Forbidden to love ...... [ Ta...

By Aaina1609

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Loss of thier close person bring two strange hearts together. One is fully broken and other is too arrogant t... More



316 23 5
By Aaina1609

More days passed, since jimin start to live with Jeon family.

He take a long vacation from his work, just to bring yoongi again away from his family.

Yoongi told his family that he didn't want to marry jimin right now, he want to wait till his 'Bun's' birth.

Everyone agrees as they also not ready to celebrate any happiness just few months after jungkook's loss.

Due to help with yoongi's mother, jimin grow his bond with yoongi's father. Who love him like taehyung.

Jimin's scared feeling also vanished due to affinity of yoongi's parents. He like them alot as they are doing more than his own parents did for him.

The more he like yoongi's parents, in same way he hate taehyung from his guts. He always behave nicely with him if yoongi is around them, otherwise taehyung always feel ignorance by him.

And the reason is yoongi's over caring of taehyung. Nowadays, he pamper him alot. He did those things, which taehyung can do by himself. Like feeding him, never let him do heavy works, company him in his alone time, and sometimes he spend hours with him in taehyung's room, whereas jimin is waiting for him in his room. All this things make him more jealous from taehyung.

But he is unaware with the fact that, yoongi did everything because he got scared for taehyung's health. He himself witnessed shivering taehyung in his arms. He saw him in pain. The pain, which he bears alone.

After consulting with taehyung's doctor, he got to know that taehyung feel cramps due to over stress. It happened usually in such states, but when it not stop at some extent, taehyung may be face something more worse than this.

This haunts him from inside of his body. He promised his brother to take care of taehyung. He can't let him suffer in pain. Therefore, his concern for taehyung increase day by day.

There is not a day, when he didn't try to make him happy. He spent lots of time with him, so that there is not a moment where taehyung cry due to his loss of past.

In between process of making taehyung happy, he also learn to feel feelings, Understand it. His emotionless heart start to feel emotions, just because of taehyung he feel these changes into himself.


Taehyung as usual wake up early than others. After completing his morning routine, he steps into kitchen.

There he already find jimin, which surprised him tad.

Jimin still look half sleepy, that's indicates that he wake up from his unfinished sleep.

" Good morning, jimin " he try to grab Jimin's attention in his sweet voice.

Jimin turn from refrigerator , where he pick some vegetables, to face him.

" Good morning " his face isn't showing any emotions, still he formalise taehyung's words.

" You find something ? Tell me, I will find that thing for you " he offered.

Jimin shook his head.

" No, I didn't find anything. Actually, I am here to cook breakfast for you all " taehyung smile softly on Jimin's efforts to become a perfect son-in-law of Jeon family.

" That's a nice idea " he praised. Jimin also give a smiley nod.

" You are new in the kitchen. So, I will guide you about things you needed " taehyung thought to help him for his first time in kitchen.

" No need " he refused coldly.

If he really need someone's help, then he isn't there alone. And taking taehyung's help, then giving appreciate of his work to taehyung just for his mere help, he don't want it anyhow.

" I know how to cook. For your kind information, from past four years, I am the one who cook for yoongi. If he loves my handmade food, then his parents also do " he explained. His bitter words are hurting taehyung.

Jimin take his intention of helping, in wrong way.

" I never judge your cooking skill. I really want to help you to identify things around this kitchen " he politely explained.

" No, I don't want your help. Thanks for offer. You can go, and take rest in your room till everyone wakes up " he became serious.

Taehyung have nothing to argue. So, he agreed on Jimin's demand and leave him to cook their breakfast. He wished that everything goes well, otherwise everyone's day starts with a worse breakfast, if any problem occurred in making breakfast.

Jimin sighed in relief after taehyung leave him alone in kitchen.

" I really don't want your existence in my life " his fierce words enough to explain that he couldn't like taehyung's always over smartness behaviour. Which taehyung never really shows, but he thought so.

He again try to find things which is needed for breakfast.

Things like leafy vegetables for salad, milk and eggs , he easily find in refrigerator, but he don't know anything about spices.

