Stories of Emily the Electric...

By Emilythecat66

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Backstory about me and stories of my adventures 😋 Stories from these fandoms - Lazytown Doctor Who Some IRL... More

Backstory of My Character
My Artwork/FanArt
Fandom Fanfic Shorts
LazyTown - Sportacus' Brother
LazyTown - The 'Arranged' Marriage
LazyTown - The Descendent of Mr.Kicker
Doctor Who - Emily's Adventure
Doctor Who x Scooby Doo - The Space Sea Goblin of Old OakTree Mansion
Doctor Who - The 60th Anniversary Prologue
Doctor Who - The Aftermath
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The DreamCatcher and The Baby
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Krampus's Elf on the Shelf
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Adventure in Area 51
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Animals Screamer
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Simulation Nightmare
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - Domestic Times
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Toy Factory
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Commutator's Ship
Marvel - The Return of Hydra
IRL Movie Fic - Emily!
My IRL Dreams
The Lifes of Popular Youtubers
IRL Fanfic Shorts
IRL - The Party Pooper
IRL - A Cat's Fortress
IRL - The Infinity Interviews
IRL - The Diamond Quest
IRL - Emily the Host
IRL - The Stolen Bus
IRL - The Chaotic Panel
IRL - The Bird at the Award Ceremony
IRL - The Panel with Friend
IRL - The Bus Tour (X-Men Edition)
IRL - The Flower Gem
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 1
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 2
IRL - The Power of The Rings
IRL - Intagram Story Time
IRL - The Online Interview
IRL - The Emily Show
IRL - Snow Day
IRL - The Evil Animatronic
IRL - The Clown Virus
IRL - Emily Saves Christmas
IRL - The Robot Party
IRL - The Creepy Doll
IRL - The Haunted Mascot
IRL - The The Thing's Last Appearance
IRL - Mima's New Friend
IRL - Scary Ghost at the BAFTAs
IRL - The 24 Hour Mansion Visit
IRL - The Red Nose Day Blob
IRL - The Baby Shower Stream
IRL - The Robot Madpony
IRL - The Return of the Overminder
IRL - The Classic Days
IRL - The Beach House Haunting
IRL - The Govenment Robot
IRL - The Dragosaur and the Dyragon
IRL - The Eggerite
IRL - The Christmas Stream Disaster
IRL - The New Year's Day Babies
IRL - Mima The Stowaway
IRL - The Ego Shadows
IRL - Birthday Boy!
IRL - The Cog Invasion
IRL- A Fun Day
IRL - a Wedding and a Second Child
IRL - Emily and The Car Loving Trio
IRL - The Appeance of Grogar
IRL - The Disaster at The British Theater Awards
IRL - The Phone Invasion
IRL - The Mystery Island and Family Reunion
IRL - The Werewolves at the BAFTAS

IRL - The 100 Year Comet

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By Emilythecat66

(Based on that green comet that passed earth on feburary 1st 'which people also said it was going to be rayquaza passing earth')

it had been almost a week since the incident at the BAFTAS with the werewolves but now everything seems to have calmed down again, the winners of the BAFTAS were mailed their BAFTAS awards personally by the BAFTA organiser after posting the winners on twitter and even a short video that a celebrity recoded somehow was released on what happened, everyone reacted accordingly being scared and concerned but then a post from the BAFTAS came out saying that the werewolves were gone thanks to emily and they won't be returning anytime soon which was a relief to people, tom did end up going to another award ceremony on monday and luckily nothing happened and he got a award too which was nice, it was now a calm night as it still gets dark early and emily was laying on her bed thinking as she looks at the ceiling also looking at her flower bracelet, she was thinking about her new abilities as she had time to think about it and she was confused on why now didn't she have what she now calls the electric beam and the lightning charge abillity when she didn't have then before, she then got the though that it was her bracelet that unlocked the power as it does have that type of magic to do so, this then made her think about how the equestria world were doing since it had been a few months since she last saw a the ponies when they came to earth as grogar attacked and she became the 'princess of the earth' which she hasn't really figured out what that really means yet since she hadn't really had to use it for anything, she also still a bit surprised that nobody else in the earth is a alicorn except her which is both weird and a good thing, the weird part is that none of the royal family of england and in any other country are alicorn, just either unicorns, earth ponies, pegasi, changlings (reformed), griffin, hippogriff, kiran, dragon, yak, ox, buffalo, deer, bat pony, zebra, giraffes, breezie, reindeer, cow, sheep, donkey, mule, gargoyle, centaur, humanoid dog or cat, sea pony and other but no alicorn.
