Rediscovery (Blue Lock x Read...

By cheesywolfycreamXD

81K 4.8K 993

(Y/n), a former boxer, was reincarnated into a different world. Although, her days are always haunted by the... More

It's yo gurl, (y/n)
I will kill Ego now
Oops~ Tag you're it~
That time I got lost and thought I met a psycho
Welcome to le hell, bitch-
Fuck this shit I'm out
Unfair turn of event
Here comes the BOOM!
It's free real estate
Shiver me timbers
It's called a gamer move silly
24 hours before the dRRRoplets hits the fucking earth
You ain't slick bruv
Hey Shadow, it's me, the Devil~
I'm fast af boi
Kuon where do you think you're Kuoning?
Slumber party
Party rock is in the house tonight~๐ŸŽต
Good times man, good times
I saw you hangin' out with Kunigami yesterday
The weirdo with his grape juice
Watch this.....*Dies*
Push it to the limit
Past the point of no return
Domain expansion
Into the thick of it
Meanwhile...on the other side of town...
Say hello to my little friend love...

We're in this together...right bois?

826 52 5
By cheesywolfycreamXD

(Y/n)'s POV:

After we put on our jersey with me having a unique jersey with the infinite symbol on it. I look over my jersey briefly, which made me slightly pout. Feels almost as though it helps set apart from the others. I'm starting to get bored of seeing this.

The intercom booms throughout the field as it went over the dimension of the field itself which is an area of 40x30 meters. Then it proceeds to introduce us to our goalkeeper before ending it with: 

4v3, first to 5 goals! The rivalry battle of the 2nd selection's 3rd stage!

I went ahead to my team's goalkeeper. Said blue lock man tilt his head at my presence. I rest a hand on his shoulder, "Heeeey man! Don't know if you're the same guy that I face against in that first stage. But ya see, we're in a special predicament. Soooo I will have to take your place." If the blue lock man could blink, he would do it as of now whilst also scratching his bald head. 

At this moment, Bachira and Nagi came by to see what's up. The sight of the blue lock man made Bachira perked up in excitement, "Whoa! Look at him! He's overflowing with cyberness! Let's go, master!" this in turn also made Nagi look the hologram over, "So our blue lock man is white. Since we're team white, I guess." I smugly smile, "Whelp, he's not any longer! 'Cause I'm taking over!" I said as then point at myself. Bachira raise a brow in confusion, "Huh? But we already have a blue lock man, (y/n). Aren't you gonna play with the rest of us?" Nagi tilt his head to the side, "Are you even a good goalkeeper?" I now opt to rest my hands on my hips with a scoff, "C'mon guys! I made it here as a goalkeeper early on. My skills are no joke y'know!" Bachira proceed to glomp me whilst rubbing his cheek on mine, "Right! I still that save you did against those brothers! It's almost as though you read their mind!" I slightly tense at that last statement before quickly play it off, "I guess I'm just too superior, Meguru. I don't what to do with myself. Aaah, I think I'm dying from success, guys." I dramatically said with a hand over my forehead while leaning my weight on to him. Bachira proceed to lower me to the ground before Nagi went on to put my arms in a X formation. Then Bachira covers my eyes with his hand as he fake sob, "(Y/n)...You will be missed...*sniff*."

"Rest in peace, Sonic." Nagi said.

"Uh is not the time..." Isagi, the voice of reason, brought us back to what we were initially supposed to do. I remove Bachira's hand as I then kip up with a huff.

"Such a stylish way of getting up!" Aryu could be heard from afar.

Dusting any grass that might've stuck on my short, I went on to answer Bachira's initial question, "About your question, Meguru. I still am playing with you guys, but just as a goalie. Having me in the team and game as whole already throw off the balance of things. Although something similar happened with Kuon involved, personally, I don't want to replicate that scenario during my time as an extra. So, I figured being a goalie would be the safest option as I would still be participating whilst not actively get in the way of the physical game. Plus, I'm a good goalkeeper. So it's a win-win in my book!" 

"So, you've already made up your mind about this from the very beginning, right?" I face Isagi upon hearing him speak, the look he gave me was one that asks for confirmation but a bit sad too. I softly smile, "Yeah, Yoichi. I have." Isagi went silent, his eyes looking down briefly before meeting mine again, "Don't....Don't you want to play with us?" I stare at Isagi before my eyes move to our opponents who stares back at us, waiting for us to start.