Still he start his hunting for spices as there still an hour for everyone to wake up from sleep.

Twenty minutes passed, but he only able to grab very few spices with flour for dough. He need many more things.

Therefore, after huffing alot due to his efforts, he finally calls their house maiden.

" Ajumma, please find olive oil, sugar, black paper....... " He gave list of things to house maiden to find out.

She nodded. And just in two minutes jimin is surrounded by things he wanted for his cooking.

He finally start making breakfast by chopping vegetables and boiling eggs. In other stove, there is he stirring vegetables for fried rice.

During cooking vegetables, seeing him adding lots of spice in it, maiden immediately stop him.

" Master, don't add lots of spice. Taehyung master having very low spice tolerance " she stated.

Jimin get frustrated. How everyone behind caring of that so cold taehyung, like he is prince of any kingdom.

" Now, I am not going to cook according to his preference. He can tolerate for one day " he add spice according to his likes.

Even more than food needed. Because, he want to teach a lesson to taehyung to always cherished by everyone. He shows him today that , he will not going to get prince treatment in his territory.

" But ma- " she try to stop him. But his loud shout make her flinch badly.

" Oh please shut up worshipping your master taehyung. Get out from here, I don't want your any help now " his rude behaviour bring tears in her eyes.

She worked here from years, no one talk to her like this.

" I said OUT ! "he again shouted when she refused to go outside.

She immediately rush outside of the kitchen. And let jimin do his mind things.


When Jeon couple came downstairs, they smile brightly to see jimin in dinning area, setting things to serve their breakfast.

" Morning bub " they both peck his forehead.

" Good morning, uncle and aunt " he gave them his beautiful smile.

" Have sit. Today, I cook breakfast for you all " he excitedly informed.

" Why jimin-ah. Is taehyung not feeling good ? " They ask in concern.

" No, he is fine. I just want to do things for you. I really want to become a part of this family, not just by relation but by responsibility " he is genuine.

Jeon couple smile at Jimin's efforts. They softly caress his hairs, then take their seats.

Just after few seconds, there also come yoongi while holding taehyung's hand. As he guides him towards downstairs.

It becomes his habit to caring more about taehyung's health, from the time he completes his first trimester.

Looking at them, Jeon couple smile fondly at yoongi's caring nature for taehyung. Whereas, jimin is fully jealous due to their closeness. If it is not his regular things to saw them together, then he should never just standing and see his love being lovey dovey with someone else infront of his eyes.

It is hurtful, but for setting a good image infront of yoongi and his parents, he saw them ineffectively.

Yoongi take his seat on his usual place, but taehyung stand at corner of dinning table.

" Why are you standing ? You also sit " jimin said.

" Firstly, I serve everyone their breakfast " he insists.

" You can sit taehyung. If I can cook, then what's the deal with serving " he look intimidating, so that taehyung won't refuse him anymore.

Taehyung defeated, and take his reserved seat of dinning chair. He let jimin complete his wish of serving his family for atleast once.

Jimin smile brightly. He pick dishes and went to elder of Jeon family to serve them first.

After that he serve taehyung his breakfast, with a hidden mischievous smile.

'Now you will get taste of my revenge to always behave so innocently infront of yoongi and his parents to gain their attention'

He complete serving food to taehyung. Who thanked him with his soft smile, which he ignored as he used to taehyung's always kind behaviour for everyone.

Now, he serving yoongi.

" I love your way to impress my family " this compliment bring shy smile on Jimin's face.

He somehow serve whole breakfast to yoongi with his red cheeks.

" Jimin, you also sit with us " Mrs. Jeon insist.

Jimin nodded and decides to have his breakfast with them.

He saw one chair free between yoongi and taehyung's chair. He usually saw this chair empty with taehyung's chair. As taehyung wasn't eat with them. But, now when he is sitting just one chair far from yoongi, he decides to not let him sit this much close to yoongi.

So he decide to block taehyung and yoongi's distance by sitting between them.

He went to grab this chair.

Taehyung's face left its glorify expression due to see jimin came towards his late husband's chair to grab it.

