The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin cen...

By Vermillion-wolf

125K 6K 7.6K

Hyunjin wasn't a huge fan of getting kidnapped, but compared to aimlessly wandering the streets of Seoul, he... More

Trigger Warnings
Kidnapped On A Friday Night
Emotional Numbness
Dark Humor
Sorority Bitches
Red Sparrow
Kir Royale
2 Million
I Like It
Dish Soap
Blue Fish

Egg Roll

2.6K 145 293
By Vermillion-wolf

-Chan's Pov-

It was clear from the beginning that Hyunjin was a closed off person. Despite the level of empathy he showed others he never wished to receive comfort in return, and while he often failed at hiding when he was in a more negative state of mind, he still attempted to swallow down all of his emotions. He was scared of burdening people, and would much rather show a carefree front than lean on us.

But his face often gave him away. Despite his wishes he was a very expressive person, and would often get so lost in thought that he forgot to school his expression. After being around him for a couple of months I had gotten better at reading his facial cues, and there had been multiple times where I could tell what he was feeling despite his efforts to hide it.

It was odd. I had yet to see him in action, but the others who had gotten the chance to work with him all said it was like a switch suddenly flipped. His mask became so flawless it was near impossible to tell he was acting, and nearly every detail about his expression and posture morphed seamlessly to match whatever emotion he needed to convey.

It seemed that the only time he struggled to properly mask his emotions was when he was with us. I would like to think that meant he was comfortable around us, and that he didn't feel the need to hide how he was feeling, but it was clear by his attempts that that wasn't the case. The only times where he didn't attempt to hide his more negative emotions was when he was emotionally numb and when I told him I watched the tape. It took the inability to care about anything to finally let go of the mask, and to be in such a terrible mental state that it physically made him ill for him to accept comfort.

So when Felix told him about our boss, I assumed he would once again try and fail to mask his response. He was incredibly skilled at reading emotions, possibly more so than I, so there was no way he didn't take note of our sudden tension. Minho cursing as soon as he saw the black car was also a dead give away.

But instead of becoming anxious and overthinking like he often liked to do, it almost seemed as if the little tension in his posture melted away. Changbin, whose hands were still gripping Hyunjin's waist, seemed to feel the shift, and he looked up at Hyunjin with a confused look. He seemed just as confused as I felt, most likely having expected to have to comfort the guy still straddling him.

But Hyunjin seemed perfectly fine. It was almost scary how quickly he changed, because in the blink of an eye almost every detail about his demeanor shifted. His back straightened and his shoulders relaxed, his expression displaying an impenetrable and menacing confidence as he turned his upper body slightly to address us.

"Your boss. Are you scared of them?" His eyes narrowed with calculation as he attempted and most likely succeeded at overanalyzing everyone's body language, and it took a second for his words to fully process before I finally figured out why he was suddenly so guarded.

Hyunjin was usually a carefree and reckless person, and the only times he seemed to take things seriously was when one of us was in danger of some sort, either emotionally or physically. It was quite plausible that he assumed our sudden tension was caused by the thought of interacting with our boss, and his habit of overthinking likely had him jumping to conclusions.

There were most definitely other factors feeding into his need to put up such a seamless front, but because I couldn't see behind his mask there was no way for me to figure out what exactly was going on in his mind. I could only assume that was what he intended.

While I could only make educated guesses it would be safe to assume his sudden shift was his way of preparing for a possible threat, and knowing how he liked to deal with what he viewed as threats it would probably be in everyone's best interest if we cleared the air as soon as possible. I quite liked our house and didn't exactly want to see it burned to a crisp.

I willed my posture to relax as I leaned back into the cushioned seat, and while his eyes never left mine I was certain he was taking note of every detail regarding my demeanor. "We aren't scared of our boss. They're pretty laid back, so we have no reason to be."

His mask didn't falter, and the way he raised his brow was somehow non offensively judgemental. "Minho cursing as soon as he saw your boss' car doesn't exactly bode well for their personality. But if it's not your boss that's the issue, then what exactly is it?"

