The Diaries of Palestine Part...

By LeenaMustafa6

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I'll update daily here about the latest news on Gaza and Palestine, I'll document and translate every news I... More

new year's eve
the assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri


8 2 0
By LeenaMustafa6

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Hearing gunfire north of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri:

We will not accept any agreement that does not include an immediate and permanent ceasefire

🔻The American proposals focus on restoring the occupation’s prisoners held by the resistance and ignore the demands of our people

#watched |  An initiative to distribute free Eid cakes to displaced people inside the shelter camps in Rafah

#watched |  For the sixteenth day... Jordanian demonstrations continue near the occupation embassy in Amman;  In support of Gaza and the resistance and denouncing the occupation’s massacres

#Urgent |  Sirens sound in the occupied village of Umm al-Rashrash, Eilat, for fear of a drone infiltration.

#Urgent |  Occupation artillery bombardment on Wadi Hanin, south Lebanon

#Urgent |  Enemy media: Explosions were heard in Eilat

#Follow |  A press statement issued by the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas:

We, in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), appreciate the lawsuit filed by the Republic of Nicaragua against Germany, in the International Court of Justice, demanding that the military support provided by the German government to the Zionist occupation be halted, and that temporary measures be imposed on it, preventing it from supplying weapons and other forms of support.  The occupation army, which is waging a brutal war of extermination against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

We call on the countries of the free world to follow the example of the Republic of Nicaragua, the Republic of South Africa, and other countries that refused to close their eyes to the crime of our time committed by the Zionist occupation entity in the Gaza Strip, with clear support from Western capitals.  We call on the International Court of Justice to issue firm decisions to stop the ongoing war of genocide in Gaza despite its previous decisions, which ignored the Zionist enemy, as well as all international resolutions, agreements and laws.

#watched |  The moment the sirens were activated in the occupied village of Umm Al-Rashrash, Eilat, a short while ago

#Urgent |  Hezbollah: The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a movement of enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Ramim barracks with artillery shells.

#watched |  The moment a homemade bomb was thrown at an occupation army vehicle in the village of Zabuba, west of Jenin, a short while ago

#Follow |  A statement issued by the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine:

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine condemns the enemy army’s arrest and abuse of Brother Tariq Al-Salami, the movement’s media

spokesman, and holds him fully responsible for his safety.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#update |  The number of martyrs as a result of the Zionist bombing on the Interior Ministry building in the Maghazi camp in central Gaza increased to 3 martyrs.

#Urgent |  The Al-Qassam Brigades bombard the headquarters of the Zionist Nahal Brigade operating in the “Netzarim” axis with heavy-caliber mortar shells.

#Follow |  The number of martyrs recovered today from the city of Khan Yunis has risen to 84 martyrs

#Urgent |  Zionist raids targeting the eastern areas of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, simultaneously with the sounds of artillery shelling

#Urgent |  Hearing the sound of explosions in the far northwest of the Gaza Strip

#Follow |  20 thousand worshipers performed the evening and Tarawih prayers in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque

#Urgent |  Occupation artillery bombards the eastern Al-Tuffah neighborhood in Gaza City

#Urgent |  Al-Quds Brigades: We bombed a gathering of occupation soldiers in “Reim” with a missile barrage

#Follow |  Hebrew "Ynet" website: Families of occupation prisoners in a letter to their government: Do not allow Smotrich and Ben Gvir to undermine the prisoner exchange deal.

#Urgent |  The mayor of Al-Maghazi was martyred as a result of the occupation’s bombing of the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Updated: The number of martyrs as a result of the Zionist bombing of the Interior Ministry building in Al-Maghazi camp has risen to 5, including the mayor.

#watched |  “Oh God, relieve the worries of our oppressed brothers in Gaza.”

From the supplication of the Witr prayer in Al-Aqsa

#Follow |  Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades: We mourn the martyr fighter “Imad Abdel Fattah Al-Jabri,” who was martyred during the battles of the Al-Amal neighborhood in Khan Yunis.

#Urgent |  Occupation forces storm the village of Dhahr al-Abd, southwest of Jenin

#Urgent |  The bodies of 10 martyrs, including 6 children from the Ammar family, were recovered in Taiba Towers, northwest of Khan Yunis

#Follow |  Demonstrations continue near the occupation embassy in Amman to denounce the occupation’s crimes in Gaza and support the Palestinian resistance.

