The Diaries of Palestine Part...

By LeenaMustafa6

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I'll update daily here about the latest news on Gaza and Palestine, I'll document and translate every news I... More

new year's eve
the assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri


2 2 0
By LeenaMustafa6

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Image |  The occupation forces stormed the Ras al-Amoud neighborhood in the town of Silwan in Jerusalem

#Urgent |  Resistants detonate an explosive device with an occupation army vehicle during the invasion of Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

#Urgent |  Al-Quds Brigades - Tulkarm Brigade: We continue to confront the occupation forces and target them with heavy bullets and explosive devices during the storming of Nour Shams camp and Tulkarm.

#Image |  The resistant martyr Jihad Zandig, who rose during the confrontation with the occupation forces in the Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm.

#Urgent |  Mujahideen Brigades: We bombed settlements on the Gaza Strip with a missile barrage

#Urgent |  The occupation air force launched a raid on the vicinity of the Al-Dawa area, east of Al-Nuseirat, in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Al-Quds Brigades: We bombed "Sderot", "Niram" and the Gaza Strip settlements with missile launches in response to the crimes of the Zionist enemy against our people.

#watched |  Dozens of young men, including wounded, were arrested during the ongoing military operation in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

#Urgent |  The occupation opens machine gun fire towards the town of Kafr Kila in southern Lebanon

#Urgent |  A Zionist raid a short while ago in the vicinity of Al Karama Hospital, west of Gaza

#Urgent |  The occupation aircraft launched two raids on the Ard Al-Shanti area in the vicinity of Al-Karama Hospital, west of Gaza City

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft launches a raid on the northern Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Red Crescent: Our crews were able to evacuate the body of the man who died yesterday in Nour Shams camp, and he is being transferred to the hospital.

#Urgent |  An Israeli air strike targeted the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  The occupation aircraft launched two raids on the Ard Al-Shanti area in the vicinity of Al-Karama Hospital, west of Gaza City

#Urgent |  Bombing a residential square in the Al-Dawa neighborhood, north of Nuseirat, in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Updated: A number of people were injured as a result of a raid by occupation aircraft that targeted a house in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  The Islamic Resistance in Iraq: Permission to publish... We targeted with drones the “Israeli” Obda air base in our occupied territories, last Monday, and we confirm our continued destruction of enemy strongholds.

#Urgent |  An Israeli air strike targeted the Al-Shawut neighborhood, south of the city of Rafah

#update |  A martyr and a number of injuries, including children, as a result of a Zionist raid that targeted a house in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah.

#Image |  The moment the occupation bombed the Al-Shaout neighborhood near the Egyptian-Palestinian border, a short while ago.

#Urgent |  A new Zionist air strike targets the western area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip

#Image |  Occupation forces storm the Suwaih neighborhood in the town of Silwan in Jerusalem

#Urgent |  In the latest toll: Two deaths and injuries, including children, as the occupation aircraft bombed two apartments inside a building in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Occupation forces storm the town of Dura al-Qara', north of Ramallah

The martyr Salim Ghanem joins his brothers, the martyrs Amer and Ahmed, after 6 months, during the ongoing clashes in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm.

#Follow |  A press statement issued by Hamas:

We immortalize the martyrs of Tulkarm, we sing praises at the hands of the resistance fighters, and we applaud their heroic confrontation of the occupation’s aggression.

🔻The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas presents to the masses of our people and nation a group of heroic martyrs who rose in the fields of sacrifice and redemption while confronting the occupation forces’ storming of Nour Shams camp, and at their forefront is the martyr Commander Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja,” commander of the Tulkarm Battalion in the Jerusalem Brigades, and all his heroic resistance comrades.

🔻 As we bleed our glorious martyrs, we pay tribute to the heroism of our Palestinian people, the mujahideen of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the Al-Quds Brigades, and all the resistance factions who taught the enemy a harsh lesson and strengthened it and its mechanisms.