From last four months, no one try to displaced or discard things related to jungkook. But, jimin is unaware about emotions of the things which is associated with jungkook. So, he didn't bother to take jungkook's chair.

Just when his hand about to touch jungkook's chair, yoongi hold his hand in the middle to touch his brother's things.

He already notice glistening eyes of taehyung, and tension on his parents face when jimin is about to touch jungkook's chair. No one dare to say anything to him as he is guest and refusing him for something is leads to hurt his feelings.

But yoongi doesn't think so. If things are wrong, then it is wrong for anyone.

" Sit somewhere else " he coldly speak.

Jimin hurt by his behaviour. No one stops him, but his love do this. So, it hurts him.

" W-why ? " He ask in hurtful voice.

" It's my kookie's chair. No one can take his place. So, don't think you have a right to do this " jimin now understand it.

But still it hurts him, because he is unaware about this fact.

He nodded with his glistened eyes. And take another seat beside yoongi.

Taehyung have a reliving expression due to yoongi's act of protecting his husband's belongings. He really grateful for his this help.

Everyone again start their breakfast.

Taehyung firstly having his fruit juice as per his daily schedule of diet.

Due to enough spice tolerance, everyone finds Jimin's food tasty. They even appreciate him for his first attempt which turned out really good.

But the moment taehyung having first bite from fried rice, his taste buds burn badly.

Within seconds, his whole mouth start to burn badly, eyes fills in tears. Everyone noticed his misery, once he starts to cough badly due to feeling suffocating in breathing.

Everyone wide their eyes due to see taehyung's whole red face, and continuously flowing tears.

Everyone leave their breakfast in middle and approach to him.

But yoongi was nearest to him, so he come to him first.

Jimin didn't bulge from his place as he smirk in victory of his plan.

" Taehyung, what happened ? " Yoongi asked while cupping his face.

Taehyung also hold his hand tightly to control his pain. His breathing is really fast.

" " he somehow able to speak.

Jeon couple wide their eyes to not realise it before that breakfast having lots of spice, and taehyung isn't very fond towards such spicy food.

Mrs. Jeon grab water glass to give taehyung for calming down burning sensation of his mouth.

Yoongi immediately stop his mother's actions by his one hand while other is still holding taehyung's cheeks.

" Eomma no. He will choke in it " he explained.

" Eomma, sit with taehyung and rub his back. I will just come " he immediately rush inside the kitchen.

There he found same old lady who helped jimin earlier in picking breakfast stuffs.

" Ajumma, please suggest something to stop burning sensation. Taehyung eat spicy food. He is in pain " she become tensed after looking at tension in yoongi's face due to taehyung's health.

She immediately rush towards refrigerator and take our a bowl of fruit custard. She gives it to yoongi.

" Feed master this. It helps him to overcome spice " she suggested.

" Thank you ajumma " he leaves the kitchen fastly, and again went to take sit beside taehyung. As same seat where he stops jimin to sit before. But due to tension, this thing isn't bothering him.

" Tae, eat this " he carefully feed taehyung custard that he brings for him.

With lots of difficulty, taehyung somehow eat custard.

Now jimin also make a tensed face and surrounds taehyung to show his fake care to everyone.

Yoongi softly feed taehyung custard. Not any rush in his actions. His one hand never stop to caressing taehyung's back for soothing his tensed mind.

When he find taehyung again become normal. He put spoon in bowl, and wipe off taehyung's every tears.

" You are fine now ? " He asked, still his voice lingers with tension.

Taehyung nods with very little smile due to genuine help of yoongi.

Yoongi lastly caress taehyung's cheeks. Then angrily get up from jungkook's chair and went to stand infront of jimin.

He look at him with fierce gaze. Jimin feel nervous by yoongi's anger expression.

Yoongi grab his arms harshly leads him whimper loudly.

Everyone standing in the hall wide their eyes.

" Yoongi wh- " Mrs. Jeon try to stop him, but yoongi stop her to middling in this matter.

" Eomma, no. I want to deal with him first " he growl angrily.

" Don't you know taehyung has low spice tolerance ? " He asked more seriousness in his voice.

Jimin shivering due to cold behaviour of yoongi for the first time.

