Love On The Sidelines

By shan_lw6

89.8K 2.5K 162

Courtney is trying to find her way in the new city and a new way of life. Leah is trying to figure out where... More



5.9K 87 2
By shan_lw6

note: this is a little out my comfort zone, I won't lie. I've never really wrote anything like this with an original character but I hope you guys like it and it isn't awful 🙈

Taking a deep breath, she lets out a long sigh as she glances around what is supposed to eventually be her living room but at the moment resembles more of a store stock room with the way the boxes are piled up against the walls. Running her hands over her face, she shakes her head and makes her way out of the room, closing the door behind her in an attempt to forget everything she needs to do to make this house into a home.

'What's going on? I thought we were unpacking tonight?' Elenor asks watching as the brunette makes her way towards where she's standing in the kitchen.

'Fuck unpacking... I need a drink. Let's go get absolutely pissed before I need to be a responsible adult again tomorrow.' The brunette replies grabbing her bag off the counter where Elenor is leaning.

'Courtney, just wait a minute... What's going on? What's happened?' Elenor asks.

'Nothing I just- I can't face unpacking, El. How am I supposed to make this place our home when I feel so, so far from home?' Courtney says turning to face the blonde in front of her who sighs.

'Court... You know you don't have to do this, right? You can come back home. You'll make it work; we'll make it work.' Elenor says softly as she rests her hand on her best friend's shoulder.

'I can't though... I tried to make it work, I tried to just get over it but I can't so here I am. This is what I need, this is what we all need.' Courtney replies.

'I'll make you a deal... We'll go to that little pub down the road we spotted and we'll have some dinner, a few wines but then we come back and we unpack. It's gonna feel much worse if you need to do it all on your own when I head back home tomorrow.' Elenor says and the brunette nods her head.

'A few wines then we'll unpack.' Courtney confirms.


'Can you at least put a smile on your face and act like you want to be here? Losing Jords has been shitty but we have these three amazing new players to welcome into the fold and you're going to scare them away with your scowl.' Katie says slapping her hand on the blonde's shoulder who groans.

'I told you I wasn't in the mood to come.' Leah replies rolling her eyes.

'And I told you to suck it up... What were you going to be doing if you didn't come? Be moping in your apartment, feeling sorry for yourself because Jordy has done what's best for her and moved to get game time?' Katie asks.

'You have no idea what's really gone on, do you?' Leah says raising her eyebrows at the Irish defender.

'What do you mean? No idea about what?' Katie asks causing the blonde to shake her head as she shrugs Katie's hand off her arm.

'It doesn't matter. I'm going to the bar.' Leah replies shaking her head as she turns her back on the brunette and makes her way over to the bar, ignoring the fact that Katie is following close behind her.

'No, you don't get to say something like that and then just walk away. What's going on with you, Leah? You've not been yourself for weeks, we've all picked up on it?' Katie says softly as the blonde leans on the bar and closes her eyes.

'I don't want to talk about it... Not here, not now.' Leah replies shaking her head as the bartender makes her way over.

'What can I get you ladies?' She asks causing Leah to smile slightly.

'I'll have a gin and lemonade, whatever she's having and two shots of tequila.' Leah says glancing at Katie.

'Oh uh- Same as her.' Katie replies and the bartender nods her head. She makes herself busy making their drinks while Katie turns to face the blonde, concern clear on her face as she watches her bite her bottom lip.

'Tequila? Things really that bad?' Katie asks.

'Mm-hmm...' Leah replies sliding one of the shots towards Katie as soon as the bartender has placed them in front of her.

'Le, I don't know if I've had enough to drink for this.' Katie says shaking her head as she watches the blonde down her shot without even flinching.

'Fine... Don't take it then.' Leah replies reaching for the shot she'd placed in front of the brunette.

'Le, look at me... What's going on in that head of yours? This isn't like you.' Katie says as she takes hold of the shot.

'You told me to act like I want to be here so here I am.' Leah replies shrugging her shoulders.

'Not like this. I thought we'd just have a nice dinner, a drink or two... Not downing shots at quarter last five, Le. You're gonna make the new girls think you're some kind of alcoholic.' Katie says.

'Fuck what anyone thinks, Katie. I don't care anymore.' Leah replies.


'Court, we are not doing shots of tequila at this time.' Elenor says causing her friend to groan.

'You're such a bore... Come on, let's live a little.' Courtney replies sliding the shot towards her friend who immediately shakes her head.

