Ninjago: The Purple Ninja - B...

By GamerGirl_2000

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Ever since Katarina Garmadon joined the Ninja, she has faced an Anacondrai Cult, ghosts from the Cursed Realm... More

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SOFS: Ice Chapter 1 - The Never Realm
SOFS: Ice Chapter 2- Fire Maker
SOFS: Ice Chapter 3 - An Unlikely Ally
SOFS: Ice Chapter 4 - The Message
SOFS: Ice Chapter 5 - Secret of the Wolf
SOFS: Ice Chapter 6 - My Enemy, My Friend
SOFS: Ice Chapter 7 - A Fragile Hope
SOFS: Ice Chapter 8 - Once and For All
SOFS: Ice Chapter 9 - Awakenings
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Prime Empire: Chapter 11 - The Speedway Five Billion
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Master of the Mountain: Chapter 2 - Into the Dark
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 3 - The Worst Rescue Ever
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 4 - The Two Blades
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 5 - The Queen of the Munce
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 6 - The Skull Sorcerer
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 7 - Grief Bringer
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 8 - The Darkest Hour
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 9 - The Upply Strike Back
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 10 - The Son of Lilly
I'm Sorry, But This Is Goodbye (I Hope You Understand Why)
The Island Poster
The Island: Chapter 1 - Uncharted
The Island: Chapter 2 - The Keepers of the Amulet
The Island: Chapter 3 - The Gift of Jay
The Island: Chapter 4 - The Tooth of Wojira
Ninjago Seabound Poster
Seabound: Chapter 2 - The Call of the Deep
Seabound: Chapter 3 - Unsinkable
Seabound: Chapter 4 - Five Thousand Fathoms Down
Seabound: Chapter 5 - The Wrath of Kalmaar
Seabound: Chapter 6 - Long Live the King
Seabound: Chapter 7 - Escape from Merlopia.
Seabound: Chapter 8 - The Storm Amulet
Seabound: Chapter 9 - The Riddle of the Sphinx
Seabound: Chapter 10 - Master of the Sea
Seabound: Chapter 11 - Comfort Without Words

Seabound: Chapter 1 - A Big Splash

117 4 2
By GamerGirl_2000

Farmers were tending to their crops near their village. Three big black trucks sped past the farmers, who perked up at their arrival. The trucks park in a large clearing, and the drivers - low level street thugs - hop out of the trucks and back at the back of the truck in the center of the clearing.

"All clear, boss!"

The truck door slams open. A woman in her thirties and wearing a suit with two combustible tanks strapped to her back and flamethrowers strapped around her wrists hops out of the truck. She was wearing dark red lipstick, and her make-up and spiky hair were the same shade. She had goggles hanging above her eyes.

She looks around the area and groans. "What am I doing out here? "I hate the country. I'm a city girl," She grabs a henchman by the collar of his hoodie."New rule! From now on, we only commit crimes in the city! Unless they pay triple."

"Uh, they are paying triple, Mrs. Demeanor."

That was enough to piss her off. "It's not Mrs. Demeanor. It's Miss Demeanor!" She activates the flamethrower on her right arm and blasts a torrent of fire at the henchman that said her villain name incorrectly. "How many times do I have to say it?"

The henchman ducks, and his bat catches fire. He pats and blows the fire out to prevent the fire from spreading. She snaps her fingers. "Sorry, Miss Demeanor."

She groans again. "Why'd they want to meet out here anyway? We're in the middle of nowhere!" In the distance, Kai, Jay, Lloyd and Katarina were disguised as farmers pretending to tend their crops. There was no doubt they were listening in on the conversation.

Another henchman shrugs. "Probably so those nosy Ninja don't find us."

"Too late for that!"

Lloyd lifts his head up. He pulls off his farmer's disguise. Kai and Jay follow suit, and Katarina reveals herself after using her Elemental Power of Form. They pull out their weapons, and point them at Miss Demeanor threateningly.

"The Ninja!"

However, she was ecstatic that the Ninja had showed up. "Ooh, I've been waiting for this! I've worked so hard to make it to the top. And it's actually happening!"

The Ninja got out of their fighting stances and gave each other confused looks. "Oh, wait, wait, wait, I had a line for this. Oh yeah," She points her flamethrowers at the Ninja. "I've got a warm welcome planned!"