🔻We salute the proud masses of the West Bank who are still involved in the Al-Aqsa flood;  They respond to the call to resist and defend land and honor despite the brutality and oppressiveness of the occupation, and they prove that any incursion by the occupation soldiers into the West Bank will not be a cakewalk.

🔻Our struggling Palestinian people will not allow the occupation to monopolize Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, or any part of the country, and will confront all policies and plans of the occupation aimed at liquidating our cause and undermining our rights. It will stand as an impenetrable barrier against the arrogance of the occupation, the crimes of its settlers, and its continuous attempts to Judaize and desecrate Al-Aqsa.

🔻We emphasize the necessity of continuing and intensifying the mobilization and the Rabat, the state of general alienation in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and the escalation of confrontation, clashes, and confusion of the occupation in all regions and by various means and tools.

#Follow |  The occupation forces recently handed over the bodies of the two martyrs, Abd al-Rahman Maher Bani Fadl and Muhammad Ashraf Bani Jami’ from Aqraba, southeast of Nablus, who were killed by a settler’s bullet a few days ago.

#Image |  Demonstration in the city of Chefchaouen, northern Morocco;  In support of Gaza and condemning the ongoing occupation aggression.

#Follow |  The occupation forces arrest the liberated prisoner Uday Jaber, brother of the martyr Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja” from Nour Shams camp, east of Tulkarm.

#watched |  The occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the village of Umm Tuba, stop vehicles and check ID cards

#Follow |  Hamas marries the martyrs that confronted the occupation’s storming of Nour Shams camp:

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) presented to the masses of our people and nation a group of heroic martyrs who rose in the fields of sacrifice and redemption while confronting the occupation forces’ incursion into the Nour Shams camp, and at their forefront was the martyr, Commander Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja,” commander of the Tulkarm Battalion in the Jerusalem Brigades, and all his resistance comrades.  Heroes.

#watched |  Human flood in Yemen during a march entitled:

“Our battle continues until Gaza wins.”

#Urgent |  Civil Defense in Gaza:

The occupation’s prevention of the entry of cooking gas portends a new health crisis due to the Palestinians’ dependence on firewood and charcoal

- Hundreds of cases of respiratory diseases were recorded in the Gaza Strip.  Because of the use of firewood and charcoal as an alternative to cooking gas

The Iraqi Prime Minister: The continuation of the unjust war in Gaza exposes the entire region to great dangers.

#Image |  The occupation forces stormed the Ras al-Amoud neighborhood in the town of Silwan in Jerusalem
Al-Aqsa Channel:
#watched |  The moment the child martyr, Qais Nasrallah, was hit by occupation bullets on the Mija roundabout in Tulkarm

#Follow |  Resistance actions in the West Bank during the last 24 hours and within the battle of the “Al-Aqsa Flood”

🔻 Summary:
Casualties among the occupation ranks: 2
Total acts of resistance: 14

As follows :
· Armed clashes and shooting: 2
· Explosive devices: 5
· The outbreak of confrontations and stone throwing: 7

- Old City: Confrontations erupt.

- Al-Mughir: Confrontations erupt and stones are thrown.

- Nour Shams Camp: Armed clashes, the detonation of 3 explosive devices, and the outbreak of confrontations.
- Tulkarm camp: armed clashes, the detonation of two explosive devices, and the outbreak of confrontations.

- Beta: Confrontations erupt and stones are thrown.
- Qusra: Confrontations erupt and stones are thrown.

- Beit Ummar: Confrontations erupt and stones are thrown.

🔻Qualitative operations:
The occupation admitted that two soldiers were injured during armed clashes in the Nour Shams and Tulkarm camps, and young men targeted the occupation forces and their vehicles with 5 explosive devices.

#Urgent |  Hezbollah: We destroyed the enemy's Hummer vehicle at the Metulla site and caused deaths and injuries among its soldiers.