#Urgent |  Hearing gunfire north of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri:

We will not accept any agreement that does not include an immediate and permanent ceasefire

🔻The American proposals focus on restoring the occupation’s prisoners held by the resistance and ignore the demands of our people
Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent|  Lebanese News Agency: Israeli occupation aircraft targeted the town of Al-Adisa for the third time in less than an hour.

#Urgent|  Occupation artillery shells the south of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City

#Urgent|  Zionist artillery shelling targets a house for the “Abu Mazyad” family in Al-Zawaida in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent|  Enemy media: 15 missiles launched from Lebanon fell in the Western Galilee in northern occupied Palestine

#Urgent|  Palestinian Fatwa House: Tomorrow is the end of the month of Ramadan and Wednesday is the first day of Eid al-Fitr.

#Urgent |  Jenin Battalion in Saraya Al-Quds: As part of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle...we carried out a shooting operation towards the “Merav” settlement established on the lands of the village of Jalboun, east of Jenin.

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft launches a raid on Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Zionist bombing targeted the Interior Ministry building adjacent to Al-Quds Open University in the central Gaza Strip

#watched |  Al-Quds Brigades - Jenin Brigade: Our mujahideen targeted the "Merav" settlement east of the city of Jenin with bullets.

#Follow |  Qatar's representative to the United Nations: Qatar affirms its support for Palestine's request for full membership as a sovereign state in the United Nations.

#watched |  “Despite the scarcity of resources.” Displaced women make Eid cakes inside the shelter camps in Rafah.

#Urgent |  Two martyrs in a Zionist bombing near the headquarters of Al-Quds Open University in Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Sirens sound in the occupied Syrian Golan

#Urgent |  Hezbollah: We targeted an "Israeli" force near the Hanita military site with artillery shells and killed and wounded its members.

#Urgent |  Leader of the Hamas movement, Dr.  Sami Abu Zuhri:

- What we hear in the media about the negotiations are maneuvers that have nothing to do with the reality of what is happening

- The occupation refuses to respond to any of the movement’s demands absolutely

The occupation wants to control the issue of the return of the displaced to the north so that it is limited and conditional

The real knot in the negotiations is the extent of the occupation’s commitment to stopping the aggression in Gaza

The occupation wants a truce during the prisoner exchange period in order to continue its aggression after that

The occupation believes that the resistance is in a weak state and that it can impose its dictates and conditions

#Image |  Massive destruction to a building in the town of Al-Adisa, south of Lebanon, as a result of Zionist air strikes

#watched |  Despite the occupation's obstacles, the people perform the evening prayer in the blessed Rehab

#Urgent |  The occupation forces close the road between the towns of Flamiya and Jayyus, northeast of Qalqilya, as part of collective punishment, and as searches continue for the perpetrator of the shooting attack near the village of Nabi Elias yesterday.

#Urgent |  Enemy media: A missile fired from Syria landed on the occupied Syrian Golan

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft target the northern Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip

#Follow |  Leader of the Hamas movement, Mahmoud Mardawi:

🔻The last proposal presented to us, we consider it a rejected “Israeli” offer

The last proposal that was presented does not in any way address the Palestinian demands of comprehensive withdrawal, a ceasefire, the unconditional return of the displaced, and relief and reconstruction in a way that absolutely meets our demands.

The paper presented to us does not include these foundations, which constitute a suitable basis for reaching any upcoming agreement

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent|  The occupation police storm the funeral home of the captive martyr Walid Daqqa in Baqa al-Gharbiyya in the occupied interior in 1948.

#Follow|  Head of the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Commission, Qaddoura Fares:

🔻 Prisoner Walid Daqqa was a fighter and killer outside and inside prison. He was killed with premeditation and all the occupation institutions were involved.

🔻 The reason for the occupation’s crimes is the international community’s disregard.

#Follow|  The occupation police arrested a number of relatives and mourners of the captive martyr Walid Daqqa from his funeral home in Baqa al-Gharbiyya in the occupied interior.

#Urgent|  Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

The enemy considered our downing of the Hermes 900 plane to be a crossing of the red lines, and we say to him: Who said that we do not cross the red lines?!

🔻 The importance of the operation is that we shot down the Hermes plane on the front lines, and from here it can be seen that the resistance possesses air defense capabilities.

🔻 The downing of the “Hermes” is a major blow because the plane is the pride of the “Israeli” industry, as they say.

