The Great Divide // Justin Bi...

By justinsmia

66K 2.1K 888

It's now the year of 3021, Aliens have now been discovered and they came down to earth thinking they would be... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Your Opinion
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
The Great Divide Cast/important authors note !!

Chapter 11.

1.9K 73 20
By justinsmia


"We should split up," Sydney gave Cade that 'really' look. I giggled.

"Haven't you seen enough scary movies to know that every time the friends split up, they all die one by one." She stated.

"Yeah but it's not like we're gonna die! If we split up there's a better chance of-" Cade was cut off by a loud voice.

"Hey! What're you kids doing here!" One guard yelling at us, caught the other guards attention.

They ran at us and Cade turned to us.

"Justin you and Sydney go and find Mia, Me, Tea, Anthony, Leah, and Carlos will fight these guards off." He told us as the guards got closer to us.

"Go! Run! Find Mia!" Me and Sydney turned to face each other and dashed off.


We've been running forever and We were worried for the others but they called telling us they got rid of the guards, they didn't tell us how exactly but we know they did.

"Where could she be?!" We stopped in an alley for a little break and my eyes wandered around. There was the way we came into the alley and one way out of it.

We walked out of it, deciding to not run. "She has to be- Oomff." My words were cut short because I tripped and fell. I knew the tears were coming, and I tried so hard to keep them in.

"Justin come on, get up. Don't cry," Sydney helped me off the floor and I sniffled wiping under my eyes.

"I w-want m-ia..." I whispered, sniffling. "We have to find her first, then you can have her all to yourself."

"She's be-en away f-f-f-rom me t-oo long.." I whispered once again, my body suddenly feeling weak.

"Justin, come on. Stay with me," Sydney held me up. I was slowly losing my balance and I just need my mates touch and love.

"We n-need to f-f-fin-find her." I blinked rapidly, feeling really dizzy.

"What the..." Sydney trailed picking up a rock. It had blood on it. "You think this is..Mia's b-blood." She gulped.

I furrowed my eye brows leaning forward. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Give m-e it, if I smell it and it's Mia's blood the-then I can f-f-f-ollow the scent." she handed me the rock and I inhaled.

"It's Mia's, c'mon." I sniffed the air and the scent led to the right, we walked and turned a corner and then another corner, being face to face with a metal door.

A very familiar one.

"She's with them," I whispered to myself smiling. "What?" Asked Sydney.

"Follow me."


"Do they fear any other things? C'mon I need weak spots, that's the only way to defeat them completely."

Jackie told me as she attempted to cover up all the cuts and bruises Mia gave her with makeup.

It didn't help much.

"Well their main fear is losing each other.." I explained. "Hey," Lizbeth started, "Why don't we just get revenge on one person?" She asked.

"Because it's no fun, duh." Jackie said putting in her hoop earrings. Remembering something Mia said about hoop earrings made me laugh, maybe too loud.

"What's so funny?" Jackie spat.

"Well, Mia once said 'the bigger the hoop the bigger the hoe' and you putting them on made me think of it," I shrugged.

"So I'm a hoe?" She asked arching her brow.

"Yeah, pretty much."

She rolled her eyes. "Shut the fuck up, what else is Mia scared of. She's scared of losing her little alien and I already took care of that. I know she's afraid of losing her friends, and I'm saving that for later, is there anything else?"

"Well there is one thing.." I trailed not wanting to tell Jackie and Lizbeth her biggest fear, knowing they'll go overboard.

"What? C'mon don't keep secrets, tell me." Jackie and Lizbeth smirked.



I pulled open the heavy metal door, letting Sydney walk in then quietly let it shut behind me.

"Where are we? This place is fucking pitch black." Sydney looked around, I could see cause you know, the perks of being an alien is having night vision.

But you can control it when you want to use it and when you don't so you could sleep and stuff.

"Well I can see, a-and I can smell her so I know exactly where s-he is." Sydney followed behind me.

"That's kinda odd you can like follow her scent and stuff, I thought only werewolves could do that stuff."

"D-Do not talk of a werewolf like th-ier so c-ool and stuff, some of Those thi-ngs are mea-n. Tr-ust me, I knew a f-f-f-ew." I huffed, following the scent trying to concentrate.