#Urgent |  Gaza Civil Defense: The Zionist occupation’s continued prevention of the entry of cooking gas into the Gaza Strip, especially to Gaza City and the northern Strip, heralds a new humanitarian and health crisis in light of the ongoing aggression against our people.

#Follow |  Gaza Civil Defense spokesman:

The worsening cooking gas crisis portends a new humanitarian and health crisis

The continued prevention of the “Israeli” occupation from bringing cooking gas into the Gaza Strip, especially to Gaza City and the northern Strip, heralds a new humanitarian and health crisis in light of the ongoing aggression against our people, as a result of the citizens’ reliance for many months on alternative and primitive means of lighting fires from wood and charcoal.  This caused many people to suffer from respiratory diseases due to the use of plastic and chemical materials in lighting fires, which emit toxic gases.

🔻Hundreds of cases of respiratory diseases have been recorded in hospitals as a result of citizens’ reliance on lighting fires for several hours a day over the past six months, which requires urgent intervention to put an end to this crisis.

🔻We warn of the worsening cooking gas crisis and its danger to the lives of residents who have been suffering from catastrophic conditions since the start of the “Israeli” aggression last October, and we call on the international community and all concerned parties to put pressure on the occupation in order to allow the introduction of cooking gas.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Enemy media: A missile was launched from Gaza towards the Sderot settlement this evening

#Urgent |  Confrontations broke out between young men and occupation forces in the Al-Muteena area inside the village of Husan, west of Bethlehem

#Urgent |  The occupation blows up people's stores and property in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

#Image |  The moment the occupation blew up commercial stores in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

#watched |  The house that was bombed in Nour Shams camp caught fire

#Urgent |  Red Crescent: A 15-year-old boy from Nour Shams camp was injured and is being transferred to the hospital

#Image |  A boy was injured by occupation bullets in Nour Shams camp and is being transferred to the hospital

#Video |  Occupation forces blow up commercial stores during the ongoing invasion of Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

#Urgent |  A child was injured as a result of a bombing near the Eastern Cemetery in Rafah

Writer and researcher Bassam Manasra: Netanyahu believes that he will plant in the minds of the Palestinian people that October 7th brought destruction, and his entry into Rafah aimed to prolong the war.

#Urgent |  Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah:

- We will respond to any “Israeli” violation of the ceiling established in the confrontation, and we will confront any escalation as necessary

- There will be no withdrawal from the confrontation and no retreat from support. We will not accept the closure of this file except after the closure of the Gaza file and a ceasefire.

The support is for Gaza and Lebanon as well, because whoever sees what is happening in Gaza knows that if he remains silent, he will be next.

#update |  Enemy media: Fragments of an interceptor missile fell in Sderot, causing damage but no casualties

#Follow |  Haniyeh arrives in Türkiye at the head of a delegation from the movement’s leadership:

  The Mujahid brother Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, arrived this Friday evening in Turkey at the head of a delegation from the movement’s leadership. The delegation is scheduled to meet with the President of the Turkish Republic, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to discuss developments in the Zionist aggression and the ongoing genocidal war against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.  Gaza, and developments in the Palestinian issue.

After the American veto dropped a draft resolution in the Security Council to grant Palestine full membership in the United Nations.

#Image |  The rise of the child Abdul Rahman Abu Ghoula;  As a result of his injury as a result of the bombing of his family’s home in the Nuseirat camp a few days ago

#Follow |  Researcher at Al-Quds International Foundation, Dr.  Ali Ibrahim: The internal Zionist scene is getting more and more confused, and the enemy is still unable to release any of its captives despite its ongoing massacres in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Follow |  Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine:

We strongly condemn the Arab and international silence regarding the ongoing Zionist crimes against our people in the West Bank, the most recent of which was the storming of the city of Tulkarm and the imposition of a siege on the Nour Shams camp, in the occupied West Bank, which confirms the Zionist government’s sponsorship of the barbaric crimes of the settlers.