The Ninja dodge the torrents of fire with ease. She backs with a smile on her face. "Get the trucks out of here. You four, get the ninja!" She hops on top of a truck and stomps on it, signaling it to get away from the Ninja, who had already beaten the thugs with ease.

"I don't get it. Why do we fight common thugs so often?" Jay wonders aloud.

Miss Demeanor laughs. "So long, guys. I hope our paths cross again." She blasts another torrent of fire from atop the truck, forcing the Ninja to duck.

She smirks while she takes off her goggles. She looks behind her when she hears a revving of the Rock Cycle in the distance. She growls. "How's this? Too soon?"

 She bangs her foot down on the roof of the truck, telling two of the trucks to get in front of the one she was on. Cole's Rock Cycle blasts the trucks out of the way, destroying the trucks in front of him. However, she activates her flamethrowers and sends a couple blasts of fire towards Cole's Rock Cycle, forcing him to duck out of the way. 

The truck going towards him wasn't stopping, and he moves out of the way to avoid being hit by the truck. The truck drives past him with Miss Demeanor on it. "Nice try, ninja! You almost had me!" He groans and looks down on the ground. His eyes widen by not how much of it there was, but that the trucks have been carrying it the whole time. 


Kai, Katarina, Lloyd and Jay watch the last remaining truck drive away, as they fought off the last remaining henchmen. "Nya, Zane, they're headed your way. Cut them off. We'll catch up." Nya and Zane, who were running towards the truck in the far distance, nod. 

"We're on it!"

In the distance, Miss Demeanor notices the Ninja running both ways towards them, which meant that by the time the truck hit the main road, the Ninja would have already cut them off. She stomps down. " Faster, go faster! They're trying to cut us off!"

The driver nods. "Yes, Miss Demeanor." He pushes his foot further down onto the gas pedal, forcing the truck to drive faster. 

"Nya, need a little water power." Lloyd says. Nya nods. 

"I'm on it!"

"Zane, get ready. As soon as Nya douses the truck, flash freeze everything!" Lloyd explains to Zane, who nods affirmatively. 


"Here goes!" Nya slides in front of the truck and makes a motion with her hands, using the water to create two fifty-feet-tall water tornados. She pounds her fists together, merging the tornados into a hundred foot tall tornado of water. 

"Now! Hit the truck!" She sends the tornado towards the truck, and right when it comes close to the truck and Miss Demeanor's eyes were full of fear, the tornado suddenly avoids the truck by going around it, confusing both her and the Water Ninja. Nya finds herself struggling to control the water tornado. 

"Nya, drop it on the truck!" Lloyd yells at her. She tries to command the tornado to go back towards the truck, but the water wasn't obeying her. She grunts with extertion. 

"I'm trying. It's not obeying!" Miss Demeanor laughs and puts her hands on her hips, as she watches the tornado circle around the truck and go towards the Ninja. 

"Ha! She's lost control! That's embarrassing." The tornado goes straight towards Nya, who was frozen with fear and was still trying to control it. Zane dives towards her and pushes her out of the way. 

"NYA!" The truck drives away. The tornado goes towards the truck again, but the driver was able to swerve right and avoid it just in time. 

"Get your act together! I'm doing my part. Am I the only professional?" Jay jogs for a little bit, before giving up the chase. 

"They're getting away!"

"I know, but I think we have bigger problems!" Lloyd points towards the water tornado in front of them, and everyone widens their eyes at the problem in front of them. Zane goes right in front of it and uses his ice to freeze the tornado to stop it. 

He grunts with extertion, struggling with the effort to freeze the entire tornado. He falls down on his hand and knees. "I - I can't hold it!" 

"Let me try!" Katarina slides up next to him and summons her magic to use a spell to stop the water tornado entirely. But the water tornado resisted. The ice surrounding the tornado shatters and falls on the ground, and the spell stops performing. 

"Look out!" Everyone moves out of the water tornado's warpath immediately, which seemed to be going in a different direction. 

"Nya, just drop the water back down!" Nya extends her arms out again, and sighs. She drops her arms to her side. 

"I'm trying! Nothing's working!" Cole watches the water tornado, and gasps when he sees it going straight towards a small village of farmers in the distance. 

"What do we do? There's a village full of farmers over there!"

"Evacuate the village," Lloyd says immediately. "If this much water comes down on top of them, someone might get hurt." The Ninja nod and make a mad dash towards the village, and were able to arrive there just in time to beat the tornado. The villagers seemed to have noticed it too, as they were surprised and scared of its ginormous size. 

