You Belong To Me

By writingandreading205

521 2 1

Octavia Dawson is a girl that strives for danger,suspense and adventure. She is haunted by her evil past that... More

Heads up!!!!!!!


19 0 0
By writingandreading205

Octavias pov

Enzo got discharged a week ago and man he has been touchy. The thing is we are even labeled as anything.

Am I delusional?

Yes-Okay I didn't need you to answer that.

But it's the truth-Zioa hold your tounge.

We are currently sitting in his bed watching some Sam and Colby and he's really intrigued with the Conjuring ones, i'm going to force him to watch the movies.

"Have you watched the Conjuring movies?" I ask him watching Sam do some Estes method.

"Theres movies?" He mumbles and I hear his heart rate go up since my head is on his chest.

"No duh." I lift my head and look at him as he rolls his eyes.

"Do not roll your eyes at me Lorenzo." I point my finger in his face and he smirks at me.

"Yes ma'am." He looks at me smirking as I roll my eyes and put my head back on his chest.

His hand travels from the high part of my back to the middle and down to my ass, I pretend I don't notice as he plays with the waistband of my leggings.

His hand reaches inside of my leggings and I raise my head to look at him and he immediately looks down at my lips.

I look down at his and then back to his eyes and he grabs the back of my head pushing my head into this kiss.

I ain't complaining- yeah because you're a whore.

Our tongues fight for dominance and his finally won as he takes a breath and finds my sweet spot on my neck making me moan, his hands travelling around my body making me go crazy.

He takes off his shirt and I immediately start blushing, his tattoos are showing as his abs and arms flex.

He slowly takes off my shirt and kisses down my jaw to my cleavage, kissing the valley between my breasts.

His hands peeling off the material on my legs and he flips us, his silver chain dangling down from his neck making me wet.


Enzo comes back from the shower with the white towel hanging dangerously low on his sharp v-line.

"You looking like you want round 2 princess." He smirks at me as he walks closer to me wrapped up in his sheets.

"No thank you darling." I smile at his as his smirks down and its replaced with a smile.

"Darling?" He walks into his walk in closet and gets changed into a compression shirt with grey sweatpants.

I whistle at him and he turns around and jumps on me.

"I think you just broke all 200 bones in my body." He rolls his eyes at me.

"You calling me fat?" He asks and I smile sheepishly.

"Take it however." He grabs my head and leans in before taking all the air out of my lungs and standing up.

"I got to go to work, I'll see you later princess." With that he leaves and closes the door, leaving me all alone.

I walk into my room and I find Manon, I let him into Enzo's room and let him cuddle with me.

"Aw baby, you're my big baby." I talk to him in a baby voice as he licks my face.

"Manon you eat hundreds of bugs, do not lick me." He stands on top of me and starts licking my face constantly.

"MANON!" His tail wags as he keeps torturing me, I lightly push him off and he sits down laying down beside me.

I put on some more Sam and Colby and cuddle with Manon.
It's been 7 hours since i've last seen Enzo, god I sound obsessed-because you are-Zioa shut the flip up.

It's been lonely to say the least, he literally fucks me and then leaves? who the fuck does that?

At least I got my favourite dog ever.

I go on my phone and click Kali's contact.

"What's up girl." She speaks into the speaker

"Nothing, wanna go for a drive to the beach?" I ask her, I stand up and kind of regret calling but ill push through.

"Yeah, can you pick me up?" She asks and I say yes and we hang up.

Im dressed in a white sundress with pink flowers on it, my white bikini beneath it with my hair half up half down.

I leave a note saying I went to the beach and I took Manon with me, we get in my truck and drive to her house.

I pick her up and shes on about her ex cheating boyfriend stalking her.

"Want me to kill him?" I say and then silence is all we hear.

"I'm joking obviously." I wave her off and laugh as she starts laughing.

We get to beach and take Manon out on a leash since no one is here.

"I feel like you and Matt would be such a cute couple." I say and she scrunches her eyebrows together.

"At the hospital he kept looking at me and smirking." She says and I immediately jump up and down.

"Ouu girlll." I say and she rolls her eyes

We decided we want to go to swimming, we strip from our clothes down to our bikini and we run into the water with Manon running after us.

We submerged in the water when I come up for air and I see Matt and Enzo coming out on the beach.

Kali soon comes up for air and looks at me smiling.

"Why do you look like you're constipated?" She asked me confused and looks behind me and her eyes double in size.

