Unexpected Love (Markiplier X...

By SilverGemini

147K 5.5K 3.2K

While running an errand for your mom, you purchase a lotto ticket on a whim and your life changes rather quic... More

The Move
I'm A Potato
Author Note
The Morning After
Going For It
Getting Started
He Knows
The Collab
Figuring It Out
Date Night
A Discovery
The Fall
A Trip
The Fans
Sexy Times
The Panel
Excuse Me
My Light
Meeting Mama
Cast Off
The Best Medicine
Author's Note
Another Surprise
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Harmless Fun
Author Note
Fun & Games
Tomato Soup
Author's Note

Killing Time

3K 111 48
By SilverGemini

Mark and I end up taking a bit of a nap after our bit of unexpected fun. It was much needed, not because the energy used but because of the long drive. I wake to the feeling of Mark's finger running through my hair gently. Humming softly I snuggle closer, nuzzling his chest lightly and taking in his soothing scent. A soft chuckle rumbles in his chest. "Gotta get up babe, we have things to do." he spokes softly.

"Meh...I know." Sighing softly I place a soft kiss to his chest before managing to sit up. I stretch, groaning softly before I slip out of bed. "I'm gonna shower, I'm all...sticky." I wrinkle my nose up and grab my water proof cast cover from my suitcase. Without me even asking Mark gets up and help slips it on, I couldn't help but smile fondly. "Thanks, sexy." I wink and steal a kiss before grabbing my toiletries and heading into the bathroom to shower.

Like a lost little puppy he follows me, and I chuckle as I see him in the mirror. "We should save water, and shower together." He grinned.

A chuckle escapes me and I couldn't deny him. "Fine, only if you wash my back, and hair."

"Deal." He beams, more than happy to help me, I could tell he really just wanted to spend more time with me, alone before the convention started.

Once in the shower, he behaves and simply helps me wash up since my left arm was useless. Though once we were both washed up was when he started to get a little frisky, kissing along my shoulders and neck. "Baaaaaabe." I half pout. "We have things to do."

"Mhmm, and I have you...to do." I could hear the smirk in his voice as his arms snaked around my waist.

At that point, I was already too far gone to resist, he just did something to me, lit a fire in me. "I..mmm, okay...but make it a quickie."

"Yes, Ma'am." He purrs lowly in my ear, making me shiver in anticipation.

About ten minutes or so later we were dried off and getting dressed once more. I put on some fresh clothes, a simple pair of skinny jeans and grabbed a plain black tank-top, it was still warm enough out and I didn't feel like fighting with getting my cast through a sleeve. I was presentable, and that's all that mattered. Mark helped me with my shoes and I chuckle when he was done.

"What's so funny?" He questions as he looks up at me.

"I'd be so lost without you babe. I'd be a mess." Another little chuckle escapes me and I wiggle my foot into my sneaker and he ties it for me.

"I'm sure you'd manage." He smiled and stood.

In a matter of moments we were heading out the door to check in with the coordinator and also check out the layout of the convention. Along the way we run into Wade who had just gotten there, this was my first time meeting him in person and I got a big hug from him. After a bit of chatting we part ways for the time being and Mark and I make our way to the convention space.

Luckily we found who we needed and checked in with them, getting our badges. Typically someone would have guided us there and the such but we were just feeling adventurous. Putting our badges on we were told we could wander around if we wanted, things were still being set up, but we didn't mind. With my badge around my neck I look down at it and it made me smile. It was a special guest badge and had my YouTube username on it. Oddly it felt really good to see that, and felt like I had finally accomplished something in my life.

We walked hand in hand, making sure to stay out of people's way as they moved things about. We knew we wouldn't be able to do too much walking about the convention floor when it was in full swing, if any at all. After a bit we run into our personal liaison,Mary, which was a very good thing, she had actually been looking for us.