#Urgent|  A leading source in Hamas

🔻The occupation is still placing obstacles to reaching an agreement to end the war and achieve a ceasefire.

🔻 The “Israeli” response that we received does not include a permanent ceasefire or withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

🔻 The return of the displaced, according to the “Israeli” response, is unsafe, and it takes place through crossings under the bayonets of the occupation.

The “Israeli” response requires the return of the displaced to shelter camps and not to their areas and homes.

🚨 Al-Aqsa Channel Special:

The Kuwaiti medical delegation donates blood for the benefit of injured people in the Gaza Strip, on the last day of the delegation’s presence in the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent|  Lebnaina Media: Israeli warplanes launch a fourth raid on the outskirts of Halta and Kafr Shuba

#watched|  Al-Qassam Brigades in Tulkarm camp:

  Our Mujahideen confronted the enemy forces and vehicles storming the camp at dawn today, and engaged in fierce clashes that lasted for hours, before the forces withdrew in disappointment and humiliation.

#Urgent |  A Yemeni citizen was seriously injured as a result of an American-British raid that targeted his house in the village of Manzhar in Hodeidah

#scenes|  By targeting a Zionist military vehicle of the type (Merkavah 4) and bombing the enemy’s military concentrations on the front lines of Gaza City.

#Urgent|  Occupation aircraft bombed a house in the town of Al-Adisa, south of Lebanon

#Urgent|  Sirens sound in settlements near the border with Lebanon

#Urgent|  The occupation bombs east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip

#watched|  A brutal attack on a young man present in the funeral tent of the captive martyr Walid Daqqa in Baqa al-Gharbiya

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#watched|  A woman and her son were injured in the ongoing bombing of the eastern central governorate of the Gaza Strip

#watched|  A stand in Bethlehem today in anger over the martyrdom of prisoner and thinker Walid Daqqa due to deliberate medical negligence carried out by the occupation prison administration against prisoners.

#scenes|  Destruction in Bani Suhaila, east of Khan Yunis, as a result of the "Israeli" aggression against it.

#watched|  A teacher teaches children inside a tent in shelter centers in the Gaza Strip

"Decomposed bodies and unidentified bodies"

#watched|  Harsh scenes during the recovery of martyrs in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Medical Complex, west of Gaza City

#watched|  A stand in Hebron to demand action to save the prisoners following the martyrdom of the prisoner and thinker Walid Daqqa due to a policy of deliberate medical negligence.

#Follow|  Families of prisoners held by the resistance in Gaza attack Ben Gvir and Smotrich: “Sacrifice the prisoners”

#Urgent|  Government Information Office in Gaza: The “Israeli” occupation has committed 2,941 massacres in the Strip since the start of the war on October 7.

#watched|  Jalal Street in Khan Yunis, which was once full of life and commercial activity, was turned into rubble by the occupation army

#watched|  In the midst of war and destruction... the Holy Qur’an memorization and recitation sessions continue in the southern Gaza Strip.

#Urgent|  Sirens sound again in settlements near the border with Lebanon

#Urgent |  Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: The role of Iranian advisors is to help the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon against the “Israeli” enemy.

#Urgent |  Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: The “Israeli” targeting of the Iranian consulate in Damascus represents an attack on Iranian territory in accordance with international laws.

#Urgent|  The bodies of 11 martyrs were transferred from the city of Khan Yunis to Al-Najjar Hospital in the city of Rafah

#Urgent|  Sirens are sounding in Galilee

#Urgent|  Ambulance crews have recovered the bodies of 56 martyrs from various areas in the city of Khan Yunis, since this morning.

#Urgent|  Occupation aircraft launched two raids on Mount Halta and Salamiyah in southern Lebanon

#watched|  Eagerness to return despite the destruction.. A young man returns to his home in Al-Qarara, north of Khan Yunis, after 4 months of forced absence, and finds it destroyed

#Urgent|  Secretary General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah

🔻After half a year, “Israel” did not enter Rafah and did not liberate its prisoners whom Netanyahu promised to recover.

🔻 After half a year, “Israel” has not achieved its declared war goals, but its conditions have worsened at all levels.

🔻Israel is experiencing a diplomatic collapse, economic hardship, security complexity, and social and political divisions.

🔻 The recent call between Biden and Netanyahu confirmed that Washington is capable of imposing its decisions on “Israel.”

If a ceasefire is declared in the Gaza Strip, this will be a major defeat for “Israel.”