I could attempt to lie in order to ease his concerns, but if he was observant enough to notice I was lying to him, then he would most likely grow even more concerned. With how skilled he was at reading people, I couldn't risk it.

My smile fell as I adopted a serious look, though I made sure to keep my posture calm so he wouldn't attempt to overanalyze. "While our boss is incredibly laid back, they are not the only one with a say over our group. Our boss has the authority to make decisions in regards to how our group runs and the freedoms we have, but the council has the power to change things if they decide to do so unanimously. No major incidents have happened yet, but there have been a few close calls. The only time our boss usually drops by like this is to deliver news about changes to the group, good or bad, and with everything going on lately, there is a bigger risk of the news being bad."

He seemed to be evaluating my words, but once again I couldn't read him well enough to figure out how he felt about my explanation. It was most likely because of that that his next words caught me off guard. "And you assume the bad news will be about me?"

The only response to his words that I couldn't control in time was a single twitch of a finger, yet his eyes instantly zeroed in on it. I internally cursed, knowing very well that the simple muscle spasm would only fuel his overthinking.

Even knowing how skilled he was at drawing accurate conclusions it was incredibly impressive that he pieced it together so quickly, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of thought process would lead to such an assumption given the lack of information he had to make it. "To be completely honest, it had crossed my mind. You are the biggest and most recent change within the group, and there's no guarantee your past with the mafia was successfully kept under wraps. The news could very well be about you, but until we actually discuss it with our boss, there's no way of knowing." I was planning on continuing, knowing that the uncertainty would drive him mad, but Hyunjin's attention was stolen by Changbin as he began to rub the taller's sides.

"The very worst case scenario is that the bad news is the council is attempting to get rid of you, but the head of the council would never allow them to dispose of someone with such potential. He's too much of an opportunist for that. He is corrupt in the way that means he doesn't care about the how as long as the end goal is met, and in this case it works in our favor. But again, this is all hypothetical."

Before Hyunjin could respond our attention was diverted by the sound of something tapping against glass, and we all turned to see Do Yoon Bak standing right outside the bus with a clearly unhappy expression. As soon as he gained our attention he lowered his hand from the window, and he crossed his arms impatiently as he stared us down.

Even after the humiliation he faced at the hands of Hyunjin he still kept his shitty attitude, and it was clear that if his job didn't require it, that he would have refrained from accompanying our boss here.

"It would appear that we're out of time." Seungmin's face was blank as he said this, his eyes staring disinterestedly at the seemingly always pissy man outside the bus.

"I'm kind of tempted to sit here just to piss him off, because it definitely isn't boss that's getting impatient." Seungmin seemed to like Jisung's idea as he nodded, and he wiggled further into his seat before resting his head against the headrest and closing his eyes.

"Wake me up in an hour."

Felix- who was still seated on Seungmin's lap- picked himself up before laying down on the cushioned bench, his head resting in Seungmin's lap as his feet landed in the space between Hyunjin and Changbin's laps. "You know what? We had a long night. I'll wake you up in two."

It was as they both dozed off that I began to question more and more whether or not they were joking, but thankfully Minho spoke up before I was forced to. "Get your asses up. We're not sleeping in the bus while the driver is still here."

Sure enough the driver was looking at us awkwardly, and it was only because he was handpicked by our higher ups to drive us to mission locations that he had the patience to stay quiet until now.

Seungmin peeked one eye open to lock gazes with Minho, and he hummed. "That's a good point. Tell him to leave." He then closed his eyes again, his expression becoming peaceful as he- hopefully- pretended to try to fall asleep.

"If you don't get your asses moving I'm swatting them here and now."

"You're so cute when you threaten violence."

"I doubt you'll be able to think that here in a minute."