Mary is actually a friend of mine, one of the many friends I hadn't really hung out with or spoken to in a long while. She was excited to see me and actually hadn't realized it was me who was going to be with Mark, as it was kind of a last minute notice for her. "I've already gotten your friend Wade checked in and everything so he's good to go." She says to Mark with a warm smile. Mark give a nod and a thanks.

We get showed to the room where Mark's panels were going be held, he had one on Friday and another on Saturday. It seemed it was in high enough demand for two showings, which I thought was pretty damn amazing. In the room, I look around a notice it felt a bit small. "Have the dividers not been moved back yet?" I question curiously, having been staff at a previous convention but back when it was much smaller.

"No, they haven't, the room will be three times this size." Mary smiles.

My heart sank at that news as I stepped up on stage to get a feel for it. "Damn, I'm so going to fail at this." I chuckle nervously.

"You'll be fine, you'll have Wade and I, and you'll adjust, I promise." Mark smiles as he moves onto the stage with me.

"Hmm, I'll take your word for it." I smile and kiss his cheek.

A few minutes later the A/V guys show up, and Mark discusses the set up with them and what he was hoping to do, he really wanted to live stream this panel. Having discussed this with them before hand they already had the plan in motion and we just had to come in a little early to ensure it was all going to work properly.

Once everything was said and done we headed out, having gotten our fill and such. Mary ensured she had the correct phone numbers for us before we headed off.

"I'm hungry... wanna go grab something to eat?" I ask Mark as we stepped out of the convention center.

"Sure, room service or is there something good around here?" He questions, taking my hand in his.

"I know this area a little bit, there are a lot of great places around, we can easily walk to them." I state. This was in the downtown area of Phoenix, so there were plenty of places in the walking distance of the convention center.

"What's good around here?" He asks and I blush.

"I um, I'm not sure. I've only eaten at the Subway around here." I chuckle. "Never had money for much else. "

Mark chuckles and smiles. "Hmm, well I noticed there is a pretty nice restaurant in the Hotel we are staying at. We can try there?"

"Eeeh, I.. kinda want Mexican food." I say as we started walking back towards the hotel. "There is a place I think, in that plaza across from the hotel."

"The one with the Hooters?" He smirked.

I gave a chuckle and playfully shoved him, but still held onto his hand. "Yes, I think it's next to Hooters. Let's try the Mexican food tonight, then perhaps the fancier place tomorrow. Then Friday we can hit up Hooters with Wade and whoever else we manage to make friends with."

"You, little lady, got yourself a deal." Mark beams and kisses my cheek sweetly, making me giggle.

With that figured out we headed to the restaurant to eat, and grab a few drinks too. We laughed and had a good time just chatting and learning even more about each other.

As we were getting ready to leave we were approached by two girls who appeared to be in their teens. I noticed they had been eyeing us from a few tables away, they had actually gotten there before us so it was mere coincidence.

"Can..we.. get a picture with you?" One asks Mark, and they both seem to completely ignore me. I didn't let it bother me though, not too much. I knew it was bound to happen eventually, I simply just smiled and shrugged it off. Mark was sweet and so kind to them, it warmed my heart.

"Hey now, we can't leave out the beautiful (y/n). One more, with all of us." Mark insisted, and because Mark insisted it the two girls more than gladly went along with it despite my protesting. Getting up I move to get into the picture, smiling warmly, after that they seemed more friendly towards me and asked for just one more with just me. I was surprised but happily did it, even though it felt just a little weird. I just wasn't use to this popularity at all.

When they left I sit back down, as Mark was doing something on his phone. When he was done I got an alert and looked at it. He had tweeted a picture of us and the two girls with the caption. 'We've been spotted!' I give a chuckle and re-tweet it before we got up and headed back to the hotel.

In our room we simply relaxed a bit, and watched a movie on TV. We debated walking over to the movie theater, but I had gotten too comfy to move after eating so much, not to mention the two drinks I had, had relaxed me. I was more happy to snuggle up with Mark and watch a movie.

It didn't take too long before I had fallen asleep once more despite it being still fairly early on in the evening. Traveling was tiring.

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