"Nice and calm, everyone. There's no reason for concern. Just keep moving." Katarina instructs the villages, as she and the Ninja make quick work in evacuating everyone to a safe distance away from the tornado. 

"Right this way!" Jay gently pushes a villager in the direction everyone else was going, while Zane goes up to a child watching the incoming tornado with awe and excitment. 

"Come along, child." He says to the child gently. The child shakes his head, and points towards the water tornado. 

"I want to stay and see the water."  

"I'm afraid that would be very dangerous." He reasons with the child, obviously very concerned for the child's safety. Zane looks behind him in the direction of the tornado, and his eyes widen at how close it was now. Wasting no time, he picks up the child and carries him over his shoulder as he runs. 

"It's okay, I'm a Nindroid like you. Beep, boop, bop!" The child mimics robotic noises, trying to sound or act like a Nindroid. Zane sighs tiredly. 

"I do not speak like that." 

Katarina runs up to Lloyd and looks around for any other villagers they might've missed. "I think that's everyone! Let's get moving!" Lloyd, who had his eyes trained on the tornado for only a few moments, widens his eyes when the water tornado disperses into a huge wave. 

She notices this too, and grabs his wrist forcefully. "Less watching, more running!" Both Garmadon siblings run for their life as the water creeps closer and closer to them, which was quickly flooding the village houses and the entire village itself. 

They both reach their friends and the villagers, and grab their friends' hands, who quickly pull them up just in time. The water crashes on the ledge they were on, splashing on all of them and getting them wet. 

After a moment of recovery, everyone could only look at the disaster in front of them in shock. 

"Beep, boop, bop." The child says. 

"Beep, boop, bop." Zane echoes. 

The Ninja stare at the flooded village for a little longer, before making sure that the villagers were okay, while Nya looks down at her hands nervously and fidgets with them. She looked extremely terrified, guilty and confused at the same time. 

What the hell was that?

"What was in the trucks?" Wu asks the Ninja in their underground base at the Monastery. Cole shows him a brick of Vengestone. 

"Vengestone." Cole states. 

"A huge shipment, three trucks worth." Lloyd explains further. Wu hums thoughtfully. 

"Very peculiar. Vengestone has few practical uses. Why would anyone be smuggling Vengestone?" Wu wonders aloud. 

"We don't know. The criminal called herself Miss Demeanor, but she got away before we could ask her." Katarina explains to him. Wu got a bit upset by her explanation. 

"You let her escape?!"

Kai laughs nervously, and scratches the back of his head. "We didn't exactly ... let her."

"We were forced to contend with ... " Zane struggles to find the words for a moment to describe their situation, until he was left with saying with a nervous smile, "Unexpected complications."

Wu raises his eyebrow in curiousity. "What complications?" Before the Ninja could explain that it was Nya's powers that went out of control unexpectedly, the matter of the subject storms into the base furiously with tremendous guilt. 

"It was me, okay? It was me. Just saying. I messed everything up. I had a teensy tiny little momentary loss of control, and I kind of created a small tidal wave." She explains uneasily. wu gets up from his chair and stands with the others. 


"I don't know how, okay?!" She shouts a little, clearly mad at herself. "Can we change the subject?"

"Nya, it was a hundred foot tall tornado of water." Lloyd points out. Katarina kicks him in the shin harshly to shut him up and to stop upsetting her, causing him to hiss in pain for a few seconds. 

"We've all made mistakes! It's no big deal. It won't happen again, okay?" Nya says quickly. Everyone nods and speaks their confirmations, meaning that they hopefully wouldn't have to bring up the subject anymore. 


"Yeah, okay."



"You got it!"

Nya turns around and begins to walk away from everyone. "Good!" Suddenly, the sprinklers activated on their own, causing the people behind her to startle and groan. 

"Oh no, the sprinklers!" The computers, now being doused with water, short out and malfunction, until every electronic system was shut down completely. Everyone turns around to face Nya, who was once again confused by this as she looks down at her hands. 

"Nya..." Katarina starts gently. But Nya turns her back towards the Purple Ninja and walks away from her at a fast pace. Katarina could feel herself reaching out to her before dropping her hand to her side. 

