used it against me. He was also rubbing my back as he was sitting next to me. Another weakness.

We all laughed, and Louis seemed a bit uncomfortable. Still? I thought he was over all of that. But I'll worry about that later.

"Okay Styles, Whatever helps you sleep at night." I said patting his head as I stood up to go to the back of the bus to put on something more comfortable.

"You. You help me sleep at night." Harry said winking at me.

"Ew. Alright you two will save this for the bedroom." Liam said standing up and hiding in his bunk.

Everyone was laughing at Liam's reaction as Niall cringed.

"Oh." I said back to Harry. His face fell at my response, and he pretended to be upset. Pussy.

I walked to the back, and changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

At first we were just going to have separate buses, but since the sales for the TMH tour was a huge success from selling tickets and CDs, management just bought a bigger, two story bus. All the beds in the bunks were a very decent size, and of course the first thing I thought when I saw them was 'enough room to cuddle for sure.'

The bathrooms were also really nice. The downstairs had a living and kitchen area, with six bunks and a bathroom. The upstairs had two more bunks, and a video game area and another bathroom.

As I walked out of the bathroom after changing and brushing my teeth I walked right into someone's chest.

"oomph... Sorry." I quickly said, feeling bad. Since the bathroom was in the back of the bus, it was dark, and the light was not turned on.

I was rubbing the walls looking for a light switch so I could see who it was that I almost knocked over, until I heard the person respond.

"Its alright, love." Louis said. His voice is so relaxing, I knew it was him as soon as he spoke.

"Am I in your way?" I said moving away from the bathroom door. He sighed.

"Louis? whats wrong?" I asked.

He took a breath in to say something, but Zayn walked back. Causing to have Louis keep in whatever he had to say.

"Is this the line?" Zayn said laughing pointing to the bathroom.

"Nope, go right ahead mate." Louis said half smiling and turning the hall light on, not looking away from me for one second.

"Oh.. cool. Thanks." Zayn said, giving me a weird look before shutting the door behind him, his way for questioning what was up with Louis.

I gave wide eyes in a response, hopefully he caught on that I didn't have a clue either.

"Well, like I said, is something wrong Lou...?" I asked sincerely.

"I... I just- come up stairs with me. I don't want anyone else hearing." He said quickly turning around but grabbing onto my hand, guiding me to the front of the bus to the staircase.

I glanced at Harry, who had a smile on his face as he saw me, until he saw I was holding hands with Louis. And I could tell that just didn't sit right with him.

I saw Louis' face in the reflection of the window, he looked tired, upset and mad.

His grip on my hand was made tighter as I was basically pulled up the stairs while I looked back at Harry with a worried expression, while he gave a hurt one in return. But he was the only one to notice us walk upstairs while everyone else was making food or already in their bunks.

Louis sat me down on one of the chairs by the window, he sat across from me.

"Since no one sleeps or stays up here... I thought this would be a good place to talk to you..." He said to me, looking down at his folded hands with a weak voice.

"Louis, I'm kind of worried... What's wrong?" I asked him for the third time.

He looked around the dark room before finally looking up at me and just starring before parting his lips to finally speak.

"Do you remember when you sang me that one song? The one that is for Harry that means a lot to you?" He asked me.

I smiled at the thought of the song. I loved it and I am so excited to sing it to Harry soon.

"Yes, I remember." I replied to Louis.

"Well I don't think he should hear it." He said quietly.

"Um.... What? Why not?" I asked him getting angry. So much for being excited for him  to hear it.

"I mean, at least not right now or anytime soon," He said in a calm voice.

"Do you know something that I don't?" I asked him, starting to become worried.

What if it got leaked on the internet? What if it didn't sound as good as everyone said it did...

What if Harry already knew?

"Kendall, he kno-" Louis was cut off by Harry running up and turning the light on to interrupt what he had to say, yet again.

"What is going on up here?!" Harry hissed at us, well, mostly Louis.

Harry looked beyond pissed at Louis, as if Harry was jealous or being protective of me being up here alone with him... In the dark.


No, nothing is going on between Louis and I.

Of course sometimes I could tell by his flirty looks, how he talks and touches me when we hug or when he is comforting me, that his feelings for me are still there, and I kind of getting a little bit of a spark too. But I know I will always love Harry more than Louis.

"Nothing is going on babe. I was just helping him with something going on with Eleanor." I said standing up from the bench by the window.

Louis sat quietly, but nodded in agreement once he caught onto my escape plan from whatever the hell he has been trying to tell me all night.

"Oh really? They seemed just fine to me all day." Harry quickly said to me, his words backfiring.

"So? That doesn't mean you know everything." I said back, starting to become aggravated with why he was acting so different all of a sudden.

He scoffed.

"Yeah, I guess I don't." He said turning around and shaking his head, walking towards the steps.

"What is it Harry?! What is your problem? Do you think something is going on between us or something?" I said walking towards him and standing at the top of the steps, raising my voice.

He stopped in the middle of the staircase and turned around slowly to look up at me.