The wolves I knew were evil, they disliked humans and not many wolves dislike humans, Some even have mates that are humans, and that's a reason that I didn't like the wolves I knew.

The beta in their pack had a mate, she was human. They attacked her one night when the beta was on a mission, he came back and was heart broken. Soon after, he died because without his mate he was nothing. He was weak.
Aliens and werewolves have little in common, but you just can never trust wolves.

"Romeo get back here!" I heard my Mia's cute little giggles that brought a bright smile to my face. "Who's Rom-" I cut Sydney off.

"Sh!" I glared at her, "Just wait."

"Kids! Come here real quick," I heard Mrs. Victoria's voice.

"Mommy we're playing!"

"Okay, okay. Keep playing then, but you all will eat." I heard loud laughter.

"C'mon, it's time." I slowly walked farther down the hallway, and was met with an opening and saw Mia, Brooklyn and his siblings running around.

"T-ag your it!" Said Brooklyn tagging Mia. I growled, seeing him touch her. "Sh- Shoes!" Mia stomped, stopping herself from saying a bad word.

She better stop herself from saying a bad word.

"Wait," Brooklyn sniffed the air furrowing his eye brows. "Someone's here...."

Mia looked around. "Who?Where?" He grabbed her arm, and walked her closer to where me and Sydney were hiding. I gripped the wall, stopping myself from stomping over to them and tearing his hand off my mate but I won't.

He will know she's Mine though.

He was now right next to us, he turned his head and saw me and Sydney. Both of us stepped out the darkness. His eyes lit up and he attacked me in a big hug.

"Justin! Wh-ere have you been mate?" His British accent made me chuckle, it just sounded so...i don't even know. He pulled away and was right next to Mia and Sydney who were hugging and talking as well.

Hey! She said when we find her that I'll have her all to myself.

"Dude, I was tal-king to you." Brooklyn pushed my shoulder a bit getting my attention again.

"Wh-y are you staring at Mia?" He asked laughing.

"She's my mate. That's the whole reason why I'm here." His jaw dropped and I smirked.

"Princess," I called and she stopped mid-sentence into her conversation with Sydney.

"Jay!" She ran up to me and jumped in my arms. My whole body tingled, and I purred loving the feeling of just being near her and hugging her.

"I missed you so much Jay," She moved her head from my neck and looked at me.

"I missed y-ou too." She smiled and pecked my lips. I wanted more and whimpered as she pulled away and pouted.


Me and Brooklyn were just standing there awkwardly next to each other. "Hi, I'm Sydney Mia's best friend." I thought I should speak first, you know, introduce myself.

He looked down at me and smiled. my cheeks got hot, and I just knew I was blushing. "I'm Justin's best friend Brooklyn. And your so..." He trailed off looking at me.

"I'm what?" I asked nervously.

"So Beautiful." Yeah I was most definitely as red as a tomato right now.

"T-Thank you. Your beautiful too- I-I mean hot, Uhm handsome uh- shit." I scolded myself in my head for stuttering so much and embarrassing myself in front of him.

He laughed at me. "Its okay love, I know what you meant." I looked down.

He's fucking attractive.


Sydney was so stunning and every time she talked or smiled I just knew I had to have her be mine.

I just met her and I already felt a strong connection and I just want her to be mine, and to just feel her touch, just be loved by her.

The first time I thought I had a mate, it backfired. I'm a little scared to think I might have a mate again then get heart broken.

But just by meeting her today and getting to know her a bit, I know she would never hurt me and I would never hurt her.

Justin will eventually tell me how he met Mia though. He had to, I wanna know.


I saw Sydney and Brooklyn flirting (😏) as they sat and talked on the couch while we waited for everyone to get here. I was straddling Justin, playing with his hair as he had his eyes closed relaxing.

He loved when I did that.

"Princess," I stopped messing with his hair, and focused on what he had to say. "I was s-so scared that on-once you were t-taken away that I-I would lose you forever and I would die cause you weren't with me and by myself." She frowned.

"Baby, if you wouldn't have found me I would've found my own way out and went straight to you. I'm pretty sure Brooklyn and his parents would show me out of here if you guys wouldn't have found me first." He nodded.

