By melliloquent

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❝ 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢'𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧, 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮? ❞ More

Thalia & Finn
ACT 1 - Musée du Louvre
ACT 2 - Mon Coeur Est Tien


10 1 0
By melliloquent

After the instance last night, Thalia couldn't bear to face him that soon, even if it meant lying dormant in bed.

She lent herself some time to think things through, and opted to sleep on the couch.

As for Finn, he couldn't receive a hint of sleep all night. Perhaps an hour or so, but the rest were spent having to tolerate the restless and tantalising regret.

Why did he pull away? All he desired and yearned for was within reach, handed to him on a silver platter, yet he withdrew.

Despite his intense longing for Thalia, he couldn't shake the fear of potentially hurting her or complicating their friendship. In that moment, his conscience won over his desires; If only he had been aware that he'd stay up all night regretting his choice.

As Finns eyelids flutter open, he's greeted by the patter of raindrops cascading against the vast windowpane, and the cacophony of thunder.

Uncertain of the hour, he nonetheless seizes the opportunity to unleash himself from bed, bolting toward the door with one thing in his mind.

He knows what needs to be done, and for once, he's sure of it.

Finn enters the living room to find Thalia reclining in serenity on the lengthy couch, her head comfortably cushioned by a small, plush pillow, and a duvet draped over her form.

Behind her, the window showcases the trees swaying vigorously in the relentless gusts of wind, their branches contorted by the force of the rainfall.

A warm smile graces Finns lips as he approaches her, kneeling on the floor.

He reaches a hand up to her face, delicately tucking her hair behind her ear. His palm cups the side of her face, his thumb brushing against her cheek.

He adores the idiosyncrasies of Thalia, like her habit of chewing on her lower lip when nervous, her tendency to scoff and roll her eyes at almost anything anyone says.

Finn has memorised everything about this girl. She's like a cherished book that he can't seem to put down.

With nothing to do, he could lay and just look in her eyes.

His desire to learn and understand every facet of her being is insatiable, and he knows he'll never tire of her presence.

"Are you watching me sleep, weirdo?"

His heart flutters once she stirs awake, her lips emitting a warm chuckle at his taken aback reaction.

"Morning." He mumbles, rubbing his thumb against her cheek once more.

"What time is it?"

"I'm not sure. Around 5am."

Thalia groans in annoyance, tightly squeezing her eyes shut as he chuckles. Her own hand reaches up to be placed atop Finns.

"I'm sorry for waking you. It's storming outside, that rarely ever happens here."

"I hate-"

"Rain. I know."

A light chuckle slips past her lips as her gaze locks in with his. The distant rumble of thunder is barely audible as she focuses solely on the figure kneeling before her.

Everything else ceases to exist, leaving only the two of them in that moment.

Finn doesn't have to express it with words, Thalia can sense his regret for pulling away last night. It's evident in his gaze, his touch, the softness in his voice.

She can't help but smile at the thought. And before she knows it, he's the one leaning in.

But wait. "Stop!"

Startled, Finn pulls back with daze etched on his furrowed brows. His confused gaze flicks between her hand placed on his chest and her eyes.

"Morning breath."

Relief floods him as his gaze softens. Bowing his head, he surrenders to hushed laughter.

Thalia joins in, her cheeks flushed to match his. Soon, they both dissolve into quiet but liberating mirth, lacking any discernible cause of it.

Thalia doesn't recall ever freshening up so swiftly in her life.

She strolls into the kitchen, a radiant smile creeping onto her face once she encounters Finn leaning against the counter.

With hesitant steps, she approaches him before wrapping her arms around his neck, drawing him close to her form.

He responds by placing his hands on her waist, heart pounding in his chest.



Finding the nature of this slightly unorthodox, the pair can only gaze at one another. Neither of them dare to take initiative.

"So..." Thalia chews on her bottom lip; Finn can't help but stare.

The longer he gazes at her lips, a smile creeps onto his face. Thalias heart races as he leans in once again, their lips almost touching-

The abrupt beeping of the microwave startles them, breaking the spell of the moment as they both jerk away.

"Fuck." He sighs, chuckling under his breath as he retrieves the meal.

Thalias internal frustration mounts as she stands there, nervously twirling her fingers. The repeated interruptions begin to feel significant.

Perhaps this is the universes way of saying that they should remain friends; Perhaps this can never truly happen.

"Finn, maybe we should just-"

Her words are abruptly halted as Finn pulls her in, finally locking their lips.

Taken aback, she smiles into the kiss. Her heart takes a leap as he reciprocates, while bringing her form closer to his.