#Urgent|  Leader of the Hamas movement, Dr.  Sami Abu Zuhri:

We deal flexibly with the Cairo negotiations, while the occupation insists on limiting them to the exchange of prisoners and allowing a limited return of the displaced, and this does not lead to a successful agreement.

#Follow|  The number of martyrs recovered since the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Khan Yunis neighborhoods has risen to 64

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Follow|  Government Media Office: The most important statistics of the genocidal war waged by the occupation on the Gaza Strip for today (185)

◻️ (185) days since the genocidal war.
◻️ (2,941) massacres committed by the occupation army.
◻️ (40,207) martyrs and missing persons.
◻️ (33,207) martyrs who arrived at hospitals.
◻️ (14,520) child martyrs.
◻️ (30) children were martyred as a result of famine.
◻️ (9,568) female martyrs.
◻️ (485) martyrs of medical staff.
◻️ (65) martyrs from the Civil Defense.
◻️ (140) martyred journalists.
◻️ (7,000) missing.
◻️ (75,933) infected.
◻️ (73%) of the victims are children and women.
◻️ (17,000) children live without their parents or one of them.
◻️ (11,000) wounded people need to travel for “life-saving and dangerous” treatment.
◻️ (10,000) cancer patients face death and need treatment.
◻️ (1,089,000) infected with infectious diseases as a result of displacement.
◻️ (8,000) cases of viral hepatitis infection due to displacement.
◻️ (60,000) pregnant women are at risk due to lack of access to health care.
◻️ (350,000) chronic patients are at risk due to non-administration of medications.
◻️ (310) cases of arrest of health personnel.
◻️ (20) cases of arrest of journalists whose names are known.
◻️ (2) million displaced people in the Gaza Strip.
◻️ (171) government headquarters destroyed by the occupation.
◻️ (100) schools and universities were completely destroyed by the occupation.
◻️ (305) schools and universities partially destroyed by the occupation.
◻️ (229) mosques were completely destroyed by the occupation.
◻️ (297) mosques partially destroyed by the occupation.
◻️ (3) Churches targeted and destroyed by the occupation.
◻️ (70,000) housing units were completely destroyed by the occupation.
◻️ (290,000) housing units that were partially destroyed by the occupation and uninhabitable.
◻️ (70,000) tons of explosives dropped by the occupation on Gaza.
◻️ (32) hospitals that were taken out of service by the occupation.
◻️ (53) health centers that the occupation took out of service.
◻️ (159) health institutions targeted by the occupation.
◻️ (126) ambulances were targeted by the occupation army.
◻️ (200) archaeological and heritage sites destroyed by the occupation.

#Follow|  Prisoner Club:

🔻 Medical crimes escalated after October 7 and caused the death of prisoners, in addition to torture and starvation.

🔻 Gaza detainees, including the wounded and sick in the occupation camps, face the crime of enforced disappearance to this day.

🔻 Hospitals and doctors refuse to treat Palestinian prisoners by decision of the Israeli Ministry of Health

🔻 The prison administration does not transfer prisoners to hospitals except in very serious cases, which exacerbates their suffering.

#Urgent|  Zionist artillery bombardment targeting Hamamous Hill in southern Lebanon

#Urgent|  Artillery shelling near the agency's clinic in Al-Maghazi camp

#Urgent|  The bodies of 42 martyrs were recovered from Khan Yunis since yesterday until now

“Smiling because we are steadfast and in the spirit of one generation, and another generation comes.”

#watched|  A Palestinian woman keeps bullets she found in her house, which was destroyed by the occupation during its aggression against Khan Yunis.

#Urgent|  A number of citizens were injured as a result of being directly targeted by the occupation in the city of Al-Zahraa in the central Gaza Strip.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent|  Sirens sound in northern occupied Palestine

#Urgent|  Ministry of Health in Gaza: 32 martyrs and 47 injured arrived at hospitals during the past 24 hours.

#Urgent|  Ministry of Health in Gaza: The death toll from the Zionist aggression rose to 33,207 martyrs and 75,933 injuries.

#Urgent |  Ministry of Health in Gaza: A number of victims are still under rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them.

#Urgent |  Casualties continue to arrive at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital as a result of the ongoing Zionist bombing of Deir al-Balah

#Urgent |  A child was killed in the artillery shelling that targeted eastern Deir al-Balah

The bodies of martyrs were recovered from inside the Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza

Journalist Hazem Saeed takes a farewell look at his nephew, who was martyred in the artillery shelling of eastern Deir al-Balah.

