By TayNew_2030

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Suddenly presenting as an omega, attacked and claimed by a stranger while celebrating the end of exam season... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A Typical Student Life
Chapter 3 - The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 4 - The Beginning
Chapter 5 - The Aftermath
Chapter 6- World Crumbling
Chapter 7 - Crashing Deeper
Chapter 8 - Picking Up Pieces
Chapter 9 - Things Will Never Be The Same
Chapter 10 - The Lake Guy
Chapter 11 - The Game
Chapter 12 - Panic Attack
Chapter 13 - His fear
Chapter 14 - Camping Trip
Chapter 15 - New Changes
Chapter 16 - One Closes Another Opens
Chapter 17 - Running Away
Chapter 18 - First Heat
Chapter 19 - Hurricane New
Chapter 20 - Repercussion
Chapter 21 - Acceptance
Chapter 22 - Getting Better
Chapter 23 - Beginning Of Summer
Chapter 24 - The Brief Happiness
Chapter 25 - Wake Up Call
Chapter 26 - Showdown
Chapter 27 - Dreadful Curiousity
Chapter 28 - That Night
Chapter 29 - Mending Things
Chapter 30 - Second Chance
Chapter 31 - Confrontation
Chapter 32 - Meeting The Parents
Chapter 33 - The Trauma Remains
Bonus: Winter Trip
Chapter 34 - Figuring Things Out
Chapter 35 - A Step Forward
Chapter 37 - New Challenges
Chapter 38 - Unsolved Issues
Chapter 39 - Hard Truth
Chapter 40 - Fighting Back
Chapter 41 - Life-Changing Decision
Chapter 42 - Moving On
Epilogue : Starting Over

Chapter 36 - New Lifestyle

360 28 2
By TayNew_2030

Running back up to his apartment, he looks around, anxious to find his mate. To his relief, as he opens the bedroom door, there New sits, on the bed, hugging the pillows. His pheromones calmed down a lot, almost unnoticed. There is only a slight sadness which he can barely sense, but he is fine. Still breathing, and reacting to his presence.

Tay takes a seat beside the omega. "Hey."

"You came back." New pulls the pillow closer to himself, hiding his face, "This smells just like you…" he takes a light sniff from the pillow, an action Tay finds a bit touching, "I thought you finally left for good."

"I shouldn't have left you like that…"

"No, I was too much. I know it's hard to have a broken mate like me. I'm sorry I'm like this." Tay gently pats New's back, massaging his neck while shaking him. He is expecting New to cry again, already preparing himself to comfort his partner but instead, the man turns towards him, studying him. Tay doesn't know how to react, what face to make. He is nervous and stiffens, afraid that New might read his thoughts, whatever it is and realizes how messed up he is. However, contrary to his prediction, New's face softens a bit and he gives the alpha a small smile which the latter returns, relieved.

Tay places his hand onto New's, rubbing them softly, "I just realized you finally said sorry for slapping me." He grins at New, "Thought you'll never do it."

Seeing New pulls his face away in shame, Tay closes their distance and lies on his side, facing his partner. With one of his hand playing with the other's feet, the alpha suggests, "We should set the rule for our talk. Not to get too emotional and worked up."

"Agreed. We never talk calmly." New stares at the alpha, his mouth pursed, thinking. "I don't wanna have to slap you again."

"I don't wanna leave you like this again. I kinda feel bad." He replies, noting the calm expression on New. "And by the way, you slapping me was your fault."

"You kinda pushed me." New retorts to which Tay scoffs.

"You need to control your hand too. Your slap fucking hurts."

"Rule number two, no physical violence. There." New interrupts before the alpha can continue his whining, feeling guilty. Tay gives a look at the older and nods. Though he knows New was talking about his own prior outburst, he cannot help but think it was directed at him and his possible future violence. Because he knows he has a tendency to act with his hands. Hopefully it will not come to that. He will make sure of it.

Caressing New's cheek, Tay gets up and moves towards his drawer beneath the desk. He remembers buying something special when New left him hanging after their first heat together. It meant nothing then, but it finally found its use now. Getting up with the small white box in his hand, Tay returns to his sit on the bed.

"I bought this last year. When I was crazy about you." He glances at New, half teasing, smirking as he sees the omega roll his eyes playfully, "They're supposed to be couple rings, but I guess we can wear them as wedding rings now."