another thing she's been thinking about was the fight that emily with tom, sebastian and david had with the werewolves at the BAFTAS, the fight itself was fine, the on,y thing she was feeling bad for was sebastian, you see, emily had both her electricity and magic, tom had his magic, david has a sonic screwdriver that could do other stuff as it was a mix of different thing but sebastian looked the odd one out, he had super strength like the winter soldier and he can fly like her but, when she watched him fight, she couldn't help but feel like he was missing something and emily didn't know what it was, maybe he suppose to have something similar to what his father's line, the selameu line but since his dad stopped the line with him, he never gained the power and is a regular human
'maybe it will come to him like how my electric beam and my lightning charge came to me' emily thought as she was thinking about it and it made her smile and nod
she then puts her braclete back on and as she was about to go on her phone to check something, a though came to her head about sebastian's dad and equestria
'i wonder what seddy's dad is, species wise?' emily thought and she looks at her phone
she looks up all the species of equestria and see which one suited sebastian's dad, daniel the best, after looking at the species for a while, she comes to the conclusion that he could be a hybrid of a unicorn, a pegasus, a breezie, a bat pony, a night mare, a ancient pony, a astral pony, a werepony and a flutter pony due to the different woman/mares over the years being different species, emily smiles and she goes back to her phone where she went on tiktok to watch videos, a few hours later and everyone was asleep, emily was wrapped up in her duvet all warm and cozy as she's fast asleep, meanwhile in tom and sebastian's room and the pair were also asleep, tom was sleeping on his right side while sebastian was sheeting on his back but had his right hand touching tom's warm back.
outside the house in the night sky, it was a lovely night sky violet with white dots in the sky and little cloud moving past slowly, suddenly in the sky, a comet appears and it was a the rock was gold while the streak it left behind was a rainbow colour, as it passed, tom and sebastian's rings started to react as well as emily's bracelet and they all float off they hand or arm, the 3 accessories then fly up out of the house being transparent to get out and it then goes on the roof of the house, emily's bracelet then turns into the crown and the rings go to the sides of the crown waiting for something, the comet still flying in the sky suddenly does a detour and it was now heading straight to emily's house, the comet then hit emily's crown at the top of the roof and as it did, it makes the crown and the 2 rings glow with a rainbow energy making them feel more powerful then before.
it wasn't the the only thing to get more powerful, david sonic screwdriver and john's laser screwdriver also gains the rainbow power as they glow on their bedside tables as they slept, when the rainbow energy subsided, emily's crown turns back into a bracelet and the 3 accessories go back to where they were before acting like nothing happened, the next morning and emily wakes up not really wanting to wake up yet, she curls back up trying to go back to sleep then suddenly she was now fully awake as she felt something off, she sits up and she shakes her body as she felt a agitation, as she does, her body lets off electricity but it was different as it was rainbow striped and after emily shook her body, she still felt off and she sits down to look at herself
'why do i feel funny? am i meant to feel funny?' emily thought as she looks at her paws
she then gasps as she sees her electricity gave of the rainbow sparks and she gets confused
'when could my electricity make rainbows? do i have a electric rainbow form now?' emily thought super confused as she looks at her electricity
she then looks at her bracelet and she gets more confused as she sees it glow a little, it was giving off a pink glow but it had the rainbow colour blended into it which made emily confused, meanwhile with tom and sebastian and sebastian was getting up from bed then he felt a weird jolt from his left hand to his body, he didn't know what happened to him as he looks at his hand where the jolt came from, he then sees that his ring was glowing light blue colour but also had a rainbow colour blended into the blue which made him confused
"what the-?" sebastian mumbles to himself confused and he didn't have time to finish when he felt the jolt again
this time the jolt felt like a shiver like he was cold but he wasn't cold and more warm, he then realised that he needed to go to emily and ask her what was happened but as he got up, he felt his wings on his back appear and they were different, there were still light gray at the top and dark gray at the bottom but it also had a faint rainbow stripes coming off it which made him confused as he looks at them though the mirror
"what's going on here?" sebastian says super confused as he looks at the wings in the mirror
he then sees tom waking up as he sits up in bed, he was about to say hi to sebastian and ask why his wings were out when he felt the jolt from his left hand to his body like what sebastian did
"i can tell you felt that too, i don't know what's going on but look at your ring" sebastian explains as he turns to look at tom and tom looks confused at sebastian but looks at his ring
he then sees that his ring was giving off a green glow with a rainbow colour blended into it, he looks at it confused then he felt a shiver as he stands up and then his hands started glowing green with a rainbow colour blended into it
"ok, this is really odd..." tom says confused as he looks at hands as he walks over to sebastian
"emily?" sebastian yells out the door super confused and emily came flying to the room