"Something tells me I shouldn't be hearing this." Hyunjin's mask had yet to fall, but his expression was still mildly amused as he carefully got off of Changbin, his hands gripping the other's shoulders for balance as he did so. "So I'm going to go and talk bad about you guys to your boss. See ya." He then somehow darted to the bus door so quickly that not even Changbin could grab him in time, and Changbin stood up with a mock expression of shock and anger as he made his way after him.

"YAH! Where are you going?!" In the blink of an eye they were both out the door, leaving the rest of us staring after them.

"Nevermind. Watching whatever chaos those two are going to cause is going to be way more entertaining then pissing off Do Yoon Bak." Seungmin then attempted to get up to follow, only then remembering that Felix was still resting his head in his lap.

Felix seemed to notice this at the same time Seungmin did, and he opened his eyes to look up at the younger with a teasing quirk of his lips.

"Felix, please sit up." The gentle approach instantly failed as Felix once again closed his eyes, though they quickly opened in panic as he nearly fell off the bench when Seungmin sat up suddenly, not at all mindful of the blonde previously chilling on his lap.

He then ran after Changbin and Hyunjin, leaving a disgruntled Felix glaring after him. Felix sat up before hopping to his feet, a look of mischievous determination filling his eyes as he made his way out the bus door.

"Felix is getting revenge on Seungmin without me?! This will not stand." Jisung was practically vibrating with the urge to go after them, the only thing stopping him being the youngest still seated on his lap. Jeongin looked at Jisung over his shoulder with the same non-offensive look of judgment he and Hyunjin seemed to somehow pull off, his brow raised slightly as he remained seated on top of Jisung's thighs.

"What do you need to get revenge for?"

"Seungmin stole my egg roll."

"Wasn't that over a year ago?"

"It's never too late for revenge."

Jeongin's judgemental look intensified before he shrugged, apparently satisfied with Jisung's logic as he stood up with Jisung following shortly after.

Minho and I watched the last two leave the bus silently, the wordless exhaustion something I previously thought only parents felt. "We should go after them." Despite my words I made no move to stand, and neither did Minho as he released a sigh.

"Honestly a nap sounds way more tempting."


-Hyunjin's Pov-

I don't know what possessed me to go into the house alone. Usually when dealing with people in power my actions were calculated and thought out, but even as I got onto the porch and walked up to the front door I couldn't tell whether or not meeting the boss alone first was the best course of action.

I've always balanced between listening to my gut and listening to my logic, and either they both agreed or one remained silent. But now both of them were tugging me in different directions.

Logically I should wait for the others. Regardless of what they said there was no telling what their boss was like, and having people who were already acquainted with them there to keep me from acting out of line could prove to be beneficial. I had no idea what I was walking into, so it only made sense to wait for the people that did.

But for some reason, my gut was telling me that I needed to speak with them alone first. I had no idea why, but even as my logic made a lot of good points, my gut was a lot more convincing. So despite the anxiety still clawing at my stomach, I opened the unlocked door.

The reassurance that their boss meant them no harm was enough to ebb away at the anxiety I felt while still in the bus, but now that the urge to protect them had faded I was stuck with the less anxiety inducing but still unpleasant concern still boiling in my gut.

It was weird to feel this kind of anxiety after so long. Though not nearly as oppressive and stomach churning as it was when I was called into my father's office or when I heard my brother's footsteps walking towards the door to my prison, the feeling was still similar.

It was the anxiety I felt before facing someone who had more control than me. I still couldn't give a damn about my well being, and that helped a lot in regards to facing powerful people. But Skz's boss was capable of something no other person could do. Whether or not I was allowed to stay was their decision, and if they felt like it, they could tear me away from the only thing that gave my life meaning.

I couldn't afford to lose my place here, so if their boss attempted to force me away, I wouldn't go without a fight. But for the first time in a while, I was faced with a fight I was likely to lose. So it would be best to avoid a fight to begin with.

I had charmed plenty of people before, so while I would never go so far as to assume their boss would be the same, I at least had a baseline.