At least there will be proof that he is taken despite not carrying his mate's scent. He hopes this will keep other suitors away and ease his hatred even just a bit.

"Why would you buy a couple rings when we weren't talking?" New rests his head on Tay's shoulder, staring at the simple rings inside the box. By simple, he means really simple. The only pattern is the TN sign carved on the surface, and the indent on the edge of the ring, barely seen at first glance. It is actually really pretty.

"You didn't actually reject me then. You even asked me to hang out on campus."

"Oh, yeah." New takes one of the ring and inserts his middle finger in it, changing to his index and repeats with his right hand, finding the ring too big. "But you're a bit creepy."

"That's mine." Tay takes the ring from New and puts it on his left ring finger, grinning happily at the perfect fit. He then passes the other to his partner who again, tries to fit it on the same finger without success. "It fits on my index."

"That won't do."

"Is this really mine?" New glares at Tay accusingly.

"Heyy! It's even creepier if I knew your exact finger size, don't you think?"

"Well then I guess I'll just wear it like this then." New waves his hand in front of the alpha's face, beaming happily at the ring on his finger. It is a weird feeling, to be on the receiving end. Growing up as a male beta, he always thought he would be the one giving it to someone. But he doesn't hate the feeling either. Guess he is getting used to being pampered instead.

On the other hand, Tay is staring at the misplaced ring in discontent. He bought it specifically for it to be worn on the ring finger. Quickly pulling it off, he states, "We're changing the size. This thing is expensive."

To that, New just stares at him in shock, "The fuck you buy an expensive couple ring for a guy you just met for?"

"Because I'm rich and I'm crazy about that guy." Tay answers honestly. He was crazy about New then, when he first met the man at the lake. And he is still crazy about him now, despite all their differences. Tay bumps their foreheads together, ignoring the dumbfounded expression on the other. Then, he places a small kiss on those luscious lips, signifying the end of their first serious fight as an official couple.

Their situation is special, and their traumas makes it even harder for them to pursue this relationship, but Tay doesn't want to give up just because it is hard. And he knows New is thinking of the same thing, which was why he was anxious about the suitors instead of choosing to break the bond by force. New can if he wants to, the law is on his side, but he doesn't. Even in his desperate state, he chooses to endure it to be with Tay. And Tay too, wants to be with him. They just need to figure out a way to get over this together.

So they can grow stronger and remain together until they are both old and wrinkly.

Just adoring each other and driving each other crazy.


"Why do I have to wear it too?" The omega rests his head on the table, already tired after the long day. Tay insists on him wearing it on his ring finger, but honestly New doesn't see why he should. Tay is the one who needs marking, not him. He has the bond.

"It's not a couple ring if I'm the only one who wears it."

"It's not a couple ring. Period." New refutes, turning his head to look at the taller man who is now searching for something on the internet. He can see the alpha giving him a side-eye, probably annoyed at how much he resists on wearing the ring, but it is not his fault it doesn't fit. "People only need to know you're taken. I have your scent."

"Betas can't sense the bond."

"Yah, I'm not that attractive to get some random beta's attention. Also, betas flirt. And I'm not that friendly to entertain that. You should know."

The alpha smirks at that statement. Now that he thinks about it, it is true. He needed months before New actually gave him any attention, and that, also happened because he insisted on being around the omega. He is 100% sure New will not allow anyone else to do the same. So yes, despite how attractive New is, which he doesn't realize, he doesn't need the ring.

But then again, where is the fun in that?

"Not taking risks. I don't want another Inn Sarin."


"Or we do couple things like wear couple shirt. I actually have other stuff-" Tay is about to get up from the sofa before New stops him. The latter already knows where the alpha is heading – to the closet to get his suitcase where he stores all the cringy things he bought. Yes, New already knows about it because he accidentally opened it when it fell down while he was making space for his stuff in the closet. The guy didn't bother to zip the bag before placing it on the top shelf.

Honestly, so dumb.

"Urgh fine." New reluctantly agrees. He sees the younger male now sitting beside him at the kitchen counter and automatically gives his left hand for him to do whatever he is planning to do. And as he expected, Tay takes it and puts his little finger right beside his ring one.