"wha-oh!" emily says curiously then she sees sebastian's wings and tom's hands "oh...dis is very weird" she adds as she shows her paws
emily's paws were glowing pink with a faint rainbow colour to them and rainbow coloured electricity was coming off her body, she didn't even notice as she was flying but her wings had also gained a rainbow colour to it like what sebastian has with his wings
"i think i need to look dis up, this is really strange" emily says as she points to her room and she flies back to her room
when she gets to her room, she goes on her tablet and she goes onto google to try and type in something but then she sees something on the new arrivals that catches her attention, the artical says 'the 100 year comet passes by earth last night and it was as beautiful as ever' and it was a picture of a gold comet with a rainbow streak behind it, emily gets curious and she clicks the artical
'the 100 year comet is a strange comet that passes the earth ever 100 years and it very beautiful comet, it's believed that the comet had started orbiting around since the earth began and it takes a certian routine around every decade till it reaches earth again, the last time the comet came was back in 1924 and it's 1 of 2 pictures we have of the comet, the other one was from 1824 but it's not as good as the one we have today' the artical says and it shows the 3 pictures of the comet
one was from 2024 which was a very clear and stunning picture of the comet, the one from 1924 which was in colour as well but looked a little old and the one from 1824 which was 2 years after photography was invented so it was in black and white but for some reason, you can still tell it was the comet as the rainbow had somehow got onto the picture when colour didn't exist until the 1850s
'scientists still haven't figured out the purpose for this comet's decade visits but one believes it's for a purpose but the purpose is still unknown, another thing that is strange is that the comet suddenly disappears while falling passed earth so it seems to have disappeared, scientists are looking for it but it seems to have gone from orbit and from space, it is now believed that the comet has now found its purpose and that purpose is still unknown' the artical continues and emily looks between the artical and her bracelet thinking
"hmm...i tink dis explains dis" emily says as she points to the artical then at her bracelet "hmm..." she says thinking and then she sees something in the corner of her eyes
she looks up and she sees that the diamond box that takes her to equestria that was on the bookcase was glowing and she grabs it and puts it on her bed, she sees that the hole where her flower bracelet is meant to go and the holes where tom and sebastian's rings are meant to go were glowing and the flower shape was glowing a pink, tom's ring's hole was glowing green and sebastian's ring's hole was glowing blue, emily takes off her bracelet curiously and she puts it in the flower hole, the box kinda reacts as it rotates slightly after emily clicks it in, emily smiles and then she uses her magic which was still pink with a rainbow tint and make tom and sebastian's rings come to her
"emily?" tom says as he with sebastian come in the room as they see their rings flie off their finger and fly to emily's room
emily smiles at them and she puts the rings in the holes where they rotate and then the box starts reacting, the box flies up a little and then the top opens where it it looks like nothing happens, it then gains a rainbow glow around it and emily, tom and sebastian look at it confused on what it's doing, emily then notice that the rainbow from her wings were gone and she sees that it had gone from her magic too, she looks over at tom and sebastian and sees that sebastian's wings didn't have the rainbow in it anymore and tom's magic also lost the rainbow as it went back to green
"emily? what is the box doing?" sebastian asks confused and he sees emily shrug in reply
"i-i dunno?" emily replies really confused and she looks at the box again watching what it does
the box suddenly glows again and this time, emily, tom and sebastian turn into their pony forms with emily as her kid alicorn form, tom as his unicorn form and sebastian as he pegasus form, they look at themselves confused and then the box glows again almost too brightly before just teleporting away suddenly
"wha-what happened?" emily says when she sees the box was gone and she looks at both tom and sebastian confused
the pair looked as confused as what emily did and the trio wondered where the box had gone, meanwhile the box had reappeared in david and john's house where it took the screwdrivers off the desk and into the opening at the top, luckily the pair were downstairs having breakfast so they didn't notice, the box then disappears again and it then reappeared somewhere in space where in front of it was a nebula, the box then absorb the nebula a into itself and when the nebula was almost gone, the box lets the reminding bit go and the box closes the lid, the box disappears again and reappears back in emily's room, shakes itself like a cocktail shaker then it lands back on emily's bed again like nothing happened while emily, tom and sebastian watch confused
"um...otay?" emily says confused as she slowly puts her right hoof on her flower bracelet
the box then reacts to emily touching the bracelet and it then opens a hole by the bracelet that was the size of emily's hoof, she looks confused but she puts her hoof into the hole and the box reacts by glowing a dim light, the light then turns green and then the box disappears again making emily confused where it went, she then had a feeling where it went and she teleports away to the holiday home mainly at the front of the house, tom and sebastian also had a feeling where it went and tom teleports himself and sebastian to where emily went, the trio reappear on the island of their holiday home and they see the box floating above where that old couple's house use to be.