'No, dinner and a few wines we said.' Elenor says placing her hand over the top of the glasses to prevent the brunette from taking them.

'That's what I've been trying to tell this one but she's already downed two.' Katie says causing Elenor to glance over her shoulder at the two women also at the bar.

'Want another?' Courtney asks leaning on hee tiptoes to get a better view of the blonde who has her hands clasped round a gin glass.

'Why not... At least someone knows how to have fun around here.' Leah replies, a slight smile on her face as she makes her way around the others to find Courtney.

'Leah...' The blonde says sticking her hand out.

'Courtney... Nice to meet you.' Courtney replies smiling. Sighing, Elenor slides the shots towards the two women who grin at each other.

'Never in our friendship have I had to be the sensible one.' Elenor says shaking her head causing Katie to laugh.

'Neither have I.' Katie replies.

'Are you guys here on holiday or? That doesn't sound like a London accent.' Elenor asks causing Katie to smile.

'Could say the same to you... I'm from Dublin, moved here for work so now I live here.' Katie replies.

'Mm... I'm only here to help her settle in. We're both from Glasgow but she's moved here. We were meant to be unpacking but here we are. She'll probably be too pissed by the time we get home and I'll need to unpack for her.' Elenor says smiling.

'How do you guys know each other? Are you sisters?' Katie asks causing Elenor to shake her head.

'Nah, we grew up together. I've known Court since I was like 5.' Elenor replies and Katie smiles.

'Le and I work together... She's not normally like this. We were supposed to be out for a works dinner but she's clearly not participating.' Katie says sighing as she watches the blonde down another shot.

'Court isn't normal like this either... She's uh- She's went through a lot over the past few years but she normally is the sensible one out of us all.' Elenor says and Katie nods her head.

'I'm just gonna pop over and let our friends know they can order without us... Can you make sure she doesn't run off anywhere before I get back?' Katie asks glancing at Leah as Elenor nods her head.

'Of course.' Elenor replies.


'Right, let's get you home.' Katie says as she grabs the blonde's jacket.

'I'm not drunk... I'm just- I'm having a good time.' Leah replies causing the brunette to laugh.

'You're right, you're not drunk... You're absolutely pissed, Le. We've got training in the morning and you're gonna feel like shit when you wake up so let's try get you as much sleep as we can, yeah?' Katie says noticing Eleanor also trying to persude Courtney to leave. They've spent the past four hours watching the two get drunker and drunker which has resulted in them becoming gigglier and flirtier. Katie knows all too well that Leah's levels of fame have shot up in the past six months since she won the Euros and she's conscious of the fact that anyone could take pictures of the blonde and they'd be all over social media.

'I'm having fun with my new friend.' Leah replies pouting as she gestures to Courtney.

'And I'm sure you'll see Courtney again soon. She's moved here so you'll probably see her around.' Katie says causing Leah to groan. They say their goodbyes and Katie helps Leah out the pub and begins the walk towards the blonde's flat.

'What's going on with you, Le?' Katie asks wrapping her arm around the blonde and pulling her into her side.

'Jords and I broke up.' Leah admits.

'What? When did that happen? Is this because she's left?' Katie asks causing Leah to sigh.

'No, it was before Christmas... We didn't actually spend Christmas together.' Leah replies shaking her head..

'Oh, Le... Why didn't you say anything? We've all been acting like you guys were still together. That must have been so hard for you both.' Katie says.

'I just- It wasn't working anymore, we weren't working anymore and that doesn't mean I don't still love her as a friend.' Leah replies and Katie nods her head.

'It must be hard. You guys were so close for so long, I don't remember a time when you weren't close.' Katie says.

'It's shit.' Leah replies and Katie nods her head.

'I'm gonna stay with you tonight... You're a bit too drunk for my liking and I'm not 100% convinced that you'll make it to training in the morning.' Katie says.

'I'm sorry.' Leah mumbles, tears filling her eyes as she shakes her head.

'You've got nothing to be sorry for, Le. I just- I wish you'd told me sooner and we could've been there for you more.' Katie says softly.


Sitting beside the blonde on the bed, Katie sighs as she runs her fingers through her hair as tears stream down the blonde's cheeks. She's never seen Leah like this; Leah is usually the strong and sensible one out of the team so to see her being so vulnerable.

'Try get some sleep, Le...' Katie almost whispers as the blonde's head rests on her knee.

'I'm a mess.' Leah mumbles.

'No, you're just drunk and sad. But that's okay, this won't last forever.' Katie says softly.

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