🔻This suspicious silence is a green light for the criminal entity to proceed with its declared plans, foremost of which is expelling our people from their land and imposing its control over Islamic and Christian holy sites, especially the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

🔻We condemn the Palestinian Authority’s continuation of the security coordination policy, which has proven to be a disaster for our people and comes at the expense of their cause and national goals.

🔻The meager sanctions imposed by Western countries, especially the United States and European Union countries, on some members of the settlers, and turning a blind eye to the ministers who arm the settlers and incite them to commit crimes, are ashes of ash in the eyes;  The presence of any settler on any part of our land and homeland is terrorism and occupation.

🔻We pay tribute to the steadfastness of our people and youth throughout the cities, camps and villages of the West Bank, and we cherish our heroic martyrs and wounded. We call on our people everywhere to clash with all available determination and will with the occupation and the settlers and thwart the Zionist plans on our land and our homeland.

#Image |  Occupation aircraft bombed a house in the Al-Salam neighborhood, east of Rafah

#Urgent |  Red Crescent: The occupation continues to prevent ambulances from entering Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm to transport the injured

#Urgent |  Sirens sound in the Gaza Strip

#Follow |  Spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations: The accumulation of about 270 thousand tons of solid waste in Gaza creates an environmental and health disaster.

#Urgent |  The occupation bombed near the eastern cemetery in the Al-Salam neighborhood, east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip

#watched |  The occupation continues to prevent ambulances from entering Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm to transport the injured from inside it

Iranian Foreign Minister: Calm will not prevail in the region unless the war in Gaza stops.

#Follow |  Writer and researcher Hassan Abu Haniyeh:

Since the beginning of its war on Gaza until the present moment, the occupation has not been able to achieve any of its goals or make any progress in the field. It is moving from failure to failure and has lost its deterrence power.

- There is still a large gap between what Hamas and the Zionist entity are demanding, and Hamas cannot give up the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people.

#Follow |  Enemy media: A military vehicle was damaged as a result of an anti-tank missile falling from Lebanon in the Metulla area in the Upper Galilee

#Image |  The moment the occupation aircraft bombed a house for the "Al-Arja" family in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, a short while ago.

#Urgent |  Casualties arrived at Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital as a result of the occupation’s bombing of the eastern areas of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip

#update |  A martyr and a number of wounded as a result of the occupation bombing of a house in the Al-Salam neighborhood in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Occupation artillery continues to bombard the eastern areas of Gaza City

#Urgent |  Al-Quds Brigades - Jenin Brigade: We targeted with bullets the Salem military site and a Hummer military vehicle in response to the occupier’s crimes against our people in Tulkarm and his assassination of the great jihadi leader Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja” and a constellation of satellites from the Nour Shams camp.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Follow |  Government Media Office in Gaza:
Gaza City suffers from extreme thirst and a new environmental disaster threatening the Palestinians, represented by the complete stoppage of all water wells two weeks ago due to the depletion of the scarce amounts of fuel that were available to the Gaza municipality during the recent period.

#Follow |  Government Media Office in Gaza:
The continued cessation of water pumping from the Mekorot line since the beginning of the aggression, and the desalination plant, more than 40 water wells, and 120,000 linear meters of water networks in the city were completely destroyed.

#Follow |  Government Media Office in Gaza:
This crisis has now reached its peak as temperatures begin to rise and demand and consumption increase, which requires all concerned parties to intervene urgently to provide fuel and resupply water to citizens urgently, and save them from a state of extreme thirst and the health and environmental crisis that will be exacerbated by the water shortage.

#Urgent|  The resistance in Lebanon targets the Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in the Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills.

#Urgent|  Enemy information:
A car bomb exploded in a military building in the Metulla settlement without activating the alarm

#Urgent|  The resistance in Lebanon targets the Zionist radar site in the occupied Shebaa Farms

#Urgent |  Settlers steal livestock from a house on the outskirts of the town of Beit Furik, east of Nablus.