"I-I know but I was starting to get weak, until I found your blood on a ro-ck. What ha-happened to you-r cheek by the way?" I laughed and he looked at me confused.

"Funny story actually, I was walking just minding my own business when BOOM! I fell on my face and scratched my cheek on a rock. Thats when Brook found me and I ended up here," I nodded.

"You did-n't tell me Justin wa-s your mate!" Brooklyn said, huffing.

"I didn't know you two knew each other, so it's not my fault." I turned around hearing loud voices.

"Mia! You better be in here!" It was the others, They finally made it.

"Shit! I need to hi-" I was roughly pulled back.

"No cursing." Justin gave me a stern look, looking in my eyes. I looked away afraid I'll turn to stone, Haha just kidding.

"Sorry now let go, please." I said wiggling in his arms trying to hide from the others. "No." He pulled me back on his lap and held me there until everyone came in.

"Let goooooooo!!" I groaned. "No, this is punishment for you cursing. You have to sit with me and not go anywhere." I was kinda scared that he didn't stutter, the only times when he doesn't stutter is when he's mad or really concentrated on one thing.

I guess I can't curse around him, I don't like making him mad.

"Sorry," I smiled a bit. "It's o-kay," He smiled back and began playing my hair.

"Mia!" Tea and Leah ran up to me and I tried to get up and hug them but Justin held me down. "He won't let me go, says its punishment. So I can't get up," I laughed.

They bent down and gave me warm hugs. I sighed it's been a while since I've seen everyone and I missed them.

"Okay, Th-at's enough hug-ging." Justin pushed them off of me and nuzzled his head in my neck.

"Justin their girls and my best friends, chill." He scoffed.

"They can still take you away from me," He mumbled into my neck, and I giggled cause his hair was tickling me.



Justin sighed but let me go to hug Anthony. Me and Anthony have been best friends longer than I have been with any one else. And if I did have any friends before him I don't talk with them no more.

I pulled away from Anthony and smirked. "Did you do what I told you to do?" I whispered in his ear. "No I wanted to wait till we got you back," I smiled.

"Good, cause I have a better prank to play on her." We both evilly smirked and I said hi to everyone else, me and Anthony's evil plan on my mind the whole time.


"Bye Brook," I hugged him and his adorable cute little siblings. Of course Justin was growling at them all but he was chill after a while.

I smirked and moved my eye brows up and down at Sydney as Brooklyn gave her his number.

We exit the building and Sydney quickly speed walked up to me and the girls. "He gave me his number, omg he's just so fine and good to have conversations with." I shook my head.

She's whipped.

"Sydney's got a crush," Leah teased and Sydney's cheeks got red and she pouted at Leah.

"Leave me alone." we all laughed.


"So how do we get out?" I asked Justin looking up at him interrupting his conversation with the boys.

"Through there." He pointed at a wall. I laughed. "A wall?"

"Ju-st, C'mon." He grabbed my hand and we jogged up to the 'wall' and he opened it ?

"OH ITS A-" His hand slapped over my mouth. "They st-ill have guards. Quiet." I nodded and crawled in the tunnel and looked around.

This is childish as hell, but the dark scares me and gives me the creeps. And it's cold in the tunnel.

"Princess i-its okay. Grab my hand, I can see." Justin said, I furrowed my eye brows. He can see in the dark ?



We finally made it to the car and I sighed looking back as the last person got out the tunnel and shut the secret door. Brooklyn and his family need to seriously leave that place and come live in my neighborhood.

"Princess, get in b-before a-any of the guards see y-ou." I nodded and got in the shutting the door and sitting on Justin's lap. We have 2 Escalades, ones red and black.

We're in the black one, i mean they're both big (that's what she said 😂) but I still had to sit on his lap even if we did have enough room for us all he'd make me.

"So, my brothers ? What happened to them," I asked to no one in particular, but Sydney answered by handing me her phone.

"Call them." She demanded and I nodded dialing Bubba's number.

"Hello ?" He sounded confused, probably cause he doesn't have Sydney's number in his phone and he didn't know who it was.

"Bubba, it's me." I smiled.

"Oh my god they got you back! Bro! Mia's on the phone!" He yelled, I flinched and turned down the volume a bit on her phone.

"Put her on speaker dumb ass!" I heard Fabian yell to him. "You shut the fuck up, I'm doing it." Bubba snapped back and I laughed.