Their lips move with a gentle yet keen rhythm, igniting a surge of electricity that courses through their bodies. Finns touch sends shivers down Thalias spine, melting away any remaining trace of hesitation.

His hands remain firmly anchored to her waist, while hers delicately thread through his hair.

It feels as if they could dwell in this moment eternally. It feels like everything has finally aligned, like they've found themselves exactly where they were meant to be all along.

Everything finally seems right.

After a minute, they reluctantly pull apart for breath, but their faces remain close, foreheads touching.

Thalias face is adorned with an unyielding smile, accompanied by the shade of crimson gracing her cheeks.

"You were saying?" He whispers, breaking into a little chuckle.

"Nothing." Thalia reciprocates. "Nothing at all."

The pair shares a quiet breakfast, their attention primarily fixed on the TV screen. They exchange occasional and fleeting glances at one another, breaking into uncontainable smiles each time.

Surprisingly, the moments following their first kiss aren't as painfully awkward as they were anticipating.

Once they're finished with their meals, Finn rests his head on Thalias shoulder.

"We should go out today."

Thalia rises her brows, the notion emerging from the back of her brain to taunt her. She hesitates to say it out loud, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Like... on a date?"

He tilts his face up to meet her eyes. "If that's okay with you."

A soft chuckle slips past her lips, bringing a smile to his face. "It's more than okay."

They lock gazes, eyes beaming like never before. Finn gently tucks a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, and leans closer, sending a wave of warmth through his heart.

An intrusive high-pitched ring shatters the moment, dragging them back to the rest of the world and painting frowns on their faces.

Thalia leans over to grasp the buzzing phone, handing it over to Finn.

"I'll be in your room."

She places a quick peck on his cheek, leaving his heart fluttering as he observes her drift away from view.



what the fuck.

addy daddy
Who renamed the group chat
Why is it called toilet
Wait omg why is Thalia texting like that

those are all great questions
and somehow, i have the
answer to none of them.

jeez i wonder who renamed everything
couldn't be me

i really don't like your sense of humour.


who are u and what have
u done with thalia?!?!?!?!?!

Okay, I'm back.

thank you

addy daddy
You were scaring us

I'm sorry.

i wasn't scared

shut up


Would you guys like to know something?


yes !!

addy daddy
yes !!

Jun, leave the groupchat.

wait no
tell me
i have fomo pls

Guess who kissed Finn?


I am in-fact for real.

idk what i'm supposed to say

addy daddy
Yeah i don't really know either
I assume that's good, so YAYY!!!
I'm so proud of you Thalia!! <3

Thank you, addy.
You sweet soul.

addy daddy


You two, pierre.


I'm in disbelief.
We actually kissed.
All this time, I wasn't delusional.

might i remind you
i told you to TALK to finn.

Well, talking translates
to smooching in my language.

did you guys discuss labels

I'm too busy celebrating
to think that far ahead right now.

where is he?

In the balcony.
He's been on the phone for a while.

when he returns
no smooching or being gross.
you need to sort this out first

I hate that you're right.

Thalia is fixated on the window, observing the gentle patter of rain outside and how they pile up on the windowpane. The rainfall has significantly calmed down since dawn.

Seated on the bed, she curls up with her knees held up to her chest, arms wrapped around them.

The creak of the door breaks her out of her thoughts. It swings open, revealing the doe-eyed presence she'd been anticipating.

"Hi." Thalia grins, watching as he settles down beside her.

Finn plants a quick kiss on her lips. "Hi."

Thalias heart can't help but flutter at the notion that she can just lean in and kiss him whenever she desires, whenever her heart calls for it.

Often, she found herself gazing at him for far too long, developing a strong and overwhelming urge to grab him by the shirt and kiss him. And now, she's truly able to do that; There's nothing holding her back.

"Who were you on the phone with?"

"Not important," he clears his throat, "what's important is that we're going out tonight, on our official first date."



A smile creeps onto Thalias face. He's indirectly responded to her concerns, alleviating the need for her to voice them.

She tilts her head to the side. "Well, I gotta admit, I am gonna miss being best friends with you."

"Yeah?" He smiles.

With a nod, she leans in for another kiss. She had been anticipating his taste, and finally having experienced it, she harbours no intention of letting go anytime soon.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

"Shall we?" Finn holds agape the door of the opulent restaurant, allowing Thalia to enter with a light chuckle.

"What a gentleman."

He waits one or two heartbeats before offering her his arm. She opts to hold hands with him instead, prompting his face to flush.

As they glance around, it becomes evident there are solely couples here- First dates, anniversaries being celebrated, weary parents having a night to themselves apart from their kids.