The sleepy omega sighs for the umpteenth time looking at Tay trying to figure out his finger size by comparing it to his own. He already tried a lot of things - looking at it visually, using a thread, he even went out of his way to calculate the circumference. Honestly, they can just go to some random shop together and ask for his ring size. Or try a few that fits.

But New decides to let the alpha continue what he is doing for a while longer. So, he can mention this silly episode whenever Tay tries to act smart with him.

Sometimes he wonders why this guy is even in a university taking medicine. Constantly being around him, the thought of having his mate as his doctor scares him.

"Hey, hey." New stops the man, slightly disappointed that the cute, frustrated pout is now gone. He should have taken a picture. "Let's just go to the shop together."

Tay looks at him, the look of sudden realization evident on his handsome face.

Oh well, he just needs to remember to take the picture next time. Because knowing Tay, there will always be next time.


New stares at the perfectly fitted piece of metal on his finger – a sign of his commitment to his partner. He laughs through his nose.

He always imagined how he would be the one who opens the box to ask for his partner's hand in marriage. After giving it a long thought, New knows that he is not the romantic type so he planned to just be cool about it and put it in his pocket instead so he can bring it out and put it on his partner's finger when the mood is right.

Guess, despite all the chaos, things partially happened as he planned. There was no proposal, and he ended up with a ring anyway.

The young student brings out the piece of paper he got from his professor – the application for the summer internship. He doesn't know why he suddenly thought about it, but seeing the ring on his finger made him want to consider accepting the offer.

He had a thought that, if things are meant to be, maybe it will happen despite how badly it started, or how far things stayed along the way. He just has to try his best to make sure not to lose track of the end goal.

Not that, his end goal was ever to end up with a certain Tay Tawan. But, that is another story.

"What're you doing?" The hoarse voice calls out to him and New turn around to see the giant with his messy bed hair walking slowly towards the sofa where he is seated. Making room for the man, the omega glances at the clock. It is 4 a.m., why is Tay up?


New nods, telling the man that he made up his mind. He is expecting the man to ask questions but hearing no answer, he turns his head to see Tay already asleep, his heavy head hanging. "Idiot, you should've stayed in bed."

Getting up to secure the important piece of paper safely in his bag, the architectural student places his hand on his mate's legs but before he shakes it lightly to wake the man, New stops. They might as well just sleep on the couch rather than move to the bed. Agreeing with himself, he grabs the blanket and his favourite pillow. Then he positions himself right beside the sleeping alpha.

"Uhh, why're you so big." He mutters to himself, realizing he can't sleep facing the ceiling or he will fall. Already tired and sleepy, New groggily gets up and pulls the back pillows before throwing them on the floor. He then pushes the unconscious alpha towards the very back of the couch.

"Argh." New complains again because his pillow cannot fit on the couch. Frowning deeply, not wanting to give up the idea of sleeping outside the bedroom, he pulls Tay's right hand and places his head on it.

There. Perfect.

"I guess you miss my hand pillow."

"Shut up." New punches the alpha lightly. He knows that much movement would wake Tay up. He is too tired to play along right now so he will give this one to his mate.

"Good night, idiot."


Finally returning back to the studio with his drink and snacks, New cracks his hands and sits back down to start his concept drawing. He looks over, noting how quiet it is with no one in sight. Everyone is already gone which is what he is counting on. Obviously he doesn't want to be stuck in a room with strange alphas alone. Unless that alpha is his, of course.

Not to mention, starting this late at night means he will get the whole place for himself to focus and do whatever he wants, including stretching his body as loud as he can. Which he loves to do.

And talking to his alpha while working.

Humming along the new ballad song he downloaded, the young student starts to draft a few ideas for the indoor garden, comparing them with his other interiors before erasing a few parts and drawing new ones. Now long after, his stomach starts to growl. Peeking very quickly towards the clock, he notes the hour and starts eating the chips.

Bzz. Bzz. New smiles at the name of the caller – Dumb Himbo. He will need to change the name back to normal. Tay would have probably learnt his lesson.

"Nu~ What are you doing?" Tay's face greets him and New puts the phone on the drafting table, placing it close to the center so he can see his alpha without having to turn his face so much. They do this so frequently he realizes how the position of Tay's will affect the quality of his work. Yes, weird, but it does. He focuses more when he can see the other's face right in the corner of his eyes.