#Urgent |  3 Palestinians were injured after the occupation forces beat them at the Container checkpoint near Bethlehem.

#Urgent|  Hezbollah: We targeted a gathering of Zionist enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Ruwaisat al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with missile weapons, and they directly hit it.

#Urgent|  Hezbollah: Our mujahideen targeted a gathering of Zionist enemy soldiers at the Bayad Blida site with artillery shells, and hit it directly.

#Urgent |  Zionist artillery shelling targets the Al-Mughraqa area

#Urgent|  Hezbollah: Our mujahideen targeted the spy equipment at the radar site in the Lebanese Shebaa Farms with appropriate weapons and directly hit it, leading to its destruction.

#Urgent |  Shooting towards the occupation forces at the entrance to Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

#Urgent|  A young man was injured by occupation bullets on Shweika Street, north of Tulkarm

#Urgent|  Enemy media: A vehicle was hit by an anti-tank missile inside the Metula settlement near the border with Lebanon.

#Urgent|  The boy Qais Fathi Nasrallah was martyred by occupation bullets at the Mija roundabout in Tulkarm.

A previous recording of the martyr Ahmed Al-Arif “Abu Fahim”, who was killed by occupation bullets in Nour Shams camp.

#Urgent |  The occupation forces arrest a group of citizens, including children, in Nour Shams camp

Quoting his family... The martyrdom of the freed prisoner deported to Gaza, Nidal Akram Abu Shkhidem, from Hebron;  As a result of the occupation bombing of the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent|  The occupation bombed a house for the Hassouna family in Al-Shati camp, west of Gaza City.

#Urgent|  Artillery shelling east of Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip

#Follow|  A picture of the gathering of the resistance martyr Ahmed Al-Aref, who was assassinated by the occupation today in Nour Shams camp, with his cousin, the resistance martyr Moatasem Al-Arif.

The child martyr Qais Fathi Nasrallah, who was killed by the occupation on the Mija roundabout in Tulkarm.

In Tulkarm... Paramedic Fathi Nasrallah
He went to see the wounded, and was surprised to find his child a martyr.

#Urgent |  Zionist raids targeting the city of Rafah

#Urgent |  A Zionist raid targeted a house for the “Al-Arja” family in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip

#image|  The latest published by the commander of the Tulkarm Battalion, the martyr Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja,” about his brother, the martyr Mahmoud.

#Urgent|  A Zionist raid on the town of Aitaroun in southern Lebanon

📊 Daily report on the number of martyrs and wounded as a result of the ongoing occupation aggression for the 196th day on the Gaza Strip

#Urgent|  Hezbollah: Our mujahideen targeted the spy equipment at the Bayad Blida site with appropriate weapons and hit them directly.

#Urgent|  A young man was injured by shrapnel in the head as a result of the occupation forces shooting him while he was riding a bicycle around the entrance to the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, commenting on the American veto: “At a time when everyone stood by Palestine, the United States sided with Israel.”

#Urgent |  An Zionist air strike targets the new camp in Nuseirat

#Urgent|  Continuing armed clashes between resistance fighters and the occupation forces storming Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm.

Widespread destruction carried out by the occupation army in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm during the ongoing invasion.

#Urgent |  Occupation forces arrest at least 10 citizens from Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

#Follow|  The national and Islamic forces in Tulkarm Governorate mourn the martyrs of Nour Shams camp, and declare a state of general mourning and a comprehensive commercial strike for all aspects of life from Friday and Saturday.

#Urgent|  Occupation artillery shells the town of Blida, south of Lebanon.

#Urgent |  A new raid on northern Nuseirat

#Urgent|  Families of occupation prisoners block a main street leading to Jerusalem;  To demand the conclusion of an exchange deal with the resistance.