Thalia and Finn are escorted to a table that lies fairly secluded in the corner, away from the rest of the patrons.

Finn picks up a menu, flicking his gaze through it. "This kind of reminds me of like... before a school dance, when you'd awkwardly eat with your date and friends."

He emits a chuckle at the memory, and Thalia can only stare blankly. "Yeah... I can totally relate to that."

"Shit, I forgot." He sighs. "Don't worry, I'll take you dancing in a gross gym after this."

She props her arms up on the table, leaning forward with a grin. "That actually wouldn't be awful. I always wanted to see what it's like at a school dance... or what high school is like in general."

"Horrid." He shakes his head, receiving a soft chuckle from the brunette.

"Understandable. So, I shouldn't feel too bad about missing out, right?"

Finn hums and resorts to tapping his fingers on the table, unable to tear his gaze away from the girl before him, who's fixated on the drinks menu.

A smile graces his lips as he watches her, and the reality that they're on an actual date settles in.

How did he ever get so lucky?

"I just remembered how scared everyone was of you in middle school," he begins, "if you went to high school and carried that on, it would be awesome."

"I'd be like a brunette Regina George."

"You definitely would."

Thalia grins, setting her menu aside. "And if you never got famous, you'd just be the music and film nerd."

"Who's hopelessly in love with you."

She bites the inside of her mouth, feeling a heat rush to her cheeks. "Exactly."

"And someday I'd be bold enough to ask you out on a date, perhaps to a really fancy and overpriced restaurant?"

"And then I'd reject you and you'd cry in the shower about it."

Finn raises his eyebrows, breaking into a chuckle at her deadpan brutality. "Damn. Remind me again why I'm here?"

"Because I'm hot." She flaunts, flicking her hair to the side with overplayed flair.

He nods. "That you are."

Finn fixates on Thalia as she scans the menu, admiring her thoughtful expression. She's indecisive, he's patient- aspects that complement one another perfectly.

"I really can't choose. I can't even understand half of these-"

Her words are interrupted by the cacophony of a high-pitched drill that turns curious heads toward the kitchen, its inception.

Within a matter of seconds, the agitated staff begins ushering everyone out of the premises.

"Everyone please evacuate, outside please."

The two exchange glances before swiftly rising from their seats, holding hands as they walk out. The restaurant is emptied within a heartbeat, employees rushing out one after the other.

"What's going on?" Finn inquires, glancing around with a hint of worry.

It's an odd sight- numerous well dressed figures standing outside in the dark while muttering to themselves.

An anxious waiter standing nearby overhears Finns comment. "Kitchen fire. One of the staff members almost burned himself, luckily he got out."

Nodding, Finn sighs before scratching the back of his head. What a date.

Thalia bites her lower lip, restraining a chuckle that threatens to escape. She bears a terrible habit of laughing in disastrous situations, and when least expected.

Finn faces her with furrowed brows, snickering before lightly poking her on the shoulder.


"That's me." She nods, proudly.

As minutes trickle by, the wail of sirens announces the arrival of firefighters.

A murmur ripples through the crowd as some patrons voice their discontent, considering that they've paid a lot for their meals only to have their night ruined.

"Ladies and gentlemen, apologies for the interruption. Your meals will be refunded, unfortunately the restaurant will have to close for the rest of the night."

After a handful of groans and mutters flow through the well-dressed mob, people begin dispersing along their ways.

Finn sighs, facing the scowling girl. "Do you know any places nearby?"

Thalia contemplates for a moment, eyes narrowing as she digs through her brain. "A 24 hour convenience store?"

"Definitely a downgrade from our original idea, but fuck it. Let's go."

The two stroll down the sidewalk, occasionally bantering back and forth as they lose themselves in conversation.

"I doubt this really counts as dinner, we'll probably have to get something better to eat when we get home." Thalia states.

"What?" Finn crinkles his eyebrows in genuine disagreement. "Chips and a bag of gummies sounds like a perfect dinner to me."

"Sure it is. You're still paying, I hope you know that."

He laughs. "I figured. It's better than the super expensive and fancy place. This way, I get to save up for our next date."

"Do you have it planned?" She smiles.

"Yeah. We're gonna rob a bank while wearing matching masks, and then immediately use the money to buy legos."

"I don't like that idea."

"Well, you got a better one?"

"Yes." She states matter-of-factly. "We use the money to buy those small model cars, and then race them once we get home."

"You're so romantic, Lia."

Side by side, the two enter the small convenience store. The fluorescent lighting envelopes them as they stroll through the isles.

Swiftly picking out their snacks, they approach the register.

The cashier surveys them with a smile. "What's the special occasion, you're both quite dressed up?"