The mainroom was in direct sight of the entryway, so as I entered the house and closed the door behind me, I was met with the sight of their boss as soon as I turned around to address them.

I wasn't quite sure what I was expecting, but it was a pleasant surprise to see the rather warm looking woman making herself at home on the large white couch set up before the now lit fireplace. Something about her was both inviting and laid back, not at all what I was expecting from a government official.

Her ebony skin showed only minor signs of aging, and though she could very easily pass for a woman in her early forties, the position she held suggested a larger number. It was very rare for people high up in the government to be young, and the stress often made them appear even older, but somehow she maintained both a youthful glow and a carefree air about her.

Her hair hung freely in tight curls, the mess of black strands framing her face whimsically. And when her warm brown eyes finally locked with mine, the smile that spread across her lips was filled with a kind confidence. I felt my anxiety ease slightly now that my imagination was no longer allowed to run wild, but I still kept my guard up as I met her confident smile with one of my own.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Hyunjin." I refrained from sharing my last name, unsure whether or not Do Yoon Bak had spilled or not. I bowed slightly in greeting as I introduced myself, and I made sure to keep my posture relaxed when I straightened.

"Ah yes! The young lad who bargained their way into making Do Yoon Bak attempt to hide your identity." Despite the weight of her words she continued to smile, no sign of anger present in her tone.

I blinked, though was thankfully able to hide how caught off guard I was by practically everything about her. "My response to that is going to rely heavily on how you feel about it."

"I thought it was splendid."

"Then I take full responsibility."

She let out a huff of amusement before leaning back into the cushions of the couch, and she motioned for me to sit on the living chair set up beside the couch. I did so, rather grateful the chair was angled in a way that I didn't need to crane my neck to keep eye contact with her.

As soon as I was settled the front door flung open, a disheveled Changbin sending me a playful glare as he stood in the threshold of the door.

The driveway and garage weren't incredibly far away, but there was definitely enough distance between them and the front door that allowed me enough time for an introduction thanks to my head start. A head start Changbin didn't seem super happy with.

"Whatever he told you Mrs. Ahn is a lie!" He attempted to close the door behind him and storm over, but a hand was quick to catch the door and push it back open.

"What did I miss?!" Changbin was not so gently crammed into the space between the wall and the door as Seungmin flung the door back open, and the older glared before poking his head out from behind it. Seungmin seemed to notice this as he turned to look at him with a raised brow, though it was clear the innocent confusion in his expression was fake. "What are you doing back there?"

"You know exactly what you did!" Changbin pushed the door away from him before finally managing to close it, the glare he directed at Seungmin somehow accusatory yet fond.


Before Changbin could retort the door was once again opening, and Felix, Jisung, and Jeongin all entered with varying expressions. The sunshine twins practically tackled Seungmin as soon as they saw him, and he just barely managed to keep his balance as they both somehow managed to clamp onto his back. They kept their legs planted on the floor thankfully, or else the poor guy would have been pushed to the floor with both of their weight on him.

"You almost knocked me over onto the bus floor!"

"And you stole my egg roll!" This earned Jisung a confused side glance from his self proclaimed twin, but before Felix could question it Jisung was already responding. "It's never too late to get revenge." Apparently that was all Felix needed to hear as he nodded and began to pull at Seungmin's ear, Jisung quickly doing the same as they both attempted to bug the younger. Their tugging wasn't hard enough to hurt, but with the patience of a saint Seungmin was apparently willing to half ass an attempt at playing along.

"Ow. How will I ever recover? This is truly terrible." The pure monotony of his voice paired with his blank expression was rather amusing to see, and though clearly fake, the sunshine twins seemed content with his attempt.

"While I appreciate the entertainment boys, we do have some important things we need to discuss. Preferably before the sun goes down." Mrs. Ahn had watched all the chaos with a fond smile, most likely already used to their chaotic nature, and the smile didn't falter as she gestured for them to take a seat.