"Just as I thought. This is a complete list of the elemental powers, but there is no mention of Water or Wind." Wu explains to everyone expect Nya, who was out of the room, in the Monastery library. 

"What does that mean?" Cole asks him. 

"My father, the First Spinjitzu Master, used to tell me an old fairy tale about how he mastered all of the elemental powers, but never Wind or Water." Wu explains.

"Why not?" Lloyd asks curiously. 

"He said those were not his to command. They belonged to someone else," Wu turns around to face the Ninja with a scroll in his hand. "To Wojira."

"Wojira," Zane echoes. "That name is familiar to us. If my database is correct, it was a storm spirit of some kind." Wu walks up to the table and sets the scroll down. 

"Wojira commanded the elements of Water and Wind. When combined, they became a force of destruction," Wu opens the scroll, to reveal the text on both ends of the scroll, and Wojira in the eye of the storm. She appeared to be fighting the person in the scroll, who was throwing something at it. There also appeared to be two objects in Wojira's head. "The Fury of the Storm."

Katarina points to the serpent in the scroll. "That's Wojira?"

"I believe so." Wu nods. 

"What does it say?" Cole asks. 

"Very little, I'm afraid," Wu looks over the text carefully. "It says here that the First Spinjitzu Master conquered her with the help of the Merlopians."

"I have no mention of the word "Merlopian" in any of my databases." Zane points out. 

"They were a sea folk. They lived here before my father came, but there is little else known about them," Wu picks up a magnifying glass and leans down close to the scroll to read the words. "In the midst of the battle, a Merlopian warrior with a trident and a helmet rose from the depths of the great ocean, and pried from the great serpent's head two amulets; An amulet of Storm, and an amulet of Wave. And the seas grew calm, and the great serpent fell into a deep slumber."

"An amulet of Storm. Like the one on the Island of the Keepers?" Lloyd wonders aloud. 

"So Nya's powers are linked to Wojira? Or these amulets?" Jay asks. 

Wu nods with a shrug of his shoulders. "It's possible. I don't know. We need to find someone who does."

"Who?" Zane asks. Wu looks over to Kai. 

"What about your mother? She was the elemental master of water before Nya. She might be able to help Nya regain control of her powers." Wu suggests to the Fire Ninja. 

Kai looks down at the table and sighs reluctantly. "Nya and Mom aren't that close. They hardly know each other. Our parents were gone most of our childhood."

"They were imprisoned by Krux." Zane points out. 

"Yeah, you can't exactly blame them." Cole says to Kai, who nods with understanding. 

"I don't. But it doesn't change the fact that we grew up on our own. Nya is pretty independent, in case you haven't noticed." Kai finishes with a chuckle. Everyone nods in agreement. 



"This is a fact."

"I'm sure that she will understand," Wu smiles. "Nya is reasonable."

Katarina tilts her head at Wu. "We've known her for how long?"

Out in the courtyard, Nya was brutally and relentlessly training with a sparring dummy in order to get her frustrations out. Kai appears out of the Monastery and carefully approaches her. "Hey, sis."

She quickly glances at him for only a second. "What's up, Kai?" He waves a hand while he nervously chuckles. 

"Oh, nothing," He goes up to the sparring dummy and holds onto it with a nervous smile. "Say now, I was just talking to Master Wu, about your little problem, and he had an interesting idea."

"What interesting idea?" She asks with suspicion in her voice, while she reels her fist back.

"Uh, he thought maybe you should consider calling ... Mom."

She breathes heavily. "Mom? Why?" She lands a punch on the dummy. He holds onto the dummy tighter in response to her violent and brutal attacks. 

"She was the Elemental Master of Water before you. You know, she can help, offer advice, or something?" He offers. She growls at the offer. 

"I don't need help. I can figure it out! I just need to relax a bit."

One punch.

"Find my focus again."

A second punch.


A third punch. 

He nods with understanding, but he still had to persuade her in order to get her to listen and realize that she needed help from her mother. A mother she never really grew close with and probably never made the effort to. "I'm just saying, she might know something. She might be able to fix your little problem."

"I don't have a problem. I made one mistake, okay? A teensy tiny mistake and it won't happen again!" She punches the sparring dummy again. This time, one of its bars breaks and was sent flying into a wall. He ducks out of the way just in time to avoid it. He rubs the back of his neck nervously. 