Massive destruction caused by the occupation forces in Khan Yunis

A child was killed by the occupation army after bombing his family home east of Deir al-Balah with artillery shells

The occupation forces continue to close the town of Husan, west of Bethlehem, since the morning hours.

#Urgent |  Two people were killed (a child and a woman) and others were injured in a Zionist artillery shelling east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip

#watched|  Transporting martyrs and casualties from eastern Deir al-Balah as the occupation army continued to bomb homes.

Photography: Hani Abu Rizq.

#watched|  Journalist Anas Al-Sharif monitors the recovery of the bodies of martyrs from inside Al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza

“How do you celebrate Eid when Gaza wears a new shroud?”

#watched|  A march in Ramallah in solidarity with Gaza, which has been subjected to an ongoing Zionist war of genocide for the 185th day.

#Urgent|  Hizb allah:
We launched an air attack with a dive march on the Ras Naqoura naval position and hit its target accurately.

#watched|  Injuries among children were reported as a result of the Israeli bombing targeting the eastern central governorate of the Gaza Strip

#Follow|  Prisoner Club:

🔻Hundreds of sick prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons face medical crimes and slow death.

🔻Medical crimes escalated after October 7th.

#Urgent|  The bodies of 42 martyrs have been recovered from various areas of the city of Khan Yunis since this morning

#Urgent|  Occupation forces storm the town of Kafr Ni'ma, west of Ramallah

#Urgent|  Zionist artillery bombardment on the town of Khiam, south of Lebanon

“We were stepping on dead people.”

  From the testimonies of those trapped in Al-Shifa Hospital!

Al-Aqsa Channel:
The Supreme Follow-up Committee for Arab Public Affairs in the Occupied Territories: The martyr Walid Daqqa faced an unannounced execution decision by the ruling “Israeli” establishment.

watched|  A demonstration in Montreal, Canada, in support of Palestine and to demand an end to the genocidal war in Gaza

watched  Farewell to the martyrs who were recovered after the occupation’s withdrawal from the Khan Yunis areas in the southern Gaza Strip

The child Eid Abu Khoussa (8 years old) is displaced with his family from northern Gaza. He suffers from several diseases, and his family is appealing to refer him for treatment abroad due to his lack of availability in the Gaza Strip.

watched  The occupation forces tear up school books during their storming of the home of prisoner Iyad Alyan in the village of Al-Issawiya

A Palestinian woman recites the entire Qur’an in one session during preservation activities in Khan Yunis

Palestinians bid farewell to their martyrs whose bodies were recovered after the occupation forces withdrew from Khan Yunis

#Urgent |  Wounded in a Zionist artillery shelling east of the town of Al-Qarara, north of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip

#Follow |  Nicaragua Legal Team:

We call on Germany to stop its support for “Israel”, especially the military

- There are countries that are exacerbating the situation in Gaza by supplying “Israel” with weapons, which violates international law

Germany knows that the weapons it supplies to Israel are used to bomb civilians in Gaza

We call on the Court of Justice to force Germany to stop its military aid to Israel.

#Urgent |  Martyred as a result of artillery shelling that targeted homes east of Deir al-Balah

#Urgent |  Artillery shelling targets the Al-Mughraqa area, south of Gaza City

#Urgent|  Al-Quds Brigades: In a little while... we will show scenes of targeting a vehicle and bombing enemy military concentrations before they withdraw from the front lines of advance in Gaza City.

#Urgent |  Head of the Nicaraguan delegation: Since the submission of the South African lawsuit, nothing has been done to stop the genocide in Gaza

#Follow|  Prisoners' Affairs Authority:

The number of martyrs of the prisoner movement inside the occupation prisons after the 7th of October as a result of torture, abuse, and starvation, in addition to medical crimes, increased to 14 after the death of the prisoner Walid Daqqa yesterday.

#Urgent |  Head of the Nicaraguan delegation: The United States and Germany are the main supporters of "Israel"

#Urgent|  Alarm sirens sound in the settlements of northern occupied Palestine for fear of a drone infiltration.

Al-Quds Brigades: Scenes of targeting a Merkava 4 military vehicle and bombing enemy military concentrations on the front lines of Gaza City.