Thalia and Finn exchange glances, seeing as to how ill-suited their attire is for making a casual stop at a convenience store.

Finn is adorned in a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, paired with black trousers and a coordinating belt.

Thalia wears a sleek black dress that might turn heads for all the wrong reasons, but she's made it slightly more conservative with a black coat draped over her.

Her ensemble is completed with fishnet stockings, heels that could crush ones skull, and earrings given to her by Finn.

"We're on a date. We had plans for a better restaurant, but that went wrong." Finn snickers, Thalia observing him as he reaches into his wallet.

"Hopefully the rest of your night goes well. You're a very cute couple."

The words of the cashier prompt their hearts to simultaneously flutter. They're already being seen as a couple; it's an unusual yet phenomenal sensation.

However soon it may be, and however scary it may be, it sounds right to the both of them- Thalia and Finn, a couple.

"Thank you, have a good night!" Finn grabs the bags, strolling out with a smile plastered on his face.

As they drive, Thalia sits motionless in the passenger seat of Finns car, captivated by the cityscape passing by. She rolls down the window, allowing the gentle breeze to tousle her hair.

"Where are we going?"

With one hand on the wheel and the other resting on Thalias leg, Finn navigates the road while humming to the music.

"Somewhere familiar."

"Stop saying that." She scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Just tell me, come on."

"Or what? What if I don't tell you, huh?" Finn exaggerates a sassy tone, receiving a raised brow from the brunette.

"I'll beat you up."

"I'd love to see you try."

Thalia scowls, removing Finns hand from her leg before crossing her arms. He snickers, sneaking a glance at her.

"I hate this date." She deadpans.

As they approach the spot, Thalias memory begins to stir. Somewhere deep in the recesses of her mind, a vivid but tucked-away memory of this area resurfaces.

They swiftly exit the parked car, Finn grabbing Thalias hand as he leads her.

This seems to be habitual for them now, holding hands when walking. Neither of them are protesting.

"Recognise anything?"

Finn scrutinises Thalias face as she tries to discern their location. His expression remains in a smile as he guides her toward a secluded spot in the park.

Just then, it hits her.

It becomes definite as to why she recognises this park, and the significance of it. It bears half of her cherished memories from Vancouver.

After a fatiguing day at school, rather than heading straight home, Thalia and Finn would wander here, to this very park; They'd linger for however long it took until the made-up excuses for returning home late didn't sound real.

They'd bathe in the comfort granted by the presence of one another, for that was all they truly needed.

The particular secluded zone, the one they claimed as 'their spot' consists of a bench that's facing the lake below.

Thalia recalls how heavenly the lake looked under the setting sun. That was her favorite time to visit, but she rarely managed to come here during those hours.

Finn and Thalia settle beside one another on the bench, falling perfectly into place. It's as if the bench was crafted specifically for their joint presence; they fit perfectly.

Thalia rests her head on Finns shoulder as he tears into the bag of chips, feeding the both of them as they gaze into the night.

"We've never been here this late." She whispers, bringing a smile to his face.

"Yeah, we haven't."

Lifting her head up to face the stars, she grins. "I just realised something, all of the places that we've considered special for us involve some sort of water-body."

Finn crinkles his eyebrows, pondering her statement for a moment before nodding in realisation. "You're right."

"The beach in France, this park and... that place where I tried to kiss you yesterday."

"And I rejected the offer, because I'm just too cool for you." Finn smiles.

She rolls her eyes with a huff, eliciting a soft chuckle out of him.

Finn delicately raises Thalias chin with his finger, ensnaring her eyes with his own. In his gaze, she finds the vast expanse of an ocean teeming with profound affection.

With a gentle stroke, he traces the contour of her lower lip before drawing her into a kiss.

Though their lips part, their faces linger close. Thalia smiles warmly, relying on her willpower to restrain herself from pulling him back in.

"This was a horrible first date, I'm sorry." Finn chuckles lightly.

"No. It was the best."

"Was it better than the first time you took me to that beach?"

"It was."

"What about when we went there and I was as high as a kite?"

"It's close... but this is better."

"How about our playdates in kindergarten?"

"Okay, nothing can compare to those."

Finn chuckles. "Technically our first date was on a playground."

"Yeah." Thalia covers her mouth, suppressing a laugh. "I just remembered I used to gaslight you into eating sand."

"How romantic."


I was originally planning to drag out this "will they, won't they" shit for another whole act, but then, I figured I'd just have them YOLO it and leave room for other forms of melodrama 😎

At times, writing this can be sort of uncomfortable for my lesbian self 😭
It doesn't matter though! I'm pulling through baby 💪

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