Felix and Jisung loosened their grip around Seungmin but didn't fully let go, and Seungmin rolled his eyes before the three of them did a weird shuffle walk to the couch. It was both an amusing and adorable sight, and I couldn't help the genuine smile that tugged at my lips as I watched them.

Jeongin and Changbin took a much more traditional route and simply walked over to the love seat set at a ninety degree angle from the couch, and they both sat down beside each other before watching Seungmin attempt to pry the other two away. He failed miserably, and huffed before looking towards Mrs. Ahn. She had sat in the center of the couch, meaning there wasn't enough space on either side of her to fit all three of them. She seemed to understand this as she slid over to the far side of the couch, and the trio plopped down on the vacated spot after Seungmin shot her a thankful and apologetic look.

He then looked down at the two still glued to either side of him, his expression scolding. "You realize you just made our boss have to move over, right?"

Felix simply tightened his grip around Seungmin's arm. "But we're cute, so it's okay."

"You can't use that excuse for everything."

"You're right . . . but I'm cute, so it's okay."

I found myself chuckling as I watched Seungmin throw his head back in exasperation, a satisfied smile gracing Felix's lips as Jisung gave him the world's tiniest fist bump. Their duality was impressive, because while both had shown just how capable and serious they could be, they switched back into a care free and childish persona so fluidly.

"Alright, now where are Chan and Minho?" Almost as soon as Mrs. Ahn finished her sentence the front door once again opened, and as soon as she saw the two of them entering she tsked. "Keeping me waiting? I thought the two oldests would know better."

Minho closed and locked the door behind him before the two of them walked over, and Minho joined Jeongin and Changbin on the love seat while Chan took the remaining living chair set up beside it.

"At least we're not as bad as Seungmin and Felix. The two of them were planning on taking a two hour nap." Mrs. Ahn directed a pointed look at the now sheepish Seungmin and Felix, and the duo didn't really seem to appreciate Minho throwing them under the bus.

Felix pushed himself up a little higher so he wasn't leaning so heavily on Seungmin, and the innocent smile he offered her was both cute but difficult to believe. "It was only to piss off Do Yoon Bak. Speaking of which, where did he go?"

Mrs. Ahn shrugged. "He went to get water from the kitchen a little while ago. He should be back in a second."

Felix wrinkled his nose. "Yeah . . . we're kind of okay if he isn't."

I was a little surprised about how open they were in regards to their distaste for their boss' assistant, but Mrs. Ahn didn't seem at all bothered as she let out an amused huff. "He can be insufferable at times but he's good at his job. He was also appointed by the council, and if we don't let them have a win every once and a while they get pissy." There was amusement in her tone, but the mention of the council dampened the room rather quickly.

"Speaking of the council, do they have anything to do with your visit?" Chan's nature as a leader once again made itself present as he attempted to get everyone on track, though that proved to be easy as we all turned our attention towards Mrs. Ahn expectantly.

"You know, one of these days I would appreciate it if you boys didn't automatically assume I'm visiting because I bring bad news."

"And one of these days we would appreciate it if you visited because of a reason other than bringing bad news." Minho deadpanned.

"Touche. And yes, I guess it is slightly related to the council. Those entitled old men have gotten their panties tied up in one big knot over your group's newest addition, and I thought it would be best if I swung over to iron out some details. Though the main reason I bothered driving all the way out here was because I was rather curious to meet him myself. I've heard some crazy things about him in all of your mission reports, and Do Yoon Bak wasn't exactly silent on the matter either." Aw, they talked about me? . . . Now that I think about it that might not be a good thing. "So, first order of business. That serial killer that framed Hyunjin, have you guys found any more leads?"

We haven't spoken about it for so long that I almost forgot that it was still unsolved, but based on the stressed expressions of the others, I was alone in that regard. Seungmin shuffled awkwardly, his expression slightly stressed as he met eyes with Mrs. Ahn.

