Prince In Darkness Sebastian...

By Destinychild27

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Just when life seemed like it was becoming perfect again, fate has a way of shifting and turning for the wors... More

Chapter 1: Trust is Irrelevant
Chapter 2: No One
Chapter 3: Prove it
Chapter 4: A Snakes Home
Chapter 5: Drowning in coffee
Chapter 6: Pinky Swear
Chapter 7: Still A Gaunt
Chapter 8: Magic's Time
Chapter 9: Trapped Hopes
Chapter 10: Wishing On a Star
Chapter 11: A Snakes Temptation
Chapter 12: Light to Dark
Chapter 13: Empty
Chapter 14: A Snakes Hope
Chapter 15: A Shores Relief
Chapter 16: Too Much
Chapter 17: Breaking The Laws
Chapter 18: Instructions
Chapter 19: Haunting me
Chapter 20: Ready
Chapter 21: Consequences
Chapter 22: Deek Moments
Chapter 23: Headmasters Office
Chapter 24: Broken Friends
Chapter 25: Shall We Begin
Chapter 26: Burn to Oblivion
Chapter 27: You Were Everything
Chapter 28: Falling Deeper
Chapter 29: Just Enough
Chapter 30: I Lost Everything
Chapter 31: I Remember
Chapter 32: Swim In Hell
Chapter 33: One Drink..... Again
Chapter 34: Alcohol Healing
Chapter 35: Hello Is Harder
Chapter 36: Anything But Perfect
Chapter 37: Old Flames
Chapter 38: Never Enough
Chapter 39: Secrets And Hopes
Chapter 40: Intimidation
Chapter 41: Saving Promises
Chapter 42: A Snakes Dinner
Chapter 43: Bloodline
Chapter 45: Let It Go
Chapter 46: Wake Up
Chapter 47: Dripping In Pain
Chapter 48: Red River
Chapter 49: Knock Knock
Chapter 50: I Said Yes
Chapter 51: Snake Blood
Chapter 52: Light Of Hope
Chapter 53: It Was Real
Chapter 54: Your My Moon
Chapter 55: Always For You
Chapter 56: I Promised, Didn't I
Chapter 57: Blame Me
Chapter 58: Going Home, Finally
Chapter 59: Redeemed
Chapter 60: Nine Long Years
Chapter 61: Lost Loyalty
Chapter 62: Choose
Chapter 63: Betrayal Of Hearts
Chapter 64: Deal With The Devil
Chapter 65: Once Was Hard Enough
Chapter 66: Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 67: Don't Look At Me Like That
Chapter 68: Punishing Storms
Chapter 69: Sweet Pain
Chapter 70: Breathe With Me
Chapter 71: Dying Protection
Chapter 72: Starts With A Lie
Chapter 73: You've Awakened Me
Chapter 74: Pull Me Back
Chapter 75: Jump
Chapter 76: Back To Hell
Chapter 77 : Lost In The Flames
Chapter 78: Light Or Darkness
Chapter 79: I Release You
Chapter 80: Chaos
Chapter 81: Pulling Some Strings

Chapter 44: One Step Closer

120 3 1
By Destinychild27

*Alora POV*

After Ominis father left the room, we were ushered up the stairs of the home, following behind their butler, Theordore, who took us to Ominis old bedroom.

It was nothing really special as far as bedrooms goes. The black furniture complimented the sleigh bed included with a few dressers off to the side. There was a brick fireplace in front of the bed with two chairs off to the sides. A bookcase in which I immediately went to with no thoughts. Running my hands along the spine of the books, noticing all of it in braille.

"Thank you, Theodore." Ominis said quietly behind me.

I didn't hear anything other than him stating that dinner would be in a few hours in which we were encouraged to attend, if not, then the food would be brought to our rooms as a request.

When the doors shut behind him, leaving me and Ominis finally alone, I felt the weight of my mistakes hit me whole.

What did I just do......

How do I get out of this now.......

I turned to see Ominis, beside himself. Standing awkwardly in his own room. His white orbs following the walls, till his eyes finally found me.

"This room...... hasn't changed from the moment I've left it..." He said quietly.