"Why are Matt and Enzo here Octavia?" She glares at me when I smile innocently.

"I just said I was going to the beach I didn't expect them to come here." She splashes me with water as the boys sit down where we were.

Manon runs up to Enzo as he shakes and gets water on Enzo.

His eyes travel up into the water and then they meet my eyes, he smirks a little before turning back to emotionless.

"Get on my shoulders." Kali says and I look at her confused.

She goes under the water and rises me up 100 feet in the air.

"Kali.. I swear if you drop me you're dead." I threaten as she laughs.

"I would never drop you." I roll my eyes and she walks to the shallow end of the beach and still has me wobbling on her shoulders.

"KALI!" I yell as she lunges forward and throws me back into the water.

I rise up from air and give her a death stare as she laughs at me.

I run over to her and tackle her on the sand and drag her back to water.

"Octavia no let me go!" She yells for help but no one moves to help her.

I see Matt smirking at her and Enzo just starring at my body.

"Kali you do know that I drag a lot of body's." She looks at me and then laughs, sicko.

I let go of her and she stands up getting water to wash off the sand from her ass.

"Manon come here buddy." Manon looks my way before racing over to me and litteraly running me over.

Kali burts out in laughter as I am in pain and Manon is giving me sorry kisses.

I wash him off and he runs back to Enzo as Kali talks to me.

"You know you and Enzo are kind of like parents?" I look at her confused and she explains

"Like of Manon, he loves you both so your kind of parents."

"Oh shut up." I roll my eyes and push her shoulder and she and I start walking to the rats- the boys.

"Hi ladies." Matt speaks up first and Kali smiles at him as I look back at Enzo and is starring at me.

"Hi Matthew." I say and he snaps his head to me.

"Matthew. I like it." He smiles and turns his attention back to Kali.

I sit on my knees and then my calfs as Enzo is still looking at emotionless.

"Hi darling." I say and put a towel around my figure and he watches me like his prey.

"Hello princess." He says coldly and I know something is off.

"Want to go for a wall?" I ask or more like a demand and he stands up and we walk side by side down the beach, once we are far enough from those two I start talking.

"What's up?" I ask him as he still looks forward.

"Nothing." He mumbles putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah like I believe that." I roll my eyes as he looks down at me and back forward.

"Nothing for you to loose sleep over." He says and I now have an attitude because this man wont tell me whats bothering him.

Little fuck ass- he doesn't have a small ass. Infact he has a juicy booty. Trust me I've looked.

"Whatever." I mumble and keep walking, keeping up with his long strides and turn around and walk back to Kali and Matt.

"You mad princess?" He teases me smirking knowijg its making me mad.

"Nothing to be mad about." I empathize the "Nothing" and he dryly chuckles. How was this man so sassy and know he's laughing. Bipolar.

"Exactly." I roll my eyes and speed walk back to them and collect out stuff.

"Want a ride home?" I ask Kali and she looks confused and then nods her head, we pack up all of our stuff and I drive her home.

"Bye boo." She yells as she shuts my door.

"Bye!!" I yell back louder so she could hear me and I drive to the house.

I get in and let Manon run around and then go upstairs to my room and take a shower.

I do my skin care and get dressed and feed Manon and put on some Vampire Diaries and fall asleep.

Its been an hour and I cant keep sleeping, I fall asleep but then I wake up.

I hate you insomnia.

It's currently 2 am and I still havent been able to go to bed.

I hear my door opening and pull out my gun and holding it against the figure.

The light flickers on and Enzo is there crossing his arms over his naked chest and my eyes lead down to his grey sweatpants.

"Take a picture it lasts longer." I roll my eyes and roll over in my bed so my back faces his stupid- handsome- face.

He closes the door and turns off the light and climbs into bed with me.

"Why are you here Enzo?" I ask him and he takes a moment before speaking up.

"Becuase I missed you."He says and I take a deep breath and turn around.

"Really?" I ask unconvinced and he smirks at me.

"Really." He comfirmes and tries to pull me up but I sit up.

"Tell me what was bothering you earlier and then ill cuddle with you." I cross my arms and he rolls on his back and rolls his eyes.

"Princess I told you it's nothing to loose sleep over." He says with his tired voice.

"Tell me." I demand and he looks at me and smirks.

"Your hot when your mad." He says and rubs his hand on my thigh and I push it off.

"Tell me." I say darkly and he huffs

"The American mafia is trying to steal our-" He gets cut off by gunshots going off. In his house.

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