"Not yet. I haven't been able to find any leads since the fake one that was used to frame Hyunjin. Whoever is responsible is talented, and I-"

"You don't need to offer excuses, dear." Mrs. Ahn raised her hand slightly to silence him, and though her warm smile had fallen as soon as the topic switched to a more serious one, her eyes were still kind. "I know you're capable, and you certainly aren't the lazy type. If you haven't found a lead you haven't found a lead. There's no need to stress."

Finding a serial killer, especially one as twisted as the one we were currently talking about was usually a high priority. We all seemed to understand that. But still she put no pressure on him, most likely well aware he was already beating himself up about it.

"Now that that's been addressed, how about we switch to a more entertaining topic?" I resisted the urge to stiffen as her eyes landed on me, but I successfully kept a calm exterior as her warm smile once again graced her lips. It was weird that such a kind expression could be so off putting, but with how much sway she had over my future I doubt I would be comfortable with any expression she directed at me. "You've proven to be a valuable asset to the group, and while this proposal will certainly rile up the council, there's nothing I love more than pissing those assholes off. So Hyunjin, would you be interested in beginning a trial period to become an official member of SKZ?"

The amount of composure it took to not show a visible reaction to her words was incredible, but while I managed to keep my cool, that wasn't exactly the case for the others. Many of them stiffened, their mouths agape as they stared between me and Mrs. Ahn. Even Minho and Jeongin couldn't hide their shock at this, their usual blank expressions morphing into ones of surprise.

But the reaction that caught me off guard the most was Chan's. He looked just as shocked as the others, and while there was an undertone of excitement, the fact that he was surprised at all showed that Mrs. Ahn hadn't run this past even the leader of the group.

I chuckled humorlessly, attempting to keep the atmosphere light despite the sudden bomb she had decided to drop. "Mrs. Ahn, while I appreciate the proposal, shouldn't this be something you discuss with the official members before making such an offer?"

She blinked, apparently not seeing an issue, and her eyes scanned over the other's shocked expressions before she tilted her head to the side. "I'm sorry, I thought that with the way you all have already practically claimed him as one of your own that you would be all for it."

"Wait a second, when did we claim him?" To be completely honest I probably would have been a little upset if anyone else had said this, but because it was Minho it made sense.

"Do Yoon Bak reported Changbin's reasoning for protecting Hyunjin to be because he was a member of SKZ. Something about hurting him being a death sentence." Oh yeah. I guess he did say that. "That, coupled with how often you have received aid from him on missions, it only made sense that you saw him as at least an unofficial member. Was I wrong to assume that?"

An awkward silence ensued after her words, the others sharing looks that conveyed too many meanings to properly decipher. None of them seemed negative, though. However, one by one all of their gazes went to Minho, including my own.

If anyone would be against this it would be him, and while all of them seemed perfectly fine with me joining, it was clear they would never agree unless Minho did. Nor would I ever dream of attempting without his approval.

His expression was blank as he looked between us all, and he rolled his eyes before meeting my gaze with a rather intense look. "Do whatever you want." Coming from Minho that might as well have been a marriage proposal, and with everyone's approval, their attention once again fell on me as I made a decision.

I leaned forward slightly, my elbows resting on my knees as I laced my fingers together. I took a deep breath, a small smile gracing my lips as my eyes scanned the people I wouldn't hesitate to lose everything for. "Absolutely not."

Jisung seemed to be the first to properly process my response as he shot up right, his arms thrown into the air. "Why the hell not!?"

My expression softened as I met his upset eyes, a little happy he seemed so attached to the idea of me joining. "Because my priority will always be your guys' safety and well being. If I joined officially and became a member of a government controlled group, I wouldn't be able to prioritize you guys over the missions."

I decided the honest route would be the best one to take, and I was proven right when Jisung suddenly deflated back into his seat. He pouted slightly, his bottom lip jutting out as his cheeks somehow became even rounder. I probably shouldn't think the sight of him being upset was adorable, but his doe eyes made it so hard not to.