Our hearts, beating frantically together. Knowing deep down in this mess of chaos, one in which I've brought down on us both.

I wanted to crumble......

I wanted to shy away from the light.......

But there were no windows, just the chandelier illuminating a soft yellow light.

I looked around the room, taking it its features. Trying to picture him, living here. Waking up every morning, breathing in the air.

"Despite the circumstances..... your room is-.... quite nice." I said softly. I looked around again, in the other corner was a desk, a quill and paper at the ready with ink on the side.

"...really isn't much to it." He said, going to sit on the edge of the bed.

Shit....... I didn't even think of the bed situation......


"I told you."

I huffed out a breath, coming to sit on the opposite side of the bed, facing away from him as my eyes once again ran down the side of the bookcase.

Yes....... yes you did.........

"And once again........ I refuse to listen."

Ominis slightly chuckled, "Wouldn't be the first time, Alora."

I looked over my shoulder, his eyes facing towards the door.

"Bad habits don't die easily, I suppose......"

Silence seemed to fall in between the two of us.

There were only really two options in how I saw us getting out of this. One, we went through with everything and then after being admitted into the family they would have no issues letting me seek below.... or two.......... finding a way down there before the ceremony in hopes the woman is down there and willing to give us the information without complication and being caught. Either choice........... was risky and even then, was a gamble of fate.

"Alora listen......" He sighed, turning towards me in the bed, his one knee now laying on the mattress as he turned himself, "I-..........I-"

"What did your father mean by "rejected suitors", Ominis?" I interjected.

Not ready to have this conversation just yet.

"Nothing gets past you, does it..... I knew this conversation was going to come up-"

"Please Ominis, it's been...... waying heavy on my mind since we left the room."

"Yes well, it's not necessarily a conversation that's easily to have Alora. But since you are now wrapped in this whole heartly........ as you know, my family is based off traditional marriages that are arranged by family. Ever since I interjected my life back into the Gaunts name, my name has been on the ballot to find a suitor to carry on the Gaunt legacy. Marvolo should be next in line but-....." He slightly chuckled, rolling his eyes slightly, "... he's too much of a lunatic to keep a wife, he's already gone through two already......"

My eyes widened.

"You're saying he-?"

Ominis nodded his head to me, "Yes........ the abuse and malicious punishment have unfortunately claimed their lives. So, after my father's approval he was no longer granted a wife. So ofcourse....... as you can guess, they turned to me. I've been turning down woman for the past years, but my family has been pushing for me to find a reasonable suitor. I've just refused, keeping them at arms length.... well, until now...."

I sighed, "Thats why you told them about me..... they would have no choice but to accept it of hopes to carry on their bloodline...."

It all made sense now....... I was never going to get in here untouched, this was truly the only way, and Ominis took that chance......

"Yes.... unfortunately..." He said softly.

"I'm sorry Ominis.... I never thought this was going to happen. This is my fault."

"Not going to argue with you anymore Alora, but yes. Yes, it is."

I turned, seeing him slightly grin.

I began to chuckle.

Oh the irony.....

I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion. Ready to just shut my eyes and wake up tomorrow and be somewhere else.

"Oh merlin...... this was not what I was expecting when coming here. I thought it would just be me forcing my way through there, casting havoc on those who opposed me. Now here I am......."

Then it dawned on me. Once again.... Ominis got me this far. He got me inside.... Even if it was under certainly unusual circumstances but.... Either way, I was one step closer.

"Ominis.." I said softly.

His eyes perked up at my voice.

"I um-.... well, thank you."

He turned his head, slightly confused.

"For what?"

"I guess... coming after me. Coming here and I guess... getting me inside......I didn't expect you to come."

My hand soothed over the soft velvet cushioned pillows, the silk velvet comforter on the bed. Dismissing my eyes away from him.

He sighed heavily, "In truth.... I wasn't going to. If you should be thanking anyone it should be Anne. She convinced me otherwise..."

Anne did? She..... wanted to save me?

A slight pinch to the heart made me almost shiver on impact. But what did I honestly expect? Him be my savior?

But maybe I just wanted him to care as much as I did....

"Why did you come then...." I said lowly.