the box was glowing brightly and wiggling a bit but then it goes into the ground and emily kinda realises what was going to happen, suddenly the ground shakes making the trio almost fall over and emily with tom and sebastian stand back after emily told her dads too, suddenly a crystal tree grows from where the box went and now, a crystal treehouse castle that was the size of the holiday home and it was a mix of the treehouse the student 6 had and twilight's ponyville castle tree stood proudly after the shaking, the trio looked amazed at the castle then their accessories appear in front of them with emily's braclete and both tom and sebastian's rings, david and john's screwdrivers alsi return to their bedside table and the pair didn't even know they were missing, the trio also turned back from being ponies and they were humans and a cat again
"wow! dis place looks amazing and sparkly!" emily says amazed as she apporches the treehouse castle "but...why here?" she asks as she turns around to tom and sebastian who shrug at the same time as they had no idea
suddenly a pony appears in front of the treehouse, she looked similar to luna but her colours were a sparkly crystal colour with a tilt of rainbows and her mane and tail looked to have a nebula in it, emily looked confused as so did tom and sebastian
"princess emily, i want to thank you for helping me gain my powers back, before i could only send you to and from equestria and now with my power back, i want you to have this castle fit for the princess of earth, it's similar to the one you saw in ponyville with princess twilight's castle as well as the treehouse that the student 6 were given, this place can be your castle, your safe space, your extra home and y the place that you and your friend can hang out, please come inside" the crystal pony says and then the doors open on their own
"wait...i've heard your voice my dreams" emily says as she remembers a white orb talking to her in her dreams after she was crowned the princess of the earth
"yes, that was me, honey, now gets go inside and look around your new castle, i know you will adore it" the crystal pony says calmly and she points to the door
emily looked amazed and she flies inside the castle with both tom and sebastian following her, they look around the castle and it was similar to twilight's ponyville castle but with more pastel colours with the main colour being different shades of red, the trio then get to the main room of the treehouse and it was a big bedroom sized throne room, there was a throne at the middle back of the room and ontop of the throne was emily's cutie mark, emily smiles as she sees her throne and she runs over to sit in it, there were also 2 other thrones bigger then emily's but here was taller, the one to emily's left as she sat on the throne was tom's by his cutie mark on the top of the throne while the one to emily's right was sebastian for his cutie mark on the top of the throne
"come, come! sit down! sit down!" emily says happily while beckering for her dads to come sit on the chairs
the pair look at each other then sebastian shrugs as he goes ahead to sit on his throne, tom watches him and then he smirks before he goes over to his throne, tom sits in his throne after sebastian does and then the cutie marks on the thrones start to glow, the 3 cutie marks glow and then out of no where, a table suddenly appears in the middle of the room
"*gasp* a cutie map!" emily says happily recognising the table getting happy while tom and sebastian were confused what she was talking about but then remembered the map from twilight's castle as it has been a while since they were at ponyville
when the table had settled down, it starts to glow and a hologram of the earth appears above the table making emily look at it stunned as the cutie mao in twilight's castle didn't do this
"oh! dis is new!" emily says as she gets off the throne and goes over to the map
tom and sebastian were about to follow her to check out the map but then the crystal pony from eariler appears in front of emily making her suprised she appeared
"this is your world's cutie map, it acts the same as equestria and it's also more helpful by showing you who is in trouble" the crystal pony says and emily smiles and nods "also, follow me, i have something else to show you" she adds and she starts walking away
emily obviously follows and both tom and sebastian follow her, the go down the corridor and then end up at a fancy looking door, the crystal pony opens the door using her light blue magic and inside were mirror leading to different worlds