But he doesn't want to become the reason of yoongi's hate for him, so he shook his head as no.

Yoongi grab his from both arms and took him close to himself.

" Then who give you permission to enter inside the kitchen. If you don't have proper knowledge about everyone's taste and preferences, then you should lock yourself inside a room with your so called foolish mind " Jimin's eyes left a tear drop due to insult that yoongi did of him infront of whole Jeon family and other house staffs.

" Yoongi, it's really a mistake. I never did something like this, if I have proper knowledge " he stands for his lie.

" Shut up ! " Yoongi had enough of his way of saving himself for his mistake.

" Do you think for a once how your this mistake effects someone's life. Do you see taehyung's face. He was suffering in pain due to your this stupid mistake. You really did this by mistake or you have intention to risk taehyung and his b- " he putting every allegations on jimin, without caring about his words.

Before he completes his words jimin stop him.

" Enough yoongi. I said that it is a mistake then it really is. Don't forget that I am also an omega. I can understand what is the value of having pup in your life. Killing someone's child is a sin, and I knew this very well. You don't have to put such big allegations for my this mere mistake. I am ashamed of my decision of cooking something for you all for the first time. I promised, I will never enter inside the kitchen " he removed himself from yoongi's grip, and leaves the hall while crying hardly.

Yoongi doesn't effect of Jimin's apology because he didn't saw genuiness in his eyes while apologising.

" Yoongi, you should ask apology from jimin. He really didn't did everything by intentions " his mother say while showing pityness on Jimin's condition due to humiliate infront of crowd.

" Leave him Eomma. He really need to teach this thing that no mistakes can apologised for risking taehyung's health " he said.

Jeon couple didn't said anything. They know yoongi isn't wrong. Anything can happened to taehyung and his baby, if yoongi wasn't there for his caring at right time.

Mr. Jeon leave the hall to his room. He is little tensed about taehyung's health before, but looking at yoongi's concern, he have a relief about taehyung's condition. So, he decides to continue his other work.

Taehyung is silently sitting on his chair. He feel bad for jimin. But like his in-laws, he also can't say anything in the matter of yoongi and Jimin's argument, due to yoongi's dominance.

Yoongi again sit beside taehyung and look softly towards him, unlike before, totally growling alpha.

" You really fine ? " He again asked to confirm.

" Hmm " taehyung assured him with his small smile.

Yoongi suddenly grab his face in his hand, and wipe his remaining tears.

His sudden touch leads taehyung to lean his face at his soft touch. It is relieving after facing something harsh.

" Eomma, feed this custard to taehyung. Till I am cooking something for him " he said to his mother as taehyung isn't having a proper breakfast till now except a glass of juice . So, he want to cook for him and feed him by himself as he can't risk taehyung's life more by allowing someone else to cook for him.

His mother nodded in response. She take seat beside taehyung, and grab bowl of custard. She starts to feed taehyung rest of the custard. In meantime, yoongi leave to kitchen for preparing breakfast for taehyung.

Yoongi really don't know how to cook. But he decides to ask help from house maiden.

She teach him every step of cooking. What is basic necessities for it, how much time it takes, spices quantity and many other essentials, which surely help in his future time also.

With her help, yoongi ready a full complete breakfast consist of rice dumplings with tuna stuffing, it is soaked in vegetable stew. And for garnishing he put stir fried vegetables and sunny side up eggs.

Breakfast look really amazing. He hopes that taehyung love it's taste.

He lastly thanked ajumma for her nice help. Then went outside to taehyung.

He saw his mother completely feed custard to taehyung, and now she is talking random things to him.

Looking at him, she smile softly.

" You can sit with tae. I will just come " she gives some alone time to yoongi with taehyung. So that he can feed him properly.

She left taehyung alone with yoongi.

Yoongi put plate on dinning table, and sit beside taehyung.

" Food is looking tasty " taehyung compliments on yoongi's first try of cooking, which he just know from his mother-in-law.

He somewhere feel bliss that yoongi did everything for him.

" Thanks. Now let me feed you, your breakfast " he take spoonful of soup and blow air for few times to bring it's temprature at bearable for eating.