Ominis got off the bed in that moment, undoing his tie and throwing his suit jacket over the desk chair.

He looked slightly annoyed with me when he turned to answer me.

"Because Anne reminded me of the one thing I promised Sebastian...."

My eyes widened.... He still is keeping his promise...

".... I'll protect you, even if that means risking everything all over again....."


When I didn't say anything, Ominis went over to one of the drawers in the dressers, throwing a dark green towel over his shoulder. His hands going through his blonde hair, the slickness coming away as a few frayed hairs started to stray as he rummaged through the other drawers. He then went to the other side, opening a door in which I thought originally was a closet but actually revealed a marbled dark bathroom. Seeing the shower spicket in the distance hanging on the wall.

"Ominis-" I called before he shut the door.

He stopped halfway, opening it slightly just enough so his face was showing.

".... how do you even know if this woman is still here..... What if-.... what if she's already gone?" I asked. 

"Trust me Alora........... nobody leaves this place..... I promise you that." He said lowly.

Before I could respond, he shut the door. 

Hearing the water cut on from the other side.

I sighed.

This isn't what was supposed to happen........ how did it even get this far...........

I got up slowly, going over to his desk, admiring the woodwork on it, never seeing anything like it before. The way the wood curved upwards in order for it to have a shelf was beautiful. It had a small cubby hole in which I stuck my hand through. Feeling something along the backside, I grabbed it.

A pocket watch.

The same as his fathers.

I clicked it open, my eyes feasting over the gold that shined brightly even underneath the yellow soft lights. I pushed the other side open, revealing a picture. 

I gasped. 

It was of the three of them. Anne, Ominis and.......... him.

Anne and Ominis were smiling happily, slightly pushing at each other playfully as it seemed that whoever was taking the picture was trying to get them to stand still. While......... he..... just laughed along with them, crossing his arms against his chest. His bright and brilliant smile was warm enough to light up any room, they were all wearing their robes, probably outside somewhere in Hogsmeade. Anne must have been in school then, they all looked so young. So carefree. So........... happy......

I felt my knees weaken, grabbing onto the chair for support as my eyes couldn't turn away. It had been nine.......... nine long years since I'd even seen his face. 

For all this time I had only my memories of him, never actually something to hold onto.

My hands visibly began to shake, my breath coming out unsteady as I viewed him. All of them. In wish......... that this still-.... could have been them. 

Tears stinged my eyes. Feeling them fall down my cheeks as I leaned further into the desk. Wanting it to crumble underneath me. 

This awful feeling felt like it was suffocating me as the replay of this picture flashed over and over and over. 

This awful idea..... that if I..... never came to Hogwarts............ would it still have been the same? 

Would they have succeeded in finding the scriptorium? 

Opening the door to then find the spell book.

The relic......

The death.....

Was it...... even in the end........ my fault?

Did I cause this.......... again.

"I see you found it." 

I turned quickly, my heart skipping a beat as Ominis had caught me. 

He wore a white button down, a few buttons from the top hadn't been buttoned revealing his chest with black slacks as he started to roll up his sleeves. 

I must have looked ridiculous, like I just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar. 

He wasn't supposed to see me like this...... not again....

I didn't know what do. My mind seemed to want to shut off..... just run and hide. 

"Sorry-.... I um-.... here." I coughed.

I handed him the locket, shutting it quickly before pushing it into his chest. His hand catching it just in time before it fell. I pushed past him quickly, running into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me with some force. 


I can't lose control..........

Not here.

Not now.

Not-....... ever........... never again.

I leaned my forehead against the door, just needing the space from his white orbs. 

I didn't need his pity.....

"Alora........" I heard his soft voice from the other side. 

More tears fled. 




I heard something on the other side, like a knock or his hand against the door. 

I heard him breathe in.

"You don't have to do this alone......" He said almost in a whisper. He was so close, like his voice was just in reach even if it was through the door. 

I know I don't........... it's just always easier this way..........

"I'll be okay."

You fucking liar. 

"Just-.... give me a moment."

I heard him reach for the handle, but I grabbed it just in time. 

"Ominis.......... please." 

He sighed lightly, hearing the noise again. The slight knock. 

"I'll be right here."

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