#Update|  The recent Zionist raid in Nuseirat targeted an area north of the electricity company

#watched |  Settlers block the main highway in Tel Aviv, demanding a prisoner exchange deal with the resistance

#Urgent |  A missile was launched from the eastern sector of southern Lebanon towards one of the military sites belonging to the occupation

#Urgent|  Occupation aircraft launches a raid on the city of Al-Zahra in the central Gaza Strip.

#watched|  Commander of the Tulkarm Battalion, Martyr Abu Shujaa:

“If the occupation assassinates me or any other human being, the situation will continue until the land is liberated, God willing.”

#Urgent|  Red Crescent: Our crews deal with a live bullet wound to the head during the clashes that broke out in the town of Azoun, east of Qalqilya.

#Urgent |  Occupation artillery targets the "Shamis" area on the outskirts of the town of Kafr Shuba and the Ruwaisat Al-Alam area

Urgent|  Resistants target an occupation army vehicle with an explosive device in the vicinity of Tulkarm camp.

#Follow |  Writer and researcher on Palestinian affairs, Bassam Manasra:

🔻The Palestinian resistance is an idea rooted in every Palestinian, and is not a faction. Eliminating a faction does not mean eliminating the resistance.

🔻Netanyahu was keen to enter Rafah with the goal of prolonging the war and destruction. He does not want any area in Gaza City without destruction and believes that by doing so he will plant in the minds of the Palestinian people that October 7th brought you destruction.
He also believes that his statement about the invasion of Rafah will affect the resistance militarily.

🔻The disputes between Biden and Netanyahu are only over the tactics of the course of the war and not over the origin of the war

The United States is a partner with this occupation and provides air supply lines and weapons of all kinds, and its role has gone beyond an advisory role to a field operational role.
She is the one who is running this battle.

🔻A number of victims are still under the rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them.

🔻The toll of the Israeli aggression has risen to 34,012 martyrs and 76,833 injured since the seventh of last October.

🔻We call on the families of martyrs and missing persons in the war on Gaza to complete their data by registering via the attached link, in order to complete all data through the records of the Ministry of Health.

#Urgent|  Zionist warplanes targeted a house in the "Al-Tawbah" area of the Beit Lahia project in the northern Gaza Strip

#Urgent|  Political analyst|  Adnan Al-Sabah

🔻The United States, until this moment, cannot bring a single bag of bread to the people of Gaza. In return, it brought 50 kilograms of bombs and weapons to kill the Palestinian, as it is the one who sponsors the occupying state.

#Urgent|  Political analyst|  Adnan Al-Sabah

🔻The United States that speaks and sings false, resonant slogans about children’s rights and human freedom is the same one that kills, destroys and exterminates the children and people of Gaza.

Al-Qassam Brigades in Tulkarm:

We targeted the occupation vehicles at the entrance to Tulkarm camp with explosive devices.

#Urgent|  Red Crescent: Two young men were injured during confrontations with the occupation forces in the town of Beita, south of Nablus

#Urgent|  Press coverage: “Violent explosions inside Nour Shams camp.”

#image|  Occupation mechanisms continue to vandalize streets and infrastructure in Tulkarm and its camps

#watched|  Continuing clashes in Nour Shams camp, Tulkarm.

#Update|  Red Crescent: A 16-year-old boy was injured by live bullets in the thigh, and a 21-year-old man was injured by live bullet fragments in the hand during clashes in the town of Beita, south of Nablus.

#Urgent|  Initial news about the death of a number of martyrs inside a house in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

#Urgent|  One of the settler groups offers a grant worth 50,000 shekels to any settler who succeeds in offering a sacrifice during the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Hebrew “Passover” holiday.

#Urgent|  Search operations continue for the bodies of the martyrs in Al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City

#watched|  The moment the resistance detonated an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in the Tulkarm camp

#Hamas: Blinken’s statements confirm the American administration’s blatant bias towards Zionist fascism

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said, “The statements made by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in which he claimed that Hamas is the one obstructing the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip;  It is a confirmation of the American administration’s blatant bias towards Zionist fascism, and a falsification of reality that confirms that whoever obstructs the course of negotiations for his personal political calculations;  He is the terrorist Netanyahu.”