Of course. Of course I want to play with you Isagi. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Every time I get to play with you or the other guys, even if my past would come to haunt me, the carefree feeling I'd get whenever I play with you all would make me forget that they exist. I want that forever, but.......this is a story I'm not supposed to be in. To get further involve would mean altering the future so much so that I could ruin something I wasn't suppose to. And most importantly, I don't want to ruin Isagi, Nagi or Bachira's development in this crucial and pivotal moment. Therefore, at my own expense, I will do what I must to keep the story on its original track.

I finally answer Isagi, "Of course I do. I would trade the world if it means I get to play with you all." Isagi's eyes widen before a small blush adorns his cheeks as he rub his neck. Bachira giggle while Nagi looks away rubbing his head. I extend a hand towards the middle, "Come on boys. Let's dab up before starting. I think they're getting impatient, especially the edgelord."

"That guys with the lashes?" - Bachira

"Yep." - (Y/n)

"You give people really weird nicknames..." - Nagi

"But (y/n) has a point though. He does look like an edgelord." - Isagi

Cue we look at one another before grinning (except for Nagi) then each one of them extends their own hand, layering on top of mine. We hooted as our hand exploded upward, the action alone gave my teammates some boost of energy as they all went to their respective place while I put on the goal gloves. After I did so, I crossed my arms opting to watch this first round.


It was a quick start with Isagi passing the ball to Bachira who soon goes against the Hulk, the gentle giant. Bro shitted his pants after Bachira uses his epic scissors and passed him. Afterwards, Bachira and Isagi both charges towards Rin, who look about done with everything. Rin barely moved when Bachira kicked the ball towards Nagi's direction, "Nice Meguru!" I complimented.

As the ball travels towards Nagi, sleep paralysis Aryu made his appearance whilst saying, "I...descended. I'm...gonna stop you in style." Though jokes on him because got fucking sixth sense and sent that ball to none other then ya boi, Giga Chad Isagi. With that, Isagi score a goal with his new direct shot. Isagi pumped his fist as the other two came to him to congratulate. 


Now with arms uncrossed, I bend down slightly with a slow and steady breath when I notice a change in Rin's behavior, "Boys , I hate to ruin the mood, but we gotta stay focus. They're 'bout to start." Just as I said that, Rin proceed to juggles the ball with one foot, "Enough, I just about got it... Your so lukewarm, I feel like dying."

....Not gonna lie, but that was cringe af.

Rin stops juggling and instead stomp on the ball, "You guys still think that fighting with this one ball is only nothing but a sport, right? Can you seriously disappear... This is...a battlefield. You guys are now showing your backs...against soldiers with guns."

Due to my past life reflexes, as soon as I saw a twitch of his legs, my body moves on its own and I soon found found myself diving and successfully caught the ball. I was surprised. My body move on its own- "*Cough Cough!*" my chest briefly constricted which causes me to cough like a sick dog. I drop the ball, one hand over my mouth while the other on my chest as I continue to cough, "(Y/n)!" hearing footsteps, I raise a hand to stop Isagi on his track as I look at him with a determine gaze, "I'm fine. Just choke on air." I then turn my back to him to recoup myself real quick.

"You sur-" I wave him off and shot him a thumbs while I was at it, "Alright..." all the while he walks back to his position, I silently dreaded over the fact that I caught the ball. Because I wasn't supposed to do that in the first place. "So much for staying out of it. Great job (y/n)..." I quietly scolded myself before quickly facing the right way again. As I did so, everyone was just staring at me.


"What? Aren't we going to continue playing?" Isagi mainly looks concern for me. Meanwhile Bachira looks like he's conflicted between worrying and fawning over the what just occurred. And Nagi he's...lost.

"That's so ✨stylish✨! I knew I was right to invite her into my team!" Aryu loudly stated with sparkling eyes and a hand at his forehead like he's looking for something far away. "S-She actually caught that super goal?! That's so scary!"

I took it upon myself to retrieve the ball in order to pass it to my team later on. While I'm at it, I caught Rin staring daggers in my direction, "Maybe I don't mind being lukewarm. After all this lukewarm right here just caught your super duper awesome mega magnificent fantastical shot. Kinda embarrassing for you don't you think, Shadow?" I smirk towards the end with a tilt of my head. Rin's eye twitch before swiftly turn his back to us, "As if that matters. Whether you've caught it or not, you guys are still a bunch of lukewarm mobs..." Rin then looks over his shoulder, "Let's end this already. This is seriously just a waste of time."