#Urgent |  Nicaragua Legal Team:

We hope that Germany will accept the court decisions regarding the lawsuit we filed

Washington does not accept the court’s powers, so we cannot file a lawsuit against it at the International Court of Justice

We are not worried about any pressure. What matters to us is respecting international law and helping the Palestinians

#Urgent |  Enemy media: A drone crashed in Ras Naqoura on the border with Lebanon, where the army was conducting a maneuver in the area

A medical tent in shelter centers in the Gaza Strip to treat children for free

The Indonesian People's Alliance for the Defense of Palestine announces its intention to organize a global march starting from Indonesia towards countries in Asia towards Europe to demand an end to the genocidal war in the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  New casualties due to artillery shelling east of Deir al-Balah

#Urgent|  Sirens sound in northern occupied Palestine

#Urgent|  Ministry of Health in Gaza: 32 martyrs and 47 injured arrived at hospitals during the past 24 hours.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  For the fifth time, the occupation army demolished parts of Al-Arayshi Mall in Balata Camp, east of Nablus

A child recites the Holy Qur’an over one session in the shelters in Khan Yunis

#Urgent |  Two casualties, one of them seriously, were injured in a Zionist artillery shelling that targeted the house of a citizen east of Al-Maghazi

#Urgent |  The occupation army burns a number of citizens’ homes east of Al-Masdar village and the “Goz Abu Hamam” area, east of central Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft deploy fire belts in the vicinity of the Hosni Al-Masdar Mosque, Al-Saida area, and Wadi Abu Rashid, east of Al-Maghazi camp.

A Palestinian woman who has memorized the Holy Qur’an narrates it during a session in the shelter centers in Khan Yunis

#Urgent |  Nicaragua's legal team: German military support for "Israel" has increased 10-fold over the past months

#Urgent |  Nicaragua's legal team: The German government approved the export of military equipment to "Israel" worth more than 326 million euros in 2023.

#Urgent |  Yedioth: A missile launched from Khan Yunis near Kibbutz Ra'im landed in the Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Nicaragua's legal team: 600 government employees in Germany called for an end to supplying weapons to Israel for crimes committed in Gaza.

#Urgent |  A Palestinian woman was killed in artillery shelling east of Al-Maghazi camp

#Urgent |  A number of martyrs' bodies were recovered from under the rubble at Al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City

Occupation artillery targets homes east of Deir al-Balah

Despite the war and destruction... Palestinians in the Gaza Strip insist on memorizing and reciting the Holy Quran.

Hezbollah: We mourn the martyr Ahmed Amin Shams al-Din, from the town of Markaba and a resident of the town of Aita al-Shaab in southern Lebanon, who rose as a martyr on the road to Jerusalem.

Martyrs and wounded among children as a result of the occupation’s bombing of the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Nicaragua's legal team: Germany failed to fulfill its obligations to prevent genocide and war crimes in Gaza

#Urgent |  Nicaragua's legal team: German arms sales to "Israel" increased during the war period instead of stopping

#Urgent |  Nicaragua's legal team: Germany facilitates "Israeli" violations instead of increasing humanitarian aid to the population in Gaza

#Follow |  Prisoners' Affairs Authority: From yesterday evening until Monday morning, the Zionist occupation forces launched an arrest campaign and extensive field investigations that affected at least (45) Palestinians from the West Bank, the majority of whom were later released.

Scenes of destruction in Khan Yunis camp as a result of the Zionist aggression

A displaced Palestinian girl from Gaza: “The occupation is demolishing schools so that the children do not want to learn and know about Palestine... We will not leave Gaza and build a tent over our house and live.”

#Urgent |  Local sources: The martyrdom of the girl Asmaa Saad Abu Mohsen (18 years old), a high school student, from the town of Tayasir, east of Tubas, for allegedly trying to carry out a stabbing attack at the Tayasir checkpoint.
Al-Aqsa Channel:
The extent of the destruction caused by the occupation in Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

#Follow |  Gaza Civil Defense:

🔻The General Directorate of Civil Defense - Khan Yunis Governorate - with all its crews, begins the process of recovering the bodies of the martyrs after the withdrawal from the governorate. It is known that most of the bodies are decomposed due to the long period of the invasion.

🔻We appeal to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross to work to provide “Baqir” to help remove the bodies from under the rubble of the demolished homes.

#Urgent|  A Palestinian woman was killed after she was shot by occupation forces at the Tayasir checkpoint in the Jordan Valley, after allegedly trying to carry out a stabbing attack.