#Urgent|  The commander of the Tulkarm Battalion in the Al-Quds Brigades and one of its founders, the martyr Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja,” was martyred after the occupation forces besieged the Nour Shams camp for more than 18 hours, so he could join his brother, the martyr Mahmoud.

#Follow|  More than 3 weeks after the occupation forces withdrew from Al-Shifa Medical Complex, the responsible crews are still continuing the search for the bodies of the martyrs who were executed by the occupation and whose bodies were hidden under sand mounds and rubble.

#Urgent|  Occupation aircraft target a house in Al-Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City

#Update|  Red Crescent: 3 injuries from occupation bullets, including two children, during confrontations in the town of Beita, south of Nablus.

Students protest Columbia University's decision to expel 15 of their colleagues who support Gaza and Palestine.

#Urgent|  The martyrdom of the liberated prisoner and deported to the Gaza Strip, the son of the city of Hebron, the Qassami Nidal Akram Abu Shkhidem, in a Zionist bombing in the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent|  Family sources: The young man, Salim Ghannam, was killed by occupation bullets during the ongoing storming of Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm. He is the brother of the martyrs Amer and Ahmed Ghannam, who were killed in the invasion of the camp on October 19.

#Urgent|  Red Crescent: A volunteer paramedic was injured by live bullets in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm, and the occupation forces prevent the ambulance from reaching it.

#image|  The mother of the martyr Salim Ghannam, who was killed by occupation bullets during the storming of Nour Shams camp, east of Tulkarm, after receiving the news of the martyrdom of her son, who was preceded by his two brothers in October.

#Follow|  The body of the martyr Issam Adel Subhi Al-Sharafa was recovered and transferred to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital from Al-Jadeed Camp in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip.

#watched|  The occupation continues its aggression and destruction of Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm.

#Urgent|  The occupation targets paramedics and obstructs the work of the ambulance in Al-Damj neighborhoods in Nour Shams camp, east of Tulkarm

#Urgent|  The Occupation Public Prosecution decides to submit an appeal to the Central Court in occupied Jerusalem against the Magistrate Court’s decision to release Dr. Nadra Shalhoub.

#Urgent|  Confrontations broke out between young men and the occupation forces in the town of Beita, south of Nablus.

#Urgent|  Israeli army"

  3 soldiers were injured during an operation in Nour Shams camp in the West Bank.

#Update|  Occupation army spokesman: The number of casualties among soldiers rose to 4 in the confrontations in Nour Shams camp

#Urgent|  Al-Quds Brigades: We bombed sites and crowds of the Zionist enemy stationed east and southeast of Gaza City with missile bursts.

#watched|  Continuing clashes with the occupation forces in the Al-Damj neighborhood in Nour Shams camp, east of Tulkarm

#Urgent|  The people of Rafah and those displaced there in a statement

🔻 Rafah Governorate will witness an unprecedented massacre of hundreds of thousands of its residents, if the “Israeli” occupation forces enter it.

🔻 Those living in Rafah have united their position by not leaving it, even if the enemy tries to evacuate it before invading it, and they prefer to die in their homes and tents than to move to any other area.

🔻 We call on the world to stand up to its responsibilities to protect civilians in the world’s most crowded and crowded cities.

#Urgent|  Military aircraft launched a violent raid on the Beit Lahia project area in the northern Gaza Strip

#watched|  "With resistance all along"

Part of the Jordanian people's chants in the vicinity of the occupation embassy in the capital, Amman, during a massive demonstration in support of Gaza.

#Urgent |  Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Tulkarm:

  We engage in clashes with enemy soldiers in Nour Shams camp with machine guns and explosive devices, achieving direct hits.