"this mirror here will take you back to equestria whenever you like but also to go there for emergencies, there is also other mirror taking you to different alternate universes too as well as different locations around the galaxy!" the crystal pony says as emily follows her while looking around the room
"dis. is. AMAZIN', i love it!" emily says happily as she around the room amazed
all the mirror had different alternate universes and different planet locations written on top of the mirror and they were as the crystal said, to different worlds, other then the my little pony world even have all 5 generations, there's one that was to a pokemon world, one was to a sonic world, one was to a world full of animals and no people, one was to a mythical creature world, one was to a powerpuff girls world, one was to a scooby soo world and many others, emily smiles and both tom and sebastian were impressed, the crystal pony then leads emily, tom and sebastian out the room and she stands at the door as the trio stood opposite her looking curious
"i let you three explore the rest of the new castle and i hope you all like, i've worked and studied your life for 5 years to find out all your likes and dislikes to a nice home and i think i got it all right" the crystal pony says happily and emily went to think
"...wait! are you...da box?" emily says as she points to the crystal pony and the crystal pony nods happily and slowly
"yes, you can call me, crystal, this is my pony form i'm using to talk to you but i'm really this tree, i made this place just for you and your dads using the comet magic you got from the rainbow comet or as you read on that artical 'the 100 year comet', your magic as well as your friends magic and almost a whole nebula to make this castle, that's why i'm hoping that you like it as i worked really hard on to make it as homely as possible" the crystal pony now named 'crystal' explains and emily smiles happily with her tongue sticking out
"aw, thank you, i know we like it already as it is very homely and very sparkly" emily says happily and crystal smiles happily
"well, i'm glad you do, so, i guess i'll see you all later...bye" crystal says and she vanishes like she was never there
emily smiles and then she flies off to see the rest of the castle, tom and sebastian watch her run off and then they look at each other smiling before they go off to look around the new castle, after looking around, emily decides to stay in the castle to get use to it while tom and sebastian head back home to eat breakfast and chill out to think on what happened, with emily and she had decided to take a nap on her throne as she was tired after what happened and as she slept, her cutie mark on her throne glows happily, meanwhile in equestria and twilight was walking down her castle's corridor with starlight, the pair were talking then suddenly, crystal appears making the unicorn and the alicorn surprised
"wha-who are you?!" starlight says surprised as she recovers from her shock
"hello, i'm crystal and i am not a threat, please, follow me, i have something to show you" crystal says calmly and she starts walking ahead
starlight and twilight look at each other confused before they follow crystal and the trio end up going to the room where twilight keeps the mirror to sunset shimmer's world, when they get there, crystal uses her magic as her horn glows and then a mirror that was red and pink appear right next to sunset's mirror
"this is the mirror to emily's world, i am her box that let her come to ponyville whenever she wants but now, as she had her own castle, she can come and go from this place whenever she pleases, you and all your friends can do the same" crystal explains and twilight lights up after thinking about it while starlight looks at twilight geeking out
"that's amazing! i always wanted to go back to emily's world after that issue we had with that weird madpony with the robots, thank you so much, crystal!" twilight says happily and she hugs the crystal pony
"aww, it's nothing, you can thank a rainbow comet for its help, i wouldn't of made emily her castle and do this without its help, anyway, have to go now, it's nice to see you" crystal says happily and she disappears like she was a ghost
twilight and starlight light up as they look at the mirror and twilight starts studying the mirror while starlight helps her, spike also appears 10 mintues later and he was also helping twilight and starlight examine the mirror, meanwhile in tartarus and sitting in the middle of the room was the statue of tirek, chrysalis and cozy glow were just suddenly broken from their statues and it turned out to be the ghost of grogar who broke them out.
The End...for now

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