It's hilarious hearing them argue.

"Mia! Are you okay baby girl?" I heard Mario question. "Yeah I'm fine now, I only have a few ouchies cause I'm clumsy and don't watch where I'm walking." I rolled my eyes at my own dumb self.

"Aye! Did you see how shitty Jackie's face looked after you were don't with her?" Fabian asked. "I didn't cause the fucking Mayor grabbed me before I could see how much damage I did," I rolled my eyes.

"Ow shit!" I screeched as Justin pinched my thigh extremely hard. He gave me a warning look, I just glared and went back to talking to my brother.

"What happened! Mia you better answer-"

"I'm okay," I said loudly into the phone. "Damn," I muttered quietly so Justin wouldn't hear. I didn't wanna get pinched again cause that crap hurts.

"Oh sorry, but we were thinking you could start MMA again...You know, win another belt?" I furrowed my eye brows.

"Why? What if I don't want to." I sassed.

"You loved the thrill of it, we know you did. We could see it in your eyes. C'mon pleaseeeeeee! You need something to get your mind off everything." Bubba said, I pursed my lips.

"Please babygirl," Mario knows I can't resist that nick name, that's what he's trying to do. He's trying to get me to do it by using that nick name.

"I'll....think about it." I sighed, and smiled at their cheers.

"Aight, well we'll be at your house later today. We also wanna meet the kid who stole my name." Bubba said, i rolled my eyes once again.

"Whatever, bye. Love you!"

"Love you too!!" They yelled and I quickly moved it from my ear hanging up. Damn.

"Phone please?" Sydney held her hand out and I smiled placing it in her hand. "Here, Little miss impatient." She shook her head smiling as we pulled in our driveway.

"Yay! We're home!!" I opened the door with the car still moving and ran out while Cade parked. "Mia! That's dangerous g-et back here!" Justin jumped out too chasing me to the house.

I looked back and didn't see him, I shrugged turning in front of me and jumped. He was staring me dead in the eye, he looked annoyed.

I laughed and coughed trying to cover it up. "You th-ink that wa-was funny hm?" I bit my lip and giggled a bit then took off running.

"Help!" I yelled running to Cade and jumped on him. "Run! He's coming!" I yelled hitting his back.

"Huh? Who's coming? What?" I pointed at Justin running at us. "Oh shit!" And he took off into the house. "Hide." he let me down and I ran off and ran to a random room that happened to be Tea's.

I opened the restroom door and jumped in the shower pulling the curtain closed. I heard footsteps and giggled a bit, I couldn't help it.

Sometimes I just laugh when I hide from people, I'm not sure why it's just funny to me.

The shower curtain was yanked open and Tea jumped. "Shit you scared me girl!" I put my finger up to my lips laughing.

"S-Sh, if Justin comes in tell him you don't know where I am. okay?" She nodded and closed the curtain again and the bathroom light clicked off.

Aw man! Not the dark again! 😂

"D-Do you know where M-Mia went?" I heard Justin's voice, and put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"N-No, I'm not sure where she went." Tea stuttered.

"Well th-then you wouldn't mi-nd me looking around ?" Damn it, he knows.

The restroom light flicked on and he opened and shuffled through the cabinets. Then the curtain was torn open and I was lifted up and thrown over his shoulder.

"Ah! Let me go!" I laughed hysterically, reaching out for Tea to help me but she just laughed and continued watching tv.

That's cold.

"You can never h-hide from me princess. I'll al-always find you," Justin smirked and dropped me on my bed.

"Now, I wa-wanna cuddle and watch mo-ovies." He said in a demanding tone.

"Yes sir," I smiled and turned on my Xbox getting on Netflix (🎮😉)

"What do you wanna watch Jay?" He shrugged.


"The Fox And The Hound!" I squealed and turned out the lights jumping in the bed and snuggling close to Justin.

"What-what's It about?" He asked.

"Sh, just watch."

"Okay," He pecked my lips and he pulled away pulling me as close to him as possible but made sure I could still see the TV.

I think I'm starting to....Love him.


OH 😯😏

She thinks she Loves Justin, not likes. Her feelings have gotten stronger 😏😉

Who was the unknown?



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