I turned my attention back to Mrs. Ahn, and my gaze once again hardened as I offered her a professional smile. "I hope that isn't a problem. I understand there's a lot of restrictions in regards to outside help, so my participation in missions will surely be complicated if I don't become an official member. But I've also read through some of your guys' protocol, and in the event of an emergency, I would refuse to abide by it. I participate because I am capable of being helpful, but I won't be able to prioritize the missions the way the membership contract would require me to."

SKZ was a rather capable group despite their shortcomings, but their performance was constantly hindered by the restrictions they had to abide by. And one of those restrictions was the fact that if they were ever forced to choose between one of their lives or the success of a mission, they were required by law to prioritize the mission. That meant they had to be a lot more cautious, because one flaw in a plan or one slip up on field could mean the difference between an easy success and a terrible life changing decision. However, they were only human, and with how often they made it clear that they would die for each other, it was very unlikely they would hesitate to save each other, even if it meant treason. But neither option was very appealing.

If they had someone in the group focused solely on their safety and who wasn't restricted by a contract, they wouldn't have to worry so much. In fact it might even improve their performance because they wouldn't have to be so picky about the risks they take. But hoping that was even an option was wishful thinking. I could only hope their boss was as laid back as they said.

"Alright, then." I had hoped for an easy solution, but I certainly wasn't expecting it, so as soon as the words left her mouth I couldn't help the speed in which my eyes relocked with hers. "I don't see anything wrong with the boys having a bodyguard as long as it doesn't interfere with missions. Though because you were completely right when you said your participation will be more complicated this way, I have a compromise if you're willing to hear it."

Before I could nod Felix was interjecting, his posture tense as his brows furrowed. "I don't like the idea of Hyunjin risking his life to protect ours." Once again he showed just how easily he switched between serious and carefree, because while he had been clingy only a moment ago, his eyes were now hardened with a stubborn scornfulness that was only amplified by the depth of his voice.

I couldn't blame him for his hesitance. If the roles were reversed I would never allow him or any of the others to act as my bodyguard, but I was too stubborn to let something like hypocrisy get in the way of my decision.

But before I could attempt to ease his concerns, another voice was interrupting. "I'm inclined to agree. While Hyunjin has proven he's very capable of such a role, if I have any say in this, I refuse to let him put his life on the line in order to prioritize ours. We look out for each other, yes, but it's already hard enough keeping him alive. We don't need to add a contact into the mix." I couldn't help the way my eyes narrowed as I met eyes with Changbin, but he didn't falter as he held my now icy gaze with one made of pure steel.

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, knowing that getting defensive would help absolutely nothing. I couldn't fault them, because in the end it appeared that what fueled their refusal was a sense of concern for me. It was weird to have to take that into consideration, because I still wasn't used to having people care about my well being.

That made my goal of protecting them a lot harder, because now not only did I have to look after them, but to keep them happy I also had to look out for myself. That wasn't at all what I signed up for.

"I feel we're all on the same page, then. We're perfectly okay with Hyunjin joining, but not under a body guard's contract." Chan's eyes were just as intense as Changbin's, and as my eyes scanned the group, I realized all of theirs were.

Mrs. Ahn sighed as she leaned back into the couch. "Well that definitely makes this more complicated. A contract that isn't classified as a bodyguard contract but still allows you to prioritize their lives over missions will be difficult to get past the council, but I'm sure I can figure something out. I should have it figured out by the time you get back from vacation."

Based on the group's expressions I wasn't the only one confused by this, and Seungmin let out a confused breath. "Hold on. Vacation?"

Mrs. Ahn blinked. "Well shit, did I not tell you guys?" It would appear their dear boss had some communication issues. "Yeah, you guys have maxed out the amount of vacation days you can save up because you never use them, and to keep all our agents in good shape, it's required that you take at least a week long break once that happens. Though honestly, you guys are the first group where we actually have to enforce a vacation. Freaking workaholics."