The whole bus was silent, probably because they all wanted to hear Harry and I argue, yet again.

"Do I 'think'...? Do I think something is going on?! NO! Because I sure as hell know! I KNOW something is up with you guys!" Harry said, pointing back and fourth to Louis and I, since Louis was now standing next to me at the top of the stairs, looking down at Harry.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him in a hushed tone while shaking my head.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. But I didn't want to bring anything up, just in case if he was testing us because of his own suspicion. Because I know none of the guys would rat out Louis and I for having the secret feelings for each other for like, 10 minutes.

Well at least for me that's how long it has lasted. I still am not exactly sure how Louis really feels. He says he is happy with Eleanor, but I can sense a lie behind his fake smile.

"Really mate, nothing is going on! I swear." Louis said to Harry calmly.

"Oh shut the hell up Louis. I knew you fancied her the minute you saw her at that concert!" Harry said looking disgusted towards Louis.

The bus was still quiet, and the front main door has not opened or shut ever since Niall Harry and I came on, so everyone was still on here.

Everyone including Eleanor...

I could only imagine what was going through her mind right now, having to listen to all of this while she was eating or trying to get some sleep or something. Or maybe waiting in Louis' bunk to cuddle with him until they fell asleep together.

And then she has to hear all of this. To say I feel horrible is an understatement.

"You are insane Harry! I don't know where you got the idea that her and I came up here to snog or something, because you know damn well that her and I are just the best of friends and nothing more. and I am sure that Kendall feels the absolute same... right...?" Louis said raising his voice at Harry, then calming down into almost a whisper when he asked me for the agreement of him and I being only friends.

Now was obviously not the time to play games, for all of our relationships sakes. This was the only moment any of us were able to lay down right there if any of us were having feelings for anyone else. Which in this situation it would be Louis and I, but I guess whatever is going through his head must be something along the lines of what is going through mine :

The middle school shit is over. We are both in relationships and can not afford the heart break of having to let go of someone that means so much to us, for someone that we just want to have a fling with. Yeah, a spark is flown once or twice with a touch or flirty glance, but that is nothing compared to what we get from our real loved one.

So once again, from here on out, Louis and I are pronounced just as best friends, exactly like the way we were before. Which I was totally fine with. Of course Harry and his assumptions had to make Louis and I have a quick second thought of everything right there on the line, but that's what makes Louis and I such great friends, we basically read each others minds and realized that the relationships we are in right now, are just not worth losing.

"Right. Just friends, you know that he is like another brother to me, Harry. What made you think that we were something more?" I asked Harry, honestly curious.

Harry shifted himself on the staircase to become more comfortable, since he wasn't as tense anymore now that he heard from both of us that we are not up to anything.

"I just, I don't know. I read some stuff around and online and then I saw how you guys acted with each other and it just made me feel weird and when I see my best friend holding hands with my girlfriend, walking up to a dark room away from everyone else, I got a little defensive. But whatever, I get it. You guys are just close and have a good bond. Nothing in bad nature." Harry said in a weak voice, slowly raising his hands and turning around to continue his walk back down stairs.

I sighed and looked at Louis, and walked down, going to try to talk to Harry a little more since he didn't seem fully convinced, and just more heart broken. Tonight his moods have been off the wall and I need to get to the bottom of it.

On my way down the steps, I passed Eleanor as she was walking up, probably angry and wanting to get an explanation as to what the hell she just over heard.

She stopped and looked at me, her face softened and she rubbed my arm.

"You okay hun?" She asked me honestly.

I was stunned she didn't slap me to be honest, but I didn't let it show in my expression.

"Yeah, thanks. Just confused. I am so sorry Eleanor. Louis will explain it all to you, and I promise it is not what you think." I said to her quietly.

She nodded and smiled, giving me a hug.

"I know, it is totally fine, don't worry. You and Louis have an incredible bond and Harry just doesn't see that yet. He is protective over you and hasn't come to realize until now how close you are with one of his best friends, and sometimes that can usually be sketchy. But he just doesn't know that is not in your guys' situation. And since there was a picture of you and Louis online, hooking arms while out shopping, I guess he automatically jumped to conclusions. It will be all right and he'll come around." She said to me in a soft and calming tone, while holding my hand the whole time.

I hugged her again.

"Damn you're good at speeches. Thank you for the help,  I'll see ya later Dr. Phil, you go getchur man!" I said to her while winking as she giggled and continued walking up as I walked down.

 Everyone seemed to just then start 'acting normal' as they were probably just eavesdropping. But I trust these people and know that they wouldn't go off and tell someone else about it. Not much happened anyways.

I walked up to Niall, as he was standing up by the kitchen counter, and I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and just stood there.

"Where is Harry?" I asked weakly, suddenly becoming tired.

Niall rubbed my back and hugged me in return until I decided to let go.

"He's in his bunk, sis." He said to me, looking towards the area where 6 bunks were at, all of the curtains being opened, except for one.

I started to walk towards the closed curtain that Harry had previously shut, thinking he could get away form the world with just a thin sheet of fabric.

As if it were only that easy.







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