"Are you done with the design?" Tay asks. He can see the colours put on his paper from his angle, but not the overall design.

"I'm doing the garden right now. Wanna see?" He is almost done with the project, opting to complete it months before submission so he can focus on his internship and other materials for job-hunting. They are already 3rd year students, starting next year, they will have to find a job. New wants to settle his academic stuffs early because he knows his will take time.

"Show me!" Tay looks excited which delights the omega. New then carries his phone over to show his work. He flips the pieces of paper he has and enthusiastically explains the image he had in his head. And as he answers his mate's curious questions, New starts to jot down a few new things he thought.

He loves this. The late nights in the studio, with only his mate as his companion.

Though rare, having Tay showing interest in what he does, and his eagerness to learn, not to mention his amazing ideas makes his homework much more interesting. Rare, because most of the time, the alpha's questions are just dumb questions.

In saying that, New actually finds himself in love with architecture all over again. He never thought he would love architecture more than he already did. "Are you done with the main hall?"


"Did you choose marble pillars?"

"No, Te. The theme is futuristic." See? Dumb question. New turns the camera towards himself, making a weird face to his alpha. They had a debate on the pillars last Saturday. New wanted a rectangular, cement pillar but Tay kept trying to convince him that cylindrical marble ones are better. Tay really has some eccentric taste, he is glad the guy sticks with medical instead of trying his hands on architecture, or even interior design.

"Aww." Again, New rolls his eyes.

"Why are you calling? Are you free?" He looks at the time again.

On the other end, Tay has been going to clinical rotations while New is busy with his designs. In the beginning, he didn't think the man would be this busy because Tay would be able to get home early but lately, he has been very busy. Especially in the new department which New already forgot the name the moment it was mentioned.

At this hour the medic student would be around the hospital, learning or writing reports, which is also one of the reasons why New choose to do his work now - nobody will be home. On weekdays, most of their interaction will be during their dinner, and whenever possible, breakfasts. Calls in between are always short, but at least they can talk.

It has been more than ten minutes yet Tay is still there. Very unusual.

"Yeah. They asked us to wait here for a while. Something came up." New nods, continuing with his work. He hears his alpha hums and smiles to himself.

"You ate?" He asks, just because. The man is busy, his eating schedule is all over the place. New looks behind his mate to try to figure out where the man is. His best guess is the student lounge based on how many people are there.

"A bit." New grins, thinking of some way to tease the man. Suddenly shows his mate the bread he bought, he takes a bit. As he expected, Tay laughs at his mischief. Having his daily dose of teasing, the omega returns the phone back in front of him and continues scribbling his work.

On the other side, Tay does the same; positioning his own phone somewhere on the table and reading his notes. Once in a while, they tell each other what they are doing or something they found interesting but most of the time, they mind their own business. And yet, both do not want to hang up.

Although not talking, just seeing and hearing the other's movement is enough.

New lifts his head to the screen when he hears a muffled voice coming from the other side followed by dissatisfied 'aw' by a few. Tay says something to someone but his head is turned away so he couldn't be heard clearly either. Waiting until his partner returns his attention, the omega tilts his head as a sign he is curious.

"We're done for today…"


"Yeah. I guess something important came up. They told us to come around 10 tomorrow…" Again, New looks at the clock. It is almost eleven. "You're going back now?"

"Hm… I think Imma go back home tonight. Been a while…" Tay stretches his body and rests his head on his palm.

"Newwiee… you're staying there tonight?" Tay wants to confirm. Since he starts so late, New will usually stay at the studio, or return to his room after he is done for the day.

"Uh-uh…" he drags his words, suddenly having second thoughts.

New nods to himself. He just started on his final draft. If he stops now, it will interrupt his design process which is not ideal. Not to mention, he will have to clean up everything he had just spread out on the floor. If he is to continue tomorrow, he may lose some stuff.

"Lemme guess, until morning?" Tay sounds disappointed.

"Yup." Until morning. Because if he comes in the morning, some of his classmates will start using the studio. He doesn't want to be there with them because one, he likes to work alone in a calm environment and two, being panicked in a room filled with alphas is not an ideal environment for him to focus. And since tomorrow's lecture starts in the afternoon, he plans to sleep once he returns to his room.