This line triggered the Chad Isagi and he promptly told Rin to hol' the fuck up bro, I'm here for the same reason as you. But Rin quickly dismissed it, "Dream? It's not such a lukewarm peaceful thing like that... The act of losing in soccer is the same as losing one's reason to exist...the same as "dying"... Soccer is a far as I'm concerned." the others find Rin's statement crazy, personally, I'm not surprised. Instead, I somewhat respect his devotion to the sport, even if it sounds corny. I couldn't help but huff in amusement.

Honestly, as cheesy as what he said may sound, which I will admit it really is. There's some psychological truth to that. Although soccer and boxing heavily differs in terms of how it work. It's not a surprise to hear many athlete say they're ready to die for their dreams. The goal to stardom alone surpasses anything else. So I can't entirely dismiss Rin for seeing it that way, because I was in his shoes too at some point too. 

Rin impatiently sigh, "Just come already so I can kill you. Your lukewarm ball kicking game will end here." I couldn't help but think about those good ol' days of trash talking back when I boxed. I glance towards Isagi and took note how his eyes became sharper, "Now that's what I'm talking about." I whispered to myself.

I yell out, "Alright boys. Get yourself ready, we 'bout to roll soon!" I got myself ready and as soon as they got into position, I immediately roll the ball to Isagi to which he pass on to Bachira.

As they charge forward *Rin is blocking your path!* I could tell Isagi was ready to throw hands (not literally) with the edgelord himself. Unfortunately, that opportunity wasn't being presented when Bachira purposefully passes the ball to Nagi instead. The ball travels towards Nagi, and he thought he'd receive it without a hitch, that's when Aryu a.k.a Fabio effortlessly headbutted the ball. "Damn, man's flying." I commented which earned a rather ✨glamorous✨ hair flip from Aryu, "Seems you have recognize my glamour. Haven't you, (y/n)?" I don't know if my eyes are deceiving me, but he's literally sparkling. I didn't really know what to say in such a heated moment, do I said the first thing that came to mind, "Uuh, glorious man." I threw in a double thumbs up. Nagi purse his lips at me with furrowed brows, "Why are you complimenting him? He's got a mad jump, but for what it's worth, I'm still over 190cm tall..." I sweatdrop listening to him, "Yes Weirdo, you're tall, but now is not the time to brag about your height. Now focus on the game!" this finally got Nagi to move although he whine a bit, "Why're you acting like a coach?..."

Moving on, the ball is now in the gentle giant's possession, said giant visibly panicked being suddenly trusted with the ball plus with Fabio running towards our goal like a track star and adding to his stress by calling him to pass the ball. The giant was comply, but fails to notice the hyper boy on crack 24/7 quickly coming his way and intervene the pass, "It went there!" Bachira stated the obvious. "Nice cut, Bachira!" Isagi who happens to be ahead of Aryu went "there" and swiftly traps it. 

I remember something happened at this moment, but what was it-

My eyes widen when Aryu uses his long leg privilege to easily and sneakily kick the ball even if Isagi is there as a barrier. Unfortunately, I don't have long leg nor long arm privilege, so even when I manage to react on time, I barely grazed it as it swishes by. My body fell on to the fake grass and I laid there motionless for a second. Then I sat up criss-cross with a pout as I stare at Aryu a bit upset, "Curse you tall people...just you watch, I will steal your kneecaps one day." Aryu proceeded to slow mo hair flip, "It's settled. On this field right now, I'm the most stylish."


A hand extend down to me. My eyes trace the hand back to Nagi as I proceed to grab it for him to pull me up. I was going to let go of his hand but he suddenly tighten it, eliciting confusion from me, "Nagi, you good? We still have a game to finish you know?" Nagi stare at our conjoined hands before his eyes landed on mine, "(Y/n)...your hands are shaking." my eyes widen and as a reflex, I pull my hand away. Not wanting to bring any suspicion, I quickly recover by playing it off, "I mean, c'mon! Tension's high right now, y'know? Of course I'd be a bit shooked by the adrenaline. It's nothing serious." I cross my arms in order to hide the shaking and it seem to work as Nagi easily brushed it off, "Ah, is that so? I guess you have a point. I'm also feeling the heat." I took that chance to shoo him off by pushing his back to join Isagi and Bachira, "If you understand enough you should be on your way now, weirdo." he simply lazily nodded with a halfhearted whine before complying.

"I already miss you calling my name..." I stare at Nagi's back, thinking I heard him said something, but I soon dismiss it.


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