I knew they were hard workers, but I never thought it was to the point of them never using their vacation days. Overworking is yet another thing I have to add to the list to look out for, then.

"So, you guys decide where you want to go, and I'll go get started on that contract." Mrs. Ahn stood before straightening her clothes, and like clockwork, the second she mentioned leaving was when Do Yoon Bak decided to show himself.

Mrs. Ahn looked unamused as he walked around the corner and into the mainroom, his eyes avoiding all of us as he offered his boss a very fake smile. "Ready to go, then?" He grabbed her bag before slinging it over his shoulder, not waiting for her response as he made his way towards the front door.

He didn't wait for her as the door closed behind him, and Mrs. Ahn rolled her eyes before once again directing her attention towards us. "What lovely company I keep."


It felt both weird and nostalgic to be sleeping in my room again, the sheets of my bed a feeling I didn't realize I had missed. It was a little daunting to face the sense of comfort I felt when I first made my way back into my room, because despite all the ups and downs I had faced in this house, I had to admit it was starting to feel like home. And the sound of my door opening in the middle of the night was also nostalgic.

Light from the hallway spilled in from the slightly ajar door, though the form peeking its head into the dark room blocked some of it. Even in the dark I could tell it was Felix, the moonlight seeping in through the thin curtains helping to faintly illuminate my room.

"Yeah, Lixie?" I turned slightly, the covers jostling with the movement as I readjusted. As soon as he realized I was awake he made his way into my room, closing the door behind him before tiptoeing over to my bed.

The slight concern I felt over why he might need me this late at night melted as I took note of his bubbly smile, and as soon as I lifted the covers he was crawling in beside me. He wrapped his arms around me before resting his forehead against mine, and I pulled the comforter up to our necks before slinging my arm over his waist.

I found my lips tugging up in response to the warm smile still on his lips, the feeling of his warmth so close to me offering a peaceful comfort. "Where do you want to go on vacation?" His voice sounded even deeper when he whispered, the pure raspiness of it a stark contrast to his bubbly expression.

"I'm not sure. I've never really gone outside of Seoul before. But Jeju Island sounds like it would be fun." He hummed, and he kissed the tip of my nose before tucking his head under my chin. He nuzzled further into me, letting out a relaxed breath that fanned my collarbone.

"Sungie really wants to dye your hair red tomorrow."

I chuckled fondly, my nose burying into the mess of blond hair as I allowed my eyes to slip closed. "I'm gonna get hair damage if I allow him to dye it whenever he wants."

"We all have hair damage because of him. Come on, Jinnie, come to the dark side."

"Only if there are cookies."

He snorted. "What kind of dark side doesn't have cookies?"

"The shitty kind."

"Our dark side is fun, I promise. We have oreos." I once again found myself chuckling quietly, the small amount of resolve I had melting as Felix somehow grew closer, his head now resting against my heart.

"I'll consider it, then."

He hummed happily, and though I couldn't see his face, I could tell he was smiling. "Goodnight, Jinnie."

"Good night Lixie." I kissed the top of his head before relaxing back against the pillow, perfectly content with falling asleep with the blond wrapped tightly in my arms. But before my mind could fully drift, his soft and deep voice was once again filling the small bubble we had created.

"I love you."

A beat of silence followed his words as my mind struggled to process what he had said, but when I was absolutely certain I hadn't heard him wrong, I felt my chest squeeze as involuntary tears sprung to my eyes. 

I felt breathless as I basked in a type of warmth I had never felt before, and I wrapped my arms around him tighter as I managed to whisper a response.

"I love you too."

I was loved by someone, and that was a realization so profound and earthshattering that I found myself unable to truly wrap my head around it. But I knew without a doubt that I loved Felix, and the idea that he cared about me to the same degree was as hard to believe as it was painful to doubt.

But if I could believe in anyone, it was him. 

—---- To Be Continued —----

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