#Follow |  Political analyst at Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, Nadav Eyal: “Netanyahu’s government lost the war and Israel has become isolated internationally.”

#Follow |  The occupation arrests dozens of people from the West Bank and destroys the infrastructure in Tulkarm

#Follow |  The International Court of Justice holds the first hearings in a lawsuit filed by Nicaragua against Germany on charges of facilitating genocide in Gaza because of its support for the “Israeli” occupation state.

#Urgent|  Enemy media: Launching missiles at the “Gaza envelope” settlements without activating the sirens

#Urgent|  Occupation artillery renewed targeting Al-Mughraqa in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent|  Injuries after occupation artillery shelling east of Al-Maghazi camp

#Follow |  Nicaraguan legal team at the International Court of Justice: Serious violations of international humanitarian law and the prevention of genocide in Gaza

🔻Germany violated its duties under international law more than any other country

🔻We call on the court to oblige Germany to stop its support for “Israel” in destroying the Palestinians

🔻Germany’s claim that its aid to “Israel” is linked to historical relations is incomprehensible

🔻Germany should make efforts to stop the destruction of the Palestinians instead of supporting “Israel” with weapons

German companies in the field of armaments doubled their sales and contracts with “Israel”

🔻German weapons are being tested in Palestine

🔻We call on the court to hold Germany accountable for its responsibility in supporting the extermination of Palestinians

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#image|  The moment an explosive device was detonated by a military bulldozer of the occupation army in Balata camp, east of Nablus.

#Follow |  Violent and ongoing confrontations in Balata camp, east of Nablus, in the West Bank, and the occupation forces deploy snipers in several buildings in the camp.

#Urgent|  Occupation forces storm the town of Qatana, northwest of occupied Jerusalem.

#Urgent |  Local sources: Occupation forces arrest a girl from Al-Aqsa Mosque

#Urgent |  Artillery shelling and heavy gunfire by occupation vehicles east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  The occupation police arrested a girl at Bab Hatta in Al-Aqsa Mosque after dawn prayers today

Occupation bulldozers begin to bulldoze a commercial store during the ongoing storming of Balata camp in Nablus

#Urgent |  Occupation snipers are deployed in several buildings during the ongoing storming of Balata camp, east of Nablus.

#Urgent |  3 martyrs and a number of wounded as a result of a Zionist raid that targeted a house in Sultaniya, south of Lebanon.

#Urgent|  Renewed clashes between resistance fighters and occupation forces in Balata camp, east of Nablus.

#Urgent|  Artillery shelling on one of the Qastal towers, east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

#Urgent|  Two martyrs and one wounded in an occupation raid on a house in the town of Sultaniya, at dawn today.

#Urgent |  The Tulkarm Battalion, affiliated with the Al-Quds Brigades: We clashed with the occupation forces on several fronts, set up ambushes, and achieved confirmed casualties.

#Urgent |  Artillery shelling east of Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip.

#watched |  The wounded child, Malak, appeals to be referred for treatment outside Gaza because of her need for operations that are not available in the Strip.

#Urgent |  Hezbollah honors a mujahid who rose as a martyr on the road to Jerusalem

“My birthday is coming on Eid, and I want the gift to be my father.”
  A message from the girl Farah from Gaza to the world about Eid, the war, and her longing for her father

#Urgent |  The occupation announces that the condition of the female soldier who was injured in the shooting attack east of Qalqilya yesterday remains serious.

“6 martyrs in one ambulance”… about press coverage with ambulances in the Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  The bodies of 8 martyrs were recovered from the eastern areas of Khan Yunis and transferred to the Gaza European Hospital

#Urgent |  The occupation bombs the town of Khuza'a, south of Khan Yunis.

#Urgent|  Renewed artillery shelling east of Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent|  Occupation artillery targets Street 10, south of Gaza City

#Urgent |  Occupation artillery targets Al-Mughraqa, north of the Central Governorate in the Gaza Strip

#Urgent|  Occupation vehicles fired intensely along Street 10 in the vicinity of Kuwait Junction, the new slaughterhouse area, the Quraish site, and Sheikh Ajlin.

#Urgent|  Occupation forces opened fire on a Palestinian woman at the Tayasir checkpoint in the Jordan Valley, alleging that she was trying to carry out a stabbing attack.

What did a Palestinian say after he found his home in Khan Yunis destroyed?

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