"You should really get some sleep. And eat."

"I just ate." He retorts back, bringing up his half-bitten piece of bread.

"Real food."

New chuckles softly as he thought about Tay trying hard not to nag again. He has to admit, though he pretends to hate it, Tay's pout is really cute. Not wanting to hold his mate at the hospital any longer, New bids his goodbye and goodnight and hang up.

He then return his focus on the piece of paper in front of him.


New pushes himself against the backrest, letting his head fall back down as he sighed. He couldn't focus. He knows he has to finish his work but…

"Hmm…" New shakes his head and turns back to his incomplete draft. It is not satisfactory. There are a lot of things wrong with it. He looks at the clock. More than an hour had passed since he hang up and still no progress.

Damnit. He really cannot focus.

Tay is now at the apartment.

Which means he can see Tay tonight and… snuggle…

"Ah…" New sighs a long sigh. He never had this kind of problem before. Even while dating Inn and Andrew, they never disrupted his thoughts this badly. Could this be… the bond? Yeah, it must be the bond. Telling him to recharge and be close with his alpha…

Oh well, not that he can fight the bond. He should give in.

Quickly putting everything away and shoving his drafts inside the holder, New makes his way to the door before stopping halfway, cursing at himself.

He already missed the last bus to the apartment. Why did he decided to stay? He should have gone back with Tay. Riding his bicycle there will take too long, and it won't be safe to ride alone at night.

But he really wants to sleep beside Tay tonight…


Turning the key and slowly opening the door as to not make much noise to disturb his sleeping mate, New is surprised to see the kitchen light still on. And standing there, looking straight at him is his alpha, face shocked to see him. The former scans the place real quick, noticing the chicken in a bowl.

"You're not sleeping? It's 1 a.m…"

"You're here…" Tay states, half-asking. A lot of questions are in his mind right now. Is he done with his work? So early? Did he stop because he is tired? If the omega is tired for the night, he will normally go back to his dorm room. New never comes to the apartment alone because he said it feels weird to be in a house without the owner.

Obviously, seeing him here right now is a surprise.

Also how the heck did he come here?

"I was tired... You're cooking?" New walks toward the counter, putting his stuff on the floor.

"For tomorrow."

"Chicken for breakfast?" He stares at the whole chicken in front of him. Something is weird.

"For lunch, babe." Tay signals the other to come closer and the latter does, looking curiously at the piece of cooked chicken, in water. No, in ice.

"It's in ice." He points to the obvious, thinking that the alpha must have been really tired that he is doing random things.

"To stop it from overcooking. I'm making thai ginseng chicken." Tay answers while chuckling at the other's confused face. He then pushes the chicken further inside the ice water before pulling it out of the bowl, onto a plate.

New is now beside him, touching their shoulders together while eyeing his actions. "So fancy."

"Well, my picky mate only eats expensive food so…" He feels a soft punch followed by a hug which caught him off-guard. New's heat is definitely next month so him being mellow is extremely unusual.

"Well, you're not there so…"

"Hey, so it's my fault you don't eat?" Tay pretends to scold but feeling a nod on his back makes him smile to himself.

New is being tame.

He wanted to tease the man tonight, deprived of his fun reaction but soft New is fine too. Although, this is probably because he is tired. He does look really sleepy…

"Let's sleep." He turns his body around after he finished packing the chicken. New nods, leaning against the fridge with his eyes already closed. The voice woke him up and the omega quickly stands up straight.

Loving how adorable the man is, Tay kissed the forehead of his omega who is already nodding, half-way to his dreamland. "Te?"


"We need a drafting table." Tay smiles softly, liking the suggestion. Because that means his omega will spend the night here, working on his assignments instead of the studio.


New wants a drafting table. In the house. Which means… is he suggesting moving in together?

"New, You--" he stops his question halfway, seeing that the other is dragging his legs towards the bedroom, already so tired. It is fine though, he can always just confirm with him tomorrow morning, since they will have breakfast together. After a while.

Turning his head towards the living room, he starts to imagine the new interior. The furniture would need to be rearranged and he may have to throw away some things, but it can work. In fact, it can look really nice. "Yeah, we do."

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