"I'm gonna go ... do something else." Realizing her anger got the best of her, Nya tries to reach out for him and apologize, but he already disappeared into the Monastery. She growls again with frustration and punches the sparring dummy furiously until it breaks down to its metal hilt. She laughs as she breathes heavily. 

"Who's losing control now?! Not me!" Nya huffs, and walks away from the destroyed sparring dummy. She'll deal with that later, once she cools down, that is. She walks back into the Monastery to take a bit of a breather, passing by the bathroom as she does. 

Suddenly, the toilet water in the bathroom shoots up, and the person inside the bathroom screams in total shock. She stops in her tracks. "Oh no! The toilet's exploding! Someone help!" She realizes what was happening in the bathroom and what her powers had done, and she runs away. "Why?!"

She runs towards the kitchen, where Zane was, and stops in her tracks again when she sees what he was doing. He was in front of the sink with a stack of dishes, and the sink was full of water. As he was about to grab a dish, the faucet bursts with water, causing her to whimper and run away before he could adress her. 

She runs inside the relaxation room, where Cole was playing his video games. She slams the door shut, and takes a few breaths. Her eyes set on three bottles of water, and she gasps. Her hand reaches to open the sliding door again, and she was finally able to open the door and escape just as the water bottles full of water shoot up into the air and dart this way and that. One of them manages to hit Cole in the process. "OW!"

Nya walks out of the Monastery and towards the gates, preparing to head out. The Ninja and Wu go after her. "Nya, we need to talk." Wu says to her gently. She looks down on the ground with guilt. Someone knocks on the gate doors and she sighs tiredly. 

"I'll get it." She reaches for the knob and opens the gates. She gasps when she sees the people in front of her. There was Maya, with her long wavy jet black hair that was accompanied by a few grey hairs. She was wearing a light blue kimono with a black shirt underneath and with dark blue pants and black boots. There was a beige belt around her waist, and there were wave-like patterns on her kimono.

"Nya dear, oh, you poor thing!" Maya rushes towards her daughter and holds her face in her hands. "Look at you! Kai told me all about what's happening and I don't want you to worry anymore. Whatever it is, we're gonna figure it out, you and me, mother and daughter, working together. I'll be with you every single moment of every day, until we figure this out."

Maya hugs her daughter tightly for a few seconds, before releasing her and looking behind her. "Bring the bags, Ray!" Everyone widens their eyes when they see a mountain of bags that Ray was carrying. Maya walks up to Kai, and asks, "Oh, Kai, which way is Nya's room?"

Kai looks around the Monastery for a quick second before pointing in the direction of his sister's room. "Oh, uh, that way." Maya smiles and walks towards Nya's room. Ray stumbles behind her whilst buried underneathe all that luggage. 

"Hi, son. Good to see you." Ray extends a hand out for Kai to shake. Kai shakes his father's hand as he puts on a nervous glance. 

"Hi... Dad. Do you, need a hand?" If Ray was shaking his head, he couldn't tell. 

"Oh, no, I've got it! I'm... good." His father manages to keep his strength up and follow after his wife whilst carrying all that luggage, and Kai smiles. 

Nya, however, was pissed. Really pissed. She had a look on her face that Wu and the others knew all too well. It was her 'You have five seconds to run before I kill you' face. "Kai." The Ninja hide behind Wu, terrified, but Wu was also terrified. Kai, who was used to this by now, just smiles. 


Nya breathes a bit heavily, her fists white and shaking with anger. "I'm gonna kill you!" 

Kai's smile falls and he laughs nervously, before turning around and making a run for it. The chase went from around the courtyard to inside the Monastery in seconds, until a yell rings out from somewhere inside. She caught him, and she was definitely going to beat him up for calling Maya without her consent. 

"Well, someone's dead," Cole remarks. "It was nice knowing him."

"I'm going to plan his funeral," Jay says. "His tombstone should say 'Here lies Kai Smith. Cause of death: Nya Smith'."

Zane chuckles. "In hindsight, he should've seen this coming. He brought this upon himself." Everyone nods in agreement. 

"Agreed." Lloyd nods. "Should we help him?"

Katarina shakes her head. "Nah. The only person who can help him now is the First Spinjitzu Master, Lloyd. Anyhoos, wanna help get their parents settled in?" Everyone nods at the idea. 

"Oh yeah!"



While everyone heads back inside to help Ray and Maya get settled in, Kai screams, "Guys! Help! She's not showing any mercy this time!"

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