#image|  The occupation forces release the young man, Islam Dar Musa, from the town of Beit Liqya, west of Ramallah, after 6 months of detention

#Urgent|  Israeli warplanes target a house in the Tawbah area in the Beit Lahia project in the northern Gaza Strip.

#Urgent|  Al-Quds Brigades: We bombed the positions and concentrations of the Zionist enemy stationed east and southeast of Gaza City with (107) missile bursts.

#Follow|  Saraya Al-Quds - Tulkarm Battalion:

  Our heroic mujahideen are engaged in extensive confrontation and confrontation operations on all fronts of the engagement with full force and ability, achieving direct casualties among the enemy’s ranks.

#Update|  Occupation aircraft bombed a house in the Beit Lahia project area in the northern Gaza Strip

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Enemy media: Bombing targeted sites in the Daraa and Suwayda regions in Syria

#Urgent |  Artillery shelling targets the eastern areas of Rafah, Khan Yunis, and Deir al-Balah.

#Urgent |  The Syrian News Agency reported on a military source: Material losses in an aggression launched by the “Israeli” enemy at dawn today on our air defense sites in the southern region.

#Urgent |  Under the protection of the New York Police... Columbia University workers break down the sit-in tents of students supporting Palestine following their arrest

#Urgent |  Japanese Cabinet: We are deeply concerned about the situation in the Middle East and strongly condemn any action that leads to an escalation of the situation

#Urgent |  Omani Foreign Ministry spokesman: We appeal to the international community to address the causes and roots of tension through dialogue and focus on ceasefire efforts in Gaza.

#Urgent |  Smoke bombs were fired east of Faraheen, east of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Israeli Channel 12, according to a source close to Netanyahu: No one now wants a war with Iran, and we have proven to them that we are capable of infiltrating them.

#Follow |  Summary of events east of Rafah:

Since this morning, the occupation artillery has continued to fire shells and fire towards the border areas of the city of Rafah.

- Artillery shelling and shooting were concentrated in the areas of Al-Shouka, Sofa, and the vicinity of the airport area and Al-Nahda area.

- Low and intense reconnaissance flights.

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft target the town of Aita al-Shaab in southern Lebanon.

#Urgent |  Shooting from gunboats in the open sea of the Central Governorate.

#Urgent |  The occupation forces have continued to invade Nour Shams camp, east of Tulkarm, for more than 10 hours.

#Urgent |  Confrontations and arrests during the occupation's incursion into several areas in the West Bank

#Urgent|  Two occupation soldiers were injured during armed clashes with resistance fighters in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm.

#Urgent |  The occupation issues 90 arrest and administrative renewal orders against Palestinian prisoners

#Urgent |  Iranian Army Commander: What happened in Isfahan was shooting at flying objects, and our armed forces were vigilant

#Urgent |  A member of the civil defense crew in Gaza City was injured as a result of a gas cylinder explosion  after an Zionist targeted a house belonging to the Al-Jazzar family  and martyrs were reported.

Scenes of worshipers flocking to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque to perform Friday prayers in its spacious grounds despite the occupation’s obstacles.

📹 #Watch|  From the influx of worshipers to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque to perform Friday prayers in its spacious grounds, despite the obstacles of the occupation

#watched|  From the destruction caused by the occupation in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

#Our correspondent|  Last night witnessed an escalation in Zionist bombing operations on the Gaza and northern governorates

#watched|  Worshipers flocked from Damascus Gate to Al-Aqsa Mosque to perform Friday prayers

Worshipers flock to perform Friday prayers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, in light of major obstacles placed by the occupation around the mosque.

#Urgent|  The occupation authorities stop young men in the vicinity of Lions Gate and prevent them from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque to perform Friday prayers

#Urgent|  “Israeli” Channel 12: International airlines cancel their flights to and from “Israel”

#Urgent|  Occupation forces assaulted a young man in the Old City of Jerusalem while he was on his way to perform Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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