He feed first bite to taehyung. Taehyung moaned at delicious taste of food. It is perfect for his taste.

Yoongi curiously looking at him for response of the taste of food.

" It's really tasty yoongi " taehyung compliments afterwards gulping first bite of dumpling soup.

" Really ? "He again ask to assuring himself.

Taehyung nods multiple times to confirm him about his cooking techniques.

It brings wide smile on yoongi's face. He again take soup and start to feed taehyung very softly, without any hurry.

Taehyung enjoying his meal with yoongi so much. Yoongi really feed him lovingly, which leads him to eat without any tension. He is happy during his meal times, and this is what yoongi wants for his health.

They enjoy their breakfast. Yoongi is enjoying to feeding taehyung, while taehyung happily enjoys yoongi's way of feeding him his breakfast.

They are totally unaware about a pair of hurtful eyes which is looking at both of them from upstairs.

Jimin is totally broken by yoongi's anger. Now, he is burn in jealousy. His plan of keeping taehyung away from yoongi by impressing yoongi and his parents by his initiative of making breakfast, fails badly. Because, taehyung came more close to yoongi.

He is crying badly, whereas his love is feeding someone with love. And Taehyung is also enjoying his love's company. What is more hurting than this.

He leave from hall towards yoongi's room. Because he is totally broken to saw Yoongi get far from him day by day.

Jimin is crying inside his room. His condition is showing his misery to continuously saw his love to become someone else. And he just let this happened because yoongi has no effect of his hurt feelings. He only cares for taehyung's baby. This is what he is always shows. But for jimin, he also cares for taehyung.

Because, whenever taehyung is in pain, he saw same pain in yoongi's eyes. Taehyung's happiness is now become his happiness. It all enough to prove him that yoongi feel more than he shows to taehyung and everyone.


Jimin have no attention, when someone enter inside yoongi's and his room.

" Jimin " really soft voice came in his ears.

He lift his head from pillow, where he put his head and crying from a long time.

Mrs. Jeon sit beside him, and wiping his tears softly.

" No my baby. Don't waste your tears " she console him.

Jimin tightly hug her. He find mother's presence due to her. Therefore, he want to cry in her arms.

" I a-am s-sorry aunt " he hiccupping alot due to crying continuously.

" Shh ! Baby don't cry. I know my baby is so pure. You have no intention to hurt anyone. Yoongi was angry after he saw taehyung's suffering. Therefore, he outburst on you. Don't worry, he himself talk to you once his anger got calm down " jimin clenched her gown tightly.

How much she trusted him. And he misuse her trust.

" I will not repeat this mistake " he promised.

" I know my baby. Now stop crying, your health become worse " she softly pat his back.

Jimin also hugged her tightly. It relieves to being in yoongi's mother arms. It provides him a mother presence. And he really need such unconditional affection in his worse time.

She stay with jimin till the time he wanted it. When he stops his crying, she left him after pampering alot. Her soft behaviour, bring bright smile on Jimin's face even in his hurtful state.


After looking like hours, yoongi finally shown up to jimin.

Yoongi is evident of Jimin's puffy eyes, and red face. He know that it is due to his scold. But, he have no plans to become so soft for jimin after his irresponsible act.

When yoongi didn't approached to him, he thought to convince him. As he already guess yoongi's anger by his behaviour.

He hold yoongi's hand in his hand, and make him look into his eyes.

" Yoonie, please forgive your jiminie " he shows his puppy eyes to convince his love, which he always does whenever yoongi got angry on him.

Yoongi sighed on his still cute love. He really can't get angry from him for a long time.

" Jimin-ah, it's not just about forgiveness. What if tae- " jimin stops him in middle.

" It never happen again. I assure you " even in his confirmation, yoongi still doubts.

" I hope you comply with your promise " he remove Jimin's arms from his body, and went to bathroom for taking shower.

Jimin still looking at his back with hurtful eyes. Yoongi isn't going to forgive him easily. He should try to convince him with better ideas. He find his way to again bring his lovey love to him.

To be continue...........

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